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Nov 2020 · 44
As A woman
I learned to
Love myself more
I learned to
Walk away things
Are not healthy for me
I learned to
Be patient
Not just for myself
But others as well too.
I learned to
Put myself before
I learned
To live my life
Without any
I learned to push
All the negative
Out my life.
Nov 2020 · 73
If You Can’t Speak
If you don’t
Say what you
Really feeling.
By the time you
Figure it out.
It’s Your lost
Not mind
Nov 2020 · 42
What’s In Your Heart
Tell me about your heart…
Does it beat just like a pounding drum?
Or whisper with a happy hum?
Tell me all your thoughts and dreams,
Your inner self, and hidden seams.
Tell me about your heart…
Does it contract or expand throughout the years?
Does it soften with touch or harden with tears?
When you gently rock it back to sleep,
Do you make it promises you cannot keep?
Tell me about your heart…
Has it been broken? Has it been mended?
Tender hearts should be defended.
In time, all scars will be transcended.
For this is how heartbreak is intended.
Tell me about your heart…
What makes it tick, and skip a beat?
And pump so hard it takes a leap?
What makes it dance, and laugh, and sing,
Or do all of those silly things?
Tell me about your heart…
How does it feel when it’s been crushed?
Does it retreat when life’s just too **** much?
Does it starve from being underfed?
Or burn from oozing wounds that bled?
Tell me about your heart…
Does it murmur to you in the night,
Or dream of taking fancied flights?
Does it throb from love you can’t requite,
Or blind itself to love’s first sight.
Tell me about your heart…
Does it recall the vows you took or made,
Or remember hurts you once forgave?
Does it persist, resist, compare, complain?
Or flatline from the ache and strain?
Tell me about your heart…
And I’ll tell you about mine —
How it was broken, attacked, and maligned.
Yet it still awakens to wonder and sweet joy,
And chooses to create love, rather than destroy.
Tell me about your heart…
Nov 2020 · 32
Independent woman
“i do not want to have you
to fill the empty parts of me.
i want to be full on my own.
i want to be so complete
i could light a whole city
and then
i want to have you
cause the two of us combined
could set it on fire.”

‘Being Independent’ is focuses largely on recovery, with a particular emphasis on self-fulfillment and self-love. The more experienced speaker of this chapter now knows that you must enter a relationship with yourself before anyone else.
Nov 2020 · 38
Why Should I wait
I waited to long
You can’t tell me
What in your heart
I’m going to
Just enjoy life.
I gave you to
Many changes
Still Continue
Something. Doubting
Me. Will only
Led you
No where with
Do you pay my bills
Do you sleep in my bed
Do you put money in my
Do you buy me cigarettes
Do you buy me food.
Sorry you
Stay out my business.
Sometimes people come into your life

and you know right away that they were meant to be there,

to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson,

or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.

You never know who these people may be.  Possibly your roommate or neighbour,

professor or long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger.

but when you lock eyes with them,  you know at that very moment

they will affect your life in some profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you

that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first,

but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles

you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.

Everything happens for a reason.

Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.

Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness,

and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul.

Without these small tests, whatever they may be,

life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.

It would be safe and comfortable,

but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet who affect your life,

and the success and downfalls you experience,

help to create who you

are and who you become.

Even the bad experiences can be learned from.

In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart forgive them,

for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to when you open your heart.

If someone loves you,

love them back unconditionally,

Not only because they love you, but because in a way,

they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.

Make every day count.

Appreciate every moment and take from those moments

everything that you possibly can

for you may never be able to experience it again.

Talk to people that you have never talked to before,

and actually listen.

Walk the footsteps of a stranger

and you’ll learn things you never know.

Let yourself fall in love, break free,

and set your sights high.

Hold your head up because

you have every right to.

Tell yourself you are a great individual

and believe in yourself,

for if you don’t believe in yourself,

it will be hard for others to believe in you.

You can make of your life anything you wish.

Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.
Nov 2020 · 79
Don’t Fear
I don’t fear
I fear wasting
My time
Nov 2020 · 80
Love Yourself
accept yourself as a work in progress the continue

to build yourself into the person you’re dreaming to be;

the person you have all the potential to be.

accept your flaws, accept your truths. accept your past.

and make light of them. no one can tear you down if

you make peace with who you are and where you’ve

been. if you are going to focus on the negative at all,

focus on turning them into positives. focus on growing.

sometimes, often times, our minds are the scariest

place to sit. it’ll trick you into comparing yourself

to others and it’ll trick you into believing you aren’t

good enough. but you are. you have always been

and you always will be. you’re much more powerful

when you believe in yourself. if you don’t love

all of you, who will?

give yourself time to blossom.
Life is full of choices
Make sure you pick the right one
Don't listen to the voices
Hear only yours and you have won

