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242 · Sep 2018
Poet's Lament
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
I goes to work each mornin’
I comes home every night.
I gets out pen and paper
And tries to sit and write.

The words they sometimes comes,
Sometimes they stays away.
I finds it quite annoying
I knows not what to say.

And then to my surprise,
A brilliant thought appears.
I tries to writes it down
Before it disappears.

I fergits with ease these daze,
It’s really not a chore.
The older that I grows,
I fergits more and more.

My spellin’s now improvin’
I guess it’s plane to see.
I finally learned to spell
The word “kertastrofee.”

So as I close this works of art
I hopes it’s brung you joys.
Pleeze don’t throw away!
Pleeze share with others this noise.
237 · Sep 2018
The Little country Church
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
There often is found, in many little towns,  
A place where old-timers still gather around.  
Not only old-timers, but “youngsters”, as well,  
Especially on Sundays, they “stay for a spell.”

Some would argue, and say to you,  
It is because there is nothing else to do.  
This may satisfy a question in their mind,  
I think, however, another reason, you will find.  

It is here that folks have gathered, for years,  
To sing, to worship, even shed a few tears.  
It is here they sometimes bury their dead,  
It is here they consistently hear the Word read.  

It is at this place, though rare to find,  
People find solace and peace of mind.  
It is here that the Bible is still believed,  

And its message is, without doubt, received.
The preacher may be “country” and not well learned,  
But a place of respect, he most surely has earned.  
You see, his sermons are not “watered down”  
To satisfy the modern, politically-correct clown.  

The music is still in agreement with the Word,  
Never is the loud, night-club sound heard.  
Yes, folks are “old fashioned” and “set in their ways”  
In a few of these churches from by-gone days.  

People still dress with respect and decency,  
They are not caught up in the “come-as-you-are” frenzy.  
The user-friendly atmosphere, that once was unknown,  
Gives the modern church-goer, a relaxed tone.

To these little churches let us, with haste, return,  
And the compulsion to "moderness", obediently spurn.  
It is back to Bethel that we ought to go,  
Where the “old-time religion” is still more than show.
233 · Sep 2018
A Military Wife
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Being the wife of a military man
Takes a special kind of a girl.
To stay behind and wring her hands,
While hubby travels all over the world.

Whether “active duty”, or “part time”,
With the expectations placed on each,
As deployment numbers continue to climb,
To the “sand-box” or the beach.

As she watches him pack his bags with care,
Not knowing how long he will be gone,
Uncertainty looms everywhere
Until he is safely back home.

He often wonders while he’s away,
Is there reason for concern?
Will she often for his safety pray?
Or will her resentment burn?

To know her support will last till the end,
Makes his job easier to bear.
To know while he serves wherever they send,
Her commitment to his service she did swear.
217 · Sep 2018
Act Now
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Why do we continue to wait?
Is there a chance we’ll all be late?
These questions will many aggravate
And result in much heated debate.

Should not we all now act?
Must we from this retract?
The answers are clearly stacked
And this is a settled fact.

About this we all surmise.
And with it more questions arise.
We wait to our own demise
And show that we’re not very wise.
215 · Nov 2018
DrJames Martin Nov 2018
What’s happened to the America we once knew?
What’s so captivating about this lifestyle new?
Have we now “progressed” to an unrecognizable state?
Is there any recourse? Is it now too late?

These and many more questions abound.
Answers to these can be hardly found.
Morality and decency that once were known,
Seems now rarely, if ever, shown.

Debauchery and protest are now the norm
To resist this usually creates a massive storm.
Our schools have become a breeding ground
For all that the liberal elites expound.

Removal of our history by those who don’t know
That where we have come from we should proudly show.
A violent minority seems to rule the land
As they ignorantly, defiantly, continue to stand.

Our demise as a nation that once was known
As a place where honor, courage, and morality was shown,
Seems destined if we to our roots do not turn
As progressives seemed determined to see us not return.
214 · Sep 2018
Colij Edukashen
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
I wents to colij a long time ago,
And trides to do my best.
I didn’t gets to stays long though,
Had trubble with the spelin test.

I don’ts no why therz such a fusst
Since I no what I meen.
They says that I simply must
Learns to be more keen.
203 · Nov 2018
DrJames Martin Nov 2018
The Christmas season has arrived once more
That time which people habitually adore.
What is it about this time of the year
That causes such emotion, both joys and fear?

