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Big meeting they say very soon to be
Forget the trade war as soon you'll see
Australia says we'll dontate Barnaby Joice
USA says Bill Clinton isn't busy hope he's free

Russia says our girls are better than all by far
China says well all it takes is a brand new car
UK laughs wait till we make a plan or two ha ha
North Korea says ok lets party happiness no scar

The Pope says see theres always a better way
We'll all drink spirits every night and day
As long as there's no taxes for us to pay
Prince Charlse says your not coming Camelia ay

All loving each other peace of mind does exist
A oneness where every single soul gets kissed
Not too mention all of them very p....issed
Hillery says its all in but no smoking to be missed

One could really go on about this all day and night
Simply not a soul unhappy and not a single fight
No sexist no raceism religion o anything of the like
Pauline says OK I'm game a great end to plight

Doesn't matter what whom they choose to wear
In matters of love it's true everything on earth is fair
No more debating problems not a single as if care
The entire world can enjoy it all and let down their hair

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Even Australian Cockatoos know better
than TRUMP ..
There aren't a lot of dinkum Aussies left
They are as scarce as legs of mutton~
But there's a dinky die one still exists
His name is Terry Sutton~
I met him in my travels mate
A writer and poet too is he~
With his philosophies of rare extent
It all sounded so good to me~
He wonders round the world and country side
Just ask him where he lives~
Australia Mate .. he'll answer back
And I'll take there what gives~
He has an open eye and an open mind
Thats where contentment lies~
This beauty in impartial view
Is grace within his honest eyes~
How i admire him for his energy
And his conditioning of mind~
His acceptance of all natures gifts
And his outlook .. colour blind~

Copyright 1988

Written By
Patric Bade ..
A dear friend and fellow writer and traveler ..
One I came to respect endlessly ..
If the sun did never shine
And we had not the rain_
We'd never know the value
Of life and love and pain~
These things they need each other
To even simply be~
But even they'll not know about
The bliss of you and me~

Can the flowers in our gardens
ever share as one~
With glory , grace and pardon
And the caress of both rain and sun~
Will they ever grow together
Sharing life this way~
lending beauty to each other
As they travel through each day~

She is a flower within my garden
Delighting come who may~
She pleases all who know her
As she goes through each and every day~
Beauty indiscribable
She brings ecstassy , the best~
standing higher than the sky
the very answer to my quest~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright  2018
All  of my life I did whats right always
Never faulted myself those loved family
And here I am looking at the sun up there
How it reminds me so very much of me

The things its seen come on earth and go
My admiration as well for the moon on high
Reliable depended upon always on the job
I worked cared for took after as it on high

Even at school oh worry her not a good girl
While they loved laughed enjoyed ever day
And while I'd been there for every single one
The fun games of life how they'd all play  

So many gods they all worshiped long ago
Took up too much of their precious time
So eventually they cut it down to just one
Man wrote his several books in one all fine

They look back on fullest ever lives gone by
I sit here alone thinking after all said and done
Who's right who's wrong many a poen a song
Who after all said and done who really won

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Money has no seat at this concert
Its simply the walk we choose in life
Some play cards others play tennis
But no mind games on others strife

Your life has to have a for me to know
No gossip no need to others explain
Your life your private activities only
All others can simply walk their lane

No soul was bor to always inform those
Who fail in life to get one of their own
For you to know they can go dig a bone

This others having to know your secrets
If any thus in your life may ever exist
Those with lives unlived as yet can all
Go find and experience in life unkissed

I have no tollerance for gossip assumers
Those that need others lives to live and be
If this life is a class ifor us to learn in it
They can thus attend their own university

( While retaining my values my life belongd
         to myself alone )

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
No matter how debated
No matter what any say
After all the entire human race
Nature will have its way

Nature brought us here
Nature will take us away
Because some can't be told
Nature wins end of day

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
By Terrence michael Sutton,    

I don't know if it makes others feel at ease
But re an experience I had once it's true..
When comes the time to move up the line
There is someone we knew waiting for you..
We here and now are spirits deeply within
But being in a material world here and now..
Those spirits need to be in a material body
To do the things it needs to do somehow..
This now class upon earth is a material class
And it's here that us as spirits function true..
To learn and experience the basics of it's life
Of right wrong , of real true love right through..
But after it's time to later cross over that line
No body of any material form is needed there..
The spirit there can function without one at all
And comes a feeling that's beyond compare..
I died once due to as they call it an NDE
And no way I wanted at all to in any way return..
But not being my time I was told to go back
As my material candle had further yet to burn..
My own father met me and he said to me then
That he'd be there waiting for me on that day..
And that he himself would meet me in that place
Take my very hand and there he'd show me the way..
So when we go or pass on from this class as we do
There is always a loved one we knew to take our hand..
And show us where it is we are going to in time
To a place and a feeling ever so wonderfully grand..
However we hang around for awhile here in spirit
To check on only how those left behind are here..
To try and comfort them as best in spirit we can
Those we loved and loved us with feelings sincere..
When in the next class of spirit only we find our way
To once again see those we missed so dearly then..
And they will welcome us all of them so happily
As time there is not the time we knew back when..
So worry not as they there can see our tears
And would rather us know that they are fine..
There is no religion there all are ever so simply one
There in a place where back here we'd call divine..

