I want a love that doesn't save me
My entire life I was sold this message that my partner will enter my life and save me
What a foolish idea that undermines the power that lies within
I want a love that witnesses and listens
And holds my hand as I save myself
Supportive in my solidarity
One that acts as posts for me to momentarily and periodically lean on during trials and tribulations as I travel by foot to my destinations
A cave that I may dwell in when life is raining with no mercy
A palm tree that I may rest under for brief moments of shade during the sweltering heat of the bright sun
I deserve it
The support of another witnessing my becoming and unbecoming in this lifetime
Never impeding by creating the steps of the path(s) before me first
But watching from afar and cheering me along
Regardless of the loops, side quests, falls, skinned knees, scraped elbows, jumps of triumph, giggles of glee, pride in my skips along this journey of life
I deserve it.
I'm currently going through it with my first romantic love; I do not know what will become of it, but I know I should leave. It's difficult, so I've written this poem of what I depict my ideal love in this lifetime to be as I am in flux.