For children it is possibly a time of fear
There’s concern that Santa might perhaps not be near.
For many of those who have advanced in time
They find it to be a time that is prime.

Family will be united for a little while
Activities will bring more than a smile.
Worries and other issues at hand
Will again be momentarily banned.

A question naturally arises for a few
As observation is made in all that we do.
Will the “reason for the season” again be ignored?
Will the mention of His name cause many to be “bored”?

Have we become so advanced that we cannot remember
This birthday we celebrate each and every December?
The focus of most is grossly distorted
In fact, in many, it’s completely aborted.

A simple thought I’d like to propose
Although many will perhaps choose to oppose.
Some may say that I’m out on a limb
But let’s return to the Savior and focus on Him!
202 · Sep 2018
Eagle Majesty
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The eagle soared to heights above,
Then swooped down to the ground,
To that place that he had grown to love
Where sustenance could be found.

Up above where the air is thin,
He has an amazing view.
It is there his pursuit will begin
To ****** a rat, or shrew.

The astonished victim down below,
Tries to his dismay to flee.
“How can the eagle possibly know,
That I will not long be free?”

Accuracy in vision, as well as in flight,
The eagle can rightly claim.
Supremacy in nearly every fight,
Adds much to his ongoing fame.

Extraordinary creature, certainly is he,
The master of the sky.
Most of creation will surely agree,
And will never try to defy.
193 · Nov 2018
Always Near
DrJames Martin Nov 2018
To know that He is always near
Should result in each constant cheer.
No more should there be the presence of fear
His nearness should cause it to disappear.

Assurance will in its place be found
Joy will everywhere amazingly abound.
Singing may result in wonderful sound
Pleasing you’ll be to be around!
193 · Nov 2018
Old Time Religion
DrJames Martin Nov 2018
The preacher stood on Sunday morn
Downcast was he and all forlorn.
He remembered well a former day
And wondered why most had turned away.

The church long ago was normally filled
With congregants desiring what God had willed.
Now long gone and numbering few
Everywhere can be seen an empty pew.

Why does the crowd no longer inquire?
Why God’s directions do they no longer desire?
They now instead down the street congregate
Where modern practices for them await.

Gone is fidelity to God’s Word
Seldom can faithful preaching be heard.
Entertainment now is the accepted norm
Sin’s consequence is a forbidden form.

Yes, the old way is now a thing of the past
Into oblivion it now is cast.
Truth that has for years endured
Can it this day be ensured?

Old fashioned preaching they’ll no longer hear
Hell fire and brimstone they no longer fear.
As long as one leaves feeling swell
They’re happy to continue there to dwell.
193 · Sep 2018
Summer Couplet
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The swimmin’ hole was very  inviting,
Hope the fish are all nonbiting!
182 · Nov 2018
Saying Goodbye
DrJames Martin Nov 2018
To say goodbye to one you love
As they depart to heaven above,
Though difficult it is, ‘tis a necessary thing,
That usually much sorrow and grief does bring.

How can I cope in the days ahead?
Is there something on which to focus instead?
Will I be able to carry on?
Why must my loved one now be gone?

Will I be able to ever again,
Not remember way back when?
Memories of our many times together,
Make it difficult to these current storms weather.

In a moment of sorrow, I did discover
One o’er me does continually hover.
Present is He in my moments of need
If I will only allow Him to lead.

Before I entered this stage of my life,
He already was aware of my coming strife.
More than able to comfort is He,
He hears my constant yearning and plea.

He’s promised that empty place to fill
As I yield consistently to His sovereign will.
Closer than a brother He’s promised to be,
What I must now do is by faith look and see!

And when my departure time finally arrives,
Much newness I’ll then realize.
In His presence, I can finally stand,
And enjoy a reunion that’s beyond grand!

With my loved one present in harmony above,
Surrounded in His eternal love,
Forever removed from earthly sorrows and pain,
Looking forward to that day is where I must remain!
177 · Sep 2018
A Rainy Day
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The raindrops continue to fall,
Stirring emotions in one and all.
To some it is gloom and deep despair,
To others however it is joy everywhere.

The raindrops have a musical, pleasant sound
As the melodies with intensity abounds.
There seems no end to this moment of bliss
Soon we will reflect on all of this.

