F/East Coast My poetry is copywritten and not to be used unless I give written permission.
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Come visit. 371 followers / 36.8k words
The grass shimmied The trees were Hulaed The ducks swam with it The puppies and dogs came to say hello even with the dance fierce at times The squirrels eat their nuts and find homes for the extras The walkers and runners kept their routines Some were shopping and others were off to Farmer's Markets after their weekly brunch Wind Dance in October
Thanks and Gratitude For dogs who wait forever for a loving family and home No matter their handicap or situation They want love and want to return it If you are lucky enough to have a pet in your life If you give your time, money, and effort to an animal charity Heartfelt Thanks Tail wags and cuddles Thanks, Subaru for today
Two I can do without but they are out there Ignorant and Imbecile Preferences are idealistic, iconic, imaginative, incredible, innovative, impressive, inspiring, and intuitive. I words. As for the first two, we know to whom they apply.
Insecure and partially secure Sensitive but use it for it has magical powers to heal and create Do what makes you happy and say no No doesn't mean you won't care or love someone. You just make a choice and go with it Been there and done that Stop disappointing yourself. You learn to deal with what comes your way Be the genuine, considerate, caring, and amazing person that you are Some will verbally try to knock you down, insult you, and discourage you such as I love you but... How you choose to ignore, listen, or forget is your call even if they think they mean well ? Prescription for a Happier life is a work in progress
All we are saying is give peace a chance as John Lennon sang A Pink chalk ******* in the US at a time when the world needs to reexamine itself? Many of us love people of different faiths and ideals in our families as well as friends This was beyond anything as vile and corrupt Chalk-drawn ******* in a private parking lot The Holocaust happened long ago and many people have relatives that didn't survive History does not need to repeat itself again
Not ROYGIBIV Deeper and yet more vibrant Not traditional but incredibly profound and lovely Harmony and Melody personified Accepting and Gracious on our khaki coil May your rainbows be glorious Of your own making and design Daddy, ours is special it means you are watching over us
Thanks for Highlighting me and my work on Spolight G and T!
Yes memories are vibrant Here and now patience must be strong and alive Waiting to love you Not a stand in My one and only is the only one that will Do. Artificial Intelligence can’t generate or recreate it. Want you Count the moments The minutes The Seconds The Hours It is out of our control When it is I will love you again And again