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Diana Feb 2021
you tend to enter my mind
on days like these
where love is celebrated
on other days
in moments where I feel the most alone
I think about you
I get a warm fuzzy feeling
knowing that even though I do not know
your name
your face
I know how you make me feel
and it soaks my mind with a gentle touch
foreign yet familiar
and when it is a holiday
I tend to think of you
knowing that even though I do not know
your name
your face
I do know that you are celebrating the day
at least I like to think so
in those moments where I feel so alone
my mind tends to drift to you
and a smile kisses the corners of my lips
I may not have anyone right now
but I do know that I will have you
one day
since it is valentine's day, I felt compelled to write a poem.
Diana Feb 2021
i have learned
that not everyone will love me
and that is okay
because i was never made to be loved by everyone
i was made to reach my most authentic self
and as i continue to honor myself
i will naturally attract those that revere my authenticity

i have also learned
that i often used comparison
as a means of measuring my worthiness for love
but now i have realized that
there is enough love for everyone on this earth
i am no longer in competition for love
since i already have it within myself
for example
another's beauty doesn't negate my own
it also doesn't lessen my worthiness of love
another's accomplishments don't negate my own
it also doesn't lessen my worthiness of love
since i now understand that we are all worthy of a love
that is external to works or identity
Feb 2021 · 143
my romantic manifestation
Diana Feb 2021
i desire to have someone
so thoughtful
that they analyze the way in which
they graze their fingertips across my arm
as I lay on their chest
i desire to have someone
who closes their eyes
to remind themselves
of the feeling of my body pressed against theirs
i desire to have someone
who passionately seeks to please me
in more ways than one
i desire to have someone
stroke my hair lightly
feed me soup
and whisper sweet nothings in my ear
when i get sick
i desire to have someone
that sweeps me off my feet literally
every now and then
to remind me of the adrenaline
that would flood my veins
when we first dated
i desire to have someone
who takes me out on midnight walks
where we silently hold hands
as we rejoice simply in the company of one another
no words needed to be shared
i desire to have someone
who sings me to sleep
when i struggle to find rest in our bed
i desire to have someone
who creates intimate jokes and games
that we play with one another
until the day our hair turns gray
i desire to have someone
who dries the dishes as i wash them
only to turn on cigarettes after $ex
where they grab me to slow dance
in the middle of the kitchen
all while my hands still have soap on them
and we giggle silently
pressing our foreheads together
as we hope to not wake our kids
i desire to have someone
who continuously seeks to understand me
and grow independently
as the years go by
so that we may keep an open dialogue
and have the kind of love
that surpasses anything we have ever seen
or heard of
if only i knew the countdown to when all these events will take place...i look forward to meeting you lover x
Diana Jan 2021
touching the darkness of the expired night
with every breath I take
I stare up at a ceiling I cannot see
laying on top of a stranger's bed
with the tune of rain falling upon the roof and windowpane
echoing softly behind the melancholic melodies of Giveon
I cannot sleep
as evidenced by the night's presence breathing on my neck
my thoughts all tend to drift to you
I cannot let you out of my mind
the memories of you burn more passionately than ever before
and yet
my tears sooth their lingering sting
as they slowly descend down the sides of my face
while I remain motionless
I wish you could leave me in peace
I cannot escape you
even in the comfort of my own mind
but part of me also hopes that you never do
All my senses blur
darkness fades
and in its place is your captivating silhouette
which laughs as you turn to smile in my direction
I close my eyes
and yet
I cannot get past the taste of your lips on mine
I try to focus on anything else
but its almost as if you're teasing me
like you once did before
I begin to hear your laughter
and smell your distinctive scent
it feels so real
almost as if I were laying right beside you
tucked into your body
as you would wrap your arm around me tightly
I open my eyes
gasp for air
and quietly whisper to no one but myself
how much longer must I wait
until I no longer feel as though I am only half of a human
why did you have to be so tender
so attentive
so thoughtful and observant
you've ruined me
and now I don't know how to cope
no one treated me the way you did
and I miss your comfort
I miss you
Inspired by Heartbreak Anniversary -Giveon.
Diana Jan 2021
your personality
is the product of your conditioning from childhood
where you were modeled certain behavior
one's conditioning is made up of
coping mechanisms
boundaries or lack there of
relationship dynamics
emotional regulation
core belief systems
we only know what we know
unless we choose to pursue more
more than what we know
Jan 2021 · 329
what separates us from God
Diana Jan 2021
death and ignorance
-Jordan Peterson
Jan 2021 · 122
help me, please
Diana Jan 2021
they say if you struggle with addiction
use the acronym HALT
to analyze if your urge can subside
once you go through the acronym
and see if you just need to meet those needs
to get the urges to go away or dampen
so ask yourself
are you hungry
are you angry
are you lonely
are you tired
while this is a good tool
it does not work for me
my addiction stems from feeling lonely
and what I want
is something that I can't ask for
I want to be held
I want to cuddle with someone who
deeply loves me with admirable reverence
a seasoned and mature love
but I do not have that
and I cannot ask someone for that need to be met
I am aware that this stems from my childhood
a need that was not met adequately
but ****
it *****
and that's why I engage in my addiction
it provides a superficial sense of intimacy
I just want to be held in a loving embrace
and yet I shy away from physical contact with others
I'm really struggling in my life right now...the only hope that I have is knowing that there will be better days ahead of just really ***** right now...I really hope that these feelings will go away soon because it's becoming too much for me...
Jan 2021 · 127
I won't say that I am sorry
Diana Jan 2021
you looked at me
and thought I was perfection in the flesh
you projected an image onto me
then fell in love with it
not me
only to be left disappointed
once you realized that you fell for someone
who did not exist
you dehumanized me
placed me on a pedestal that I couldn't even reach
I felt exhausted
you didn't see me for me
you saw me how you wished me to be
and for that
I won't say that I am sorry
but I will say it to myself
for thinking that I needed to be someone
other than who I am
because I am enough
in my most authentic form
which you never got the privilege of experiencing
and never will
Diana Jan 2021
I thank you
for making the selfish decision
to focus on yourself
and rediscover who you are
to pledge to intentionality
and leap into the complex journey
of learning and exploring
your mind and body
with an innocent curiosity

