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302 · Apr 2018
little chaos
nic Apr 2018
free as a bird with such a clarity
followed by darkness, is this insanity?
not feeling loved, not feeling wanted
by thoughtconstructions and selfpitty you feel haunted
feeling like paying a visit back to the old days
should one put the middlefinger back up, wait even better, light a couple of jays?
thats what the mind is figuring. just destruction and pain
it feels so crazy one could follow that voice its so insane
yet human conciousness has been identifying with that voice for so long
the human bond to it feels so strong

i follow all this yet i feel too tired to let go

haha silly me, silly mind
letting go is hard i find
but then the next moment everything just.... just vanishes
you feel perplex, what happened? it astonishes
its quite simple, its the mind that wants to make it complicated
light fills your body again, no more feelings of sufficating
just light, bliss, happiness a kiss from above
well just love..

— The End —