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Would you jump
For a person, who didn’t help
You in the past.
But you help them
More than anything.
Would you jump
For a person who been there for
From thick and thin.
Sep 2020 · 92
I have a loving family
My sister love me so much
I love my sister too
Not only she’s my sister
Also my best friend
She always been there for me
I’m glad God
Give me a beautiful sister
Very understanding
And loving person
She is. I don’t want nothing else.
Sep 2020 · 45
I’m going to pray.
Lords please hear my prayers
Does people has nothing
Better to do
With there life.
I pray for them
That they accept you
In there heart and mind.
And even take all
The hates they have
Inside of them.
Lords I know each of
All of us
Has a good person inside
It’s not there fault
Because they became
Like that.
I deserve to be happy
And be love by God
I deserve a lot
Of stuff in my life.
The obstacle I
Had to face in my past.
People I had to put
Before myself and happiness.
Now there’s nothing wrong
Doing something
For myself.
Now I put myself
Before anybody
What’s make me
Sep 2020 · 26
Some people I know.
They haven’t grown up
Because each time
They see me
They always want to dive
Into hate.
All that right there
A bad energy.
That’s why
They are not going far
In life.
Sep 2020 · 20
My house been blessed
I’m not about to put
Negative energy in my house
I call my house
God’s of house.
Sep 2020 · 59
Choose Your Own life
I chose to be happy
I like living my life
Without stress and drama
In my life.
I chose my life with god
I go with my life
In peace
Each morning I wake
I’m happy
Cuz god gave me another beautiful day.
You wanna ask a question
Because you want to how
Truly I feel for you.
To me that’s a trap
You exactly how
I feel for you
Before. Why ask
The question.
Just come out
Say how you truly
You want to ask questions.
You deep down
It’s not going anywhere
With your question. I
Got wiser
Sep 2020 · 41
Stay Positive
Don’t let anybody
Drag you down
With them.
Best thing to do
Walk away.
Sep 2020 · 32
Saw something before
I know deepest of your heart
There’s a good man
Just don’t know
How to come out.
But you got use
To listening to a woman
Really don’t have much
On her belt.
That’s why
Things fall apart.
Let that good man
Come out
Stop hiding it.
Sep 2020 · 51
No, I wasn’t blind
You wanted to know if I
Was blind
They say love is blind
Because you fall in
Love with the wrong person
That’s why
Love is blind.
I was madly in love with you
But now is different
Rather not get close to anybody
If they cannot respect
My heart
But I wasn’t never blind
Over you
You still in same spot I left you
Still around people
Will pull you down
You will always believe them
No matter what
Proof anybody show you.
She’s right I’m wrong.
Unless I have god in my life
I could smile everyday of my life
I go anywhere
Do what I want
I don’t depend on anything or anybody.
I could live comfortably
No stress
And no worries.
I’m surrounded with
People who
Love me.
Where you at
If anybody we hangout with
Could twist your mind
I don’t want it
Make you think
That your the victim.
When should been the
Other around. I was the
Victim until God
Save me from all of
I don’t use people
I usely don’t trick them either.
Sep 2020 · 33
Please tell me how
How do I
Talk to you
If we are not same
Sep 2020 · 46
Good morning
Saying good morning is the best way,
To begin a hopeful and beautiful day.
A silent prayer for a day so good,
Asking the Lord to bless your day as He would.
Every day of happiness and health
Is the world's greatest wealth
Sep 2020 · 44
Goodnight Prayers
Lord let me sleep in peace.
So I may wake in your grace.
Help me get through my days, knowing you're with me all the way.
I know I can not trust in anything but you, Lord help me find friends that will always be true.
Give me the strength to get out of bed, and walk the road that you have laid ahead.
These things I ask you as I lay down my head.
Sep 2020 · 53
Reaching Out
By God’s route
I’m reached out
marked with love
from above…

Feeling blest
heart with zest
thanks His grace
of faith brace…

Bliss-filled soul
fulfills role
shines as light
with peace might…

My mind prays
with truth rays
for wisdom
midst boredom…

Propped with hope
joyous scope
my spirit
trusts Christ’s writ…

Gladly freed
from vain greed
hands do share
wondrous care…

Revived now
I do vow
live* for Him
from self’s whim.
Sep 2020 · 35
God’s Wonderful Gift
God loves you and me
He died upon the tree
He shed His blood on Calvary
That we all may be free

Free from eternal death
Free from sin and shame
Free to live forever
To call upon God's name

We can call in time of trouble
He'll listen when we're sad
He'll be there when we need him
To save us from the bad.

