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Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Higher flying along
the coolness of the breeze, carrying
me to mountain tops.

Singing with birds
how glories I feel
country roads
flowers in the valley
green with trees
ferns tall, sweet grass
mingling with lilies white
in the forest of dreams.

Dancing in the sunlight along
country roads with dirt and
weeds, vines climbing uprooted
trees, leaves rumbling along the
darkened woodland trail, almost
forgotten, waterfall flowing down
ward, in a creek kissed by rocky
boulders of grown moss dampened
by mystery.

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2021
How are your thoughts with mixed slants and disgusting complaints about another pleasing sight that you forgot to notice? As you know it is not you who forgot, it was the naked mind locked without practice and Identification you never saw the air bright with misty light flooding a confused mind.
No intrigued thoughts last indefinitely they pretend to be a reality but in the end, it is another place and thought you remembered for a second to keep your understanding clear of interference causing frictions of mine and eternity
Latch deeply the handle of sense and close the door to unwanted dispositions not meant to spoil a pure unconscious mind of evil surroundings lurking silently above dimensional lacerations beyond your own pleasure. No words to express thoughts pouring out of deeply conditioned memories.
So gather those thoughts you don't remember and lock them away till the moment comes and you can present to the world the meaning of our existence of a world set free of uncontrolled behavior in a serious manner.
Hello mind, it is almost time to close all thoughts in this dimension of restlessness of thoughts never remembered when the time was right. They will pour out in a different way that no questions will be asked soon.
Join your brothers and sisters waking the mind of love, peace, and harmony, the chalice will fill to the top of eternity, and confusion will be softly lifted and put aside for other people to be locked away beneath a planet of sad dimensional longing to be known. Bleakness has just started with deep knowledge coming into place.
Comfort each other and time will be easier.

DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2021
A Day to be Remembered
October 29th, 2017

Today is four years 2021 since Robert
Allen Dollar was killed on South Mountain
in Phoenix Arizona by a drunken driver
while riding with his bike group.

A courageous loving sincere young man with
a dream to start a Foundation giving riders three
feet while riding on the side of all roads.

"Don't take a life! Save a life!"

Robert Allen Dollar's dream came true, by
giving his life on South Mountain where
he biked every weekend. He died way before
his time.

His father started the “Rob Dollar Foundation”
to remind motorists to give cyclists three feet
saving a life."

Today is his day in heaven, riding glorified in
harmony with the Universe.

He may have been a daredevil at heart
but what a "DareDevil" He will
be missed by all who love
and respected him.

With a loving smile, he rides
high, with eyes glowing bright
has his heart.

He cannot ride fast enough to
keep up with his energy flow
he rides with the breeze among
the clouds passing in grace.

That is Power-man now riding
through the clouds ahead of the

Go, Power Man!

(We All Love You)

Written by
Grandmother Shea

Derena Bree
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
Why cross the bridge without thinking
that living is forever, and nothing will
ever change? We change continuously
not always for the best, without knowing
true essence of love, in its purest form.
Confiding in self among ageless
sprees, dust flows freely without each
a speck of understanding, forcing
subconscious mind control, majestic
manifestations, appearing among the truth
intimacy, and pleasurable passions of
foreseen images before direct contact
Admission not accepted, releasing truths
only known to the heartless, would cause a
backward flow of understandable knowledge
to unreasonable reactions limited to a short
time in dimensional space.
Taken across our space of wonder, do we
pronounce the reality of inspirational

©Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2024
Why cross the bridge without thinking
that living is forever, and nothing will
ever change? We change continuously
not always for the best, without knowing
true essence of love, in its purest form.

Confiding in self among ageless
sprees, dust flows freely without each
the speck of understanding, forcing
subconscious mind control, majestic
manifestations, appearing among the truth
intimacy, and pleasurable passions of
foreseen images before direct contact

Admission not accepted, releasing truths
only known to the heartless, would cause a
backward flow of understandable knowledge
to unreasonable reactions limited to a short
time in dimensional space.