falling in love with yourself
is much like relaxation
and cathartic healing
it is not a passive process
but an active one
you must push against society's desires for you
and exit cycles of relational trauma
that potentiated your insecurity
and negative self talk

if you see anything that contains the message
that you must work
to be someone
or to have something
in order to be counted worthy of love
relabel the experience
and refocus your attention
to the truth and your birthright
you are loved unconditionally

your super power
is that there is no one else
quite like you
your being
your essence
mixed with your particular divine energy
is enough
worthy of love

you have two options in this world
to love yourself unconditionally
or to love yourself conditionally
you decide which one you live out

every day
is an opportunity for healing
for selfishness
to pick yourself
and begin the process
of falling in love
with who you are
as you meet yourself
where you currently are
with much grace
and forgiveness
Diana Jan 2021
beyond procreation
and even beyond spiritual growth
I think the purpose of romantic relationships
is to be caretakers of each others traumatized parts
and to love those parts
and to hold space for those parts
because what that does
is it gives our partner and ourselves
what is called a disconfirming experience
that's a corrective experience
that was missing when they were growing up
so it's not that you're being their mother
or father or whatever
but you're giving this part of their personality
a safe space to finally express itself
to not be rejected
to not be abandoned
and to not be shamed
that is so so powerful
and people will try to do all kinds of stuff
instead of that
get a pluses
make ten million
do a launch
get a million followers
but all we're looking for is a corrective experience
of parts of ourselves
that have never really been allowed to see the light of day
it's an important process

all relationship drama  
the purpose of it
is to surface the trauma
and to have it be resolved in the relationship
not separated
that is the goal
to be a safe container for each other

