Cosimo de 'Medici are you and your family appreciated enough?
Where would Arts and Humanities be ?
Let alone Sculpture, Language,Theatre ,Painting, Books, Drawings, Costumes and Fashion
Today the Internet might be considered our Renaissance but how to compare that to Arts and Culture let alone Nature and her glory.
The works of Michelangelo, Petrtiarch, Dante, Boccacio and many others can be gazed upon at Pitti Place in Florence or the Metropolitan in New York where Poets gather their muses or are inspired by the eyes of the subjects looking directly at them.
Being struck by a beauty so profound and creative at a time when people don't take the time
Nor do they make an effort
When they do they come away as Poets do with an Infinite Beauty which we try to capture when we write
Behold our eyes see a deeper beauty
It touches us at a level some will not grasp or not care too