Instead of complaining about the rain
And living in your own self-imposed pain,
Why not reflect on the blessing therein
And not yield to a negative spin?
173 · Sep 2018
All Thunked Out
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
I thunk and I thunk
Till I was all thunked out.
I had nothing more
To think about.

I used to worry
’Bout this condition.
Guess my brain
Is in de-composition.
I worry no more
Cause this is the norm.
I now find it hard
A thought to form.
164 · Sep 2018
Southern Livin'
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Southern livin’s mighty fine,
On chickin’ you can daily dine.
So pull up a chair
Don’t go anywhere,
And don’t even begin to whine!
158 · Sep 2018
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
He came into their yard one dreary day,
Hoping that he there from the rain could stay.
They gazed at him standing there in his miserableness
And quickly realized that he would be more than a guest.

He could not have been more than a few months old,
Standing there timidly yet trying to be bold.
Friendliness he showed with wagging tail,
Convinced that in their favor he would prevail.

They gladly welcomed him into their home,
Wondering from where he had so carelessly roamed.
No average pup was this lovely pooch,
They could not, therefore, name him “*****.”

They contemplated for more than an hour or two,
To reach a conclusion for a name that was new.
It could not be “Rover” or simply “Fido”,
Because of his class, it must be Phydeaux.
158 · Sep 2018
The Green Beret
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To be among the best
Was the lad’s earnest desire.
He rose above the rest
In his soul there was fire.

He understood well
The severity of the test.
To him it was swell
To pursue this great quest.

He vigorously stayed the course,
He endured all the pain.
Himself he did force
To from quitting refrain.

Graduation day finally came,
The ceremony, it was grand.
Not longing for fortune or fame,
With proud peers he did stand.

Smartly placed on his head
Was the beret of beautiful green.
Nothing more need be said,
All was proudly now seen.

At attention he proudly stood,
With a very swollen chest.
It was now understood,
He was with America’s best.
152 · Sep 2018
Untravelled Roads
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To travel that road others do not use,
Is a decision that only a few dare choose.
To go in the direction of everyone else,
Is often to decide new experiences to lose.

To go with the flow is the easy way,
While on many journeys day after day.
It is there, on those oft-traveled paths
Most in mediocrity will stay.

To dare to be different is a challenge, no doubt.
A challenge which few ever know about.
The ease with which they choose to live
Is that from which they will not come out.

Why not see and learn things new,
As that end destination is pursued?
It may be discovered, much to your surprise,
You with more wisdom have been endued.
152 · Sep 2018
The Way Things Used to Be
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Many these days tend to formulate,
Ideas based upon a former date.
They remember life from way back when,
And conclude that it was so much better then.

Argument arises though by modern crowds,
Often to the point of being loud.
If things were so much better long ago,
Why then do we not back there go?

The thoughts of making a dollar a day,
Would cause the minds of many to stray.
To pack your belongings on the back of a mule
Would certainly be an unbearable rule.

Things that we have that were missing then
Is somehow where our thinking may end.
What about things present long ago
That most in these days simply do not know?  

Things like time for family and friends,
Contentment after the payday ends.
Helping a neighbor with barn repair,
Encouraging him through times of despair.

Then there are things like common respect,
Genuine caring instead of neglect.
Going way above and beyond,
Instead of having to be coerced to respond.

Some things remain year after year,
Others you will now days never hear.
What if things were as they used to be?
Would we in ourselves contentment see?
149 · Sep 2018
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
A mother-to-be was she.
She was happy as she could be.
A new baby boy,
Would bring her much joy,
If only she weren’t seventy three.
144 · Sep 2018
Tribute to a Fallen Soldier
DrJames Martin Sep 2018



140 · Sep 2018
Good Planning???
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
He, as a young man did aspire,
To early in life retire.
A savings plan he began,
To which he continually ran.
Better planning this did require.
134 · Sep 2018
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Failing to plan is planning to fail.  
On this course should none ever prevail.  
So plan your work, and work your plan,  
This is the design of the successful man.  

Allow for the unexpected everyday,  
Avoid procrastination, though the easy way.  
Finish daily that day’s chore,  
So at day’s end you can enjoy a snore.  

