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Maddy Jan 2023
Despite all good intentions
You may mean well
It is their life
Try listening with no comment or agenda
Their way of thinking
Their way of going through the motions or not
Think before you speak and hit the edit button

Maddy Jun 2023
Patience has been strong but now bending and yielding
If you give it your all and there is more to be given somehow you find it
In spite and despite what effect it has upon you
Traveled away in mind so many times and hoping for your company sooner than later
So with a smile and a tear that you should not see
Holding on until we can have fun and not worry about being patient
Having fun is no fun at all without you

Maddy Aug 2019
Utilize brain
Clamp the urge to open your mouth
IS IT worth hurting somebody
It is golden
How about yourself?
Have you nothing better to accomplish .
Be a better citizen of the world
Strive to do your very best
Your thoughts
Your feelings
Sometimes better not shared
Hold on to them
The bittersweet mIght be more beneficial
So hold on tight
Maddy Nov 2022
Used to bes are temporarily on hold like the plans cancelled or rescheduled
It will end eventually
You will continue as you were or are but more grateful
Perhaps a new path will unfold
The nights are long with bumps and side effects
The days are filled to the brim schedules and overflowing with getting on with it
Hold on
Holding on to each other
Just want you happy and healthy again
Seeing you in pain even temporarily makes it hard to dream
I dream of better days ahead when sleep finds me
Hold on

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Dec 2020
December 23 comes to call
Never try to be alone if at all
Bad bad day and never been the same
Horrible man is to blame
Years later after help and getting up from being thrown to her knees
Taller and wiser
Still not trusting
Still mending a heartache that never really healed
The scar surrounds her and others like her
Hope the nightmares and flashbacks stay at bay
How I wish she and others like her could celebrate a Holiday?

Dedicated to the Survivors
Maddy Apr 2024
Going and moving forward
Too many delays and waiting again and again
The reasons matter and more importantly so does precious time
Not to be wasted on the trivial
So many experiences to embrace
Sometimes those you want to share them with won’t make the time
Some don’t want to share it

Maddy Jul 2020
Suspended animation
searching for something to bring us forward since the pause left us hollow and sleep deprived
It is about enjoyment not about things
Knowing what and who is precious
Waiting has become a game and yet we seek something we never really appreciated before
We were not gracious and humble enough to know the wealth of our being
We had it all and we lost it temporarily
We have our health and ways to reach out and connect with families and friends
Hopeful that someday we will return to what we worked so very hard and continue to do so to earn
For now,home is a luxury we hold close to our hearts
Suppose it always has been and will be
Hopeful for all of you as well

Maddy Jul 2022
Some day soon History will repeat itself
Extremists want us to go backwards
Sorry to tell you not only won't wonen stand for it
Neither will the men or women they love
We have come to far and accomplished so much
We are not done yet
THIS is not about politics
Common sense
Human Rights
Enough is enough
Maddy Apr 2022
The very best of the best
So Special unlike the rest
One and only
One In a Billion
I am talking about my one and only
How do you follow that?
How do you follow that?

Maddy Dec 2021
To stop and take it in
No music, no artificial noise
The wind song
Creatures scurrying
Maybe a bell in the distance
Ringing for us to take it all in
Chiming to make us remember
Maybe linger
New love and older love walking by and you feel the sigh
It is the same just one has more experiences
Disney captures joy and childhood
The world will let you have it and all its glory for free
Take a breath
How incredible

Maddy Dec 2020
You talk to other Poets and writers
Meeting them would be a delight
They seem to understand
You are different and it is finally okay
To be who you are and accepted every single day
We express ourselves like others wish they could
Finally and truly understood
How lucky can you get!!

Happy Holidays and her is to a much better year ahead to my HEPO Frineds!
Maddy Dec 2023
The amazing Norman Lear left us with incredible work
His spirit is always with you if you listen to his words
Amazing philosophy
The most important gift he left was his kindness and humanity
So as Monty Python's song would say, Always look on the bright side of life
What an amazing man!

Maddy Nov 2022
How much love does it take to find a strength that you never thought you possessed?
How much love does it take to say that scaling Everest naked would not be a challenge because it would be done for you?
How much love does it take when a parent hates your beloved and reminds you for the rest of your life even though you are incredibly happy together but favors your sibling's spouse over yours?
How much love?
There will never be enough and whatever I can do to show you and share with you, you have my heart Babe!
How much love the number has not been invented yet and once it is
It will never be high enough

Maddy Nov 2022
How much love does it take to find a strength that you never thought you possessed?
How much love does it take to say that scaling Everest naked would not be a challenge because it would be done for you?
How much love does it take when a parent hates your beloved and reminds you for the rest of your life even though you are incredibly happy together but favors your sibling's spouse over yours?
How much love?
There will never be enough and whatever I can do to show you and share with you, you have my heart Babe!
How much love the number has not been invented yet and once it is
It will never be high enough

