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Harriet Shea Oct 2024
Nothing ever lasts forever, the best
of life's treasures, have a way in
disappearing in some way or another
maybe just a blink of the eye, or a
daydream controlling your logic.

The things you don't care about,
last forever, they have a way to
fervently staying around irritating
and never leaving.

Thinking positive is the best of
medicine, no confusion no
thoughts of anger, no dangerous
images focusing on the mind that
is negative.

Everything we have, lost, or won
are many of our dreams, broken
ambitions, disappear in our thoughts
and imaginations.

Everything we ever had, and loved, appears
to float away, with much sacrifice we have
achieved, goals of that impossible
dream, flying away without a second
how we thought we could accomplish
this task we wanted so quickly turning
bitter-sweet at the end of clutter and

We take much bad with the good only
to hurt so much, having something
we loved and lost like a snap of the finger
leaving those dead leaves of autumn blowing
in memories of once upon a time.

The roses are always beautiful
when first opened, but after
the pedals start to fall, they are
throw away, this is the way
life is, you live it when it is
beautiful, taking everything
for granted till one day, all that
you loved, turns away from
your torn thoughts, and you leave
all familiar surroundings behind
without a tear.

Breathe in the sweetness,
live to the fullest, you'll find
that the most important things
never disappear, only hide
away till they're ready to be

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Copyright © Derena Bree | Year Posted 2024
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
Nothing is ever meant to be forever, we have, we taste,
it leaves, and we thirst for the wonderful of it all...It was
lovely, so like a velvet night of glory. it lasted, lingering
through the night like music.....

Now like a flicker that sparkles for a moment, the magic
has turned into sadness, leaving memories of what
could of been so beautiful, but time brought much
understanding, making all glorious gems lose there

Why does music turn so sad when things of beauty
seem to change like the clouds in the morning dew!!
Was it meant to last awhile to taste the sweetness
of such vintage wine!!

For what cometh to one heart should never have to
leave, making it hurt crying without fault, touching
the flames may of burnt, but a pleasant burn, the
hurt came after the fire burned away the flames, now
only trees among the shadows of hurt does one see..

Not a song does one hear, they have left with the breeze
just awhile ago when it kissed your cheek good-bye and
blew away softly in the sunset of a beautiful day never
to be forgotten...

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2022
Directions pointing ahead leads us to where we were meant to
be, in the glory of our being, exhausted in the human form
filled with emotions untouched, only created by ourselves.

Not in all directions do we inhale life perfections
time holds the key to each point that begins and ends
we are in control, we are the creator of everything we do through life.

There will never be a day that passes we will regret, not deep within our souls, only in consciousness flowing within our eternal self.

Not in all directions can we agree life was made to be happy
there was never a time we didn't hold the key to our destiny.

As we continue down the road of unconditional love we will have made the path in all directions we desired at one time or another being who we always will be right from the beginning.

Now we are awaking from the deep sleep that we never thought existed in life till it became our reality without dreams in sight only footprints we will and have made.

Life in all its glory shall always be the glory we know it or not we are love in one.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Directions pointing ahead lead us to where we were meant to
be, in the glory of our being, exhausted in the human form
filled with emotions untouched, only created by ourselves.

Not in all directions do we inhale life perfections
Time holds the key to each point that begins and ends
We are in control, we are the creator of everything we do through life.

There will never be a day that passes we will regret, not deep within our souls, only in consciousness flowing within our eternal self.

Not in all directions can we agree life was made to be happy
There was never a time we didn't hold the key to our destiny.

As we continue down the road of unconditional love we will have made the path in all directions we desired at one time or another being who we always will be right from the beginning.

Now we are awaking from the deep sleep that we never thought existed in life till it became our reality without dreams in sight only footprints we will and have made.

Life in all its glory shall always be glorious if we know it or not we are love in one.

Copyright © DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2018
Was raining hard that November
tears fell in silence, emotions
touched heart, life had suddenly
changed without a thought what
was to come.

The crisp wind blew across
tree tops of dying leaves, that
November in the rain, numbness
gathered attention among those
who loved him so.

Laying on a bed so cold, was a
dying man, so young, so brave
so unique in his ways.

He never seen through our
tears, he was dead , brain dead
laying on the bed, so cold, all
alone without a living mind.

His heart was kept pumping,
life support, was his heart
now, his soul was still within,
his mind was gone, he just
lie there in stillness upon
that bed so cold.

That one November it
rained so hard, the day
my brother was taken
home, oh how it rained
when darkness feel upon
those who loved him so
many years ago..

(Dedicated to my Twin Brother)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2021
There is no wall between me and the stars of time
no space that counts back the blanks of understanding
and knowledge.

There are only thoughts of the ultimate imagination
floating forward in the time of life and space as we have been
taught for centuries.

There are no foundations that control our souls as we have
no need to be controlled by others who have no idea
why they speak of wisdom.

There will be a kind of intelligence bringing peace and
harmony to those who thought knowledge was filled with
integrity among the remains of space and time.

There will be a light so bright we shall forget we ever
had hate in our hearts, with love shinning among
all people of the new world.

There will be no walls to capture feelings of dismay and
shadows that follow us deeply, with a countable forehand
and understanding logic the way it has now become, and
will be in a world, that will be ruled by an open heart
and soul that holds only loyalty and truth.

No wall that's built on hope can collapse
it only grows stronger with a determined
infinite heart.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2020
Let not you falter down your path
of grace and promise, perform the
best of your ability, feeling sorrow
for all your hurts, wrongs, that
you never knew till you awoken
finding your light of peace
in these uncertain times.

