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Diana Feb 11
Life's a funny old time
When I was younger
I thought I knew exactly how my life would turn out and who I would be
After so much pain and trauma and accomplishments and perseverance
I no longer align with who I thought I'd be at this age in my life
I stare into mirrors and see someone who doesn't look familiar
She is a glaring reminder that I've grown into someone I am not yet intimate with
I do not know her
She's busied herself with working overtime
Enmeshed in depression
Her first love
And the night shift life
It's a hard pill to swallow
Coming to terms with the discrepancy between who I thought I'd be with who I feel I am now
It's a constant tug between accepting and denying this reality
I wish I could continue sleep walking in the numbness this long season of depression has granted me
But I move to days in three short weeks
9 shifts left
I honor this time but recognize I am ready to set this time in my life down
It will be greatly missed
But I need day light to find time in my week to fall in love with myself again
Learning who I am now
Embracing the ways in which I've shrunk and stretched and collapsed
Exploring through boredom and hobbies old and new
It feels I've waited for day shift for more than just a year. I've come to Thai realization in September I believe and these last six months have felt like hell especially in the dead of winter.  I cannot wait to begin and enter this new era in my life. I've learned I'm ready to drop night shift and emerge into lighter aspects of my self.
Jan 14 · 61
Childhood Confusion
Diana Jan 14
How sad is it
That I cry
When someone who hurts me
Jan 12 · 246
My Plead to God
Diana Jan 12
The softness I desire
Is vastly different from the rage
I was born into
Jan 12 · 56
Diana Jan 12
I want a love that doesn't save me

My entire life I was sold this message that my partner will enter my life and save me
What a foolish idea that undermines the power that lies within

I want a love that witnesses and listens
And holds my hand as I save myself
Supportive in my solidarity

One that acts as posts for me to momentarily and periodically lean on during trials and tribulations as I travel by foot to my destinations
A cave that I may dwell in when life is raining with no mercy
A palm tree that I may rest under for brief moments of shade during the sweltering heat of the bright sun

I deserve it
The support of another witnessing my becoming and unbecoming in this lifetime

Never impeding by creating the steps of the path(s) before me first
But watching from afar and cheering me along
Regardless of the loops, side quests, falls, skinned knees, scraped elbows, jumps of triumph, giggles of glee, pride in my skips along this journey of life

I deserve it.
I'm currently going through it with my first romantic love; I do not know what will become of it, but I know I should leave. It's difficult, so I've written this poem of what I depict my ideal love in this lifetime to be as I am in flux.
Jan 12 · 48
Diana Jan 12
Self awareness
Unconditional love

The recipe to a good enough mother

It takes self awareness to evaluate oneself as accurately as one can
Vulnerability to take the leap to communicate and share those reflections
And unconditional love to bridge everything together in unity

I hope one day I may step into this divine role
This also applies to everyone and is not limit to women <3
Diana Dec 2024
I'm not sure I've been self aware of this feeling before

Not as of late

I've tried so hard to refrain from behaving in a way that aligns with the feeling of hating who I become when I'm around another

And yet

Here she is
Mocking me again
I can't escape her
I'm tantalizingly pulled back into this familiar neural pathway of connection

I'm sorry
Sorry I instigate you intentionally

Trying to get you to lash out
So that I can lick my own wounds
Unknowingly giving you the whip intentionally
So that I may cling to the narrative of victim and transgressed
The only one who has the "right" to be upset
So that I may disregard the ugly behavior I myself have transgressed against you

I'm sorry

I know I'll go hauntingly silent mid-argument

I freeze

It's a moment of realization for myself

A mirror pushed in front of my face
A hand squishing my cheeks painfully and around my jawline
Forcing me to look at my many existent shadows in the bright fluorescent lights that cause me to wince

I can't dare whisper it out loud
I cannot

But I can write it in a poem
I harm
I hurt
I become brutal with my choice of words

I have temper tantrums as a twenty-four year old woman
I seldomly had the ability to when I was a kid
Not with childhood trauma and emotionally abused parents who passed on less abuse than they endured

And for that
I'm sorry
You don't deserve it
You don't deserve to take on the brunt of my parents' responsibilities

They failed me
And in you I find solace and self contempt and confusion

I'm sorry
I can't fully formulate into words what I'm doing and why
It doesn't make sense to me
And it leaves me with a mysterious shape of confusion

There is a sweetness to it
To know I can hurt you
And you can embrace it
Unlike like those who failed me when I was all too young

I guess it's a natural by-product when you have someone you feel safe enough with to enact your trauma onto
But it doesn't take away the chronically exhaustive tone our relationship is colored in
P.S. - Fu€k childhood trauma
Nov 2024 · 73
I Honor my Ancestors
Diana Nov 2024
I was called to ponder about my ancestors

I am the product of survivals fittest
We all are

My ancestoral intuition that has been passed down for generations has kept my lineage alive

Who am I to question it?