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2016

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I saw a little bunny , It looked so funny
As it hopped around in the morn~
The grass was wet , I got as close as I could get
So very early in the dawn~
It was only a baby , All alone and maybe
It could have lost its way~
I wished there all alone I could take it home
It looked so all alone that day~
I then stood where I sat and it saw my hat
And hopped further and further away~
No more was the bunny that looked so funny
No more did the funny bunny play~
Its eyes were big , Its ears were long
Its tail a little ball of fluff~
It had cute little feet so short and so neat
And its coat was as furry as a buff~
It hopped all around without a sound
As it played there in the early morn~
The grass was so wet , I got as close as I could get
So very early in the dawn~
A rather fat little bunny that looked so funny
Oh , I never will forget~
The very way I saw it play
How Id love one for a pet~  

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1982
Never is there any truth in the lie
Followed by a man created word called sin
You are always as good as your feeling
Get old you lose stay young  you win

Experience counts for everything in life
But to get it you have to live every mile
Enjoy your life ingnore others strife
And walk tall be confident and smile

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Aussies have a sense of humor
Can be as serious too as hell
Depending on the then situation
You'll know if you know one well

They have limits just as any do
A jokes a joke but keep in mind
If enoughs enough you'll know
When they are not amused its so

Very few little boys they remain
They unlike many soon become men
Never afraid of hard work any time
Been the same since they began

But know they are all easy going
Untill an idiot crosses their line
Then they don't tend to say much

Just give him whats deservered so fine

I remember an aussie had a bad day
And a mouth walked in the bar door
Hows your wife and my kids he said
Minutes later sleeping on the floor

Great guys Aussies born in Australia
Weve plenty from over that ditch
They joke give you a drink mate
Cross a real one life can be a *****

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
A little here a little there as good as a smile
I see a soul on the street nothing to eat
I buy an extra bun or two all worthwhile
A little here a little there very hard to beat

During the 2nd world war my dad for sure
Had his own problems to say the very least
But alway bought a little extra to give away
So a few he knew could even then enjoy a feast

If any happen to see some of my poetry and think
Oh from that I could add a tune and create a song
Pick up that guitar and play and sing it your way
Maybe a middle 8 or a cord break  to keep it strong

Imagination a wonderful thing a good point made
Things down the street that you've seen on the day
A poem thus burn allows the genie out of the ern
All smallest forms of insidentle giving your way

What goes around does come around all so very true
Become your inner souls voice tell it your way rejoyce
Someone thats somwhere will feel beyound compare
You adding a positive feeling giving life some are ..

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
That perfect place to sit and think
Your very personal home away from home
To sit and write or paint or think
A place all of your own

It has not got to be miles away
It might be closer than very near
A place that you can share with those
You love so very very dear

Ive a little track just down the back
That finds its way right through our corn
And it is leading to our river not too far
The nicest time there is just after dawn

The sand is soft and the water clean
It flows faster sometimes after rain
Its a peaceful place real close to home
On the other side a mountain to climb again

The rivers wide and in places deep
The softest breezes down there blow
its a special place of Godly grace
A place I really like to go

Theres a boat for crossing to other side
Theres fish to catch down there any time
Or to just sit and think some and enjoy
A wonderful special place to rest ones mind

At the end of a little track down the back
It begins only five minutes from my home
Lead to by a little track just down the back
A special tranquil place all of my own .

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018

Untapped reality
Newness in undiscovered form~
Captivating charisma
Beauty to shame the perfect dawn~
Loveliness from well within
The personality we seldom ever see
Perfection at its finest
Giving birth to its rightful destiny~
To have so many more look within
At what we've so often missed~
At the magic,the love,the values
The lips of being that are seldom kissed~
The surprise of one so lovely within
To feel that someone can see whats there~
What it is that lives within so priceless
And as innocent and pure as mountain air~
This natural being in such a way
Has for years escaped the eyes of man~
As the outer shell , the bodies perfection
Has mostly been the daily plan~
Special and so needed feelings within
That should be all noticed and known~
Upon our beautiful and only home planet
Where winds such as these have rarely blown~
So many shy and so deeply beautiful
And so innocent in their own way~
Have such wonderful feelings of love and positivity
They never place out on display~
So much has never been known of so many
As seldom we look deeply within~
At the person , the entity , the being , the soul
That lives beneath the skin~..

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 1988 .
Trees grow up and so do we
Rain falls down as we can see~
Birds fly over in the sky
Rabbits just hop slowly by~
Grubs crawl across,water flows down
Ants they crawl around and around~
Bees the buzz here and there
Leaves they dance within the air~
Children they run all over the place
Because children take up lots of space~
Lots of things all go lots of ways
All directions , All my days .

