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Maddy Dec 2020
Rolling on the ground no visible contents
Searching to be filled or occupied with a task
Almost like a Senior citizen with memories worth repeating but nobody listening
Nobody paid it any mind but it refused to be thrown away
Needed to be useful but there was nothing to do but press on somehow
It didn't escape pickup this time like a shelter dog hoping their forever home would be with the next visitor
That bagged was filled with yesterday with no thoughts of today or tomorrow

Nobody saw me weep for that bag under dark sunglasses but I did
Maddy Jan 2020
Rolling open on the ground no visible contents
Searching to be filled or occupied with a task
Almost like a Senior citizen with memories worth repeating but nobody listening
Nobody paid it any mind but it refused to be thrown away
Needed to be useful but there was nothing to do but pass through
It didn't escape the sanitation pickup this time like a shelter dog waiting for a visitor or crying because the forever home still awaits
The bag was filled with yesterday with no thoughts of today or tomorrow

Maddy Jun 2020
Spiritual and grateful
My stars are counted
Not religious but cultural and believe in tradition when possible
Introspective Highly sensitive person
Respectful and too kind sometimes
Backward roller coaster ride
Went for it
and ride is smoother and still not enjoyable
It is called life
Incredibly careful can't throw caution to the wind any longer
Honing in on Nature and enjoying her children
Blessed Mess
Resigned to the Divine

Maddy Oct 2018
Which of you were saying Hello?
Smiling down
Sending a sign
Letting me know this too shall pass
We will get through this because tomorrow brings another day
You are missed and remembered
Nice to know you are there

Maddy Dec 2020
Never in a lifetime
Does a Brooklyn boy adore and love you
No fairytale can match
You can’t make this up
No matter what the news tell us might go wrong
Or is wrong
Somehow my bespectacled prince and very tall
Works his magic
Houdini and Copperfield have nothing on you

Tough year for us but you are amazing as always
Maddy Mar 2020
He has them and what they still do to me as well as for me after many loving years
No matter what,when,why or how
We have and still understand we were meant to be but it takes a love and conviction others will never know.
If you do,than my happiness is shared.
We are in it  together just like You and me against tbe world
We would truly move heaven and earth for each other
That is made more magnificent with those Baby Blue eyes

Maddy Nov 2021
Blue Jay
Chara Azul
Geai Bleu
Saw you fly Among Mother Nature's spice rack of cardamom, paprika, saffron and sage
Fly and sing without a care
On the first day of  sunny November
Soar high and safely little friend

Maddy May 2023
Was accompanied by a bright blue and navy Blue Jay
Almost military and yet so regal
He seemed to stop and start with me
Then I looked right at him it seemed our eyes met
Was it a signal from heaven?
Somebody above saying Hello
He stayed with me and then went on his sweet and merry way
Bid him farewell and hope he spends time with me again
Blue Jay
Maddy Sep 2023
It's raining.
It's boring.
Yet the Blue Jay with their hawk-like- like sound
Swooped down from a high branch to take a freshly roasted shelled nut
Thirty seconds later another appeared and grabbed another nut.
Their crests and colors of blue, white, and black were visible in the rain.
Not a bad way to walk on a Holy day where fasting and no driving happen once a year
Before you utter a sound the computer and other modern-day conveniences are essential to my well-being such as walking
So thanks Blue Jays for making this Yom Kippur easier

Maddy Nov 2019
Put on your boots and dance in the rain will be available on 12/2on

Maddy Jul 2023
Hard to believe but incredibly true
Book number three is in the final edit
No publication date yet and availability is to be announced
Poem 975 here today
Beautiful Heart is on the way

Maddy Jan 2020
You loved words
You loved books
You write like an angel
Looking for a better way
You were a highly sensitive person
Who was bullied and destroyed
You ended that torture by throwing yourself into an on coming bus
You jumped off the Verrazano narrows bridge
You were not born to end it this way
Rest In Peace

