how are you really doing
-> insert photo with lots of adjectives describing emotional states; if none are applicable, then just state energy level (high or low) and pleasantness (high or low)
2. share two poems: one you have recently read and one you have recently written
3. three life events that have happened
-> state whether you would like feedback or if you would like to just be listened to
4. answer four questions from the list ( if a list is not created, then just ask four thought provoking or simple questions; how did you learn to ride a bike; who makes you feel the most loved, etc.)
5. write a poem about a certain topic or style then share it with one another
6. part with asking how they are currently doing
-> state an adjective and use level of energy and pleasantness
this can be done in person, on zoom, or over the phone; feel free to use this outline with your friend.