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Maddy 1d
Our incredible treasures and memories
Are you joking?
You are beyond comprehension
Maddy 2d
No Kings here
Need to be respected
No similes or metaphors now
He is not even familiar with these literary terms
Who reads to and for him?
The words that define him are beyond the comprehension of tbe intelligent
It is all about him that is all he understands and accepts
Maddy Mar 17
Tom Hank's narrates the Americas
Jeff Corwin Disney
The Late Steve Irwin Animal Planet
All amazing men
Stunning Parks
Beautiful Zoos
Incredible Views
Make your heart beat faster
Bears,Butterflies,Eagles,Owls,and Oncelots
Take your breath away
Maybe that is why my adventures and travels are always accompanied by my loving husband and Nature's Bounty
Maddy Mar 11
Easier said than done
Applause if you can do this
Take a bow
Selfish people have never been my cup of tea
They never will be
Their noses are in the stratosphere or ionosphere
You can be poor and be selfish too
Whatever their consequences are so be it
Surrounding oneself with people like that unnerves me
Where is the exit door?
Snobs just don't cut it with me
Happy and lovely caring people are in my life
Maddy Mar 9
Lost you way too soon when we were twelve and fifteen
Your daughters,sons- in -law,grandchildrem,amd great grandchildren miss you though many only know of you from photographs and our memories
Just the ones in our hearts and minds
You missed many magical moments
Say Hi to Mom and other family members with you
Thanks for the Fire Rainbow today
Maddy Mar 9
I was an eight year old latch key kid.
Writing was my friend when I was home alone after school.
Homework, write,,and make dinner five days a week
No questions asked or the belt came out
Another time and place
No after school programs
No friends permitted over
Loners don't have friends anyway
My confidant listened and never judged me
Helped me standup and never let me fall
No matter the bully or challenge
By writing, I talked
It's not just the words and they matter
It's the magic that happens when it flows like wine
Sparkles like Champagne
An Ice Cream soda with
Whipped cream,multi-colored sprinkles and a thick straw
Writing poetry
Maddy Mar 8
Grateful there was a spoon at all
Don't expect much
I have learned to accept
There are worlds of difference between the two
If Nature and The Arts make you happy as they do me
Tune into it
Tune out the Rude and Uninformef
Look inside your heart
You will find your way
Enjoy your journeys more
Trust yourself
Do your homework
You will arrive
Dedicated toEmo of Kings of Queen cover band
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