Maddy Mar 2023
How much love does it take to find a strength that you never thought you possessed?
How much love does it take to say that scaling Everest naked would not be a challenge because it would be done for you?
How much love does it take when a parent hates your beloved and reminds you for the rest of your life even though you are incredibly happy together but favors your sibling's spouse over yours?
How much love?
There will never be enough and whatever I can do to show you and share with you, you have my heart Babe!
How much love ?
The number has not been invented yet and once it is
It will never be high enough

Maddy Jul 2020
Our memories delight us in our darkest days
Incredible what they do on happier days
Songs sung and enjoyed from yesterday mean as much tomorrow
Finishing the other's sentences and knowing something that others don't comprehend because they never noticed or never lived it
You know me so well and even when I surprise you, you appreciate and tell me so
Loving a sensitive poet and writer isn't easy
Perhaps, that is why you are so special and adored
How much you love me?
Equals how much I love you more today than yesterday and not as much as tomorrow.

Dedicated to the Love of my Life and Best Friend
Maddy Dec 2019
The smile
The jokes
The hug
the head on the shoulder
pillow unnecessary
rainy days with rainbows ever flowing
car rides that makeup for those unspeakable moments
3am conversations when nobody else will do
how on earth could they walk away from you

Maddy Dec 2022
Of History
Of Mystery
Of Art
Of Tradition
Of Stories
Of Legends
Of Culture
Of Music
Tell them
Share them
Talk and Discuss
Face to Face
Not online
Not on Tick Tok
Not texting
Word by word
Stories to be read,shared,passed down and remembered
This is how lessons should be learned
Maddy Mar 2023
Of History
Of Mystery
Of Art
Of Tradition
Of Stories
Of Legends
Of Culture
Of Music
Tell them
Share them
Talk and Discuss
Face to Face
Not online
Not on Tick Tok
Not texting
Word by word
Stories to be read,shared,passed down and remembered
This is how lessons should be learned

Maddy Jan 2024
Never knew I was but I am.
Highly sensitive person.
Always shy and a loner
Those who stir the *** not my cup of tea
I am an HSP

Maddy Jan 6
Drawn to Pooh, Paddington, and the Care Bears.
They adorn my home office and are my heart.
Working virtually somedays,they keep me company
Looking at them makes me comfortable
Kindness, goodness and sensitivity define me
Those that take advantage or try have been in my tears and hurt my heart
Villains and the vicious are forewarned to get out of my way
I am the Human Care Bear
If that troubles you than take leave now
Forever more, even better
Maddy Jan 2022
Do you have to do something bad to get something good?
Imbalance rears its concern
Lady luck and and her sister bad luck don't always work in tandem
You want the former and not the latter in your life
Did it mean something?
Did it catch your breath in mid air?
Did it take you anywhere?
Did it even get you off the keyboard and out of your chair?
Human Nature
Maddy Apr 2022
Fill your rainbow with shades of imagination
Nobody and nothing should color your rainbow
No matter what, when, who or why
Hold on
Hold fast
The smallest gifts are treasures
Recognize them
While others may not get the message
Wrap yourself in joy when storms or hurdles of any kind surround you
Humble your spirit towards the light

Thanks John Baptiste
Maddy Sep 2021
If I told you every word in my mind
You would color me differently
You know what you know
That should be enough
Let me surprise you
as I surprise myself
I will care you for as I care for others
With joy and all the generosity one can muster
No matter what or where
We know the what
The new is exciting
There is no pain greater than watching you suffer
Gladly trading places with you would be of no consequence or issue
You and the others in my life are loved more than you know or can measure
Crohn's disease be ****** for hurting any of you

Maddy Dec 2024
I come out on pages
Bleed from many different colored pens
Older but not old
Happier but not happy
In love and always loving him
Share,care,and deliver
It is more than Ok to be
You don't have to like it or me
Kindness and gratitude are my friends
I am a writer
Finally,I said it and believe it
Maddy Jul 2023
These are not Pollyanna's or Mickey Mouse's ideas.
A Code of Ethics that applies to all Human Beings is necessary.
Dear HUMAN Beings I mean you!
Accept and don't expect.
Haunted by people that are shameful, diabolical, and despicable.
Frankly, they are backward in their ideals and thoughts.
How many more steps will they take before they hurt others again?
Progress in general is necessary.
It requires balance and cool collective thinking.
The Civil War ended long ago but this Deja Vu is sickening and disheartening.
The Code of Ethics is to do the very best for all, not some.
There are some heartless and selfish villains out there for themselves.
We are not naive to think that We are the world singers and *** Ba Ya mentality will never be what it once was or could ever be.
Maybe because I am too much of the heart and too kind for this time in this world?
Somehow, I know I am not alone.