This poem has nothing to do with Lady Gaga's Born this way Foundation
Maddy Mar 2023
Are we all on borrowed time?
Are you supposed to live each moment as if it's your last?
Every day lived like our last and sublime.
Isn't worth a shine or your very last glass of wine?
Sometimes the cards you're dealt with don't want to be played
Depends on the shuffle and how they call a *****
Do you toss a dime and see where it lands?
Mountain vistas or desert sands?
There is so much to do and its calling you
You have to grab the gusto and enjoy while you can
Giving up isn't an option and you know exactly how and where to go
You have been patient and with love and support not on your
Your incredible way of livng life has shown
We celebrate you and the way you touched our hearts and minds
An amazing spirit always with us on borrowed time
When we think of you, bells wills always chime

C@ rainbowchaser2023
In memory of Brian Venti

Maddy Jul 2022
Debbie and Derek Downers please stay clear and keep your distance
Not a cockeyed optimist but more optimistic as well as positive than before
I am a lot more than Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive anthem
Not familiar then Google it
Before you shake your head and judge
Before you label me a Do good Woman
Proud to be one and extremely kind as well
Well Read
Set the boundaries
Just saw a bee dancing on a white flower on the very top of a tree
That gives me hope
I do take the time to notice what others claim they don't have time for
Sorry for them

Maddy Jan 28
They have to be set
Families and friends need to step to your tune
Demanding not permitted
How about asking?
Their expectations of your time and availability don't come first
Some will bid you farewell, so be it
Some will accept this despite their need to always get their way
Family comes first for some
Set the boundaries
Say no
There are all kinds of families
FIlled with narcisstists and troublemakers
Way past time to make it about you first if need be
Set then and adapt with yourself in mind
Maddy Jun 2023
They are both fine
Accept what is and the exceptions you make in your home are up to you
They are your business and being carefully taught remains the same
You can be outspoken but learn that religion and politics topics have their place
That is my credo and I live by it
To break free peace and respect work together
Kindness rules not hatred
If you have nothing nice or important to contribute than say nothing

Maddy Oct 2021
Reasons and seasons don’t matter
You can mix and match easily
Turn a deaf ear to what seems false to you
The Cult and it’s followers will learn the hard way
If they ever learn at all
Moving the only direction now
For as sure as History repeats itself we can’t afford to go backward
Ever again
Tasting,savoring and enjoying life matters so much more than it ever did before
This will lead you towards brighter days and sultry nights
No matter where or when
Where we are today needs to change

Maddy Oct 2018
Sometimes you have to move on
You clean up the shards
Tread carefully
Cherish yesterday
Sometimes you can't fix what is broken
Life is short but even more so when
arguing and fighting is a priority
More important to live fully
When you are a broken you you learn to play differently even if you do that alone but not lonely
Maddy Aug 2019
Mistaken because you are so lost
You want to encounter found
It is not in a person or intangible object
It is in your heart and soul
If they are wounded no matter the scar
Give yourself the freedom and time to heal
Scars are reminders
Somethings can’t be fixed
Neither can some people
It is never your job to do that
Even the broken rise again

Maddy Feb 2021
You are ugly
We won’t play with you
We won’t talk with or Sit near you
Last one chosen for a team
You were never good enough
You were broken like a toy that isn’t played with any longer
Irregular, Peculiar ,and strange
The band aids never worked
You stopped listening
Broken girls don’t heal completely
They become competent and special women
Creative and strong
They may stand alone and realize they belong

Maddy Jul 2020
Shades of every CRAYOLA Green imaginable on fields of grass longing for picnics and running children with shouts of glee
Humid 4th of July with food and drink a plenty but parties elsewhere or secluded
Some parks opened and others gated
Some beaches open while private pools are there for those who have
Public pools are waiting for opening day
Then a small purple magenta bud stood out
Usually being blue dominated wouldn't have noticed
She was reminding me of better days down the road