Many people will tell you
You need to change your looks
Don't take to heart their view
Fabulous bods are found only in books

There is only one voice
That you should listen to
It will help make the right choice
That is perfect just for you

Your looks are your own
Someone will always love you
You will never be alone
Look in the mirror and you'll see who.
Nov 2020 · 31
There is cause for many stings,
In the way some folks do things,
Some go at it "hammer 'n' tongs,"
Some with curses, some with songs;
But to each some trait belongs,

Some have soured on everything,
Can't find aught without a sting,
There are others not so sour,
Who find on every thorn a flower,
And for good they are a power,

As I've traveled life's pathway,
I've found grumbling doesn't pay,
Of the kicker folks have tired;
He's no longer much admired,
From good company he's been "fired,"

As I walk along the street,
I look for the good and sweet,
All the sour ones I pass by,
And the only reason why—
I couldn't like them if I'd try,

So, my friend, take my advice,
Don't let me have to tell you twice,
If you would ever happy be,
Don't be sour with all you see,
But be joyous, happy and free.
Nov 2020 · 65
At One Time I dream on
There was a family
That I loved.
But so many mistakes
Ruined it.
Now I’m the one in doubt
Being silent
Not saying anything.
Not letting the other person know
Put me in a
Bigger doubts about him.
No matter
What people had done
I still have respect.
Nov 2020 · 59
Now All My kids Are Grown
I could do whatever I
I have passion and desire too
My passion and desire
Much bigger.
There’s so much in
My life.
That I want to do.
There’s nothing nor
Anybody could stop me.
I stop dreaming
I just focus on what
I want.
Nov 2020 · 36
Done playing games
I didn’t move
To start playing a games with
Some grown as man.
I’m a grown as woman
Got no time
For fake as people
Got no time
For people who love
To play with my emotions
Got no time
For a person
Who cannot tell me
What’s up.
Got no time
For anymore lies.
Nov 2020 · 31
If you doing this
If we can’t communicate right
What will you think
In the future
That everything will okay.
You can’t even say
What’s in your heart
And what you have done.
If you have a little respect
Left inside your heart
You won’t left me
In the dark.
I’m a woman with
A lot of respect for others.
Yep, it’s confirmed
I just checked my
birth certificate and
just as I thought
You don’t have to tell
Me everything
Just don’t
Lie to me
Nov 2020 · 38
People Lies
Some people lie for no reason at all
While many lie with a great reasoning
Most lie to safeguard and be saved from fall
Others let themselves be blamed for speaking.

Few lie for a good acceptable cause
And many just construct a cause to lie
Its not always the flip side of truth's pause
Sometimes a lie stands on its own clean tie.

For lying is a complex social act
More than a habit but a human trait
To be a well functional artefact
Protecting expectations truth can't wait.

Lies cover up another truth to suit
Or made to create a new set of truth.
Mirror, mirror why doeth
You lie so much,
Ever shining, showing
Reflecting all objects,
We look at you
To see a face,
Which is always disliked
Even by the pretty ones,
Thou, never revealing
The insides of the ones
Who looked at you,
For the truths to be revealed,
Mirror, mirror why doeth,
You lie so much to us.
Nov 2020 · 40
Even An Adult Lies
why must you lie to me
is it for my attention
my sympathy
or a addiction

do you want me to chase you
so you can ******* off
be mean to me
or **** me off

im too tired for this game
we are both too old
this game needs to stop
before one of us explodes.
We've all been through thick.
We've all been through thin.
We've all been to the light
And back to the dark again.

Every day is a struggle.
Every day may be a new fight.
Every day may be a game,
And every day may leave a new scar.

But never forget that every day is new.
Every day is an adventure waiting for you
Too often we don't realize
what we have until it is gone;
Too often we wait too late to say
"I'm sorry - I was wrong"

Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
we hold dearest to our hearts;
And we allow foolish things
to tear our lives apart

Far too many times we let
unimportant things into our minds;
And then it's usually too late
to see what made us blind

So be sure that you let people know
how much they mean to you;
Take that time to say the words
before your time is through

Be sure that you appreciate
everything you've got
And be thankful for the little things
in life that mean a lot.
Nov 2020 · 74
Fight For Your Dream
We all have dreams we want to achieve. Sometimes we need the courage, inspiration, and motivation to chase a dream that has gotten pushed to the side.
Nov 2020 · 67
Faith Is With Are Heart
Faith at its heart is about trust. It's one thing to believe in God; it's quite something else to trust him with our lives. We all want deeper relationships built on trust.
Nov 2020 · 22
Let God Lighten Your Load
Cast your cares upon the Lord
For the Lord cares for you
Lift your eyes not on the circumstances surrounding you
But lift your eyes to God