Perfect in the soul we are, with free will
to live life to the fullest in the name
of our Divine Father.

Capture your peace way down
yonder waiting to be acknowledged
being freshness of love, your sword a
rainbow, your space, tranquility
of being, one in all.

Now is the time we share our truth
letting falseness shed, aware of our self
so beautiful with the realization and
ability to swim in the pool of ceremonial
No more darkness without stars
only brightness floating through
and through.

We now live in the now of promise
that is all we need, to love to the
the greatest power of our divine
universal soul.

Mother is our spiritualist our
guide to find our true love-fire
within our souls.

2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2020
Now is the time to rise up, leading yourself differently in ways of thinking, believing! no more old ways, they are no longer needed in this bright brilliant world of the promise we now are experiencing after the superficial skeletons of centuries creating avenues for mankind to follow.

Mankind will follow their own intuitions, created from their own loving desires, and form a more perfect union in making peace with those who cannot acknowledge that love is the reason we are all one in one.

Creation was not created to hate, but love, not to be a slave of our own ways of believing, it was meant to capture all truthiness of life and victory of never letting go of the promises we all carry within all of us.

We are not men of unbelievers, we are men of truth, love fortitude, we belong to the highest honor of love, multidimensional beings, we are all separate from those who cannot understand why we are whom we've been from the beginning of time, each in one, one made whole.

We've divided thoughts into one thought, making it known as the creator of love's intensive purpose of perfection through the rhythm of love being the center of life eternal.

Being the center of love in this human form now starting to awake from a sleep that has never been awoken until this moment, was written from the beginning of life as we know it to be.

Exciting! to finally find who we are and where we are going
in this new world of peace love and intelligence beyond connection and infinite knowledge.

No reason to doubt your life and truths that will be your reality of all realities, once your door has opened to your soul's deep intellectual spiritual wisdom of love, you'll never remember who you were when your thoughts weren't yours to remember.

Time is now to rejoice in your heart of hearts, it's time
to know how blessed you have always been and always will be through knowing who you really are and how much your life is one in one with love eternal.

(Stay warm within the realm of your love)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
Now is the Time

Now is the time to rise up, leading yourself differently in ways of thinking, believing! no more old ways, they are no longer needed in this bright brilliant world of the promise we now are experiencing after the superficial skeletons of centuries creating avenues for mankind to follow.

Mankind will follow there own intuitions, created from there own loving desires, and form a more perfect union in making peace with those who cannot acknowledge that love is the reason we are all one in one.

Creation was not created to hate, but love, not to be a slave of our own ways of believing, it was meant to capture all truthiness of life and victory of never letting go of the promises we all carry within all of us.

We are not men of unbelievers, we are men of truth, love, and fortitude, we belong to the highest honor of love, multidimensional beings, which mean! we are all separate from those who cannot understand why we are whom we've been from the beginning of time, each in one, one made whole.  We've divided thoughts into one thought, making it known as the creator of love intensive purpose of perfection through the rhythm of love being the center of life eternal.

Being the center of love in this human form now starting to awake from a sleep that has never been awoken until this moment, was written from the beginning of life as we know it to be.

Exciting! to finally find who we are and where we are going
in this new world of peace love and intelligence beyond connection and infinite knowledge.

No reason to doubt your life and truths that will be your reality of all realities, once your door has opened to your soul's deep intellectual spiritual wisdom of love, you'll never remember who you were when your thoughts weren't yours to remember.

Time is now to rejoice in your heart of hearts, it's time
to know how blessed you have always been and always will be through knowing who you really are and how much your life is one in one with love eternal.

(Stay warm within the realm of your love)

DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
Times of closeness with no regrets
kindness given freely from heart
love, a light that brightens all with
warmth and tranquil bliss.

One with Universe united with love
admiration glorified from high
enlightenment renewed within.

Peace surrounding minds perfect
glow, beyond admiration brightly
lite, with imagination bright.

laughter flowing like mist across
mother earth, kissing a final farewell
to misunderstanding, grasping
on to love that brightens everyone
and everything.

(We make love flow, peace solid, and
all that follows a paradise)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2019
Ocean of love, don't tease me
your body is wide open for mine
it is so refreshing to the soul.

Mind seeking adventures pass
you by, lovers meet you with a
open heart.

Waves of fury hit the shore in time
with mother, natures call, warm and fresh
the salty breeze blows, across hot parched
sand, whitened from the sun.

Ocean of love, bring forth your
vast beauty, lift my loneliness
make me part of you, wash away
the tears I shed in vain.

I shall follow you each night
while I sit and wonder why
you give me so much comfort
in my time of need.

Ocean deep, blue, filled with
lushness, keep me in your
grasp forever, I need to hear
your sounds, they calm my
beating heart like music, familiar
with moon swept shores.

© 2019DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Offerings from a distance
scanning each thought
radiated toward each desire.

No flames shoot higher then
a heart that as been wounded
in the name of love.

Blameless, shy, offerings are
offered to the Gods, they hear
the timid calls of the lonely

Dreams come alive, colors
become vivid in this time
offerings are offered for
defenseless ones.

Eternal flames are renewed
leaving the mortal world
entering the immortal reign.

Brightness lights the skies
of darkness, a new light
now shines down on the
mortal world of fools.

Offerings to the God's
are answered forever
leaving no stone untouched
the flight of freedom
starts, unfolding slowly
bringing magnificent
treasures gleaming.

Curse the warrior, he
has no weapon to defend
himself from the God
of strength, a power
much greater then his.