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988
After this earth this time renewed again
After man on his egotistical horse rode
After he stting himself up as all knoing
His own path walked traveled strode

After being way too ahead of himself
After endless time this time often told
In one ear and diectly out of the other
Little boys never grow but always bold

The last soul weeps for mans stupidity
Long after being abused in many a way
By all the knowing ever so brilliant mind
When he's gone women will survive  stay

His ego blinded him not love money as well
Greed and self opinnion diluted his very mind
Blaming women always since he invented Eden
Heres hoping he can look back this to find

A lone woman weeps for mans own doing
Asking how much proof did he ever need
To see the mistakes he made within his actions
And to think it all mostly came down to greed

( For picture to explain this poem ..  aussiepoet  )

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Within a busy shop just opened
He walked looking here and there
Passing an wearing a silent spell
By his face then  swept her hair

A fragrance she wore stole his mind
Walking back to view the owner so
Much to his surprise beautiful eyes
Asking directions her smile held a glow

That fragrance filled his wildest dreams
Where here  can I get a coffee said he
She pointed to a small dim coffee shop
Feel like one hoping that she'd agree

Checked her time yes that'd be divine
Gave his name she gave hers voice low
He imagined time standing still for a time
That fragrance owned him she didn't know

As if it revealed all within he wanted more
Holding her hand all of her held this spell
Over coffee egg pie he then  dared to ask
I love your perfume its a body wash I tell

He gave her his card can we meet again
For coffee she smiled yes like that too
I'll ring you and let you know when ok
His heart missed a beat she never knew

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

Many came together re the abuse of children
What in the world do they call children detention
Heaps of them kept on an iland a childrens jail
Way too many more than most care to mention

Their crimes they have none but being children
Even the Catholic Church signed forms to agree
All nothing to do with children but all politics
As far as I myself ever looking at it at all see

Religious organizations the lot in one bucket
It all sounds good they feel but more so on paper
Just another hypocritical as if best foot forward
Their latest political and come religious caper  

Find them homes re-educate and give them hope
I cannot believe they actually feel this has to be
And with the same breath they all in gods name
Are doing this expecting all to as if ever agree

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
In my life over time I’ve made lots of money
Provided all inside a home that’s good
Given children an education and care
Done after all said and done that I should
My life has not been a smooth ride at all
As all decisions depend upon others you love
Choices made those sometimes not top grade
Due to others and situations and God above
But generally I always did a good job through
Though some others might completely all agree
But one thing for sure and forever more
I always gave my best always and sincerely
I know men that are friends and millionaires
And with all they have still not happy heart and soul
After all said and done almost every one
Cant obtain with wealth real love as in days of old
They seek the priceless things money cannot buy
As money cannot buy priceless things its true
Priceless things that are gifts from God above
That only good loving hearts know have and knew
Money has never been my God or my master
I’ve been ridiculed for being in life of this view
But that’s the way I am and always have been
True love peace of mind and happiness would only do
Its been a hard and longest road I traveled in life
But I knew in my heart how for me it all must only be
My overwhelming search for these Gods gifts of simplicity
Has given me all I ever searched for my one destiny
I’ve kept the most precious values of my own father
As he had them all and kept them right to the grave
I was determined not to end up as he did in life
He died not achieving all in life he did so crave
Peace of mind real true love and absolute happiness
The very things money cannot and never will be able to buy
I have all the things money cannot buy in life at all
Thanks to God above I will never in life will deny
And all things my life I never will regret good and bad
As they all brought me right to where I am today
And my life is now more than ever so complete its true
I have today all the things money can never ever buy in any way  .

Terrence Michael Sutton ..
copyright 2018
Each and ever memory in its own form
Have their own true stories so to tell
They give on sight telapathic vibes
Of the experiences they lived so well

We see them every day around in life
And their stories we can as if hear
As they still live to tell us of a time
Their stories ever real and to them dear

Lessons we can all still learn from them
Of things in time gone by we never knew
All to be heard by souls that stop to listen
Of memories many stories ever real and true

Be so great at times to simply completely forget
Of somethings that haunt your very soul of a day
A song even a flower something somebody says
One wishes at times they's just go away

We all so often just walk past upon at a time
And do not stop to take in the stories then told
To listen to what these memories have all to say
Of away back then in their days of so old.

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
Oh take me to places I've not been ..
Show me awareness'es I've not seen..
Have me float as the eagles do ..
Allow me to feel Like I never knew..
Elevate me to the clouds on high..
Have my mind body and soul know how to fly..
Just let me tremble with emotions of joy unknown..
I wish to join the highest winds that have blown..
To escape the rules of earth bound man..
And to be as my wildest dreams know I can..
Take me make me create me all I am within..
Regardless of a mans created word sin..
I am much more and I want to know it all..
I know no matter how high I fly you'll not let me fall..
Have me know abandon of moments magic true..
That I'll never forget until my life is through..