God loves you so very much
Accept Him now today
Kneel down and close your eyes
And this is what you say:

I am sorry for my sin
Forgive me Lord today
I want to live for you
To live for you always
Sep 2020 · 28
What Is A Good Woman
Her eyes are the windows of a soul
Where only the white thoughts spring,
And they look, as the eyes of the angels look,
For the good in everything.

Her lips can whisper the tenderest words
That weary and worn can hear,
Can tell of the dawn of a better morn
Till only the cowards fear.

Her hands can lift up the fallen one
From an overthrow complete,
Can take a soul from the mire of sin
And lead it to Christ's dear feet.

And she can walk wherever she will-
She walketh never alone.
The work she does is the Master's work,
And God guards well His own.
Sep 2020 · 70
A Good Woman
One you should treasure, but not as a possession,
Who needs to be loved, not treated with aggression.
Her value is more than all the world's treasures,
Not just the sum of scale's unit measures.
She should always be built up, not torn down,
By all the words you speak, when she is around.
She needs to be hugged and not pushed away,
Especially when you are both having a really bad day.
Words spoken to her in haste and anger
Can place her fragile heart in danger.
She should be admired for her boundless love,
And looked upon as a true gift from Above.
Not used as a target for all your frustration,
But held close and kissed with loving admiration.
You should always appreciate her commitment to you,
And not take for granted what she's given up for you!
Kiss her and love her all that you possibly can,
And don't be embarrassed to be seen holding her hand.
Treasure each day as if it were the last,
And at the end of your life you won't be regretting your past.
Did you ever listen to me
I always listen to you
Why should I even give
That time
For me
To just listen.
Sep 2020 · 38
Please tell me how
How do I give you everything
From the beginning
You wasn’t really there for me.
Not once’s
You stand up for me
Not once’s you
Actually love me
The same way I love you.
Not once’s you
Never fought for me
Not once’s
You protected me.
Now you want me
Just what exactly you want.
Your problem is
When you had a good woman
You push them away.
You don’t know
How to handle
It’s okay for you
To do it to me.
Sep 2020 · 38
Someone Did To Me
You did not feel loved or valued. You have suffered a lot of heartache and you felt abandoned. Your youth was not always easy, I sense. But this has made you into a very strong person and it developed an inner strength in you to face even the toughest obstacles.
Honestly I don’t care if
Your friend judging me
She will never be
Where I’m at.
Last year with everything
Had happened to me.
I counted my blessing. If I was wrong
In anyway.
I prayed to god
If god see anything I did wrong
I wanted god not to grant
My prayers.
But he pulled me out that dark place
Where my mind
Was doing and thinking.
I ask god if I was a bad person
Why stuff keeps happening to me.
God answered my question
Look at me now
Like before
I’m afraid to open my heart.
To love again.
I once’s love a man
Who didn’t love me back.
I was blinded by him.
I was also so jealous.
The only way
I could continue with my life
I had to ask God to help
That’s when I realize
If I use my heart
People will take advantage of me.
If I use my brain and be wise
Nobody cannot
Take advantage of me.
God gave me a sign
It’s called
A wake up call
Sep 2020 · 56
Leaving everything behind
it means that you're ready to leave negativity in the past and move towards a more positive future.
You're an understanding and sensitive person who is always looking out for the ones you love.
Sep 2020 · 41
Thank you
Thank you god
For listening to my prayers
Thank you
For bringing back
My sister and her
Family back in my life.
Thank you
For everything.
Without you
I probably won’t
Make it.
But you gave me Strength
To just realize
What’s most important in my life.
I got this far in my life
That I could say
I feel good about myself.
Because you gave me
Loving family.
Who love me for who
I am.
Family blood is thicker
Than just saying to anybody
That’s family.
I will take fullness responsibility
For my family.
Set your mind
And say god
Please free me from all
The negative in my life
Show me a better
And health life.
I could finally say
What I want to say.
Im letting all the negative
Out the door.
I’m replacing them with
Positive vibes and good vibes.
Doesn’t matter what is it.
We could choose life or
Something we want to do.
But somewhere down the
We gets side tracks.
What may we have to do.
Something catch are eyes.
We lose focus on
We need to do.
We put stuff aside
And not really focusing what is
Very important to us.
Just step back and breathe
Ask yourself a question.
Sorry I like to live
In positive life
With god.
I don’t surround yourself
With people are
So negative.
I’m a happy person
Who wake up
Everyday my life
With a smile
On my face
And actually say
Thank you
For giving me a better life
Sep 2020 · 42
Don’t Say Omg
Because ***
Stand for
Oh my god.
God has nothing to do
With your mess up
Your the one
Choose your life
How you want to
So there’s for
No, ***
Sep 2020 · 67
Always Love Your Family
God gave each of us a special family
that we can call our own.
A family that loves us for who we are
so we would never feel alone.