Maddy Sep 2018
Used to be called teased
Try harassed
Try ignored
Don't try
You had to be there
You were different
Not like the rest
Going with the flow didn't occur to you
Now children have to deal with social media
It is anti social
People die from being bullied
Society let go of chatting and talking face to face
No communication old school

Still not completely confident
I am me
For what it is worth
I was bullied
This maverick has no time for any of you
Maddy Nov 2022
You are different
You don't look like them
You have nothing in common with them
They torture you with comments, giggles, and making you feel as if you don't go with the flow
You can just go and be ignored
Parents and teachers told you to forget it and let it go
Easier said than done and kids can be cruel
It is their way or the highway
So lunchtime you sat alone
Read and did your homework
Your best friend was writing and poetry
Same holds true today
Difference is I don't take CRAP from anyone
Haven't got time for the those who don't know how to be kind and caring
Princesses and Princes of the world male and female, yes you.

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Jun 2021
Long ago and far away they flanked everybody in school
They had it and if you didn't you were scorned
Ridiculed and made to sit alone
Never picked for a play game
The day of reckoning has arrived
She never got a promotion and never knew why
Seems the boss was married to someone she bullied

Maddy May 2022
The first four letters spell out what needs to echo loudly and clearly
Bull which is what these people are filled with
That said stay clear and get on with it
They have no clue or self edit mechanism
For sensitive souls ,they are not worth the air they breathe

Maddy Sep 2018
You will love again
It may not be the same and it might be better
Nobody has the right to tell you whom or how
Just be decent ,kind,and genuine
You will laugh again
The tears will come and go at inoportune times
Dry your eyes and play your life forward
Friends and family will come and go
Wish them well
Be open if they return
The gems will always have your back
But you will
But you will

Maddy Sep 2022
You don't want to deal with imaging and hospitals
Whether patient or visitor
There is a nirvana in one
Breezes caress the sunshine
Counted the bird houses
Numbered seven
Mother Nature's son keeps it blooming filled with peace, tranquility and greenery
He tends to his garden
Reminding you to take it easy
You can hear the collective sigh as you take it in
It sweetens the soul as a sanctuary should
Will wild turkeys  come by?
Will the skunk grace you with his or her presence?
This precious oasis in the little utopia  
A little piece of Walden
Thoreau would approve of
Caesar's Garden

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Thanks Caesar
Maddy Jun 2020
The gray squirrel scurried across the road as happy as a clam because there was food in his mouth
Hopefully he or she found their tree
Orchids were dancing in the wind
Sanitation was doing its rounds  
The protests will end soon and the calm will hopefully continue
Hopefully the future will shine brighter because of their commitment and passion
We long for visits, embraces,hugs, and kisses not virtual
We miss family, museums, movies, theatre, travel and sitting down for a meal in restaurants
We are still paused with round one opening on Monday
Luckily Mother Nature has given us much to enjoy so we stay
That is one lesson of many we need to learn
Stay Calm
Think before you utter words that you cannot take back.

Fedicated to those who care
Maddy Jan 2023
The bread would be fresh for two more days and we were not finishing it
Thought of the Bluebirds that gave me such joy
Quickly cut the remainder up and walked to the park
One Bluebird was perched on a high branch
Sparrows had their daily meeting on the ground
A sparrow was walking around because a feral cat was around
He sent the warning chirp
The bread was placed there and by a big tree
As I walked away the bread was happily devoured and no sign of the poor cat
Many people feed the feral cats but didn't want those cats making meals of the birds or squirrels
Calm before the storm

Maddy Nov 2022
How can it be stronger?
I have no clue
Been with you almost all of my adult life
We found each other when we least expected it
No matter what life throws at us
Or graciously bestows upon us
There is nothing short of a felony because that is not me
That I would not do for and because of you
No Herculean task would be too great
Can I love you any better?
I doubt it
You know stopping me would involve jumpimg over galaxies
I love you more than I even know.