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
As I sat way above the lower valley
I admired the mountain that was there
Down it's sides tall pines grew lower
As if upon a maiden her longest hair

The colors on it's face smiled in sunlight
As clouds passed it gave expressions true
It's soul lived since days of so very old
Yet to this day seduced viewers old and new

Natures seasons had dressed her accordingly
A mountain of deepest thoughts of memory
Silently it had seen generations as they grew
Never telling of what it knew of passed or to be

I sat looking at it in total admiration of view
So beautuful within it's being yet as if also wise
A mountain that diserved credit for it's beauty
A natural pleasure to all soul mind and eyes

I gave it the name of all things naturaly created
I think of my thoughts of it there it surely knew
It danced among it's trees as mountain winds blew

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Take away all the dreams .. the games
The hurts and joys of yesterday~
The ways you d like it all to be
The believing in the prayers you pray~
Take away the emotions many
That guide us all the time~
The need to be needed so
And to have things oh so fine~
All the little things we depend upon
And the things we think we do~
And you end up with someone
Who can still make it through~
Seems a little far fetched but
There's always another way to open a gate~
And to look at life yet another way
And give yourself a brand new slate~
Then you give it all that you have to give
With what you have left its true~
This time giving it your heart and soul
And you ll get there and never more be blue~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
He had spent his entire life giving
And all of his life that's what he'd done ..
Seldom asking for anything for himself
He was after all his very own fathers son..

He traveled how he traveled widely ever so
Friends he made so many along the way..
He helped so many over time make ends meet did he
But what he had given seldom came back to stay..

He married a girl who'd known no other in life
She was all any man could ever ask for true..
But anything of making love in any real form
She very simply never had known or knew..

A rather fruitless marriage several ways to be
But he loved her endlessly and provided always..
Years went by and this never changed over time
A man gets lonely but never cheated in all his days..

She simply never knew of making love never wanted to
And he felt it wrong to have her change her at all..
So all the time he wore it bit the bullet as said
A good man never did wrong but he always stood tall..

He would have given anything to sit on a rock and talk
To one that both knew each other with respect as friends..
However he never spoke her language and never had met any
Who ever were real friends as honest conversation blends..

He felt one day he'd just fade away and blamed his karma  
Would deliver some peace of mind in a way distant place..
His beautiful woman felt keeping a clean home and caring
Was all she needed to do to be a wife with her simple grace..

He as it was loved her dearly as ever since they had met
He gave all his money to her .. her family from day one..
Never had he known of making love as married couples do
Yet never told of this in time to any time gone or to come..

Many asked him how come you both have not had children
He still never said a single word and never put her down..
He was always outgoing friendly but had values integrity
They told stories they'd invented gossip wore a crown..

A highly educated man at best as well a writer an artist
An author a singer a songwriter learned things ever vast..
However a loving man in every way within with sincerity
Had always given his best finished what he started in past..

Nobody took time to really know him as he was deep within
Still he wishes he had one friend as a real friend in life..
With all the respect that goes with real sincere friendship
To sit with time and easy a little soul depth inner strife..

However he was kept as if in a prison re his taught values
Feeling maybe it was just in this life karma or his lot
A you have to be there to know kind of thing it all became
Mostly feeling even alone in a crowd as if an invisable plot

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Alone at last to create a past
Tallest pines our own canopy
On softest bed of needles red
Alone we two as one to be

Time how belongs to us alone
All we need we have for pleasure
Silence sings as nature it rings
Just alone we two for pleasure

Moments sublime  yours and mine
A dream has come true within reality
Alone we two weve dreamed of true
Has become a dream come true to be

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Under the stars beside the back water
That after rain to this creek made its way

Out there the stars were always brilliant
Felt I could hang my washing on some
Ever close were they to earth it seemed
Most of all the Southern Cross for one

The night birds ( Owls ) came to see
As I'd thrown a large steak on a rack
Over the camp fire I' built just away
Bbreezes took the fragrance brought it back

A pan of pan fried onions as well near fire
And a *** of black billy tea sugar  to taste
Rolled out my sag under a tarp close by
Cooking nice and slow never any waste

Played an old tune on mouth ***** awhile
The stars heard and moved closer still
The wild dogs dingos gave a howl aways
One shot from rifle gone don't think they will

The mosqiuto's are large pick teeth on bullock horns
But I had a spray handy that took good care of that
My dog snuggled up by fire bright getting cooler
Wanted me to join him so instard he took my hat

Away out there so freash the outback air to breath
The fragrance of the bush that wished I could buy
A man could get rich if it'd go into a bottle true
Fills ones lungs with oxygen has a grown man sigh

Horse hobbled saddle hanging on a pole with blanket
Outback nature so naturally simply more that divine
I'm telling you that meal was ever great with cup of tea
Curled up after with a few old dreams of mine

terrence michael sutton
copyright ( Then ) 1967 ) 2018
This planets  appointed as if rulers
For longer than I care to reflect upon
Have been and are doing my head in
Too much of same brain strain is wrong