For God is always there for us
A faithful God who is all knowing
Every single tear that you shed
Every problem that trouble you

For God is always there for us
Trust Him with all your heart
That He will give you the strength and grace
To face whatever situations that may come your way

For God is always there for us
I will move on confidently
That in any circumstances that I will arise as a victor
Bringing glory and honor to God.
Nov 2020 · 32
Never Give Up
When life goes rough & tough
Still never ever give up
Stop thinking about what will happen next
Think about the present moment
Live & laugh
say I will never give up
never fear for shadows and out of the darkness
there is no need to run and hide
it's the actual life
So never give up
you'll find a shining star without you
Love yourself & see within you
How much positive power you have
You can't imagine how much blessed you are
So never give up
Life is a battle field
So never give up
Keep fighting till the end
if you will fall along the way
You'll get up and try again
however never ever accepting the defeat
You are a hero of your life
Never forget
So never give up
It's your journey
You are well known how to finish it
so set goals in your life
However never let negative thought to hurt your soul
Hold yourself up when you feel down
Be courageous & be free thinker
It's your life
So you no need to give up
Keep yourself around positive minded people
never dwell on things in the past
Bad times will come & goes
So never give up
be like a tree
Who stands on its own effort?
Its finger dug deep inside the sand
Its branches spread & try to touch the heaven
Its size is big
Still it never ever fear for storm
So never ever give up
Peace is possible
One day war will be ended
I hope it will be possible
So never give up
try your best everyday.
Nov 2020 · 34
When you thought
A person change
They just got worse.
I don’t know
If you just be open with your
Knowing what you actually want
From me.
I won’t be like that.
When your silent
You don’t really say much.
I will Continue having
My mood swing.
Because I don’t know
What you want.
Oct 2020 · 26
Wishing You A Blessed Day
A day in the presence of God.
A day with those whom you love.
A day with prayer and a song
It's melody from above.
A day with golden sunshine,
Beaming upon your face,
When the happy sparrow sings
Of God's amazing grace.
A day of hope and faith
With every joyful sound.
May you have a blessed day
With peace and love all around.
Oct 2020 · 31
Good night

You bless us as we rest
Restore us as we sleep
You care for us as we drift off
And make our dreaming sweet.

You are the safest place
You are the God of Grace
Forgiven, loved and held by you
Is each small seed of faith.

You know our thoughts and feelings
You see our deep desires
You understand our weariness
And catch each tear we cry.

You walk beside us every day
You are a constant friend
You stay with us all through the night
On you we can depend.
Oct 2020 · 42
More of my friends
Are telling me
Don’t waste your time
With him
Because he hasn’t change
He still doing the same pathogen
My friends
Are just giving me advice
What they have seen
They all saying I deserve
Much better than that
His not being honest with you
A good woman is hard to
Come by.
Don’t say you are different
Honestly your not different
Your same papi
I know.
You haven’t change.
A men like will
Never get with a good woman
In there life.
You had a good woman
What happened to it.
Oct 2020 · 30
Some men
Will tell you anything
Because they think either your
You will believe anything
What they say.
What happened in does
Four walls and doors
Are close.
Only them
Who knows exactly
What they doing.
There’s not enough men
Out there to admit
What they doing.
Not a lot of them
Could stay faithful either
Some people
Give does kind of men
A name
They either call them
Every end is just a new beginning
A chapter closed, but always printing
All memories earned in pain and laughter
One book to be closed, but a quest to be after.

If life is a cable and hope is the wheel
And love is the arrow in the Achilles' heel
One line was cut yet the thread is still spinning
For every end, hope delivers a new beginning

No need for words, goodbyes, or sorrow
There is never forever, but only tomorrow
When all doors close and we choke with despair
A new day brings open windows and fresh air

At the end of the road, on the edge of the earth,
I continue with purpose for all that it's worth
I take a leap forward, jump into the dark
There can never be an end when there's life in my heart.
Cares for you and misses you
Because one you might
Wake up from your sleep
And realize that you
Lost the moon while
Counting the star
Oct 2020 · 32
Real love
When love is real,
It doesn’t lie,
Cheat, pretend,
Hurt you or make
You feel unwanted
Oct 2020 · 22
How Do You Get Happiness
Happiness is a choice
Not a result.
Nothing will make
You happy until
You choose to be
Oct 2020 · 28
Don’t and Do
Don’t bring no trouble
In anybody front door
Don’t mistreat people
Even when they are the one
You did me wrong.
Don’t wish anything
Bad on anybody.
Don’t ask no man for any money.
I do only listen
To one person
That’s God himself
I do take care my own
I do stay happy everyday
Of my life.
Remember people does
Doubt and judgmental
Don’t get far from
Everything they ever
Dream off.
You will just stay the way
You are now.
But if you stay positive
You will get wherever you
Want in life.
Life is a challenge for all
Of us.
Can you handled it.
Can you stay focus on yourself
Not what others saying.
Can you reach your goal
In life.
Oct 2020 · 59
My aim in life
Is to become the one
Who has a dream
To change our future