He bows his head down
in defeat, blood stain
sword thrown to the mighty
wind of Grosz, war is
over among man..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
We look around us to see children
of all ages, we do not know what
they may be thinking, at this point
of time, but we know they are alone.

We gaze upon a beaten child so
broken, bleeding, crying, why must
this have to happen to our little ones?
We do not know what they are thinking
at this point of time, we only know they
are alone.

They look at us, with blank eyes
with no smile to hide the tears, we
do not know what they are thinking
at this point of time, but we know they
are alone.

As soon as we know they are happy, we
forget to listen, and they run wild without
help once again, we do not know what they
are thinking at this point of time, but we know
they are alone.

We must start to understand what makes
a child go wrong, maybe only a smile,
and three little words. I love you, would
make a difference, but if we cannot find
time for a child, we should not be having
them this point in time.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
On a mountain I sit, looking at the beauty
as far has I can see...I cannot see the
sadness in each and every heart...I cannot
bring back the loved ones, we once held in
our arms...I cannot smile, when the world
as now become a fearful nation...I will
only bow my head in prayer, and ask the
Lord to help us see the way that we should
when all our tears fall down in vain...
On the mountain I sit, dreaming how it use
to be, when the rain brought rainbows
while the sun went down another day..
I cannot see the wicked heart, trying to
hurt his fellowman, while the good does
all he can to give a helping hand....
Our mountain, so high, no longer will be
so beautiful, in our time of need...

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
Once in a lifetime you see, you find
you live truly for the inner you, the
true self that controls your thoughts
Your mind your heart.

Once in a lifetime you search, you
understand what makes you come
alive, you feel the music in your heart
once in a lifetime your brightness shines
through, a light of knowledge to understand.

Once in your lifetime, you seek wisdom
you feel the inner strength, the power of
your depth you may not feel again, just once
in your life, you find the true meaning of
self-worth, collecting together everything
you have been wanting to for years.

Once in a lifetime, your thoughts become
complete with each heartbeat, no hesitation
all shadows of fear disappear, bringing peace
flowing through at last.

Once in a lifetime, each smile becomes
a mark, attracting those unsure of life's
treasure, each role, each page turned
while they become a memory of wisdom.

Capture what you feel, what you see
take hold of each measured step, their
will only be one time before it's time
to go home, so be aware of everything
you were never aware of before.

Keep counting your blessings for all you have
and pray for world peace, we could be living
unharmed, happy, if our thoughts turned
to God for help, strength, and faith to know
hope is blooming in front of us at all times
if you noticed and listened to our unheard

No words have to be written, for you to learn what
life's about, it should be living in your own heart
soul, to make peace with all men and know once
in our lifetime we could have admiration and respect
to the World, God made for us to live in peace and
true happiness.

It is all up to us to make us the person we really are!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Once in a life time you see, you find
you live truly for the inner you, the
true self that controls your thoughts
Your mind, your heart...

Once in a life time you search, you
understand what makes you come
alive, you feel the music in your heart
once in a life time of living, your
brightness shines deep...

Once in your life time, you seek wisdom
you feel the inner strength, the power of
depth, never to be felt again, just once
in your life, you find the true meaning of
self worth...

Once in a life time your thoughts become
complete with each heart beat, no hesitation
all shadows of fear disappear bringing
peace flowing through...

Once in a life time each smile becomes
a mark, attracting those unsure of life's
treasures, each role, each page turns
while they become a memory...

Capture what you feel, what you see,
take hold of each measured step, there
will only be one time before it's time
to go home...

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2019
Once in a lifetime you see, you find,
you live truly for the inner you, the
true self that controls your thoughts,
Your mind your heart.

Once in a lifetime you search, you
understand what makes you come
alive, you feel the music in your heart,
once in a lifetime your brightness
shines through, a light of understanding.

Once in your lifetime, you seek wisdom,
you feel the inner strength, the power of
the depth you may not feel again, just once
in your life, you find the true meaning of
self-worth, collecting together everything
you have been wanting to for years.

Once in a lifetime, your thoughts become
complete with each heartbeat, no hesitation,
all shadows of fear disappear, bringing
peace flowing through at last.

Once in a lifetime, each smile becomes
a mark, attracting those unsure of life's
treasure, each role, each page turn,
while they become a memory of wisdom.

Capture what you feel, what you see,
take hold of each measured step, their
will only be one time before it's time
to go home, so be aware of everything
you were never aware of.

Keep counting your blessings for all you have
and pray for world peace, we could be living
unharmed, happy, if our thoughts turned
to God for help, strength, and faith to know
hope is blooming in front of us at all times
if you noticed and listened to our unheard

No words have to be written, for you to learn what
life is about, it should be living in your own
heart, soul, to make peace with all men and know
once in our lifetime we could have admiration
and respect to the World God made for us to live
in peace and happiness.

By Derena Bree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2019
Once in a lifetime you see, you find,
you live truly for the inner you, the
true self that controls your thoughts,
Your mind your heart.

Once in a lifetime you search, you
understand what makes you come
alive, you feel the music in your heart,
once in a lifetime your brightness
shines through, a light of understanding.

Once in your lifetime, you seek wisdom,
you feel the inner strength, the power of
the depth you may not feel again, just once
in your life, you find the true meaning of
self-worth, collecting together everything
you have been wanting to for years.

Once in a lifetime, your thoughts become
complete with each heartbeat, no hesitation,
all shadows of fear disappear, bringing
peace flowing through at last.

Once in a lifetime, each smile becomes
a mark, attracting those unsure of life's
treasure, each role, each page turn,
while they become a memory of wisdom.