Maddy Jan 2020
The world is upside down
Wish it could change
New decade and too many fears cloud visionaries
Ideas are there
Competition and imbalance are a problem
Old school and new school thinking have to forge a partnership
Some used to bes still count
Herstory and History find common ground
You have to know yesterday to deal with today and hope for tomorrow
No guarantees
Too many afraid of change
Let people be and live their lives without comment or judgment
Destroying life because of hatred and lack of understanding doesn't work
Technology is incredible but people don't just talk face to face anymore
They insult each other and comment on social media
I am sorry

Neil Diamond lyric 'used to bes dont count anymore they lay on the floor til we sweep them away."
Maddy Dec 2019
The bowl is empty
The leash is on its spot
The blanket is still
When the Rainbowbridge welcomes your angel
Remember that when you least expect,your dear dog will be near
We all wish there were visiting hours there
Hope your dog runs free
With memories of you

Maddy Jan 2020
Don't know your reasons why
your yesterdays
are not part of our todays
or of our tomorrows
You are missing out on one of the greatest treasures, and you'll never know why
Writing about it is one thing
but the experience is something quite different
I could spend my life writing about Love,
but you have never
Open your been there
Let someone in
deserving of all that you are
Want to dance at your wedding
want you to tell me what it is like sharing a rainstorm
or a bad dream
It is your turn,and please
don't complain anymore
Either do something about it,or
nothing at all
I am so sorry,'but I can't hear it any longer
Stopped listening long ago

Maddy Jul 2022
Tea is my favorite beverage and iced is the delight
Biscotti or Mandel Bread seems to be the perfect partner
This breakfast started for me in Florence ,Italy
Espressos and Lattes surrounded me ,
Yet there was a tall frosted glass
That was everyday in Italy and sometimes at home
Have teas from all over the world and enjoy Harney’s Teas
Passion fruit delights me
Sometimes my writing companion because it is easy and free
Weather permitting, I bake my own for that is a quiet joy
Iced Tea and Biscotti
C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Mar 2023
Being honest,positive,and true will make for a better world
That United we stand divided we fall is more than song lyrics
That narcissists dont control the world or atempt to do so
That doing the right thing out weighs the wrong
That someday we cure diseases,hatred,injustice and poverty
I 'd like to think so
I'd like to think so
Right now, I am not sure of anything any longer
I 'd like to think change will come for the betrer
I'd like to think so

Maddy Apr 2022
If you are grieving,may wonderful memories sustain you
If you made a mistake or bad judgment call
May you learn,grow and stay the course of your journey
If you are hurt or heart broken,
Heal and know what goes around comes around
Insulating more does you absolutely no good
Leave it alone
If you can stay strong,loving and caring
If that is all there
Then that is more than enough

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Nov 2019
If you remember how it tastes
If you remember how it smells
If you remember how it feels
Then there is no need to be any different as time marches forward
Somethings should not change
People have to adapt

Maddy Jan 2023
If you fall asleep in my arms
Rocked ever so gently
Letting go of what is over
Holding on to promises kept and memories yet to be fulfilled
We will make more
Making sure that darkness will soothe you and the stars will be a night light
Letting you dream peacefully and comfortably
We can only move forward now
What was is over
Not looking back
Just want you to rest, recover and sleep easily
Love you,but not loving you tonight or in the near future until you are ready again
Remember how we arrived here and where we have yet to go
If you fall in my arms
Pleasant dreams because the nightmare is over and in check
If you fall asleep in my arms

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Jul 2023
Nobody deserves to get sick
Wish people the very best
Even though some deserve the very worst
May you find something amazing every single day
Sometimes what rocks your world means very little to others
If you knew what I know
You take very little for granted

Maddy Oct 2018
Her heart was broken and shattered
After all this time just seeing you in the distance brought it all back
Moved up
Moved on
Am loved and love
Leading someone on is beyond comprehension
But that was yesterday
Her today’s are filled without the likes of you
If you only knew
Knowing now?
Being ugly and tossed to the side because contour matters more than size.
It was about the size of a heart

Maddy Aug 2022
I have heard it said that numbers don't lie
That people should agree to disagree for a more caring and sharing world
That squirrels don't recognize the humans that feed them
That Love doesn't last a lifetime and into eternity
That women are all **** or Princesses regardless  of color, creed, or nationality
All Men have one thing in their minds
Being different and unique is bad
Just go with the flow
That wishes and dreams don't come true
I have heard it said but listening and believing another matter