One a peace of mind existed in daily lives
Parents took children on picnics fishing
By a tranquil river sitting under a shade tree
Such things today for endless just more wishing

I find it hard to come to terms with parents
Who from birth teach children so to hate
I feel badly that even as a child I knew of
Some way happier times all gone too late

And on news every day come what ever may
Thousands die many children among them too
All because some spoiled brat decided in life
To rule the world once a joke now very true

I remember going rabbiting with mates of mine
Fishing as well in some as if special private spot
All gone now with greed wealth negative attitudes
Only those as old as I have almost long forgot

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
It'd help a lot in life
To handle strife
Be a good soul and
Respect girlfriend or wife

But sin an invented word
By religion true
As after all said and done
The same for them too

Same place same time
This time I'll have more wine

terrence michael sutton
Copyright  2018
Everybody crying the bush fire delibersately lit
They never think natures a fire bug as well
Two limbs rubbing together in a strong wind
Throwing out beer bottles the sun hot as hell

Flipping a cigarette out the car window too
On a hot day I've seen eggs fry on a rock
In Australia birds bring glass to build a nest
Theres more natural fires started than'd shock

Built up piles of grass over years get so hot
Ever stuck your hand in lawn clippings old
And yet they look for someone to blame
Of the negatives of nature never to be told

An old bit from a horses bridle in the grass
On a hot day cannot be picked up no way
Why do they think a crow bar never laid down
Insread of stood up upon any working day

Endless natural reasons fires started due to heat
Try walking bare footed in outback sand I say
Too many people that do not know anything
The sun and nature can ignite on any given day

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Always every day come what may
Strive to be happy inside outside too
Know your friends who are your friends
All sincerely deeply wish this for you

But live your life free of strife be proud
Always be open honest speak your mind
Those who are your friends will understand
Because they love you always you'll find

Be cheerful merry wear that smile always
Know you are admired for whom you are
And if any don't their problem not yours
Know that you were created to go far

Have yourself each day a beautiful day
Never be shy of anything in your day
Always walk that walk and talk that talk
Be all you can be in every single way

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
With all man upon earth considers a wealth
None of it come what may can replace good health
He may hold for a time all that pleases his mind
But one moment of loving her Anothers greatest wealth

All words of religion and politics ever in time spoken
An entire life lived hearts full souls contently unbroken
A moment of nervana of superb heavely being ever so
Of Holding such perfection unexplained by poetry spoken

Am I was I so blessed for knowing all of beautiful songs sung
Of yet poetry to be written fate it to my soul of such it brings
Only thus two will ever feel all that words can never explain
Without any regrets that could be worthy of when a bird sings

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Deep within a far away tropical forest
Was where I found upon that day~
The most beautiful of natural carpets
Beyond compare come what may~
Tallest trees still and of used to be
Covered with natures moss of time~
Only nature could ever dare
Create such a beautiful sight sublime~
I stood in silence and total amazement
At what nature it could do~
If left alone in natural time
To create such magnificence it is true~
I felt as if I should not even walk
Upon such a heavenly place~
As every inch of it was a masterpiece
To as much mark it I felt would be a disgrace~
I crept as light as possible
As I made my gentle way~
And took ever so many mental photographs
In the form of memories of that day~
Life their was abundantly so
But so small and mostly out of sight~
Shadows hung and wild birds sung
As I imagined this sight within moonlight~
Mosses every shape and size and shade
Of the color green there was to see~
The silence there in dampest air
Spoke it's opinion to there me~
To leave without disturbing at all
And set this aged perfection free~
Years of growth and years of time
It took to create and to simply be~
A place that had not been visited
And had remained so for the longest time~
I left the way I had come in
And took with me only a memory ever so sublime~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2018

You and I among the pine
Our love as one we entwine
I am yours you are mine
We love alone spending time

Fragrance of love ever fine
Upon bed of needles so divine
Love it lives again time sublime
Drinking nature pure as wine

Not a soul about making love
Sky peeping through from above
Our heart fly high loves own dove
Two as one welded hand in glove

Within each others soul to explore
Loving as if we love forever more
Two becoming one only to adore
Loving like waves sea washing shore

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

I saw you again today in a store
The same store you work all the while
It was as if it was the first time
I'd seen that one of ever lovely smile

We talked of poetry and songs I write
I gave you the sites and said visit do
As I am positive that beautiful poetry
Is laying unwritten by volume within you

I hoped that you could not read my mind
For you yourself were poetry to view
I wished yes I wished to hear a knock
And when I opened the door there was you

No secrets between my lifelong friend and I
She knew as well what I'd find in that dream
She wished for myself as I wished for her
We two have no secrets of ecstasies extreme

However we finished our shopping another day
One never knows when stars are shining bright
I actually do hear a faintest knock on the door
And that one of smile being my greatest sight

We all have magic wishes deep within our souls
When like fine poetry that mostly come and go
They turn out to be a real magic moment born
And a most treasured only for us to know