Capture what you feel, what you see,
take hold of each measured step, their
will only be one time before it's time
to go home, so be aware of everything
you were never aware of.

Keep counting your blessings for all you have
and pray for world peace, we could be living
unharmed, happy, if our thoughts turned
to God for help, strength, and faith to know
hope is blooming in front of us at all times
if you noticed and listened to our unheard

No words have to be written, for you to learn what
life is about, it should be living in your own
heart, soul, to make peace with all men and know
once in our lifetime we could have admiration
and respect to the World God made for us to live
in peace and happiness.

© 2019DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2019
Once upon a day in the past of shadows
the earth was full of life and song, she touched
each leaf with joy and showered down her
love to all, she was in balance with the
Universe, mother nature was her name.
Now Mother seeks what use to be in a life
long passed, where rain sparkled like stars
from above, and rainbows kept time to the
bluebells filled with delight.
Darkness shines in the light of doubt when fear
never existed once upon a time in the past
of shadows when the earth was full of song
a paradise made for peace, love, and harmony.

Now fear wears a mask to hide away the light
that kept the world balanced, the darkness
of night carry no stars, sparkling with faith
down on our poor earth made for trust, love
and eternal peace.
We bow down and worship not our God, but
the establishment of shame and dishonor.
We have cursed our selves and disowned what
was given us with love.

Mother Nature cries, for the light that
brought love has now been ripped
apart with greed, self-doubt
shaking hands with fear.

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2020
We completely shut away from the part of us that
try so hard to understand life, only understanding
is not thinking how to understand, but how
understanding will lead us to surrender to the
depth of understanding.

We are all one in one, and once you confront
the situation how it came about, you will never be
the same person of logic as you know it.

Meditation brings you to your own personal
dimensional level, where only you exist, a level
of peace, knowledge, understanding, knowing
you alone, teacher of abstractions obstacles
approached connected self, to the real
meaning of inner completeness, self conditional
awareness of what exists around material
majestically interference.

Opportunities reflect upon inner intuitive intervention
upon receiving of higher vibrations needed to
move equally in motivational correspondence
a motive needs to be assembled upon acceptance
of thought, creating the inner part needed to
achieve what makes life orderly perfect with
force completed, all divisions must be projected
into the Universe.

Come together in oneness, be joyous for
we are blessed in one soul, heart, and mind.

(No more illusions. Now we make our own reality)

© DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2020
One in One

We completely shut away from the part of us that
try so hard to understand life, only understanding
is not thinking how to understand, but how
understanding will lead us to surrender to the
depth of understanding.

We are all one in one, and once you confront
the situation how it came about, you will never be
the same person of logic as you know it.

Meditation brings you to your own personal
dimensional level, where only you exist, a level
of peace, knowledge, understanding, knowing
you alone, teacher of abstractions obstacles
approached connected self, to the real
meaning of inner completeness, self conditional
awareness of what exists around material
majestically interference.

Opportunities reflect upon inner intuitive intervention
upon receiving of higher vibrations needed to
move equally in motivational correspondence
a motive needs to be assembled upon acceptance
of thought, creating the inner part needed to
achieve what makes life orderly perfect with
force completed, all divisions must be projected
into the Universe.

Come together in oneness, be joyous for
we are blessed in one soul, heart, and mind.

(No more illusions. Now we make our own reality)

© DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
One little quarter lies by my bed
you handed it to me before
you walked out the door.

You said if I just spent one
quarter, of my time with you
you would stay around, I have
to say I cannot dear, my time
is like a busy bee.

I never realized that work
stole me away from you
that's all I ever wanted
is to make you satisfied.

A little quarter looks so small
sitting by my bed, that's the only
thing I have, a quarter without

You gave it to me that day, in
case I changed my mind, what
in life can I do now if your
not sitting by my side.

I guess I can live without money
for awhile, but in my heart,
I cannot live a quarter of my
life being away from you.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2019
I have loved you for a million years
just finding out now, how it's been pushed
around over and over again, since
God loved us so much, he died on the
cross for our sins.

Love is the tool of life's pure existence
wrapped up, for all to find it's meaning
and why it will be our exit, into the
heavenly universe.

Strange how mysteries of life remain
an inspiration to all theories, continuing
on with a solid convincing method to
solve evolution.

Nothing to solve, nothing to invent, just
opened your soul, the light of pure
love will shine forevermore through

(Fear will make you doubt, faith will make
you believe)

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
How beautiful fields appear
among autumn of color
and promise.

Remembrance of children
dancing in leaves smiles
on their bubble gum faces
all pink.

Rakes every where hidden
under leaves ready to
be bagged for another

Apple pie and raisin cookies
hot from the oven after
leaves were raked and laid
to rest.

Blowers take place of rakes
of wood no dancing in piles
of leaves do I see children
with bubble gum faces
no more.

Those funny days of autumn
were days sparkling away
with delight and simple
enjoyment of heart.

Taken now so serious we
live life with so much
complications forgetting
the simple enjoyments
just slipping by.

Laughter of little faces
running down the road
yelling and screaming
who will be the 'winner'.

Swings from a tree blowing
gracefully without a
soul to enjoy the trill
of a ride in freshness
of autumn.

Where is the freshness on
the cell phone I wonder!
I have searched around
just in vain without
even a fresh hello.

Just more glance to see
smiles upon faces with
eyes shining with love
and happiness in my
yesterday years.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2023
One more story, one more day,
another smile to soothe a weeping

With another glance across the way,
another story, a simple hello to
a stranger passing by.