I feel pride in this knowledge
It makes me feel as though I am part of something far greater than anything I have laid eyes upon

My life is a byproduct of it
What was my great grandparents' life story?
What was their childhood like?
What challenges did they face in early adulthood?
I cannot say I know anything about them and it saddens me
Was it not less than 100 years and all the information is lost
Diana Nov 2024
Life feels like nothing

Colors are muted

I no longer see in solely black and white
I broke through that level of sorrow

But the saturation lately has been fading and in its place leaves a larger gaping hole than the wonder I once held in what life has to offer outside of black and white

I feel anger
But then it quickly dissipates
And left in its place is a plateau of apathy

I have no desire for connection like I used to
Not with humans
Nor earth and her plants

I feel the soft familiar tug at my feet every now and then
She is ever so kind to me
Always reminding me of the great mystery I originate from
And one day
Will be recycled back into

I believe life will get better
It must, right?
Nov 2024 · 57
It's Simply Not Fair
Diana Nov 2024
Life feels analogous to sunrises
Some are placed in life
To where they wake up hours before the sun
Destined to wade in darkness before any ounce of light is to shine upon them
Others during the peak of the sun
And others much later where daylight has been present for hours

I feel as though I've been placed in the darkness for hours
Cursing those who wake up to light
It's simply not fair
Jun 2024 · 104
No Contact Side-Effects
Diana Jun 2024
No where feels like home
Not even if I go back
To what once was familiar in youth
It's changed
I have too
And no roots have taken ahold
All soil I encounter is unfit for anchoring

I don't feel as though I am growing
Simply trying to survive
And maintain as much as I can
Mitigate damage from lack of essentials
May 2024 · 100
Diana May 2024
I'm numb
Maybe in a depressed state
For sure in a depressed state
It's grief

You've left
We've said our goodbyes
And it felt inadequate
Less than what I imagined it would be

I left numb
And it has carried with me since

Goodbyes are sacred
And yet I ******* hate them
Yet this time
There was no ghosting
No bitterness left unsaid

We came
As best as we could
To each session
And as all seasons tend to go
It ended
Maybe paused
We shall see in autumn
What out souls find to be true
About what happens to us
Our dynamic relationship

I feel incomplete
Like there's this itch I must've thought I scratched
But I realize now I didn't
Oh well
The depressed state I'm in doesn't seem to worry much about it now

No one wrote this blueprint in life for me
Much of anything else
So as I've done before
I do now
Trailblaze into a territory unknown
Except this time
I no longer have her next to me
In the way I did before
It's been weird since kemp left. I've busied myself and it has been helping. I feel and welcome the numbness. Utterly devastated but the anger tampers the sadness. I wonder if other ancestors before me have had a spiritual guide or counselor or therapist that they've had to say goodbye to.
May 2024 · 234
Old friends...
Diana May 2024
Too much life has happened to me
To be able to relate to you anymore
I need more
And I find you not enough
Diana May 2024
As the knowledge
Of Kemp moving to North Carolina
settles heavily in my bones

I realize

I crave an individual
Who does not offer solutions immediately upon a revelation of mine mid conversation
But one who sits with me as I am

In whatever shape or form it takes

One who can absorb and contain my experience of speaking a feeling or experience into words
And have them just be as they are

No need to rush the processing or movement whirling within my vessel

Sitting with me as I am
With no hurry to avoid with stirs within the other
With no hurry to feel the relief of offering surface level words of minimizing the experience my body calls me to share