we can use relationships
to be this container of our healing

because in relational trauma cycles
when you pick someone
who's not emotionally available
the benefit to your nervous system
is that you don't have to be be vulnerable either
so there is a level of safety in that
quoted from mastin kipp
Diana Jan 2021
such a colloquial word
and yet
its application is so foreign
how do I find balance between
trusting someone and questioning their motives
I don't want to be blindly trustful and get hurt
but I also don't want to be hardened
to the point that I lack trust in anyone but myself
what is the balance

being honest and also concealing the truth
I had a tendency of over explaining myself to others
that concealing information was immoral
that if I wanted a relationship to work
I needed to tell the honest truth and all the information
but there is a beauty
in concealing information and withholding the truth
it is an art
that I am learning to master
Jan 2021 · 386
revelations of emotions
Diana Jan 2021
a being that is easy to anger
is easily controlled
i do not remember who the author of this idea is.
Jan 2021 · 195
the power of the mind
Diana Jan 2021
our minds are an object of great power
so much so
that those whose veins run with greed
seek to manipulate that power into theirs
by stealing the currency of others
which is attention
this is then used to create neural pathways that flow with
self hatred
unattainable beauty
great sadness
and the more these messages are seen
the more the subconscious becomes defiled
the mind is then rendered weak
until it becomes aware of its power
and desires to transform itself
it gives hope to those who believed
that there was none left for them
Diana Jan 2021
there are people less qualified than you
doing the things you wish to do
the only difference
they believed in themselves
you did not
this is an idea that spoke to me in volumes
when i first heard it
my wish for you
dear reader
is that you find the courage
to believe in yourself
Diana Dec 2020
I firmly believe that
we express to the extent of our understanding
you express forgiveness
to the extent that you understand forgiveness
you express love
to the extent that you understand love
you express humility
to the extent that you understand humility
if your understanding is distorted
your expression is an extent of that
it is important to note
that we express what has been shown
to others
and to ourselves
when we were young
we gained these relational templates
through our youth
your ability to forgive
is heavily influenced by the way
it was demonstrated to you
and to those around you
Dec 2020 · 90
How deep is your love?
Diana Dec 2020
first is admiration of the body
of the seen
you find beauty in an individual's physical looks
but then
you realizes that those physical looks alone
are not specific to only that particular person
this then expands to finding beauty in many people
with those physical looks
commonly known as having a type regarding looks

second is admiration of the personality
of the unseen
you find beauty in the thoughts
or opinions
of an individual
but then
you realizes that those thoughts
or opinions alone
are not specific to only that particular person
this then expands to finding beauty in many people
that hold those similar thoughts
or opinions
commonly known as having a type regarding personality

third is admiration for the institutions of thought
the structures that are the origins for the thoughts
and opinions
this is the transitional stage
where one finds beauty beyond the human
and in the customs
in the institutions
or religions
that hold the previous thoughts
and opinions

and lastly is the admiration of God
who is the source of all creation
from beautiful things
to beautiful bodies
to beautiful thoughts
and opinions
and lastly
the beauty of learning
This is my take on the ladder of love which Socrates recounted according to Diotima; I really enjoyed learning about this in college of my winter quarter of my sophomore year.
Dec 2020 · 168
captive darkness
Diana Dec 2020
i was staring at the night's sky
and noticed the poetic beauty
in knowing that if you want to see a shooting star
you have to go to darker places
where there is less light
to view such an event
Dec 2020 · 84
Diana Dec 2020
it is so powerful
it carries with it an overlooked beauty
it comes in various forms
and has the ability to convey so much information
once you become aware of its divine magnificence

when it comes to the hand
there are many tightly bundled sensory neurons spread across its surface
especially on the tips of your fingers
whether you gently stroke someone's bottom lip in wonder
firmly press your finger tips into the waist of a passionate lover
softly cradle the hand of a newborn
make stinging contact with the cheek of an individual which you scorn

