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Layla Jul 2018
Every failed attempt

is a match

to the fire inside my chest,

blazing to my mind

and the smoke makes me cry.
Layla Jul 2018
Half-hidden like the moon behind shadows.
Layla Jul 2018
I want you to set me free,

To break every single hope and dream.

To drown me in my demons so I know how to breathe,

To have every little thing strangle me.

To open my eyes so I can see,

And then just maybe I can be set free
Layla Jul 2018
Baby you’re my anchor

You’re what makes me stay

But by staying I’m slowly sinking

Down, down with chains.
Layla Jul 2018
I am a thorn
among many roses,
wishing for the perfection
of a flower.
But only reaching out
to be snagged in envy
and ***** my skin with thoughts
of self-destruction.
Layla Jul 2018
My heart is at bay
and my mind is pulled onto the port.
The waves of feeling rock me
and the taste of salty tears burn my lips.

— The End —