To simply be with me
In my experience
My therapist is leaving. I have one more session with her. I'm not ready to say goodbye. I never was. No amount of time could help the processing of it. All I can do is be with all that is. I look forward to the corrective experience in saying goodbye.
Feb 2024 · 138
What do I say...
Diana Feb 2024
I feel new yet scarred and old
I don't know exactly how to approach
Sessions anymore
I've learned I've clung to my family's trauma as a crutch
It was a constant topic
And now
It's not
And it's almost as if I forgot that there's more to my healing journey than my family alone
It's exciting and scary all at the same time
I'm nervous
And when I think about it
Beneath the nerves is a fear of the unknown waiting to take the spotlight
What other ugly monsters do I have
Ugly memories
Begging to be translated
With the perspective and insight I hold now
I feel brand new yet scarred and old
Both in many ways
I welcome what surfaces to the tip of my tongue
Understanding it's timing is divine
While also holding space for what needs a little push
For what needs an external voice saying there's never the "right" time but this one
Diana Jan 2024
It's weird
To have all this free time alone
It's made me realize
How long I've been anxiously moving
Working overtime
Spending time with a SO

I've forgotten how to be alone
To rest
To simply be and have nothing to do

Im sad
But not surprised

It's like learning how to ride a bike as an adult
You remember doing so as a child
But there's some time before the muscle memory finally kicks in

That is how I feel now
Waiting for the muscle memory to kick in

I'm waiting for the anxiety to subside
And the face splitting grin to appear
Once I can feel the wind slapping my hair around the perimeters of my face as I ride with glee

It will come
Not now
But soon
All too soon
Dec 2023 · 40
The end?
Diana Dec 2023
Where do we go now
I do not wish to initiate the conversation
Nor do you
What will the ending be
Will we still have fond love for one another
Will you hate me
Is this another reinforced lesson for me
My honesty causes abandonment
Of those closest to me
Nov 2023 · 188
Ferry Ride
Diana Nov 2023
This is where I belong
This is what I'm Supposed to feel
The calm
The peace
The stillness and constant white noise

The feeling of focusing solely
On the hum of the ferry beneath my feet
The salty wind as it sends goosebumps down my arms
The sun bathing my face in warmth
The sea welcoming a stranger
Thank you
Thank you for letting me add a few tears into your collection
I'll see you soon

For the water is not an element we as humans have learned to conquer
nor will we ever
May it be that way
Oct 2023 · 223
Dear Itzhel, again
Diana Oct 2023
Suppressed rage and hurt
War with one another,
Fighting to push their scarred faces to the front of my attention,
All too often now in my body

Pick me, says rage
No, notice me, says hurt

That's all I feel in my body at this point
It's exhausting and depleting to the highest degree

Free me of this emotional hades
This torment won't let me go
No, it's embedded itself in my sweat and tears
Soaking through my flesh and bones
Penetrating to the deepest depths within

How could you have held me
In some of my most vulnerable moments
Only to make me feel like I was beneath you

A wine stain on your favorite white sundress that turned soft from frequent wear
Tossed in the trash without second glance

I trusted you
More than anyone
And now
We're strangers
Who knew each other in ways lovers yearn for

I was the moth to your flame
And a piece of me died when I burned myself

I have scars now
Ugly ones
Ones I picked at as they were trying to heal
Ones that have bumpy skin numb to touch
Ones that remind me of my trauma
Ones that never *****ng heal and bleed from the center

Fu€k you
I trusted you
And right now
I'm hating you a little extra
And missing you all the more stronger than the hate I'm currently feeling
I just feel weak mentioning it
I love you, Itzhel
I miss you, Itzhel

Until I visit my grief of you again
Oct 2023 · 179
Diana Oct 2023
Healing chose me
And I chose healing
So here I lay
With a 60lbs brick on my chest
Not knowing how to even begin to move it
Deep breaths don't work
So here I lay
With silent tears daring to chase one another
As they collect in my ear and pillow case
Sep 2023 · 168
Moving out
Diana Sep 2023
I did it
I ******* did it
Aug 2023 · 335
Stuck at the sea of my mind
Diana Aug 2023
I've lost direction of my boat
Too many winds
Pushing and pulling me
In uneven and choppy waters
So fiercely
So frequently
They have left me scrambled
I don't know the path anymore
And so
I float
Jul 2023 · 169
Bruised Heart
Diana Jul 2023
Holding onto the hurt
Feels safer
Than opening up again
Jun 2023 · 130
Welcoming the Black Mist
Diana Jun 2023
I hate who I am right now
What my life looks like