then there are the lips
they are one of the most sensitive areas on your body
with over a million nerve endings
so even the slightest brush
sends a cascade of information to our brains
they are our body's most exposed erogenous zone
yet they also can communicate many different
sensations and experiences
whether that be the sensual brush of another's lips against yours
the soft feeling of a baby's hair as you kiss them goodbye
or the euphoric high that numbs them as you dance in bliss

there is also the tongue
the ears
the *******
and so on

it is so powerful
it has the ability to convey the way you feel
about others and yourself
it can also demonstrate the feelings
that others have towards you
Dec 2020 · 82
stolen ink
Diana Dec 2020
and as i sit in this church pew
i can't help but find myself writing poetry on my left palm
i use the pens that are supplied
behind the backs of the wooden rows
and let my mind wander
to places where my golden thoughts lay
i am also aware that these captured emotions
are written from stolen ink
and pressed onto my sensitive flesh
only to disappear from sight
when i fold my hands together
bow my knees
and begin to pray
Diana Dec 2020
i find it quite peculiar
the extent in which people
including myself
protect their pain

there are so many reasons
and when we are quick to stick with the first explanation
our mind can formulate
it is then when we eliminate
right relationality with one another
when we remove their mystery
and rely on assumptions that lay covered in the illusion of our truth

some protect their pain
because they fear the potential of it potentiating

some protect their pain
because they believe that they deserve it
that peace and joy are not synonymous to their name or life
they keep it as a means of justification for who they are
and what they have become

some protect their pain
because they do not know of a life that is any different
healing is a far away concept that they believe
does not pertain to them

some protect they pain
because they associate it with comfort
due to generational trauma stemmed from childhood

some protect their pain
because the uncertainty that comes with vulnerability
is too high of a price to endure
so they choose to not venture out

do you protect your pain
explore the why
Diana Dec 2020
to the ones who raised me
to the ones who made this "monster" that is I
you are not God
you cannot punish your creation
as i get older
the more i see hypocrisy
in its various degrees
Diana Dec 2020
“Be careful now”
I softly chuckle beneath my breath
You curiously ask with amusement painting the corner of your lips
“Because you sound like someone who’s falling for me”
I say boldly with humor dancing in my eyes
“It’s too late for that”
You whisper as you raise your hand to stroke my lower lip with your thumb
Diana Dec 2020
Your presence alone
Is enough
No words are needed to be said
No actions are needed to be expressed
Just your presence alone
Is enough
For love that requires something in return
Is not love
But a transaction
Dec 2020 · 103
loss teaches value
Diana Dec 2020
I didn’t understand the power of touch
Until your grip loosened
Your passion died
And you avoided my body

I didn’t understand the power of eyes
Until yours lingered to anywhere but mine
Your stares lost the weight of love that was once present
And your attention was elsewhere

I didn’t understand the power of reciprocity
Until I realized that my desires for you continued to grow while yours dimmed
Your mirror broke and shattered
And with it your effort to challenge my love for you to new heights like we did before

I didn’t understand the power of tone
Until yours was put to death absent of the life in which you used to speak with when you spoke about and to me
Your content was sweet but your tone was bitter
And you no longer spoke in poetic cursive that screamed your infatuation for me

I didn’t understand how loss teaches value
Because I never thought I’d lose these aspects
I took for granted the degree in which I found pleasure in the little things
In the manner which you
Caressed my skin
Held my gaze
Matched my hunger for you
Spoke about me or when you spoke to me
Don’t get me wrong
You still do some of these things
But not to the same degree
That you used to
And I never noticed
That those moments would be of great value
Until I lost them
Now longing for when they come back
Dec 2020 · 76
Poetry Meeting Outline
Diana Dec 2020
how are you really doing
-> insert photo with lots of adjectives describing emotional states; if none are applicable, then just state energy level (high or low) and pleasantness (high or low)

2. share two poems: one you have recently read and one you have recently written

3. three life events that have happened
-> state whether you would like feedback or if you would like to just be listened to

4. answer four questions from the list ( if a list is not created, then just ask four thought provoking or simple questions; how did you learn to ride a bike; who makes you feel the most loved, etc.)