*** -Jewish American Princess
Maddy Aug 2021
48 years ago my beloved Daddy left us this Monday
Mom is with you now and that makes it harder but easier for you
The pain returns every August
Flashbacks of how you were taken so very young when we were very young
You would be proud of all of us
The scars of yesterday did not stop us
We still fulfill dreams
All the joys and triumphs of our lives felt you were there
Your girls and their husbands
Your grandchildren
Your great grandchildren so little and we will share stories about you
The tears are here and visiting the cemetery doesn't help
You are not there, you are in my heart
The Monarch butterfly flew by me awhile ago so I know you are here and with me
I miss you still, Daddy

Maddy Aug 2021
No airbrushing or unnecessary nips and tucks
No extreme measures no matter which celebrity is touting it
Taking good care of oneself is a must
Plain Janes and Joes have arrived
You live on the other side of the camera
The **** Tube and UTube have emerged in many forms and facets
Real and Reality have emerged to become
imperfect perfection

Maddy Nov 2019
Caught that smile in a crowd
The one that froze me in time
You did not notice
Doubt you even cared
The echo of you saying Another time and place
came roaring back like a roller coaster in reverse
We were very young
We knew you wouldn’t act
In a moment the lime changed and yesterday was gone
Like you left me then and forever more

Maddy Dec 2019
Fifth avenue is dressed in her finery
her shop windows glistening
Her Rockerfeller Center tree stands with ohhs and ahhs around
Her daughter was excited
Her mother didn't have the heart to take her to American Girl or FAO Schwartz
The money wasn't there
This young mother was not dressed warmly but her little girl was
New York City has a magic all her own
A beautifully dressed woman with three little girls in tow gave the little girl a bag
Happy Holidays she cried out as she and her children were whisked away in a car
The bag said American ******* it and it was full
In and out the door
Seasons Greetings and be grateful for others don't have what you take for granted

Maddy Jan 2021
The world revolved differently
The air was sweet and clear
Cold but not intolerable
Music was pure and joyful
A quiet yet momentous celebration
Unexpected but so much more than appreciated
Our worlds intertwined while others collided
We did not notice them
In an instant there were only two
Me and you
Still and forever more

Dedicated to my one and only love
My best fruend and husbandl
Maddy Aug 2019
What really happens when you're in between?
All the plans,wishes,and schemes
It’s not always polka dots
and moonbeams
If it were ,it wouldn’t be worth it
But as you go,go your own way
Sleepless nights stop you dead in your tracts
Something similar to a mind attack
You take the time to re-evaluate
It is what it is or you go with the flow
Setting different things in motion
You have to be alone with yourself
Which is really not a bad thing
Listening to both your heart and your head
Equal time for both
Which is really not a bad thing when you’re in between dreams

Maddy Apr 2020
Screaming but cant be heard
Dawn is calling but you cant see her
Crying in so many showers without a sound
No teardrops to dry
Lovers come and go but leave no calling card
A cure for loneliness
Nothing desired
She left for work
Returning in the wee hours
In between shadows

Maddy Oct 2022
Puerto Rico and Florida help and prayers
Mother Nature and Father Sky remember all your children as Hurricane Ian leaves us
Doves get a taste of worms and wet grass
Squirrels gather acorns playing hide and seek ast hey scurry up tree branches to their nests
As we await sunnier days and blue skies above
In between the raindrops

Maddy Aug 2023
He said I slept through the thunderstorms last night.
If I don't carry an umbrella, I get soaked.
If the slicker is there, been soaked with both that and the umbrella.
Walking under trees is a major no-way.
As the sky grays again and it's quiet the walk happens
It is quiet and most people are driving their cars or working.
Monday and Friday are two of the four days off for me.
Many have asked when I write and the answer many times is in between the raindrops or on a sunny day.
You know I will be seeking a rainbow

Maddy Aug 2021
Cosimo de 'Medici are you and your family appreciated enough?
Where would Arts and Humanities be ?
Let alone Sculpture, Language,Theatre ,Painting, Books, Drawings, Costumes and Fashion
Today the Internet might be considered our Renaissance but how to compare that to Arts and Culture let alone Nature and her glory.
The works of Michelangelo, Petrtiarch, Dante, Boccacio and many others can be gazed upon at Pitti Place in Florence or the Metropolitan in New York where Poets gather their muses or are inspired by the eyes of the subjects looking directly at them.
Being struck by a beauty so profound and creative at a time when people don't take the time
Nor do they make an effort
When they do they come away as Poets do with an Infinite Beauty which we try to capture when we write
Behold our eyes see a deeper beauty
It touches us at a level some will not grasp or not care too

Maddy Aug 2023
There is a quiet and stillness beyond compare
It is gentle, safe, and strong filled with joy and caring
Nothing Mickey Mouse about it
The world stands still
Even if it is a few minutes or with any luck hours
This is where I would rather be than dealing with a mixed up and confused world that needs to get its act together
In his arms

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