How do I embrace this part of myself
The part that thinks I deserve the least amount of love
when she needs the most gentlest yet fiercest kind of love

I wanna go back
But what the **** does that even mean
What's "back"
The title reflects my therapy work. I did a visualization of what my fear looked like and mentally sat with it as much as I could. Since then, I realize it wasn't fear; it was anger. I was afraid to feel the anger and the meta emotion was fear. This poem is me tapping into that anger (which in this case is directed towards myself)
Jun 2023 · 327
A long road ahead
Diana Jun 2023
Someone once told me
Healing isn't
becoming the best version of yourself
It's letting the worst ones be loved


How do I love the worst parts of myself
When the closest to me
Growing up
Couldn't even embrace the softest versions
Apr 2023 · 174
Warm Greetings
Diana Apr 2023
It's in these moments
Where I come back home to myself
In the stillness and gentle ebb and flow
Of nature welcoming me to an early morning
The smell of lingering fog and fresh dew beginning to melt
The sounds of birds singing their tune wild and freely to create a symphony of life
It's in these moments of aloneness
Where I feel her
My inner spirit awake and cautiously lift her head for a soft vulnerable moment as I sit in a rough time in my life I have hope shall pass
Hello dear friend
It's been awhile
Mar 2023 · 186
Diana Mar 2023
I feel the crushing weight of your absence
Sitting firmly and heavy
Right under my sternum

Do you feel it in this exact moment?

I've been thinking about you a lot lately
Part of me hopes that you do too

I miss you dearly
More so than anyone else in my life at the moment

It hurts me to think about you
This I am painfully aware of

I go to museums or the ocean to feel you
I close my eyes and pretend I will open them and see you there
Hear your boisterous laugh sync with mine
Watch as you tuck your frizzy curly plum-red mane of hair behind your ear

Our last few encounters cut me deeper than any other pain I know
The damage is insurmountable
You spat and crumbled the last bits of vulnerability I showed you with what looked like no remorse
As if I meant nothing to you

I still grieve you every time I think of you
I hate you
(I still love you)
I love you
(I still hate you)
Im glad you're gone
(Sometimes I'm not)
I wish I could pick up my phone
And call you like old times
(Sometimes I don't)
I've never deleted your number
I don't plan to anytime soon

I know the extent of my grief is a reflection of how deeply I praised our relationship
So maybe I've been silent in initiating it
The grief
Because I praised it so heavily
I'm afraid to open it up
And begin that journey
I'm just not there

Im not sure how I'll process this loss

No one ever prepared me for the grief that comes with losing a soul mate birthed in friendship
I wonder if you're reading this right now. If you search up my account to see if I've posted anything recent. It's 5:03am. I've kept you unblocked since three days after I blocked you.
Mar 2023 · 133
Temporary Highs
Diana Mar 2023
Products and/or standards of a capitalistic market
Are usually never intended to
Create long-term satisfaction
That is just not how it works
They need to shift constantly

What is "in" or on trend frequently changes
In order to be able to continue selling new products
It is based on promising a temporary product with a temporary high
Feb 2023 · 240
Broken Glass
Diana Feb 2023
When you have had a lack of mirroring
And a history of denial and dismissal
Color your harmful experiences

To see another person be moved to tears
Flips the emotional world you have mostly known your entire life upside down

It does something to the internal psyche

I may not cry with them
I may appear apathetic at times
But it's closer to stoicism

Because deep down within this conditioned mask of controlled and suppressed emotions
There's a little girl whispering thank you

Thank you for seeing my hurt
And being touched by it
Vulnerable enough to mirror for me
The grieving of my trauma
Jan 2023 · 157
Amusing Irony
Diana Jan 2023
Numbing is so familiar to me
When I was a kid
My body took over to protect me
From childhood trauma and abuse
So I would go numb
My preferred defense mechanism

Now as an adult
I ingest substances to "protect" me
So I can go numb

Isn't it a little amusing  
How I'm repeating my body's natural cycles of defense in my own now
But with external resources
That are known to harm
Jan 2023 · 202
Familiar Cycles
Diana Jan 2023
She missed the red flags
Because they felt like home
**nicole lepara inspired
Diana Nov 2022
Things will never be the exact same way as they were before
and I would like to believe that that is okay
but it hurts too much to hold the thought
I miss her
I wish he would respond to my unanswered texts

these emotions bleed from some of the most deepest parts of me
and I get afraid of the shades they come in
but I welcome them anyway
because I want to honor my midnight black moments like I would my meadow greens and sunflower yellows