5. write a poem about a certain topic or style then share it with one another

6. part with asking how they are currently doing
-> state an adjective and use level of energy and pleasantness
this can be done in person, on zoom, or over the phone; feel free to use this outline with your friend.
Diana Dec 2020
men may be the head of the household
but do not confuse
role for power
i have met egotistical dominant *******
and push over submissive women

there is purpose in roles
i do not forget this
but when one mistakes a role
in relation to an assumed power structure
foolishness emerges

it is good for the man to be the head
it is good for the woman to be the body
for one is nothing without the other
and due to this
they must be seen as equals
with different functions
that influence each other
and work together to create a product
that surpasses anything
one party can produce alone
Nov 2020 · 66
what is language?
Diana Nov 2020
i use words and phrases
almost everyday
and yet
i find myself realizing that i do not truly understand
the meaning behind the words i use
and it numbs me
language is powerful
and yet i find myself confused of the one i possess

stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake

have i ever truly forgiven those that i told myself i have
this definition shocked me
i use it often and yet i did not even know what it really meant

the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation

the list goes on and on
Diana Nov 2020
regarding addiction
daniel amen once said
the behavior is not the problem
it is the expression of the problem
that is not to say that the behavior is not a problem
because it possesses the ability to be one
but it is not the problem
the problem is what compelled the individual
to use the behavior as a means of coping
the behavior is an expression
of a human's attempt to find resolution within
it is the diseased leaves
that have manifested from a rotting root
yet we still like to blame and look at the leaves in isolation
we try to treat the leaves
when the root is what must be tended to
but the leaves are easily noticed
the root is not
it is buried behind weeds and soil
it requires more effort and thought
Diana Nov 2020
charlotte lucas
once said in pride and prejudice
not all of us can afford to be romantic
and it shocked me to silence
it humbled me in a way that i had not experienced

i would call myself a romantic since birth
and because of this
i had always praised marriage
and naively became frustrated
when love and romance didn't permeate the air
with a couple that was going to marry
that is why this statement shocked me

romanticism is a privilege
it would be at the top of maslow's hierarchy of needs
i understand this
and yet
it blows my mind that people get married
not from love
but necessity
for security
and continuing a family lineage

this is probably one of the most profound statements
regarding marriage and romance
that i have ever heard

and as i continue this delicate dance called life
i will look forward to new moments
of humility
which brings about more
and knowledge
Diana Nov 2020
your partner
is a reflection
of your self worth
how they interact with you
is a mirror to the tolerance you have with yourself
to the grace you bestow upon your being
the way they treat you
is an echo
to the way you treat yourself
to the way you allow certain behaviors to be accepted
your partner
is a reflection
of the love that you think you deserve
make sure it is one of substance
one of unconditional love
filled with patience grace and fluidity
those that we surround ourselves with are reflections of our inner worlds that we have with ourselves. we have the ability to see and understand more clearly ourselves through those that we surround ourselves with. so, how much grace do you hold for yourself? do you blindly accept abuse, or do you echo a loving radiance to yourself?
Nov 2020 · 106
beware of assumptions
Diana Nov 2020
Sometimes I laugh under my breath
When I am around those
That think they know me
If only they read some of my poems
Would they be shocked
By how much they actually don’t know
I love poetry and a site like this where essentially I can write whatever I want and people are so open to receiving my message whether that be one of sinful lust, morbid curiosity, or deep sorrow that comes in the symbolic form. So, thank you Hello Poetry community for your openness and ability to see a less filtered version of me.
Nov 2020 · 97
it’s okay to cry
Diana Nov 2020
Would you tell a child
That is crying
To **** it up
Or to stop crying
Then when your inner child
Comes out from its shadows within you
And starts crying
Allow them to
Don’t stop the process
Allow the inner child
To heal
To tend the wound that wasn’t drained
Of suppressed emotions
When you were younger
And didn’t have the knowledge
That you have today
Nov 2020 · 83
everyone is an addict
Diana Nov 2020
I believe all of us are addicts
to dopamine
our brain is wired that way
but when we think of “addicts”
it is almost as if we have separated ourselves from “them”
when we truly aren't that far away from one another
we forget to ask the question of why
why are they addicts
It’s possible that
life became too difficult to manage
the body found a way to stimulate the mind in such a manner
that it either numbed the constant pain
they experience when sober
or provided euphoric bliss
to a chronic state of numbness
Diana Nov 2020
i have realized
that it is in silence
where my voice thrives
it is where i truly found my voice
and welcomed her with open arms