Maddy May 2020
Can’t hug you
Can’t say hello or goodbye
Life as we knew it is paused
Are better days ahead?
Will love conquer the horrible disrespect and hate
Will the greater good win over all the bad in the world?
How heavy is your heart?
Can we dry your tears virtually.
Reaching out as best I can to hold you and let you know somehow we will be better than we ever knew we could
How do I know?
I don’t but must believe because I can’t hold you,yet.

Maddy Jun 2024
It was what it was
Is what it is
Revisit but let it go and don’t live in the past
History is a teacher that we must learn from
Now and tomorrow need to be explored and enjoyed
We must agree to disagree and enjoy every moment
We can’t return or exchange how we live
Live it up while you can
No matter how you interpret that
While you are here
With great joy
With great kindness

Maddy Mar 2020
Many people all over the US and the world dealing with the virus.
Writing and reading poetry does help with mental health.
That said,might we consider a zoom meeting on Facebook live on Monday we’re work can be read and talking about what writing can do.
We have many professionals here that could help.
Please let me know and ask the leader of HEPO to  get involved.

Maddy Jul 2023
Can you see it?
Can you recognize it?
Can you feel it?
Can you touch and embrace it?
Can you become the very best person you can be?
Can you right the wrongs?
Can you?
I knew that you could
You can be a work in progress.

Maddy May 2020
Know the magic
Even now
Enjoy it and Welcome its return
It is always with you but you sent it away
The pause did that,not you
Open yourself up right now when we don’t know where we are going to
Happily we are here to be going
So many have been lost
So many have made their way back
They have changed but so grateful
We will rise up just like my beloved NYC
We will be better people and a True United States
Can you feel it?

To Teachers everywhere,my respect and I know first hand what it is to Teach.
Forever an Educator!
Maddy Sep 2020
John Lennon knew the truth
Nature is crying
We can make things right if we act quickly
We have hurt each other
We continue to do so
Disrespected what we were taught long ago behind closed doors out of earshot
Then children get different messages in school
They you growup you cant believe what you believe
Look around ,history repeats itself
Unless we learn from it
Decency and respect are caveats which must unite human beings
Can you imagine
We should listen to John's lyrics again

Maddy Dec 2020
Not always the writer's intent
Sometimes they are screaming on a page
Others make love to it
Took time to know that artists do much more with words than they are given credit
No matter what your genre is, if you write than you can hear me
It was never meant for to happen
The fact that it did is a gift
You all are gifted and you perfect and polish your craft
Can you see yourself?
Your heart is on your pages but where are your eyes?

Maddy Aug 2022
Gentle Moxie
Puffy clouds in a blue sky
Explosion of color
Even though we didn't attend but hope to down the road
They like time and shade
Particular as to home and how they are watered
They are adored
After all we have been through and gone through
Nice to know that Hydrangeas bring comfort and joy
They make you smile

Maddy Dec 2021
You hope their stories will be truthful and noble
Not the kind that leave questions in your mind
Not the kind you can discuss or the belt comes out
You have to know your place
My home and I do as I **** please was there way it was
Your story about Martin Luther King was read at school
In the Auditorium,quite special for a fifth grader
Until you read it at home  your were told they lied to you
Don’t listen to them
You don’t have to take History classes filled with lies
We will see to that not your problem
The story was written after Dr.King was assassinated
What you learn in school and at home are very different
You have to be carefully taught as an old song says
One arm does not know what the other is doing
Storytelling needs to be on board and above board
More so today than yesterday
The crumpled school certificate was crumpled and discarded as she ran to her room in tears
She remembers after all these

Maddy Sep 2021
Finally got that Brass ring
All the other times just wanted to set you free and go galloping
The beautiful artwork and craftmanship from Coney Island to both US coasts always caught my eye
Still ride you wherever I am but enjoy how incredible regal you are
Ridden horses before but nothing compares with the ride I take with you and that music
Amazing organs not the ones that are recorded
Love Carousels
Up down and around