They may not like everything we do
or everything we say,
but the beautiful thing about "family"
is that they love us anyway.

Sometimes we feel rejected
by people who do not care,
but our hearts are warmed when remembering
that our family is always there!

So hug them a little more often,
for sometimes we hurt the ones we love.
And tell them how much you love them,
for they were sent to you from above.
Sep 2020 · 55
Looking in the Mirror
look in the mirror...dear driend
do you like what you see see?
are you true to yourself?
is this what you want to be,
do your eyes portray
truthfulness and honesty?
its easy to lie to others
but do I lie to me?

to live with oneself
is difficult......
for conscience is our gatekeeper,
and when you let a thief in,
it does warn you,
maybe once maybe twice,
maybe you heed the call,
or maybe you let the thief rob you
of your values, principles, and morals
but even if you gained a lot..temporarily,
you cannot rest on those laurels
peace forsakes you
bad health overtakes you,
coz its difficult to be true to yourself..

some people have perfected the art,
they have just shut down their heart.
they have a conscience,
but they choose not to hear it
if it ****** them occasionally
they just grin and bear it
thus they carry on in life,
lying to themseves all through
till they become so adept,
they think This is true
they have never felt sad, or even wept,
because they are not true to themselves

we can choose to do wrong,
or we can opt to live right
we can go the simple way,
or we can put up a fight,
He gives us that courage
if we choose to be strong
He helps us choose if we value
right over wrong,
but the decision is ours,
to take the easy way....
or be true to oneself.......

nothing can compare
to, having total peace of mind
always being honest
, compassionate and kind,
when your head touches the pillow
you sleep deep and long,
because you have sung
the honesty song.....
so be true to yourself and see...

life will be a wondrous melody
hummed by you till the very end,
and the heaven you will surely transcend
coz youve been true to yourself....
I don’t care what people say
I don’t care how much they hate me
I don’t care if they call  me names.
I don’t care.
Sep 2020 · 33
How Can I Forget
That very first day that we met,
It's a feeling I'll never forget.
All the experiences that we've shared,
I knew right away that you were rare.

You see, it's hard to find someone like you,
Usually, they're too good to be true.
Though I should've entered with more ration,
With you I felt so much passion.

I wish those things had never happened.
It feels as though my love's been abandoned.
All I wanted was to make you happy,
So why is it that I have to feel so ******?

I want nothing more than for us to move on,
But it's so hard now that the trust is gone.
I want to get past this, I really do...
What can I do to make you be true?

My love for you is like an undying flame.
And I once wished for our love to remain.
Do you remember that day, the day that it snowed?
It's the day that I wished for our love to grow.

You hurt me that night; you need to know that you did.
And I need you to know that I can forgive.
But I'm really struggling with trying to forget,
Because I still feel the same as that first day we met.
The easiest  thing in life
You always forgive someone
But it’s not easy
To forget
Sep 2020 · 54
Even though I Offer
That’s when I was willing
To do it
That’s when you haven’t
Lied to me
Doesn’t mean I offer
Even though how you
Treated me.
I’m still going to do
You shouldn’t never lied to me
You shouldn’t never treated me badly
You shouldn’t never doubted me
Expect me not to realize
What you have done
Like I’m stupid and dumb
Sorry I don’t take it
Very well
When you do it to me.
Now you shouldn’t never done that
To me
If you don’t like the out comes
Sep 2020 · 31
Treat your peers
Treat your peers the way you want to be treated with respect and kindness.
Don't bully others because you had a bad day, treat you peers with respect
If feeling down go to someone you trust and tell them what is going on.
Don't hurt others because you are down, get help with others.
The littlest deeds still go a long way.
So better the world and try it today.

People don't realize the good they can do,
By holding doors open and smiling too.

Try to be chivalrous, try to be meek.
Try to be humble whenever you speak.

Others will notice the way that you are.
A light so unique, shines bright like a star.

Relay the message, conquer the kindness.
Replays impressive, actions are mindless.

