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Emily May 2018
Oh crazy soccer fans,
Times soon for your jam!

For the world is at your feet,
Make sure your team will only defeat!

Oh where do you go,
For we have it everywhere even under your nose!

Rejoice with your fellow fans,
Make sure everything goes to plan!

Wave your flag high!
Make sure to give your opposition a high five!

No matter who wins,
The games will never be a sin!

For its a joyous match,
For us humans it is a decision of who can be the winner out of the batch!

Praise the winning team!
Make sure you always beam!
Emily May 2018
Oh my poor doggie baby!
Oh how I miss you so crazy!

Your were my light
When I could not find my path of flight!

You had to go after all these years,
I shedded so many tears.

You were my silent hero,
For you lifted my levels from zero!

Oh how golden you were in the sun,
Such a playful staffi who loved to have a lot of fun!

So shaggy and uneven,
To me you were a genius

Oh how love for you in my heart will always remain,
Don’t underestimate the cause of pain!

What a fun loving dog you were,
Always protecting your outer fur.

Us that is,
You will always be missed.
#petdog #animallove #playful #sad
Emily May 2018
Oh I love to shop!
Shop until I drop!

All kinds of wonderous things
Make exploring be your king!

Oh for there are wonderous foods, clothes and livable items,
For the volume will certainly dampen!

Not to worry as these are in your pockets now,
Make it your pleasure to plough!

Luxuries aren’t exactly the focus,
The key is not to be furocious!

Choose wisely and you will be amazed!
For your clever choosing will prevent a maze!

Come now, make good use of your buys,
Choose wisely and you may never have to be in disguise!
A few random metaphors, hope can understand my direction
Emily May 2018
Oil we are,
Growth is far.

Not in winter,
Growth is bitter.

But in summer,
It’s a hummer

With a scent,
Strong as paint.

Not the chemical,
The strong level.

For its purity,
Makes a jeopardy.

With every scent,
It varies hint

Used in love,
Red is done.

Yellow, pink, white,
Meanings with light.

I like red,
It’s strong said.
Sorry this was an attempt of making a poem with 3 words each line, same syllables and rhyming every second. I don’t believe it was a great attempt but more will come I’m sure!
Emily May 2018
Oh how it is so late,
But I have used so many plates.

My grandmother was it’s reason it landed in my hands,
Otherwise it may have gone to the lands!

I enjoy reusing,
It is so sentimental and soothing!
Emily May 2018
A food ensemble
To fill a stomach with care
Make it a measure
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