Maddy Sep 2020
Nature and nurture don’t always compliment one and other
Music and sound work towards bring harmonious
Art and color are companions usually finding common ground
Pen and paper adore words once they find a new way to say what has been said
Somehow the creative and special ones are ridiculed because they don’t or won’t go with the flow
The flow does not compliment them
They don’t standup or standout until it is their time
Patience and great care requires diligence
Creativity and differences should be celebrated not condemned
There is a means and no end

Maddy Jun 2021
She is an oasis
Greenery and wildlife abound
Bird watchers delight
Strawberry fields where John is remembered
The zoo and carousel
The chiming mechanical clock welcomes kids of all ages
Horse and carriage rides
The Pond, The Lake, and Harlem Meer
Belvedere castle
Conservatory gardens and North Woods
Statues . runners. walkers, and strollers
Charity walks raising money for causes near and dear
Meadows for picnics and lazy days
She is one of our treasures
Take a tour or a walk with a guide
Museum mile is a heartbeat away
Come and meet one of our charming ladies
Our grandest Lady is your guide

Maddy Oct 2023
All we are saying is give peace a chance as John Lennon sang
A Pink chalk ******* in the US at a time when the world needs to reexamine itself?
Many of us love people of different faiths and ideals in our families as well as friends
This was beyond anything as vile and corrupt
Chalk-drawn ******* in a private parking lot
The Holocaust happened long ago and many people have relatives that didn't survive
History does not need to repeat itself again

Maddy Jun 2021
We jump it
Hug it
Squeeze it
Caress it
Knead it
Adore it
Love it
Chances are
Still in love with you

Maddy May 2022
Watching a male squirrel with mouthful of grass for a nest reminded me of Mother Nature 's joy and dignity
Her creatures great and small wonder when tbe humans will
accept change as tbe constant that it is
Still fighting it instead of going with the flow
When will we change for the better

Maddy 2d
A six letter word with impact
Either we accept it or we struggle
What stays the same matters
What we remember and enjoy
We celebrate
The Kennedy Center will never be the same again
Said with sorrow and disgust
Culture and The Arts matter so much
The change within is another matter
We are better together
So look inside and think of others
Selfishness just does not work
Take care of yourselves
Remember some change requires us to adapt
Change for the better
Sometimes leaving well enough alone is the best choice
Maddy Sep 2022
Rude and obnoxious
Testy curmudgeon
Who are you?
What happened to you?
Hope and kindness are still very much my makeup
Not sure about you?
Please don't blame Covid on it
We are stronger and are the do gooders in this world but I can only speak for myself because you are a stranger now?
What on earth could make you reincarnate into somebody that I don't  recognize?
Where did you go?
Do I care to know you any longer?

Maddy Apr 2021
Bigotry, Narrow mindedness, and Ignorance are a diabolic trio
Some will never change
Never is a word that should not be taken lightly
Moving forward we must accept Yesterday and History
Liking each is another story
What is uttered behind closed doors is what is carefully taught
What we need to move forward and Look beyond
is Changing Hearts and Minds

Maddy Jun 2021
Narrow mindedness
This trio is beyond comprehension
Remember some will never change
Never saying never lightly
My wish is that changing hearts and Minds
is the way we all should live
Yesterday and History need to be revisited and accepted
Moving forward is up to everybody

Maddy Feb 2024
Tired of being awakened by what used to be
Past hasn't always been  a friend
Still trying to learn how to put it way behind me
Hopefully moving forward
Stand tall and enlighten the world
When your mind awakens your heart and soul in the wee hours of the morning
The two steps back and one  step forward isnt a recipe for everybody
Changing the game and making a difference
Illuminate every moment
Now and forever
Play a more positive and active role for a reflective you

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