Simplistic this is, you may reply,  
Why not, however, give it a try?  
You may discover to your own dismay,  
That it really is the better way.
133 · Sep 2018
The Dreamer
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To soar with eagles is a noble goal,
To run a marathon before getting too old.
To travel to lands and exotic places,
To observe new things and see new faces.

To travel to the moon or some other place,
To discover a new drug that will disease erase.
To write a book that is a national bestseller,
To be more than the “average feller”.

These are the dreams that many children have,
And hope that some day they will see.
These are the wishes many “old folks” have,
And wish that only they could be.

To the youngster with wide-eyed futuristic view,
Keep dreams alive and always pursue.
To the senior who thinks that too long he did wait,
Perhaps, even now it is not too late.

To set your sights on something not done,
To go where others are afraid to run.
To accomplish what some may have said you could not do,
Will bring much satisfaction to many besides you.
130 · Sep 2018
Where You Are
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
I wished upon a shooting star
To be away – somewhere far.
And then the thought occurred to me,
Somewhere far, you cannot be.
Be content wherever you are!
122 · Sep 2018
Some Gave All
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
They came from all over the land,
Some very young, others old.
There was in them all something grand,
That needs to be continually told.

That “something” that in them all was found,
That simply could not be obscured,
Was a devotion to duty and honor profound
That to the end endured.

In Asia, Europe, Africa, and more,
They answered their country’s call.
And there on foreign, distant shore
They courageously, silently did fall.

There still are some whose remains
The location of which only God is sure.
The freedoms that they died to obtain
Prayerfully will forever endure.

Gratitude is to them surely due,
If it could be properly expressed.
This, obviously, we cannot do
Except by public address.
120 · Sep 2018
What Does it Take?
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
A million dollars does not a wealthy man make,  
For many are much deeper in the hole.  
A head full of knowledge does not a wise man make,  
For none can know the whole.  

The absence of pain does not a healthy man make,  
For some will die with no pain.  
The abundance of things does not a happy man make,  
For some will know no gain.  

To know or have none of the above-mentioned things  
May be for you God’s will.  
There is great contentment this absence sometimes
As you abide in His presence still.
116 · Sep 2018
On Being Young
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
When we were young with hardly a care,
And we would venture wherever we dare,
Things seemed so simple way back then,
It makes us long for “way back when.”

When we had reached the age of six,
We found ourselves in a brand new fix.
It was up each morning and off to school,
And hope that we did not break a rule.  

As the years began to pass one by one,
We soon discovered some additional fun.
It seems that with each passing year,
There were new things that we began to hear.

Instead of much playing that we had daily known,
New things busied us to prove we had grown.
The hours on the playground were relatively few,
As there was now more work for us to do.

Now that we have grown ancient, wrinkled, and gray,
More new things seem to occupy our day.
Wearied from hours spent on the job,
We return home to watch little “Billy-Bob.”

If only half his energy we had,
Life would truly be “not so bad”.
As we watch him run and play,
We think to ourselves, “It’s been a great day!”
114 · Sep 2018
The Little Boy and His Horn
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Little boy blue tried to blow his horn.
He blew till he was blue and all forlorn.
He could not figure out why no beautiful sound
Could from this instrument be found.

He took it home and put it away,
With thoughts of trying it another day.
Weeks quickly passed and in his mind,
Those thoughts no longer would he find.

Many weeks later by chance he discovered,
The horn which had not been recently uncovered.
He picked it up and began to play,
Music which he could not on an earlier day.

He mused within himself how this could be,
“Never had this trouble before,” said he.
Then he realized why there was at first no sound,
He had needed simply to turn it around.
113 · Sep 2018
Quietly Stay Put
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Where do you go when you know not the way?
What do you say when you know not what to say?
Do you keep stumbling along?  
Do you make up the words to the song?  

These questions are but few of many.
Sometimes there aren’t answers any.  
Some simply say, “Go with your gut!”
This often, however, will leave you in a rut.  

When you know not where to go,  
Nor the words to easily bestow,  
A solution is often found  
That is simple, yet profound.  

112 · Sep 2018
Fishin' With Grandpa
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The little boy came in that sunny day,  
After many hours of tiring play.  
He said to his grandpa, “Papa, something is missin’.”  
“Can we, please, soon go fishin’?”  

Grandpa responded without blinking an eye,  
“We will not let another day go by.”  
“Go, get your pole!” and “Put on some shoes”,  
“Day is almost gone, and those fish we might lose.”

