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The times we met
The moment was right

I noticed YOU
Walk into the room
Walk into my life
Like LOVE walks into heart

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

I took some time
To notice your eyes
When I did...
YOU lighted my heart
And I noticed your bright

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

YOU broke my old habit
Of life and living
YOU watched me over
Grow near and dear
I watched you talk
I watched you smile
You watched me laugh
YOU watched me cry

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

We sat there
Across each other
Every day
We gave each other
Time to know
Time to feel
Time to LOVE

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

Yet, we're still a puzzle
Clueless of our future
Intrigued by your scent
Mystery shrouded beings
YOU give me time-space
A little distance
A little despair
Can I reach out to YOU?
YOU say - wait a little...
YOU remain a maze

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing....

Till then...
YOU feed me with wisdom
YOU breathe me your TRUTH
YOUR light shines through me
Beyond knowledge of the woods
To move beyond life
To teach me "the bliss"

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

YOU always wish me well
YOU always bless me dreamZ
YOU come like an Angel
Every night in my sleep

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

We know
We'll not have anything
When we die in the end
Holding our hands
YOU promise me a hug
LOVE'z what we'll keep

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

World says
LOVE is in-explainable
But only we know
How well we communicate
Our LOVE without words

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

OUR's is the LOVE
Of sorts that is "first"
Swallowing us within
In the dark lights
Of your layrinthine

Didn't you know...
YOU are amazing...

YOU lift that
life burden
Off of me
By being there for me...
Showering LOVE on me

Let me tell you this
I know...
YOU Are Amazing...!

 Mar 2020 Napolis
They step in to
The local grocery for
the weekly shop.
A soldier in a
Green apron stands
Bravely, sanitizing
And passing out
Once inside,
The shelves are
Almost empty in spots.
Customers who once
Looked full of emotions
Now appear devoid of life,
Going through the motions.
You touched a surface?
Repeat, "Don't touch my face,"
"Don't touch my face."
Check out time is here at last,
Thought there would be
Longer lines but
Not many people are inside.
The cashier asks,
"Did you find everything you need?"
With a smile as if pretending
"It's business as usual."

One lady says at least she found
Paper plates which was a
Welcome surprise.
It's our turn, and we are
Told we have more than
The allowed amount of meat.
(We only have three small
packs of beef)
And explain we are a family
Cooking in this week.
The sky outside is rainy now,
Should be a tornado warning today,
But there's no telling when
The world will end
(It's easy to be 'in our heads')

Experts write about all
Possible scenarios & outcomes.
Human minds do what
Human minds do in these
"Paper or plastic?"
 Mar 2020 Napolis
Grace E
 Mar 2020 Napolis
Grace E
He walks back in forth in my heart like a specter
Quietly haunting neglected halls of affection
I see him in a mirror and he is gone
I see him in shadows then he disappears
He’s haunting me
 Mar 2020 Napolis
As the normalcies of life splinter and fall away like ice
Brushed from a window pane,
There is no place left to look
But in,
And there is nowhere to run.

There is no sea of peace
Except that which we return to
Inside, within.

I lay my body down beneath an imagined sun
And feel the textured sand against my skin
And pretend that
This darkness outside will end

And in this way, I can hold their little hands and claim that
The life we knew before will begin again,

But the truth is,
It may get so much worse,
And we may be called to carry far heavier loads before these
Tides reverse.

So, cling tightly to the inner worlds;

The rest is as scaffolding made of sand,
How quickly it fractured and fell to the ground.
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