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Rachel Goddard Nov 2018
We walked in darkness,
hands clenched tightly,
the moon seemed to sparkle,
lighting up our pathway across the meadow.

Destination unknown, but no fear,
I feel the excitement pulsating through your hand,
face to face we stand.

Crystal eyes of blue, the smell of fresh grass, our breathlessness making us aware of our senses.
I hear the gushing waterfall,
as it spits out its fury,
into my soul,
turning it to gold.

I feel my blood gushing through my body,
triggering a delight,
that I wish to share,
instantly you are aware.

No kiss was needed,
just a desire to be wanted,
oh how you made me feel so wanted,
in this exact moment in time,
you are now mine,
we are as one.

Pastures of green,
in the dark,
look like blue,
a fantasy came true,
that perfect night,
I shared with you.
  Nov 2018 Rachel Goddard
How can emptiness be so heavy?
  Nov 2018 Rachel Goddard
Edmund black
The truth
Love doesn’t
All the artificial
Man made restriction
    We try to place
           On it

       It simply
flows between
    Souls and overwhelm
The hardest hearts

     Love is power
          Is peace
Kindly choose love
Rachel Goddard Nov 2018
By Rachel Goddard

The reels are rolling,
once upon a time there was high,
now money is depleting before my very eyes.
I increase the odds,
believing it’s my turn to win,
instead all I feel is shame,
beckoning me to do it all over again.

All I wanted was to get out of debt,
instead my losses were creating more regrets.

Today my secret was laid bare for all to see,
I feel naked, ashamed,
frightened of the outcome,
third parties scrutinising my mistakes,
the stigma to much,
I can no longer take.

It feels like giving birth to a demon,
this ***** debt I have incurred,
the pressure of keeping my head above water,
swallowing and choking ,
I cannot be heard.

When your debts are high and your mood is low don’t go there,
your cries won’t be heard.

Trust me you will get ****** in by a small win,
please don’t ever go there,
the house always wins!
Rachel Goddard Oct 2018
The lie you told has tortured my soul, now your the one who feels in control.
I see that vicious Narcissistic grin,
Oh how I wish you could see your ugly sin.

Your actions so harsh all because you can’t deal with your past.  
That wicked monster that lay dormant for years, is continuing to laugh at my innocent tears.

So years have now gone by, I’ve learnt to live with your lies.  
Torn apart from what should be mine, you claim to love, nothing good comes from your heart.

You will now have to deal with that lie, laying on your inevitable death bed, I shall not cry.  
Go tell the universe what you have done, it will whisper back, you are wrong.

So was that lie worth it in the end, no I bet it drove you round the bend, you poor wicked women,
In my eyes now you have been forgiven.

By Rachel Goddard

— The End —