this world does not want us to find our voices
no matter how much it advertises for it
because once we do
we begin to realize the power behind it
and the lies that were found in the noise
of the world

find your voice
strip your mind of all other narratives
and listen to the one that has been buried down
beneath all the trash
there lies your most authentic self
the one that has been there
all along
once you find your inner voice
hold space for its abandoned
tend to the voice
that will lead you to joy
Nov 2020 · 65
my breath will always be
Diana Nov 2020
eyes closed
palms gently resting against my thighs
deep inhale
slow exhale
this is all i know
that will be with me in the future
as i close my eyes
and feel my chest expand and retract
as i become aware of the places on my body
that connect and ground me with the earth
i find peace
in knowing that this will be the same
decades down the road
i'll always have my constant breathing to come back to
the stimulus
and the sensations
will be the same ones that i will experience
once i graduate
once i get my first job
once i kiss the love of my life
once i give birth and hold my child
once i experience the grief and loss of my parents
i will have my breathing to come back to
i will have the soothing movement
of my chest
to remind me of my constants in life
Diana Nov 2020
our most unfiltered essence
can be found in our early years
but then we are challenged
to conform to societal expectations
so that we may be socially desirable
at the cost of abandoning aspects of ourselves
for survival
this train of thought emerged when
my psychology professor told me
during a mindfulness exercise
to come back home to myself
to the aspects of myself that I foreclosed
for the sake of survival
I encourage all of you reading this
to take the courage
and come back home to the parts of yourself
that you abandoned
all those years ago
Nov 2020 · 179
Flowers in Winter
Diana Nov 2020
Flower blooming
In the dead of winter
Even the harshest of winds
Are no match for her roots
She survives
Regardless of the seasons
For her growth
Is indestructible
Never again
Will she listen
To the dead around her
That wilted away
Behind layers of frost
Diana Nov 2020
How can I expect someone else
To trust me
When I lack it within myself
When I don’t trust myself
How can I expect someone else
To love me
When I lack it within myself
When I don’t love myself
It’s difficult
To give what you lack within
To give what you cannot show yourself
Here is the start
To trusting myself
To loving myself
To seeing myself
From Your point of view
Diana Oct 2020
In my inheritance of you as

I gained the inheritance of a
Broken autonomy
Oct 2020 · 69
I hate it but I love it
Diana Oct 2020
It’s so silent now
I can feel my pulse
Pounding in my ears
as I lay against my arm
it’s the only reminder I have
interrupting my thoughts
that I’m alive
it invades my mind
To tell me of the life that I have
Yet Descartes would argue
That my ability to hold thought
Is another proof
Of my existence
i think therfore i am
Diana Oct 2020
Sorry, was that too honest for you...
Diana Oct 2020
I believe that
We tend to make the mistake
Of adopting a sense of self righteousness
When we reflect
On the actions or behaviors of others
Ignoring the fact that maybe
Our lives could’ve turned out the same
As theirs
If we were given the same experiences
That they’ve had
Diana Oct 2020
the body understands itself
more than our perception of it does
allow the body
to release the emotions stored within
don't hinder it with your mind
that has been trained by society
to shut down
or shame those emotions
Diana Oct 2020
The armor you carry with you
It’s the product of others’ influence
That you have accepted
Take it off
All of it
Until you are completely bare
Naked to no one but yourself
This is symbolic to the vulnerability
That this action evokes
Now is when you begin to find yourself
Now is when you begin to analyze what you accept and put on
It is no longer a questioning
Of whether the hat you chose was your decision or another’s
In this moment
You begin to intentionally choose
What you want to put on
As a component of your armor  
This requires you to leave the warmth
That your old clothes provided you
And to accept the vulnerability
That accompanies the act
Oct 2020 · 116
I hate the phrase...
Diana Oct 2020
"don't cry because it's over
laugh/smile because it happened"