With a notion of innovations
That can change the world
Change the world,
We all have known

To make this planet
A better place
Walk with an aim at a pace
To get ahead of this rat race

Accomplish your life's aim
By creating an identity
And achieving the fame
In your name!
I been waiting for
This day
To happen for me.
I finally got it.
Now I’m so happy
Because there’s nothing
In the world
Will ever stop me.
Doing what I want to do.
Sep 2020 · 34
Fresh Start
It's only the beginning now
...a pathway yet unknown,
At times the sound of other steps
...sometimes we walk alone.

The best beginnings of our lives
May sometimes end in sorrow,
But even on our darkest days
...the sun will shine tomorrow.

So we must do our very best
Whatever life may bring,
And look beyond the winter chill smell the breath of spring.

Into each life will always come
A time to start anew,
A new beginning for each heart
...As fresh as morning dew.

Although the cares of life are great
And heads are bowed so low,
The storms of life will leave behind
...the wonder of a rainbow.

The years will never take away
Our chance to start anew,
It's only the beginning now
So dreams can still come true.
Sep 2020 · 18
Two emotions deep down inside, are those of humility and pride,
They produce what men may see, in the life of both you and me.
A haughty spirit can sure reside, in a heart that’s filled with pride.
A humble spirit is in you and me, when you’re filled with humility.

You can lift yourself up with pride, but God’s Word is not denied,
And God’s Word is clear and loud, God will humble all the proud.
Men may believe that they are wise; but that is only in their eyes.
For all of pride, my dear friend, by The Lord shall be condemned.

Men who are humble and meek, by proud men considered weak,
By The Lord are never despised, but truly favored in God’s eyes.
The Lord will exalt humble men; for this is in His Word my friend,
They will be lifted up by The Lord, as by God they’re not ignored.

On the cross there was no pride, as Jesus Christ our Savior died.
Christ had displayed for us humility, as The Savior of all humanity.
The Eternal God, far from weak, was to all men humble and meek.
God’s example is for all to behold, and His Word will not grow old.

Friend pride can be a hindrance, to the life Christ has given to us,
Pride will never be used by God, but it shall be judged by His rod.
Allow Christ’s humble spirit within, then you shall be used by Him,
As only a meek and humble life, truly displays the power of Christ.
Sep 2020 · 61
God Made Me Humble
Lord make me humble,
Don't let me stumble,
Over feelings of others not mine.
Help me to see,
That others like me,
Also need to let their light shine.

For I am so small, Lord,
And You've given Your all, Lord,
For me and for all humanity.
Show me the way,
As I live day to day,
To let go of my vanity.

So, Lord make me humble,
Don't let me mumble,
When it's time to give others their due.
Teach me to shout,
Their praises right out,
And remember all good comes from You.

Though I don't deserve You,
Please let me serve You,
And others with love as I should.
Reach deep down inside,
And take out the pride,
That keeps me from all that I could.

Yes, Lord make me humble,
Don't let me grumble,
While going through life's daily chores.
Get me down on my knee,
Singing praises to Thee,
For no cross is greater than Your's.
Sep 2020 · 25
To light up your heart with the truth;
Always being there for your child,
Tender love is the key!
Tender love and care;
Kindness and humility
Sep 2020 · 25
To Be humble
It never hurts to be humble
And it doesn't mean we're weak
Considerate it a blessing
God keeps our spirit sweet

Blessed is the poor in Spirit
Who walks humbly with God
They serve in His kingdom
Doing good deeds out of love

Humility keeps us humble
Humility keeps us sweet
And when we have humility
Its roots are seeded deep.
Sep 2020 · 32
"Faith is to believe what we do not see,
and the reward of this faith is
to see what we believe."
Sep 2020 · 58
I ask God to Guide Me me
throughout my life...
As I grow up and
move on with my

God...also guide me
to the choices I make.
Make sure I make good
ones, not bad ones.

God you're my guide..
Even though there are
times when you are
not there.

Or I thought...
But me a me
Sep 2020 · 20
Sometimes you gotta laugh
What people say
I laughed at everything
Because it’s fun to me.
I know where I’m at
I’m with god
I don’t care what other people
Cuz to everyone of us
Has a choice who they
Want in there life.
I chose to be humble and loving
Person to ppl I really cares and love.
I chose to be with guided
The love of god.
I’m thankful
For everything I have.
I don’t complain
I take it
As how it
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