They hurried together to the little pond’s side,  
Hoping that the fish were not now going to hide.  
As he dropped his line into the muddy pond,  
A big fish almost immediately did respond.  

The afternoon quickly faded away,  
And back to home, they had ended their day.  
Though no other fish was, that day, caught,  
A closeness developed that could never be bought.  

And now as grandpa continues to mature,  
There is one thing not forgotten, that is for sure.  
That day with a little one so long ago,  
Is worth more than anyone will ever know.
112 · Sep 2018
Red, White, and Blue
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The banner of red, white, and blue,
Is a beautiful sight, ‘tis true.
Endeared by many, scorned by some,
Its place in history securely won.

Under this banner many proudly serve,
From duty they are sworn to never swerve.
In distant lands, away from those dear,
Overcoming hardship, privations, and fear.

Some may still ask why they go.
Why do they such devotion show?
“The answer is simple,” they proudly say,
“We would never have it any other way.”
109 · Sep 2018
Girl and Cell Phone
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The phone was stuck to her ear.
Everyone she wanted to hear.
Every moment thus consumed,
Her life not resumed,
Sad life – it doth appear!
108 · Sep 2018
Where Ya' Goin'?
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Where you go in life is up to you,
Or so folks often say.
New places to go or things to do,
Can often bring much dismay.

Going to a place where all are unknown
Can unnerve even the very strong.
Expectations are perhaps vaguely shown
As you try to decide where you belong.

In many new trials discovery is made
That endurance is put to the test.
Through much deep water you may have to wade,
Perseverance is that which is best.

So, go where you’re going,
And new things learn.
In knowledge you will be growing,
And satisfaction you will earn
108 · Sep 2018
Never Quit
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
When the course of life has been run,  
And all ambitious pursuits are done,  
When new ventures have been tried,  
Will much joy with you abide?  

To know you have tried and often failed,  
Causes some to no longer prevail.  
Some, however, are driven farther still  
As they purposefully, more ambitions fulfill.  

If there is a moral in all of this  
That all who read should never miss,  
It is that you should never hastily quit  
And defeat- refuse to too quickly admit.
105 · Sep 2018
The Wild Blue Yonder
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To soar into the wild blue yonder,
Is a thought about which he had often pondered.
He had often dreamed on sleepless nights,
What it would be like to someday take flight.

In his youth, much time he would spend,
Thinking about that exciting end.
Would he be able to ever realize
The fulfillment of flying into those blue skies?

As he into the teen years entered,
This thought was still not completely splintered.
Although he figured it would never be,
He still hoped that realization he would possibly see.

As young adulthood for him began,
He saw in his life a change of plans.
A duty he sensed, so enlistment was started,
And into a military career he departed.

The “job” that he did for much of his career,
Did not include that which was, to him, still dear.
To be a flyer had, in his mind, faded away,
It was for a much earlier day.
Late in his career, as an “old man”,
An amazing thing happened, and a changed plan.
An opportunity to fly was to him presented,
And pursuit in that venture he never relented.

Much training was required for this position,  
And into this world he was ready to transition.
As an aerial gunner in the “Special Operations” world,
He found himself suddenly hurled.

The training was very tough, no doubt,
But this was what he had dreamed about.
He never lost sight of reaching that goal,
Even though considered, by many, too old.

The many missions he was privileged to fly,
All over the world into that blue sky,
Brought to him much joy indeed,
He was able to experience that for which he did plead.

The excitement that he still to this day knows  
Increases more as the older he grows.
You ask how I know about this joy,
It is really quite simple – I was that boy.
105 · Sep 2018
They Call Him a Veteran
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
They call him a veteran.
What a noble name!
He wears it proudly
Though not seeking fame.

He showed up when called
And proudly did his part.
When his buddy fell,
It broke his heart.
He served in places near and far
And survived a “hell” he knows too well.
Images will remain forever,
Most of which he will never tell.

So as you complain
In your life of ease,
Remember those who served
If you please!!
104 · Sep 2018
On Growing Old
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Old age is viewed in different ways,
Depending on how you spend your days.
From a youngster’s view it is so far away,
Yet, when it arrives, youth was “yesterday”.

To anticipate “forty”, ‘tis a thing that is true,
Which often makes one sad and blue.
To think after this of reaching “fifty”,
Is to some, “Not very nifty.”

