The chocolate is calling
I’ve covered up my ears
I feel the salivation
And I try to call my peers
I know I should not want it
And to eat it would be dumb
But it calls to me from the other room
Beckoning, calling me to come
I try to eat a carrot
I try to eat a pear
It doesn’t quench my cravings
And my longing is still there
Sweet, juicy, dribbling down my chin
Maybe celery will do it
I lick my lips, anticipating
Maybe just a little bit
A corner, maybe a quarter
Of the bar is not so bad
Ok, just a small bite more
Half the bar I have now had
Before I know it, I am done
There is nothing left to eat
There is nothing in this world
That chocolate can not beat
So now I sit with guilt in tow
Wondering how to stop the call
Loving chocolate is not so bad
Think I’ll get some at the mall