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Yenson Jan 2024
The world, viewed without sugar-coating,
remains a series of slave camps,
where you citizens
– the tax livestock – you all are
labor under the chains of illusion and delusions
in the service of your masters.
Yenson Jan 2024
For Ton

Her voice was strident over the line, quick brother, turn on your TV, he's on, he's there, he's appearing on BGT right now. Quick go see him.
Who, who are you talking about, who's on BGT I countered
Its that boy Virgil, you know that horrible boy from my Drama class
she replied. Even now I can still feel the pain and anxiety in her voice and with that came all the visions of what she had experienced.
I never got to see Virgil that evening on BGT, I really didn't want to but anyway he had finished his stint by the time I turned on the TV.

Till today, I don't know what he looks or looked like or anything about him or his whereabout presently, and yet I know so much about him and what he did to my sister. I know Virgil was a big lousey coward bully who made my hapless sister's college days a misery and eventually would tip a very vulnerably young woman into a nervous breakdown.

She had already been through hard times and went to Drama School to fulfill a passion she had and rebuild a new career path. Initially she felt she had found a home at last and was enjoying her new adventure, that was until Virgil started picking on her, Virgil and another girl, whose name I now don't remember. They both did all the things bullies do and more. Gradually, these horrible pair in particular wore her down and dimmed the light in her eyes, in her passion and in her soul. She returned from school, tired, miserable, bewildered, annoyed and befuddled. She unburdened herself to me, I tried all I could to help, but short of following her to school and sitting by her side all day, there really was little I could do. I pained for her so much and could only imagine what she must be going through. Every day was an ordeal for that poor girl and vacariously for me too. Her only consolation was another girl who never joined Virgil and his gang and was always kind and friendly to my sister. This lovely person later became a very famous member of a very famous Girl band. Which goes to show that more often than not, good things do happen to good people. Even now when I see that ******* TV or in the news, I always in my mind, say thank you to her.

Shortly after finishing her course, my sister had a Nervous breakdown and was hospitalised for some months. Apart from myself she never discussed this bullying experience with anyone else. Years, years years later when Virgil came on TV that evening, my sister's voice was raw, scar-ladened and bleeding, she never really got over it.

My sister is no longer with us, she sleeps with the angels now and I doubt any of her school mates remember her, though a repeat of a TV series she appeared in might rekindle some memories if they ever came across it. Its a fitting legacyand I'd like to think a testament to victory over darkness and inhumanity. I hope Virgil, wherever he is and whatever he's doing is living his best life, if he has kids I pray they never get bullied and I would like to remind him, there's something called KARMA, either down here or above.
That girl never did anything wrong to Virgil.....
Yenson Jan 2024
Hurray hurray
we rain on the parade
of our delusions

Hurrah hurray
we make smething
out of nothing

Hurray hurray
we make it up to
to make it up

Hurray hurray
we are trippers tripping
on ignorance bliss

Hurrah hurray
we are the party poopers
at parties in our heads

Hurrah hurray
we see somethings in nothings
and nothings in somethings
We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality.
But the inadequate dare not find reality, this will merely compound their miseries more so please let them find release in delusions.
Yenson Dec 2023
Nope, don't drag me in
before I pledge alliance to any group cause
I wanna know why how and for what result
You can't just tell me your side
I would want to know the others' side too
I will go to an alleged offender
look right in their eyes and say
Listen, its being said you're so and so
or hey! they're are saying you did this and that
what have you got to say for yourself
Now, therein lays the difference
between Men and Boys
between Women and Girls
between Adulthood and Childish
between Maturity and Immaturity
and in most cases between Truth and Lies
and most importantly
between FEAR and HONESTY
and while most are governed by fear, fear, fear
Honesty knows no fear
If I make the wrong call I'll put up my hands and apologize
rather that than join the majority because I am afraid not to
I'd rather be unfiltered and hated, ostracised and pilloried
than live as a cowardly sheep full of hidden fears, secrets and
ravaged by insecurities and weak at core
hiding in Groupthink and Groupspeak
how demeaning and undignified is that
Yes, the're times when one has to be diplomatic
but it is positive diplomacy and that is not cowardice or fear
I am not perfect, nobobody is
but don't ask me to follow the herd or side a one sided narrative
That's the difference between you and I
or I and them
and I am not afraid to admit that
call me a ***** if you like
cause I call
a ***** a *****
“I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.”
― Anais Nin
Yenson Dec 2023
Shallow, shallow
in shallows we wallow
insipid easy and mellow
unhinged and feral in thoughts
just do and no evidence required