this is a very convoluted statement
it contains many aspects that i personally don't like
the first being that
the manifestation of an emotion
is very black and white
in society
crying is often associated with sadness
laughter and smiling with happiness
but that's not always the case
someone who is mourning can smile
someone who is suicidal can laugh all the time
someone who is happy can cry or remain silent
the point is
an expression of an emotion varies greatly
it depends on the individual

the second being that
it interrupts the process of grieving a symbolic death
one of its underlying messages is
stop engaging with the emotions that come with the end of this particular season
in this case
it is whatever "happened"
it tells people to just smile/laugh
now i understand that it may be therapeutic
in some cases
to change perspective at times
do not encourage this all the time
a person just needs to sadly cry over something
and not be interrupted
the body understands itself
more than our perception of it does
allow the body
to release the emotions stored within
don't hinder it with your mind
that has been trained by society
to shut down and abandon or shame those emotions
Oct 2020 · 67
Scars of Survival
Diana Oct 2020
the body
is a living  moving time capsule
your scars carry stories
whether that be from adventurous moments in childhood
a burn from attempting to cook
or the pain of feeling empty inside
and just wanting to feel or escape something

your scars carry stories
they also depict the love that your body has for you
they depict survival
they are a reminder that you are here
they are a reminder that you deserve to be here
they carry memories
the good
the bad
all are essential
because the combination of all your experiences
are what make you
Diana Oct 2020
One of the most destructive things
A person can do to themselves
Is to place the responsibilities
That only they can truly fulfill
Onto others
Whether that be
Self acceptance
Loving oneself
Or happiness
No one else can build the stable foundation except yourself
They can only add onto what you’ve previously build
Diana Sep 2020
When someone asks you a personal question
Whether that be
How old are you
How much do you make
Have you ever had ***
How many people have you slept with
What’s your greatest fear
How many people hit on you
Would you sleep with me if I asked
And I mean never
Answer out of obligation while you feel uneasy about sharing your response
And listen
Listen to the changes in your body
The emotions you’re feeling
And the thoughts you have
Most people feel forced
To engage in conversation
Due to social expectations
But don’t let yourself be manipulated
You never have to share
Something about yourself
With another
It is a privilege
To be able to learn about someone
To discover more of their mystery
And this privilege isn’t a right to all
If you don’t want to share your response
Flip the script
Ask them
What do you think
This then will force them to feel like they have to answer
And depending on their social wisdom
Or lack there of
They will answer
And their response will reveal
More about them
And their perception of you
Than if you were to answer the question
Sep 2020 · 71
Why write poetry
Diana Sep 2020
When I write poetry
I aspire to not change the way
Someone thinks
But to inspire them to think
For there is beauty in diversity
Diversity in thought is admirable
Regardless of the thought itself
Sep 2020 · 76
So, what’s your type?
Diana Sep 2020
When a member of the opposite ***
Asks this question
I can’t help but laugh
Inside outside emotions
This is a concept where the outside emotions are the thoughts that are being said out loud from the conscious
While inside emotions are the thoughts that are being said within the subconscious typically
In this case
When someone asks
What’s your type
What they might be saying is
Depending on the analysis of the person
I’m kind of insecure
And I don’t know if I am someone that you would pursue a romantic relationship with
So maybe
If you could name off some characteristics
I could compare myself to them
To see if I fit any of them
You can learn a lot from this concept
The analysis of the subconscious using the conscious
Asking the question why
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