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Strolling along the riverside alone
Getting my mind if possible together
Listening to the waters run in passing
Ever beautiful it was  the weather

Away from all and ever peaceful there
Appreciating the riversides natural sound
And wildflowers here and there they grew
In the riversides darkest topsoil ground

Then as if out of nowhere swam alone
A beautiful native wildflower ever so
She saw me looked awhile smiling
Came into shore naked as stars to glow

Sat near myself chatted some of life
Pointed to a bamboo hut not far away
Indicating to follow her walking slow
Her wet hair hung low upon that day

Well just goes to show along river slow
One can find the most beautiful wild flower
It took all day there to examine it careingly
And well into the night to the midnight hour

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
An Aussie sense of humor
Very hard to understand
At times if you do not
Come from Australia land

Some times they simply say things
To give a warm feeling and a smile
Mostly a little cheeky at best too
But with love and all worth while

They flirt like cowboys in cowgirls
Be they often in life young and old
And they d never refuse a dance
And can be at times a little bold

But I guess they simply realize
That a long time we are dead
And they love to laugh and tell a joke
Or listen to a good one instead

Some things they say would shock at times
And how they all love test a smile
Just to be a little naughty I guess
But good friends all of the while

They'd go out of their way to help a soul
At any time of day that might be
They are funny on the surface
And treat all mostly as if family

A special kind of being Australians
Its always been the very same
They love life and they love all
And very seldom will they blame

A little too kind hearted are they
But thats the way that they all are
And they know a good sense of humor
Will often take you far

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
They say you'v never lived at all
Till you are not afraid to die~
I have in the past been in this situation
And once looking back I could almost cry~

At that time it seems fear is exempt
It's not even upon your mind~
Placed for unknown reasons in a situation
you seem to leave all else but where you are behind~

Its an overwhelming feeling in its self
You are ******* mentally with responsibility~
Almost as if on a positive drug deeply within
You are faced with setting a situation free~

No chance at that time to think at all
Not placed in this being so by choice~
I never panic at the time but after I'm a mess
And go to pieces rather than to relax and rejoyce~

Looking back in memory at somethings I've experienced
Them I've never ever in life forgot~
Still have no idea at all thinking of back when
How come these things in life can be ones lot~

I am no way the hero type in life
Never seen myself that way at all~
But when a soul is placed in these situations
Something takes over for the thus then call~

I have not got a single clue to this day
One can be taken over for unknown reasons why~
But one during this does what one has to do
I know you've never lived till your not afraid to die~

All you can think of at this time at all
And I never ever wish to ever go back~
Is that you have no other option but to do
What you have been handed with a whack~

At times some see it as presence of mind
And before you know it .. its over and done~
You've got in there driven by as if the soul
And in disbelief been there done that you've won~

But looking back in all of acurate memory
And I still shiver some when I try~
I know you've never really lived at all
Till you are not afraid to die~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2018
This is a poem that I have had for as long
as I can remember given to myself from my
very own grandmother as a cut out from a
newspaper when I was a child .
It is Author Unknown ..
Not one I wrote myself .
I would love to know who had
indeed written it .
But it was dated 1912 and I
thought of the Titanic ..


It takes a lot of courage
It calls for strngth to mind~
To make a new beginning
And leave the past behind~
To build upon the ruins
And dream another dream~
To set forth in the dakness
Towards a distant gleam~
To suffer many losses
Yet faithful to remain~
To rise above disaster
And then begin again~
Life's ending today but there
can be a new tomorrow with
faith and trust in your heart .

Author Unknown
This is a poem that I have had for as long
as I can remember given to myself from my
very own grandmother as a cut out from a
newspaper when I was a child .
It is Author Unknown ..
Not one I wrote myself .
I would love to know who had
indeed written it .  Dated time of Titanic ..


It takes a lot of courage
It calls for strngth to mind~
To make a new beginning
And leave the past behind~
To build upon the ruins
And dream another dream~
To set forth in the dakness
Towards a distant gleam~
To suffer many losses
Yet faithful to remain~
To rise above disaster
And then begin again~
Life's ending today but there
can be a new tomorrow with
faith and trust in your heart .

Author Unknown
Reasearch is done I'm told on T V of late
Why the middle of the Sun is hotter there
Than the surface of the Sun is they ask
And they are scientists beyond compare

Why do they think the earth hotter then
In the middle of the planet all hot air
Wasting endless money on their stupidity
Earth is suffering as if they even care

The human race all but lost it dying so
Like religions screaming about abortions
And every day thousands of children die
All religions politics scientists distortions

I should be a scientist too as I found out
If I throw dirt up in the air it comes down
And as well that water doesn't run up hills
If I dive under for an hour I will  drown

Knock it off go to hell improve our planet
Brain dead money wasters scientific fools
Take way more interest in our planet home
I get way more common sense from mules

terrence michael sutton  
copyright 2018
I cannot stress this truth enough ..

