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Shamai Mar 2022
What does it mean
To fall flat on our face
And not know what life is about
What if your spirit
Was calling your name
And all you could do was pout
What if needs and expectations
Were guiding your life
And you didn’t even know they exist
What if purpose and value
Were lost for a while
And never showed up on your list
Life is about finding out
Who you are and what’s your path
Faith and religion only go so far
They warn you to be careful and do what you must
Because actions could be your bar
You want to feel good and you want to smile
You want to find purpose and goal
You want to reach who you are and will be
You want to feel healed and feel whole
It starts from your wanting
And moves into the now
What you will create
You’ll find as your Tao
Reach inward and find
Your true self at core
Know God and your self
And you will be more
We all fight for freedom
For wisdom we search
To find who we are
Is our research
Go in and be silent
And listen with peace
Your understanding of life
Will surely increase
Shamai Mar 2022
The times are difficult
The waters are deep
Who do we go to
When the world feels steep
We have our parents
We have our friends
We have our lovers
And we have our pens
Step back take a look
Is it as bad as you think
If you look to the future
Do you need a shrink
The advice I give
Is take things one at a time
Life is a long hard
Road to climb
Don’t look ahead
To what may be
Stay in the now
And do not flee
Sow your wheat
And use a plow
Gather your harvest
And be in the now
Today will be gone
And you’ll understand
What used to be
Is at your command
Let go of preconceptions
Let go of your fears
Things will look so different
In a couple of years
Shamai Mar 2022
Today I will write
As best I can
To make myself heard
All over the land
We need to be peaceful
We need to be love
We need to reach out
To the God up above
And make our needs known
As we reach out to other
Our mothers and fathers
Our sisters and brothers
And let them know that
They are not there alone
There are laws to protect
That are written in stone
We need to take care of
The world, best we can
We need to stand up
And take a real stand
Today is the start
Of a new way to live
Reach into your heart
And give, give, give
Shamai Mar 2022
What is a woman
What can she be
A tidy package
Of love and glee
She cares about others
Makes others her own
She’s kind and considerate
And very well known
Whether with child or without
She does her part
She knows who she is
Right from the start
A woman is whole
From beginning to end
She reaches out to others
To make them her friend
So on this day that is special
For women world wide
Please stand there beside her
Always be by her side
Shamai Mar 2022
I know a place
Where I can go
When I’m feeling lonely
When I’m feeling low
It’s a place inside
Where I can hide
Collect myself
To be by my side
The place inside
Is warm and unique
I love to go there
You can take a peek
My safe place gives me
The time to reflect
To look at my life
And see the affect
I know I am special
I am one of a kind
I love to be in
This space in my mind
And when I come out
The world seems to  be better
And I slowly become
A loving trend setter
So watch me and learn
What I have done before
For I am woman
You can hear me roar
Shamai Mar 2022
We say NO to our children
And  often forget
What we have  said it for
NO is a word that is so overused
That naughtiness will come before
If we could only say what we really mean
Instead of the shouting we do
Then children would understand what we say
And not hold their breath and turn blue
No is a word we use way too often
We’ve forgotten what it truly means
We’re reminded when our children, the older they get
And become the terrible teens
Please use NO sparingly
Only when there’s a need
Remember to hold it at bay
For children will leave when they’re all grown up
Even when you want them to please stay
Try encouraging your children to independence
Being able to make choices alone
For when inner learning takes over the game
There will be nothing for them to atone
Shamai Mar 2022
Welcome my child
What can I say
You’ve come into the world
And are here to stay
I welcome you
With all my love
For you are a gift
From up above
I’ll hold you and clean you
And keep you all warm
I’ll make sure to protect you
Through any storm
For you are the child
To which I gave birth
Through my body
I brought you to Earth
I’ll watch as you grow
Encourage your smile
I’ll hold your hand
Through every trial
And one day you too
Will become a mother
And know that you also
Are like no other
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