“Sixty or “Seventy” is way out of reach,
Many will themselves, deliberately teach.
While these thoughts are each “quite weighty”,
Have you given much thought to reaching “eighty”?

Yes, old age is a thing most will see,
It should be pursued with much glee.
For to have not reached this joyful goal,
Is to have missed many blessings untold.
104 · Sep 2018
Short Trip
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
His body got ahead of his feet.
The ground and his head did meet.
It raised a huge bump,
His parcels he did drop,
This act he hoped he’d not repeat!
103 · Sep 2018
Feline Frantics
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
In the house on the corner lived a huge yellow cat.
This cat was clumsy and a wee bit fat.
He was constantly being pestered by a troublesome rat,
Who was playing with his mind by hiding under a hat.

The cat thought to himself, “I’ll fix this pest,
I’ll prepare for him a cozy nest.”
However, when it was put to the extreme test,
The rat said to him, “Surely you jest!”

The nest was ignored all the way around,
The rat could be heard making an annoying sound.
Nowhere near this nest would he be found,
From his distance the annoyance would continually resound.

The moral of the story is quite simple you see,
The rat was content to antagonize with glee.
The cat, however, no happy camper was he,
He simply was as dumb as could be.
103 · Sep 2018
September 11
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
On that September morning America cried,
As reporters announced that many had died.
A reality was awakened down deep inside,
A sobering truth that none could hide.

A nation that had long known freedom’s cry,
Now was witnessing it slip speedily by.
That this could happen, many questioned why,
As smoke billowed toward the sky.

A nation of might and courageous pride
Had somehow, by radicals, been angrily defied.
Now on a new course all must glide,
As new determination must be applied.

Gone are the days of openness and trust,
A cautious scrutiny by all is a must.
Concern that another attack will be ******,
By those who care little for what is right or just.

A new resolve in each there must be,
For all the world to easily see.
Now, more than ever, we should bend the knee
And pray for God to keep us free.

A commitment is needed to again stand tall,
From calloused memories daily recall.
From a pure and sincere heart, on God call,
That we will not into oblivion fall.
102 · Sep 2018
Life Is...
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Life is what you make it,
Or so the saying goes.
Does it, however, matter
What the enemy throws?

Surely one should be on guard
And great attention pay.
Many things are coming
Down the pike each day.

How one will respond
To an unforeseen event
Is totally dependent
Upon his mental bent.
If he is determined
To see good in everything,
Then he will be satisfied
In whatever life does bring.

If, however, he’s negative,
And sees in all a curse,
Then he’ll be singing
A totally opposite verse.

So what then is the point?
It’s really plain to see.
Look always on the positive
And then contented be.
100 · Sep 2018
Early Morning
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The day began with a jolt
As from the bed I did bolt.
I am now recovering,
From what I am discovering,
My legs did instantly revolt.
99 · Sep 2018
Retired Finally!
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
He arrived one morning
At his place of employment
And realized at last
There was no longer enjoyment.

All of these years
He had given his best,
Now it was time
For a long awaited rest.
He had wondered for years
What it would be like to depart.
Now he was discovering
Emptiness at heart.

As he cleared his office
That final day
A new realization hit him,
There’d now be time for play.

Now he would be able
To go fishing and such.
Many other things
He had missed so much
Traveling to see grand-kids
Who was a distance away,
Now entered his mind
And brightened his day!

He hastily put away
His departure gloom,
And sped from the parking lot,
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!
99 · Sep 2018
On Having Served
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The memories of a veteran are as varied as can be,
Some involve sorrow, others genuine glee.
To have learned new things and seen new places
While trying to put names to remembered faces.

To have given your all and passed the test
Brings joy in knowing that you have done your best.
At other times, however, to have tried and failed
Yet, in the end to have still prevailed.

On some missions wondering how you had made it through, Accomplishing what few had the courage to do.
Sometimes, regardless of how hard you would try,
You would find yourself unable to do anything but cry.

Upon learning that a buddy had given his life
In the heat of battle, amidst unbelievable strife.
Some of these things that a warrior must endure
Puts metal in his backbone, that is for sure.
To ask one if he would ever do it again,
Many would affirm without any spin.
To have succeeded in defeating a menacing foe
Makes one eager to again go.

