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Maddy 1d
My walks are usually solemn and quiet
Unless my music is with me
Today a delightful surprise accompanied me
Four stunning and elegant swans out of no where
Spring is on her way
Thanks Mother Nature
Maddy 2d
Money Mogul
Time to rid ourselves of this mistake
Children are starving
Medicaid can't help those in need
Why are the rich and well connected so cruel?
Are all politicians ruthless and untrustworthy?
Maddy 4d
They visit when least expected
Ideas awaken you softly and sometimes louder than a parade
You must seize them
Coax them gently
Craft them
Do what poets do best
Write with words
Maddy 5d
Only the Bullied
Learn to Accept
Few or no friends
They just have enough
No more
No less
They don"t expect
They were strippec of wanting anything else
When you are excluded
When your parent calls you Plain Jane
Made to sit with boys at school
You are not pretty enough by their standards
Your clothes are not nice enough
Your metal braces and rubber banded teeth don't fit in
You catch them doing things in school bathrooms thaf you wish you never witnessed
These memories come back to haunt you later on
No matter how successful you have become
Only the bullied know why children should never ever get away with doing this to others
Even now
Maddy 6d
Taught them
Teach those that do
Nieces and nephews galore
Violent crime took the opportunity away when she was younger
Maybe that is why Mothers and Fathers Days are hard for many reasons
Yet,he loves her
Yet,she loves him
Never meant to be but
Love conquered all so cruelly taken
Maddy 7d
Ebony petite Ducks,Egrets,Seagulls,and Swans
Happily swimming and
Flying into the blue
Still wishing I could join you
Jumping and enjoying the breeze
You've got to be carefully taught is an old song
With older lyrics and thoughs
You"ve got to be taught to lusten,read,and see
Think carefully and use common sense
Be aware and true to yourself
Hopefully adults and children will contiue learning

School is not the only place to learn
Everywhere and every opportunity to be taught better
Maddy Feb 18
Your pain
Your disappointments
Your losses
Your mistakes
Then the rain stops
Storms end
Rainbows appear
Hopefully the dark clouds  become tbe Bluest  of skies
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