Little children all start their lives
With every chance that be~
But subjected to the conditions around them
No real difference than a newly planted tree~
Its those first important years for a child
When they first become who they are~
And with what they learn in those very first years
Will remain within them as they go far~
No different than a newly planted tree
It will only grow due to to where its planted~
And if the soil is rich or poor
Depends on how it grows its granted~
Its those first and most important years of learning
That lay the foundation within a child~
And all a child takes in so deeply within
Remaines that soul for life all the while~
Attitudes are then taught and formed
In those first years of learning~
Its back then it first lights that souls candle
And for life deeply within it is always burning~
Those very first impressive learning years as a child
Depending what and how they then learn
If they did or did'nt know love and of God above
Tells if they'll know happiness or for it they'll yern~
Those very first years of learning for a child
Becomes the child within they'll always know~
Its those very first years of happiness and tears
And thus the tree shall grow~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988 .. 2018
Little children all start their lives
With every chance that be~
But subjected to the conditions around them
No real difference than a newly planted tree~
Its those first important years for a child
When they first become who they are~
And with what they learn in those very first years
Will remain within them as they go far~
No different than a newly planted tree
It will only grow due to to where its planted~
And if the soil is rich or poor
Depends on how it grows its granted~
Its those first and most important years of learning
That lay the foundation within a child~
And all a child takes in so deeply within
Remaines that soul for life all the while~
Attitudes are then taught and formed
In those first years of learning~
Its back then it first lights that souls candle
And for life deeply within it is always burning~
Those very first impressive learning years as a child
Depending what and how they then learn
If they did or did'nt know love and of God above
Tells if they'll know happiness or for it they'll yern~
Those very first years of learning for a child
Becomes the child within they'll always know~
Its those very first years of happiness and tears
And thus the tree shall grow~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Just wish there was a communication or way of .. Those wishing to being able to write each other .. Email etc .. Be wonderful ..Poets ( as if a family )
Love 2 U and yours ..
I'd been driven awhile in rather rough style
Away out near the Indian ocean in land-
Near the main road with one heavy load
When I'd pulled off the road of stone and sand-
As to check the trailer and it's load at the time
I'd then bogged it deep into salt with a crust-
Did not take a long time to figure out fine
I had to get it back out or bust-
Talk about luck along came a truck
And he pulled me out with no fear-
He mentioned his thirst said for a beer he would burst
And in my back seat there was one large tin of beer-
I said you can have the lot as it's roasting hot
So he took it to his truck ever grand-
Got out a gallon tin with clear stuff there in
And then half buried the can in the sand-
My lip I then bit as the can he then lit
And then Boom the flames of light blue-
He then said try that and I'll eat my hat
It was as cold as the coldest beer true-
I never did find out what was in that tin
Till one day later I painted a hospital laboratory-
And talking to a woman washing test tubes
I said what are you using tell me-
It's methanol she replied and showed me with pride
Would a truck driver ever use this I said-
She said my father used it all of the time
But a long time ago he's now dead-
Used it to wash valves as he had a truck
And he used to cool his beer down as well-
After all of this time and many miles down the line
I learned of that drivers trick now I can tell-

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
We were not placed upon earth to follow equals
We have a deep thinking mind of our own
Our vibes are messages to us from our soul
All answers to lifes problems we have at home

Take more time to think consider listen to them
Follow others and much strife thus to know
If anywhere have faith within your ver self
And within lifes garden you are sure to grow­mKBSVw

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

Another beautiful day is upon its way
The Suns still hiding but soon out to play
A high bird just flew over in silent display
Last night handing  its resegnation to today

Roosters call breezes dancing a leaf in fall
Night going home  morning enters the hall
Trees appearing from shadows now so tall
Clouds slowly taking shape silent still the call

Another beautiful day again soon to appear
Again life it continues allowing sights dear
Nature awakes slowly whispering I'm here
Turning on its lights ridding night of its fear

Another beautiful day nature upon display
Sleeping flowers rise to greet it again their way
Clouds of  some color as pinks soon to play
All is once more proving another beautiful day

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Today ever so a beautiful day
Nature has blessed us once again
At times it gives us its sunshine
Other times it gives us needed rain

It expects us to prepare its changes
Thinking we've got the know how true
To live in safety for its times to come
Us to work with it not it for us through

Man and his attitudes of ego often feel
Its nature who needs more consideration
Even it can please some some of the time
But not all all of the time needs examination

Yet today come what may with its blessings
Another gift nature has given as nature can
Human the lesser life on earth that here be
Not just alone for the species of earths man

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018

You walked out of the shower no towel
I dropped my camera on the floor
Click  click  click  click on it went
And then click a few times more

What do you think your doing she said
I told her I dropped my camera on the floor
As she bent  to pick it up just then and
It  clicked away a few more for sure

I took it off her and put it away in its sack
Good thing I have another one put away
Its an expensive piece of camers too
I'll remove that battery later come what may

A camera with a mind of its own I think
I said it might not work now anyway
As it got completely soaken wet for sure
I kicked it under the bed and there to stay