A few made the choice to from duty flee
Thinking that in another country they could be free.
The freedom they enjoyed in their cowardly state,
Is to most of us, however, a miserable fate.

The service of no two was exactly the same,
Most never experienced prestige or fame.
They went and stayed till the job was done,
Then returned home for their day in the sun.
98 · Sep 2018
One Way Or Another
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
There are three ways to do things these days, it seems,
And so the confusion abounds.
As one wishes, plans, and strenuously schemes
To do that novel thing he has found.

There is a right way which is always right,
No matter what others may think.
It seems though that some say with all of their might,
That this way is that which does stink.

Another way there is which is always wrong
And this way many will not leave.
The wrongness they are often pointedly shown,
Yet they simply will not believe.

Then there is a way that is mine. All mine!
It is the way I usually choose.
This way is right in my mind, I opine,
To admit that it is wrong, I refuse!

So I will keep plugging along this path,
Regardless of what others may say.
I will even endure their ridicule and wrath,
When they say there is a much better way.
98 · Sep 2018
The Twenty-Third Psalm
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The Lord, the Shepherd, He is mine.
I will know no want of any kind.
In pastures green I will rest
And know His care for me is best.

Those still waters I can see.
It is there that He leadeth me.
Restoration to my soul I can know
As to Him I willfully, cheerfully, go.

In death’s dark vale there is no fear
His voice of assurance will I hear.
It is through this door that I must trod
And enter into the presence of God.
98 · Sep 2018
A Family Way of Life
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
A military way of life began years ago
When Dad decided that is the way he would go.
This decision was not at that time by him made,
In fact, many years later into this reality he would wade.

Many new experiences gave him much enjoyment,
As he eagerly transitioned into this new employment.
Those early years brought both grief and joy
Into the life of that Alabama boy.

Many years later after deciding to stay,
And from the military not to stray,
He joyfully watched son number one
Enter the race which dad had run.

His job choice was obviously different from dad’s,
As he began pursuing that which would make him glad.
To see him go in the direction which was right
Brought to dad much delight.

Now several years beyond this time
He is still enjoying service that is positively defined.
Nearly half way now to completing his career
He perseveres dutifully, year after year.

Many places in the world he has now gone
While family awaits his return to home.
Now while I recount all of this joy,
There is another story involving another boy.

Son number two has now followed the tradition
As in the Air Force he has accepted a position.
Initial training only recently finished
Anticipation is now newly replenished.

Very recently returning to family and home
Entering into a way not previously known.
Anxiously awaiting the birth of a son,
About to begin a routine never done.

“Where were the girls in all of this?”
Is a question that many will not dismiss.
“Where into this picture do they fit in?”
“How, without them, did this all begin?”

The answers are very easily seen,
As they are obviously part of the team.
While waiting at home often in despair,
They have repeatedly proven the extent of their care.

Always supportive though often not knowing
Their appreciation never were they not showing.
Whether wife or daughter, sister, or mother
They never let despair their devotion smother.

A “great way of life” is how it is described
This is a philosophy to which I have ascribed.
All of the aforementioned would surely agree
That this motto is that which we will share for free.
97 · Sep 2018
A Walk in the Park
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
I went for a walk in the park today,
So full of energy was I.
I watched the children busy at play,
They seemed to care less who passed by.

I thought as I watched them, lost in their fun,
“If only we could be so carefree!”
They would frolic for a while and off they would run
Wherever they chose to be.

I found myself wishing that I could return
Back in time if that possibly could be.
How nice it would be to new games learn
And from life’s burdens be free.

After all the “what ifs” were finally passed,
I, back to reality returned.
It was back to work, though not as fast
As to vacation I had wishfully yearned.
94 · Sep 2018
A New Job
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The job was more intense than he thought
Had he bit off more than he ought?
His routine began long before dawn
This resulted in more than an occasional yawn.

His first week at work lasted a year
He constantly hoped it would disappear.
Friday finally came with much fanfare
His feet and back did greatly despair.

Before he knew it the weekend was gone
Attention to sore feet he had dutifully shown.
Now it was back to more of the same
Would he be able the torture to tame?
He quickly discovered to his dismay
That week number two was more like play.
He had endured week one and passed the test
He was much more able than he’d initially guessed.

Weeks became months, months became years
Gone were the worries and his outright fears.
Promotions had come and not very slow
He was now ready to retire as CEO.
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