A kiss for the little ones, a hug
of love before the sandman comes,
a prayer of thanks for blessings
adorn from the heart.

Another day, painted in colorful hues,
a miracle sweeping away with the breeze,
a blanket filled with a sparkle in the darkness,
a night of misty bliss lingering by.

One more story, one more smile to give,
another handshake for a day well spent,
another day of growth, another lesson learned,
a heart filled with love along the path of

One more story from the history books,
a what used to be, that is not today, a new
world approaching the landscape of tomorrow
and dreams of a promise well kept.

A new love entering a heartbroken dream,
a pressed rose of beauty in the summer
time of youth, another story of what was
and what could have been?

A special song, bringing memories floating
across thundering clouds, casting rainbows
after each refreshing rain.

Another story told about the past, today,
and maybe tomorrow the present, will
bring a glow flowing through each ray
of sunlight.

                                                                ­                                                                 ­                         

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
One more story, one more day,
another smile to soothe a weeping

Another glance across the way,
another story, a simple hello to
a stranger passing by.

A kiss for the little ones, a hug
of love before the sandman comes,
a prayer of thanks for blessings
adorn from the heart.

Another day, painted in colorful hues,
a miracle sweeping away with the breeze,
a blanket filled with a sparkle in the darkness,
a night of misty bliss lingering by.

One more story, one more smile to give,
another handshake for a day well spent,
another day of growth, another lesson learned,
a heart filled with love along the path of

One more story from the history books,
What used to be, that is not today, a new
world approaching the landscape of tomorrow
and dreams of a promise well kept.

A new love entering a heartbroken dream,
a pressed rose of beauty in the summer
time of youth, another story of what was
and what could have been!

A special song, bringing memories floating
across thundering clouds, casting rainbows
after each refreshing rain.

Another story told about the past, today,
maybe tomorrow the present, will
bring a glow flowing through each ray
of sunlight.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2020
One more story, one more day
another smile to calm the savage

Another glance across the way
another story, a simple hello to

A kiss for the little ones, a hug
of love before the sandman comes
a prayer of thanks for blessings
from a thankful heart.

Another day, painted in colorful hues
miracles happening every day, sky
filled with sparkles, and dreams lived
each night in sleep.

One more story, one more smile to give
another, a handshake to a lonely soul without
a friend, so many alone without friends, another
story of lessons learned, hearts filled with love
along these moments we now live.

One more story from the history books
what used to be, that is no more, a new
world approaching, landscapes of tomorrow
grow intense, with promises lived and gone
and a new one begins.

A new love entering in haste, time is wrong
a pressed rose of beauty in the summer
of youth, another story of what was
and what could have been, and what now begins
in a new world of positive vibration.

A special song brings memories floating across
broken thoughts of suppressed impressions
appearing after the refreshing rain.

Another story told about the past, today
and maybe tomorrow, what may echo
across these passing moments in our revolving
environmental Universe.

Another story added calmly to our collective
memories, adventures, mysterious illusions
reflections flowing across the vast unknown.

We know one thing that living is never lived
in vain, it is worth all the struggles on earth
and more.

©2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2020
We completely shut away from the part of us that
try so hard to understand life, only understanding
is not thinking how to understand, but how
understanding will lead us to surrender to the
depth of understanding.

We are all one in one, and once you confront
the situation how it came about, you will never be
the same person of logic as you know it.

Meditation brings you to your own personal
dimensional level, where only you exist, a level
of peace, knowledge, understanding, knowing
you alone, teacher of abstractions obstacles
approached connected self, to the real
meaning of inner completeness, self conditional
awareness of what exists around material
majestically interference.

Opportunities reflect upon inner intuitive intervention
upon receiving of higher vibrations needed to
move equally in motivational correspondence
a motive needs to be assembled upon acceptance
of thought, creating the inner part needed to
achieve what makes life orderly perfect with
force completed, all divisions must be projected
into the Universe.

Come together in oneness, be joyous for
we are blessed in one soul, heart, and mind.

© DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
Once in a lifetime you see, you find
you live truly for the inner you, the
true self that controls your thoughts
Your mind your heart.

Once in a lifetime you search, you
understand what makes you come
alive, you feel the music in your heart
once in a lifetime your brightness shines
through, a light of knowledge to understand.

Once in your lifetime, you seek wisdom
you feel the inner strength, the power of
your depth you may not feel again, just once
in your life, you find the true meaning of
self-worth, collecting together everything
you have been wanting to for years.

Once in a lifetime, your thoughts become
complete with each heartbeat, no hesitation
all shadows of fear disappear, bringing peace
flowing through at last.

Once in a lifetime, each smile becomes
a mark, attracting those unsure of life's
treasure, each role, each page turned
while they become a memory of wisdom.

Capture what you feel, what you see
take hold of each measured step, their
will only be one time before it's time
to go home, so be aware of everything
you were never aware of before.

Keep counting your blessings for all you have
and pray for world peace, we could be living
unharmed, happy, if our thoughts turned
to God for help, strength, and faith to know
hope is blooming in front of us at all times
if you noticed and listened to our unheard

No words have to be written, for you to learn what
life's about, it should be living in your own heart
soul, to make peace with all men and know once
in our lifetime we could have admiration and respect
to the World, God made for us to live in peace and
true happiness.
It is all up to us to make us the person we really are!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
No Lies remembered
surrounding heaven's
door, toward magical

Achievements control
Thoughts, lingering deep
to deep within, leaving
a lasting mark.

Thirst, never-ending
grow stronger among
foolish dreamers a waste!
satisfaction accomplished.