We live to laugh, and love to be loved.
Turn both your cheeks, when pushed and then shoved.

Intuitiveness is a trick of the trade.
Instinctive bliss results moments well played.

"Treat others how you want to be treated."
This motto of life makes smiles repeated.

-Yours Truly
Sep 2020 · 62
You got your wishes
Yes I’m going to leave you alone
Yes I won’t call you
Yes you won’t hear nothing from me

   Your wish is my command
Sep 2020 · 39
I toke that back
The day I told you I wasn’t helping you
And more
I **** the money back.
Nobody knows what I’m doing
So if think I lied
That’s your problem not mind.
I don’t tell my business like that
What I do
I keep that to myself.
I was so mad at that time.
If want to believe others
Go head be my guess.
Remember you treated me wrong
And lied to me
Sep 2020 · 29
Gifts From God’s
Love can't be described.
It has no shape, it has no form.
Love is not an object.
Love does not conform.

Love enters our lives
The moment we are born.
From the cradle to the grave,
Love's in everyone.

Love burns like a candle
That sometimes flickers but never dies.
Love may be invisible,
Although it's right before your eyes,

Love can leave you empty,
Love can make you whole.
Love can make or break you,
Love is in your soul.

Love is in your heart,
Love is in your mind.
Love doesn't discriminate,
Love is always blind.

Love is universal,
It encompasses the globe.
No matter where you are,
Love has a language all its own.

Love is all around you.
There's plenty of love to spare.
You cannot see or touch it,
But love is everywhere.

Love's the greatest power,
And yet it is so small.
Love's a gift from God
To be shared amongst us all.
Sep 2020 · 26
Road Of Life
You are a strong individual, bright and talented.
You just fell off and you need help getting up.
But you are ashamed, ashamed to let people know  you are scared.
You crawl through the hate and pain so that no one will see you trying to pick yourself up.

It hurts so bad, but you still go on.
Once you are back up you strive for perfection.
You hold your head so high you don't see what's beneath you.
So you trip.

You have tripped over loneliness,
but you pick yourself up and you keep going.
Still you have your head held high not looking down.
You make it a little farther this time.

You come to a hole in the road but you don't see it because you
are still looking up.
You fall in this hole of anger,
You are angry with the world for the way you were treated.

Now you are desperate for help,
trying your best to claw your way out,
but you keep falling back in deeper and deeper.

So you sit there wallowing in your own anger,
Hating yourself for what you have become.
No one can save you but yourself.

The loneliness and pain is stinging,
but you have no love to heal them.
So you cry and scream,
but that is not going to help you one bit.

You realize you will never get out until you pick yourself
up and crawl your own way out.
No one put you there but yourself.
Now you have to get yourself out.

You get up and begin to crawl.
You slip a few times, but you don't give up.
Now you have done it.
You made your way out of the hole.

You dust yourself off and begin to walk.
But wait.
Now you have a different perspective.
You don't hold your head so high,
just high enough to see where you are going.

This time you make it very far.
You smile as you realize who you are, and that it's ok to
be different from others.
You realize that you are who you are and that no one
can ever change that.
Sep 2020 · 29
Motivation about life
We all know that life is a strict teacher. Sometimes life treats us good, other times, it punishes us for no reason. But despite of all the challenges and obstacles which life gives us, the point is to be strong and ready to overcome anything. Here come short motivational poems that prove that life has a lot of bright colors, not only black and white.

Life has many ups and downs,
Loving smiles and also frowns.
Good events and some are bad,
Happy emotions, others mad.
It can be a bumpy ride,
How you handle it, you decide!
Aug 2020 · 58
A Person’s True Color
You see a person's true colors
when you are no longer beneficial
to their life.
Aug 2020 · 48
Changing The Past
The past is the past for a reason.
That is where it is supposed to stay,
But some cannot let it go.
In their heads it eats away

Until all their focus becomes
The person they used to be,
The mistakes they made in their life.
Oh, if only they could see

That you cannot change what happened,
No matter how hard you try,
No matter how much you think about it,
No matter how much you cry.

What happens in your lifetime
Happens for reasons unknown,
So you have to let the cards unfold.
Let your story be shown.

Don't get wrapped up in the negative.
Be happy with what you have been given.
Live for today not tomorrow.
Get up, get out, and start living,

Because the past is the past for a reason.
It's been, and now it is gone,
So stop trying to think of ways to fix it.
It's done, it's unchangeable; move on.
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