Shallow, shallow
in shallows we wallow
insipid easy and mellow
who cares about depth or skill
in the swim all heads above water

Shallow, shallow
in shallows we wallow
insipid easy and mellow
stables of the the herds to frolic
swaying splashing in ignorance bliss

Shallow, shallow
in shallows we wallow
insipid easy and mellow
we believe and do as we're told
we know nowt bout still waters run deep

why think to make thoughts your master
or use senses to see and dive deeper
rather than turds of mindless floaters
wallowing in shallows
shallow shallows
in murky muck
full of it
If you can keep your head when all about you  
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
Yenson Dec 2023
****, fiddlesticks and ****, ****, ****
this is not a good look
no, no, no this is not good enough
Us Salt have thrown everything, even the proverbial kitchen sink
at this person and what have we got
This Special operation normally takes a year
three years max before the inevitable result
and decades down the line what do we have
a Target laughing at us
like its a game at the park
and its not like all our operatives weren't in play
We twisted the Extortionists and criminal gang into posing as
The weak innocent Underdogs
The bitter ignorant Racists are posing as Leftwing politicians
The Envious frustrated women are posing as Ferminists after
we've framed the target as a Misogenistic chauvinistic
Our Expert Liars are posing as Lily-white Truthers
and spreading misinformer, smears and disinformation
all over the place
Our discrediting Propagandists have disingenuously painted us all as Solid Salt of the Earth mob rallying against an Elitist
Most know the Haters are insecure jealous inadequate lot who need to rant and vent and project their inadequacies on people with
qualities haters can never possess
So, why with all these operatives in action
we still have the ****** Target living like nothing is happening
He should at best have been driven out of the country
He should have been driven mad and dribbling in a Mental Hospital long long ago
if not six feet under
This is supposed to be Covert gangstalking
and we've done all the diabolics as required
this is not a ****** game in the park
Imagine what this is doing to our credibility
People are beginning to wise up
****, ****.......****
You cannot **** the TRUTH..sooner or later the whole Truth wii be revealed, You may have all the CONNECTIONS in the world, but you are thieves who stole from an innocent person, who treated you with kindness and you thought you could bully and blackmail for more.
Yenson Dec 2023
play it out
with the menchilds
at your local exchange level
where your brain drains are mutual
and thought processes wired alike in base tones

think you not
in my premise alignment
random bewitched strangers
in silly staged drama resonate at will
all roads do not lead to Rome and your latin is crude

you err in epics
for my mind collects
worthy offerings from sages
not whimsical ***** dreams of fisherwomen
nor does it keep rooms for gainsays of pawn hostesses

speak to brain
thats one of your ilk
show to eyes sharing your vision
our tongues differ and my sight is discerning
I cannot see darkness in light for it fails to my gaze

a spartans sword
knows craftmanship at best
and made not to slice cheap offcuts
or gleams unsheath in frivolous sways
where unknowns in empty gestures frolic in wisps

go play commons
where your menchilds
hear your laboured whispers
go give brews of your mud chalice
to your kinfolks with the penchant for dregs

a chasm rears
in deep faithless divide
incantations are your limitations
your altar rebuked as are your rituals
vain priestesses and witless oracles prancing in disregard
what fool feeds the hands that bites him....or see beauty in enemies.....or sensibilities in nonsensicals
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