Just a thought passes
in the darkest shadows
softly touching tenderness
of mind.

Gratification, rejoice, live,
release, each in its own
time, never forgotten
captured, caged, surrender,
life's pages unfold un-noticed.

Each kiss leaves another
each promise broken, brings
a tear, replaced by another
lover, sensitive without dreams
of his own.

© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved
Harriet Shea May 2020
Only words written on paper, written
from the very soul, a heart speaking
of life, days lived to the fullest.

Some are written from the love they
feel, some from hurt, some
disappointed, discouraged, some
willing to give, some not so willing.

As we live, learn, we write, dance
sing till it is our time to go home
some refusing, some wanting
just to end the misery.

Writing words come easy to some
not so easy to others, yet all words
written, come from the very soul, they
are our blueprints once lived, some
just starting out, making there own
prints in silence.

Life is strange that way, it catches each
moment, locking it within, opening
it when the key is turned.

Words written, releasing what hurts, what
you have been hiding, what joy, what sadness
without a word spoken, maybe just a tear
that use to fall once upon a time.

Capturing each thought, releasing them
from time to time, a great outlet important
for those thoughts to reach a peak from the mind
to heart and to souls everlasting love.

Only words, but what words do flow, the
faucet drips than it pours out the freshness
hidden in the soul, so let it pour as freely
as it makes you calm, collecting thoughts
in each word written from within.

(Always be true to thyself)

DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Follow your passion and doors
that are not open to someone else
can be open for you..

If you wish upon a star keep in
mind, it is a wish never always
a reality..

Dance your dance my friend
beware of the circumstance
that may come crashing

Follow your heart, but be
sure it is your heart your
following, not a dreamers

A person makes their own life
if it is not the way you desire it
to be, just turn it around, and
find what you desire.

So if your plans don't work out
the way you wanted them, it is
you who chose them to be this
way, not anyone else can lead
you by the hand, just you.

If you seen someone jump over
the bridge! would you jump
over with him if you wanted
too? Sure you would! it was
your desire too.

So life is what you make it
it is you who decides what you
want in life, not the other one
if you take chances, it is what
you desire, and what you desire
you can receive.

So if we want life to treat us
good, we have to want to treat
life good, because we desired to
treat it good.

Just think we really can have
all we want, it is our desire
with determination we can
have it all, it is our choice
no one else.

No one cares to live your life
it is your life not theirs, so
live it well, be fair to yourself
and your treasures will never
stop growing.

((Their is no one to blame for
the way you live your life, it
is all up to you.))

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
My heart opens up to him, he is power of my total
existence, he lives in me, he make it possible to
breath the air of promise, he is my love of wisdom,
he is my cup of knowledge..

I have opened up my heart to him now, he believes in
the goodness I have always had, he is my love of true
power, he is my cup, a cup of gold, he is my strength
my believer of faith and wisdom which conquer all..

I have opened up my heart now, for the first time I have
given of myself so free, there are no drawbacks, the story
has begun, now it will continue on till the finish, it will never
be like you thought, for in taking the story to heart it will become
a seller to the world...

You have entered into a life of knowledge and wisdom, you will
never go back, you will go forward and teach what must be
taught, you are a teacher of wisdom and survival, you have now
entered into the dimension of self, a place where only love
lives, no knocks shall put you down, it will be a time of deep
understanding, where only you will travel alone...

There cannot be a man that shall be your teacher for your the
teacher of man, you must follow your rules of deepness, count the
stars, they are all numbered, they are waiting to be your blueprint,
follow careful each rule, for they shall be your guidelines to the
truth, they will give you wisdom to set off a reaction of healing, there
will be a ruler of demands set in action and you shall be the ruler
of what comes into play...

No work will be to hard now, you have surpassed the toughness,
you have passed the rulers promise by being there for them who
need you, you shall never be a person of unworthiness, you shall
be there to watch the pillars fall among the great ones, you will
fall not, for in you they will follow through the years of trials..

There will be no more sadness the gray clouds have now lifted leaving
sunny days and moving winds, they will blow into your heart and
make you a teacher of total admiration, you will be known has the
teacher of man, no man shall lower themselves, they shall be your
structure, the grounds have now been dug, it is going to be you who
shall make it strong, a strength only you hold...

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
Open up your ears, your heart
and listen to each sound that is
delivered around us each day.

Listen to the children to people
of nations, who have an open
heart with words, and when
spoken, no one hears a word
that pours from another.

Have we become so ignorant not
to see what damage is being done
right in front of our eyes?

Do not listen do not care enough)

Have we shut down so much, we don't
know what living life is about anymore?
or have we just decided to give up
altogether going with the flow
gathering our thoughts, blocking
everyone out of our life?

See the little children but don't
hear them! they make to much
noise do you think?

If we do not listen to each other, how
will we unite as one? Will we just
look and forget to smile and live
lost and alone?

(Do we think we have all the answers)

We are living in this state of mind
right now, living alone lost, not caring
loving, nor understanding that without
love, we will not raise our vibrations
to evolve and grow, we will just dry
up and wither away in the silence
of now.

We need to listen to one another and
love beyond anything we have ever
done before. It is not hard, just
open up and care, and you will
awaken and radiate.

(Awaken and really listen)

Find your heart and listen
to your inner voice, it
speaks always, but you
do not hear!

Find love and listen!

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2021
Open up your heart letting
miracles happen just by being
who you are!

You'll never be unhappy when
you just let truth flow with ease
while others may doubt, your

It doesn't take much to discover
who you are, with a heart that
will never deceive you.