I ended seasons with certain people and activities in my life
and sometimes I regret them deeply
I wish I could just text or call
but I know better than to reach out that way
it feels as if it is too late
but the hurt that I bled in front of them felt as if it went unnoticed
as if they just admired the saturated color with the ghost of a smile gracing their pursed lips
Diana Nov 2022
Nature should be one of our greatest teachers
It brings us back to our roots
Reminds us that we are creations in our cores as well
Invites us to come back home to our complex yet simple ways of being
Nature does not control nor stop the natural process of whatever is meant to pass or stay
We do that
So as I stand next to this tree
I admire its gift of reminding me
To let the leaves fall where they may
When it’s their time
For there is a season for all things
Some leave even when we don’t want them to
Some let go at the optimal time
And others stay longer than we hoped for
But to trust the timing
Diana Oct 2022
I love the sea
The consistency in her waves
Lapping at the shore
Whichever way she chooses to for that day
The inviting nature of her ability to reflect light in a blurry haze
The reverence she doesn’t demand but nonetheless receives from environmentally entitled humans who are at her mercy when they decide to tread in her waters
I love the sea
So why do I recoil so viscerally at her pungent smell of salt and seaweed today
I’ve smelt it before
Even was comforted by it at times
But now
It’s too much for me
I must say goodbye early today
And turn away
This is a metaphor for a friendship I lost recently. Her and I were connected by the ocean and I considered her to be one of the soulmates I was gifted to meet here on earth in this journey.
Diana Oct 2022
Can we say we love someone
If we haven’t seen their shadows
Their relationship and expression of emotions society paints as “negative”
Oct 2022 · 115
I hope so
Diana Oct 2022
Do you think that if you spend enough time at the beach
You would be able to smell the ocean
In the seams of your clothes and pockets of your jacket
Do you think it can linger and permeate
Like cigarettes and bitter goodbyes
Diana Aug 2022
how am I supposed to be gentle with myself
when all I know and am familiar with
is how to be destructive and cruel
in the most abusive way possible

is there a guide I can use
because I have nothing
and when the voices are this loud and dark
the hope within diminishes
day by day
I can honestly say that I am in the lowest point of my life. I am so fragmented and worn out. My friend mentioned how I deserve a break from all the pain and abuse, but it is as if they have become synonymous with my name. My therapist tells me to be gentle but how do I do that when I am so unfamiliar with the concept and am barely learning how to.
Jul 2022 · 1.8k
You are worth it
Diana Jul 2022
I hope you know
You are worth it

You are worth the time and energy needed
To gently break down the walls you’ve built
Protectively around yourself

You are worth the quiet moments
You are worth the noise

You are worth the rage
You are worth the laughter

You are worth the painful tears
You are worth the face splitting smiles
Inspired by a dark loophole my mind went down a few days ago where the most prominent thought running in my head was, “you are so pathetic, who would love you”? I then had a conversation with that thought and it ended up being this poem.
Jul 2022 · 351
What do you fear more?
Diana Jul 2022
I wish someone had told me
when I was much younger
To befriend
Constructive criticism
And tension or discomfort

Most things are a balance of fears
So what do I fear more
Or missed opportunities

I hope to lean towards
The rejection
The criticism
The discomfort
The tension
In hopes of encountering more opportunities
Diana Jul 2022
I think I am exhausted  
Exhausted in the very depths of my soul
And no amount of sleep can help alleviate it
Only distance and a lack of contact
Physical and emotional
But it’s not an option for me right now
So instead I sleep
I’m so exhausted...I feel it in every fiber of my the depths of my core. My soul is tired and feels like it has no place to rest. My body is physiologically spent and my emotional energy is depleted. This won’t last forever but it feels terrible. Keep the hope Kemp has for you alive within that space you have fostered and built within yourself, Diana. Keep fighting for all versions of yourself <3
May 2022 · 229
dear mom,
Diana May 2022
you are the hardest and most confusing
I love you
I have ever muttered in this lifetime
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