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  Aug 5 Aslam M
Bekah Halle
Poetry can be found anywhere;
In the simple and sublime.
In a tweeting Talaud Kingfisher,
Or a dry, dead gum leaf in your backyard or mine
Be inspired to look around,
And you can find provocation for every line.
Aslam M Aug 2
Sometimes most of the time,  
I feel nothing.  
Nothing at all.

No joy or sorrow,  
No rise or fall,  
Just a quiet void,  
A distant, hollow call.

Emotions fade,  
Like shadows on a wall,  
Leaving only echoes,  
Of nothing at all.

I search within,  
For something to hold,  
But find only silence,  
A story untold.

Sometimes most of the time,  
I feel nothing,  
And let the stillness fall.
Aslam M Aug 1
Between ifs and whys,  
Life's questions softly whisper,  
Truths in doubt arise.
Aslam M Jul 30
Infinite Programs  
Leading to Success …..
Searching for only one  
To Live with Failures ….
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