Grabbed a bottle of wine to save some time
I could hear it under there clicking still
My goodness if you buy a new camera mate
Make sure its not a lifelong battery and a will

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Alone one day from work we made our way
Just conversation can be wonderful its true
And reaching a lane out of the gentle rain
Twas the first time I held you

In total bliss twas then an unplanned kiss
And your lips added presure as mine did too
I felt as if we were one as that kiss brought sun
And the sky once more turned blue

As if to adore I wondered why not this before
As two souls now became way more to be
And as if birds now sang and bells they rang
I could as if here the gentle waves upon the sea

Close thus closer tighter thus tighter longer too
Conversation needs not words to express
And poetry needs not to be written down
As love grows in moments magic I confess

Not a soul to be seen in thus lovers lane supreme
Heart thumping insistance thus not to care
Twas at that very time in unwritten words of rhyme
My face buried in your beautull hair

t­errence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Yes the one they call Jesus lived and died a man
A 100 years after he did they wrote the bible
A book full of contradictions letters and thoughts
As well they pay no tax and should be liable

But I held a womans hand yesterday skin touched
After which we both still ever so fine
Noway any cal refer to that as being a sin
Although it did feel at the time ever so divine

I helped children cross a busy road held up traffic
And an old lady to find after shopping her car
Carried her bags to where it was at the time
Her car it really was not all that far

Being a house painter once I gave any left over
To an older man next door why waste it anyway
I respect all who choose their own religions
Although better kept at home on any day

We all gotto live we all got to die we all love
Our lives our choices our own rejoyces too
But religion is about love not causing wars
And believe me as it goes they all do

Just live one day at a time being yourself
Not telling others how to live their lives
All as one sun up until sun done
Like endless bees all working together in hives

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
A family once of five they moved into a house so big
That was half way up a mountain ever so very high
And this oldest home needed lots of love and renovation
So they thought that as a family they would together try
Within this oldest home was a very largest ever mirror
Aged at least one thousand years or maybe even more
The Agents deal was who ever bought the home that they
Would vow to never move the mirror from at any time for sure
So they moved in al the parents made the family promise
As it was vowed to Agents and they all said that they understood
It was as old as time this mirror to look at it where it was
From the floor to the ceiling with a thick frame of oldest wood
And there next to it something written in un known language
Calved into the side of the mirror so very long long ago it seems
But all promised never to move or do anything to this old piece
Although the younger ones ignored it as it all seemed extreme
Away up in high within the attic was a trunk of the same age
And it had been locked up there so very long ago it was told
And that just like the mirror it was as well to be all hands off
As it was told by Agents a curse was placed on it in days of old
Well that mirror and the trunk both stood untouched for years
Long after the family they had moved into this biggest house
But of nights they'd hear sighs and crying coming from a distance
Mostly always when all was dark and late and quiet as a mouse
One day when the rest of the family had gone to town to shops
They left a son at home to mind things and the house that be
And as it was he simply could not resist the trunk in the attic
What was really in there he simply ever so wanted thus to see
Up he went and he banged and whacked and hammered it so
And all of a sudden the old lock right to the floor it had then fell
And the only thing he found was that was in there an oldest gown
But of what he had after the vow done he could never ever tell
He left it right there unlocked for the while not real sure
What if anything he should ever do about what he’d done true
After all he thought what with an oldest dusty gown such as this
Would he ever do he thought as this gown was very far from new
One day later from a local university came a man who studied so
They had him later on take a look at mirror and message there
To their surprise he could read most of it as of this he did know
The story it told it was a surprise to them way beyond compare
It seemed a mistress of the master long ago came to the house
And after which the master’s wife she came home by surprise
And not knowing where to hide at all the mistress hidden herself
Behind this big mirror to escape the masters wife’s searching eyes
Now she was so undressed at the time so the master he had put
Her gown up in the attic in a largest trunk and then locked it there
But the master’s wife she was involved in witchery and she said
I put a curse on whoever was here to last forever I do swear
The mistress had due to the curse become part of the mirror
Forever more she was caught in this mirror without her gown
And it was that if she could ever find her clothes that she wore
She would escape the curse and the house so far away from town
So the son hearing this thought he would return her gown to her
And he then thought that she might be appreciative to him if so
But what he had not thought of at all during all of this plan of his
Was he looked so much like this oldest master wouldn’t you know
The son he took that old dusty gown to the mirror one dark night
Before he knew it the mistress was out of the mirror and he was in
And his clothes were then locked in that old chest up in the attic
By some unknown strange state of events without a single noise or din
Now his parents not being able to find their son at all they searched
And later they noticed the banged and bent lock hanging on it there
Thinking he might be in it they eventually got it off with some trouble
And to their surprise there was his clothes now dusty showing wear
No sign of him appeared for years after that and then one sunny day
Looking at this mirror they noticed the message on it that now it read
I’m sorry I didn’t listen but I’m stuck in this mirror naked as a jay bird
And I wished to God I had listened and done what the agent said instead.

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2011
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