Did they not set the wild dogs
in pursuit
as a hapless forsaken soul runs
trampling through forest seeking
as hide flaying soulless miscreants
give chase
Hahaha hahaha Its a game isn't it!
Did they not tie and strip grown
men down
in view of others such beleaguered
to **** them
and order their blood brothers to
**** them too
ain't it inherent for subhumans to
to dehumanize
Hahaha hahaha Its a game isn't it!
Did they not invade your lands
and stole
looted plundered your worthies
and laughed
were you not told you're nothing
and they gods
who rule everywhere and everyone
in everyway
Hahaha hahaha Its a game isn't it!
Did they not put you in iron chains
an leg brackets
put harnesses in your mouths to gag
you speechless
and make you as horses and donkeys
to plough fields
and tell you you#re mere cheap labour
to do as ordered
Hahaha hahaha Its a game isn't it!
Did they not inform The Black Prince
we hate you
know we deem you arrogant for coming
with no chains
for knowing who you are and owning
your mind
for being honest wise decent and refined
not a chattel
No! No! this is not a game....this is War!
A noble heart cannot suspect in others the pettiness and malice that it has never felt. Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang.