I used to think that life was just an everlasting game
I thought I could do anything and still remain the same
And slowly slowly I did learn that living can be hard
I learned to move through life with joy while letting down my guard
I learnt that I had something rare, a gift that I could share
A love that came from deep inside and started with a prayer
That God would find me worthy of the gifts that he could give
That I could share this deep found love, forget and to forgive
To accept, find compassion, and unconditional love, to move forward on a path
To know that I reap what I sow with no lasting aftermath
I’m here to end my karmic debt, be of service, become a one
To know both self and Over soul, to end what I’ve begun
To step out on the path of life with happiness and joy
To find both purpose and authentic meaning and become the real mccoy
For living truth is higher than just moving right along
In finding higher purpose I can dance and sing a song
And share what I have learnt in life and continue to go on
Trust in the Lord who’s merciful until the day I’m gone