Your mind may deceive you many
a time, but the heart has its own
mind speaking truth always.

Your soul is your intuition speaking
within, if you listen, you will never
go wrong unless you let yourself
your soul lives for eternity.

With all your light living within
your soul, you'll never need to
find a light to enlighten you
when it has always been within
from the day you've been

Now go do your job and shine that
new-found light to others who
are shining down there.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2023
Open up your heart letting
miracles happen just by being
who you!!

You'll never be unhappy when
you let truth flow with ease
while others may doubt, you

It doesn't take much to discover
who we are, with a heart that
will never deceive us.

Our minds may deceive us many
a time, but the heart has its own
mind speaking truth always.

Our souls are our intuition speaking
within, if we listen, we will never
go wrong unless we let our souls
go astray.

With all our light within the soul
you'll never need to find another light
to enlighten you when it has always been within
from the day you've been

Now go shine your light on others
watching them find the true light
in souls of forgotten truths.
Love is power shining within all
of us deeply.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2020
Open up your heart letting
miracles happen by just
being who you are!

You'll never be unhappy when
you just let truth flow with ease
while others may doubt, your

It doesn't take much to discover
who you are, with a heart that
will never deceive you.

Your mind may deceive you many
a time, but the heart has it's own
mind speaking truth always.

Your soul is your intuition speaking
within, if you listen, you'll will never
go wrong unless you let yourself
your soul lives for eternity.

With all your light living within
your soul, you'll never need to
find a light to enlighten you
when it has always been within
from the day you've been

Now go do your job and shine that
new-found light to others who
need to find there own..

2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2019
Reminiscing from another time when
life constantly renewed freshness upon
each other with love and kindness.

Times of truth was not a thought; was
part of the heart showing love, putting
a smile upon your face was really not
a glued pretense of a happy heart.

Intentions have multiplied three times
lower than the vibrations we are going
through today.

No control, no compassion, no way to
combine love, no true intentions
connected to life's realities.

We live, we must! only knowing our
own self, reason why we are born to
grow, to be kind to those who
are burdened down with fears
and doubts.

We must grow our garden with love
knowing that what we do in honor for
those who lack understanding, will never
realistically know the power they carry.

Growing in spirit will unravel confusion
connecting our power double fold, if we
have faith, anything can happen if we
only believe.

(Faith in believing will change us all for
the good)

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2020
Broken glass crushed among one rose once
red with love, in those days of wine
and roses when you gave your love to me.
Glasses of crystal, filled with wine, dripping
over never forgotten bliss, yes! those days
of wine and roses, when we pledged
ourselves to always be true in word and
Candle flickering, covered over with nights
of loving surrender, in those days of
wine and roses.
Years stand before me, as I walk among
ruins, remembering those days of
wine and roses, and your eyes of blue
So many years you have been gone, so
many times I feel you near, I can almost
feel your touch after a thunderstorm,
rainbows brighten, remembering your
eyes so blue.

You'll always be my inspiration.

(Dedicated to the love of my life)

© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Broken glass crushed among one rose once
red with love, in those days of wine
and roses when you gave your love to me.
Glasses of crystal, filled with wine, dripping
over never forgotten bliss, yes! those days
of wine and roses, when we pledged
ourselves to always be true in word and
Candle flickering, covered over with nights
of loving surrender, in those days of
wine and roses.
Years stand before me, as I walk among
ruins, remembering those days of
wine and roses, and your eyes of blue
So many years you have been gone, so
many times I feel you near, I can almost
feel your touch after a thunderstorm,
rainbows brighten, remembering your
eyes so blue.

You'll always be my inspiration.

(Dedicated to the love of my life)

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Flowers, how they bloom today
thankful for all we have received
how we sing out, freedom rings
in the hearts of man..

All men are free, if they know it or
not, what we think comes from deep
within, no one but us, we are aware
of our own thoughts, we couldn't be more
free, if we think about it..

So, if we think were not free, yes indeed
we are, only we know our deepest
thoughts, no one can erase them only
us, we are the ones who have the
right, no one on God's green earth
can ever take away what we ourselves

So when rules and laws are set among
nations, there are no rules, laws, what we
all think, we our the keeper of our own
true thoughts, souls, and minds..

Observe what surrounds, keep your
thoughts protected, no one can read
what you have not spoken, or what
you believe to be true, if you have
not allowed those thoughts to be

All freedom comes from within, we can
sing as loud as we want, only we
know what we thank God for, in our
own little private paradise, within the
boundaries of our own thoughts..

We can fly among the clouds, sing our
own songs, think what we want, when we
want, no one can ever take that freedom
away from us, but God himself..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
A lasting friendship
between you and me
a friendship I never
take for granted.

A lasting friendship
to the end, a friendship
always want, to make
me smile each day.

If sorrow comes, and tears
must fall, I'll always be
with you my friend to
the end.

If happiness we shall find
may we share it among
the ones we love, we are
never alone being friends
the way we are to this
very day.

Like each flower that blooms
and noticed, for it's beauty
so is our friendship that
will never die.

(Dedicated to my best friend I have known
since I been three years old) Were 78

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2024
Our nation is a nation of truth, freedom,
peace, love, and glory among all men!

We are strong and united like a circle welded
beyond our destiny!

We must never take anything for granted
cause we are our little piece of the earth
fused beyond understanding!

We are human beings made to love, to stay
in love, manifesting each image of our true

Laying our truths down cannot be certain in degrees
of adapting to our abilities to be who we
want to be.

Our nation is our life, we must always respect
her and our freedom to be free throughout
our being!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2020
We were not aware of our Planet
now we shall become aware of what
is part of us.

We will awaken unto our souls
and we shall be power in which
we have no knowledge.

Love will open our eyes to see
ourselves. “Divine Spirits” of
all that shines from our

We are supreme beings created
from our Master, we are his
children made in his own
image and likeness.

We live for now with mother
Gaia, with spirits lighting
our way through all dimensions
of our new beginning.

Like shells upon the hot parched
sand, we shall rise and follow our
Light Divine.

(Through our awareness we shall
find the truth of life)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2019
Today is a special day for man kind
announcing the Universal code of 1111
installed in everyone to awaken
uniting together in the purification
of Mother Earth.

She has been torn apart way to long
still showing her beauty each day
and yet we can not see her pain, we
have lost our loving feeling we were
put here on earth to share.

We must like to abuse what is good
for us, because that is all we are
doing each day, abusing, being
careless, showing no love, just
wanting power and control.

No one seems to believe in anything
but machines and technology, which is
no-good for our tender hearts and minds
that was not meant to be connected
to mind control, in which is happening
without our awareness. We are connected in
love in one, which has now dissolved in evil
dust among all nations.

We flow along with the flow, like
rechargeable robots, with no int elect
no purpose but destruction not knowing
the reason just the actions of a machine
taking over the mind and heart of man
(only one difference; we all are spirits
and after we are forgotten our spirit will
still be free, and uni-destructible.

If we all were like Mother Nature in
all her beauty we would not have
thoughts to shed anothers blood so easy
complaining life is not fair.

It is now time to connect our feelings
together in one giant world of love that
we were all created to do from the

So now that it is 1111, lets us
bow our heads and pray that
we may have world peace, love,
freedom of spirit to be who we
really are.

(Children of God in Heaven)

Pray for world peace on this day
of our Universal code 1111

(November 11, 2019)

© 2019DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
They’ll never be another you or another
me, only we shall be as one like all of us were
meant to be.

Though we have no idea why this should happen
to us all, we have no way of changing lives in the
way, it will soon become.

We must try to smile and help others and take
care of the world we still live in, it will not
be a memory in the future to come.

Don't waste your time confused, time does not
stop for answers, just moving on, second by
second without one thought in mind.

(Now is the time)

Walk your walk, talk your talk, love your love
with all your heart, it will not be lived in vain
only in the minutes left to close your eyes
saying good-bye.

This is our time to live, love, and pray, there is
no time left than the time you have, this very
special moment of moments. Our special

Capture those special times that made a difference
in your life, it made you happy and you manifested
happiness to the fullest.

If you do just one special act that shines through the
darkest clouds, you know you have almost finished
your mission before you go!

Our special time is now, so live it with an open heart
with enough love to flourish.

(Now is your special time)

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
They’ll never be another you or be another
me, only we shall be as one like all of us were
meant to be.

Though we have no idea why this should happen
to us all, we have no way in changing life the
way, it will soon become.

We must try to smile and help others and take
care of our world we still live upon, it will not
be a memory in the future to come.

Don't waste your time in wonder, time does
not stop to answer, just moving on, second by
second without one thought in mind.

(Now is the time)

Walk your walk, talk your talk, love your love
with all your heart, it will not be lived in vain
only in the minutes left to close your eyes
saying good-bye.

This is our time to live, love, and pray, there is
no time left than the time you have, this very
special moment of moments. Our special

Capture those special times that made a difference
in your life, it made you happy and you manifested
happiness to the fullest.

If you do just one special act that shines through the
darkest clouds, you know you have almost finished
your mission before you go!

Our special time is now, so live it with an open heart
with enough love to flourish.

(Now is your special time)

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
Reminiscing from another time when
life constantly renewed freshness upon
each other with love and kindness.

Times of truth was not a thought; was
part of the heart showing love, putting
a smile upon your face was real not
a glued pretense of a happy heart.

Intentions have multiplied three times
lower than the vibrations we are going
through today.

No control, no compassion, no way to
combine love, no true intentions
connected to life's realities.

We live, we must! only knowing our
own self, reason why we are born to
grow, to be kind to those who
are burdened down with fears
and doubts.

We must grow our garden with love
knowing that what we do in honor for
those who lack understanding, will never
realistically know the power they carry.

Growing in spirit will unravel the confusion
connecting our power double fold, if we
have faith, anything can happen if we
only believe.

(Faith in believing will change us all for
the good)

DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2019
Confusion! misunderstanding gather no sweetness
to continue the growth of survival, when levels are
beneath, uninterrupted knowledge.

Artificial reactions gather strength bringing
forth delusional attachments to our unruly
world of discontentment.

Breath, gather strength from within and blow
away thoughts of corruption existing among
the tribes of the earth.

Cannot exist without love and living is
impossible to comprehend without reasons
why we should comprehend the realization
of illusions.

(@ DerenaBree (all rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2021
No face covering to cover faded
thoughts that were so profound
in every way.

No love to shade away clouds
that define to leave.

A light that glorifies each way
I walk in different directions
in time of revealing illusions
flying high to nowhere in time
of silence and solitude.

Clashing across the deep unknown
lands are forsaken in life we allow
ourselves, one chance to hear our
voice of clarification.

Blank slate seeks the perfection of words
pure and true before all have ignored

No face to count which way to stroll
or swim among the turmoil and confusion
of each thought that passes quickly

Our place is now where we confess
feelings of a lifetime before
the dawn of another day!

“Another day went”
“Another day may begin”
“One second to give love”

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
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