Taken across our space of wonder, do we
pronounce the reality of inspirational

© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Why worry in life my dear, life is much too
short to dance with the still remorse of
a constant itch that will not leave without

Breathe and breathe some more till your
lungs are filled with energy, escaping through
your pours of life.

Upside-down smiles do not become you my
dear, they make your eyes dull, making
you fake like a Barbie doll.

I know! That look is familiar but at times
others could give you some help in the line
of good advice, without that sneaky
smirk my dear.

I know actions speak louder than words
and with all those troubles you don't
Do, you think you do, give me a hug
sometimes, just to make you feel you are
not alone without anyone in your

When you notice, what you
will someday, you will be the one giving
some good advice for your little one who
thinks life *****.

Strange how a person's outlook
takes a double take, finding out that
all answers are not correct, most of them
are wrong, till you live and find out that all
your lifetime was just an ego problem..

(Nice to find out it took all these years
to find that out)

©Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2024
It seems to be a bad situation
happening, when you are at
you're much worse

What happens when the hand
is held out to help, refused in
lack of trust?

Conquering defeat, they
say makes you a better
stronger person.

No one knows what lurks
deep inside a broken
person of loyalty, when all hope
seems to be disappearing!

They say when you ask
your angels for help
they will, when asked
besides guiding you

When you have tried
your very best, and want to die
must not give up, yet words
are easily spoken, when
it does not happen to the one
who speaks.

It would help if you walked a mile in
another person's shoes, to feel
the anguish of the one who
suffers internally.

One does not know who
has pain, one who laughs
on the outside, crying
on the inside, who really
cares enough to notice?

If there was a man walking
down a cobblestone path not knowing
harm would happen, how many who
knew the danger he was in for
would warn him of such
danger? I wonder!

They say smile! who wants
to smile, when each time
you turn, you're hitting another
brink wall, smile anyway, the
Lord is with you always
but even that, at times, does
not comfort the man who
feels lost and alone.

Words of life can be
written in many ways, but
those who have nothing
not even self-respect, cannot
understand these words
written on paper, his life
has never been good, now
his hope in life seems so
empty, a man lost in
the mountains of no

Take a pill, it will help you
easy enough to say, harder
for the ones who are ill, waiting
for a miracle, those sides
effects seem to make
everything worse.

We get stronger with all
our crosses we bear, that
is if we're able to be strong
enough for the next fall, in
which we know we must never
give up how many times we

Starvation Alley is the way
to go, looking for a soul
thoughtful enough to help
one who is down on his
or her luck feeling
no one cares!

Smile through life, the
the world will smile with you
cry, you'll walk alone, with God
your heavenly father.

Do a bad thing, your Karma
triples in horror, welcome
to hell, it's how you wanted
it, now you're carrying a cross
you never had to.

Next time you see someone
who looks lost? think how you
would feel without a person
to help you in your time of
need, even when you looked
and tried so hard?

Sweet Compassion, sweet
love, where are you, when
we need you so?

(Remember we're never alone!
God our Heavenly Father is always
with us in all our needs.

All shall work out when you start
loving yourself, understanding
everything is not all an illusion.

When we seem to know the answers
without knowing, is when we have
become wise, in thought word, and deed!

(Wake Up! Live for the now and Love!)

©DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2021
Seem to be a bad situation
happening, when you are at
you're very bad.

What happens when the hand
is held out to help, refused in
lack of trust?

Conquering defeat, they
say makes you a better
stronger person.

No one knows what lurks
deep inside a broken
person of loyalty, when all hope
seems to be disappearing!

They say when you ask
your angels for help
they will, when asked
besides guiding you

When you have tried
your very best, and want to die
must not give up, yet words
are easily spoken, when
it does not happen to the one
who speaks.

You must walk a mile in
another person's shoes, to feel
the anguish of the one who
suffers internally.

One does not know who
has pain, one who laughs
on the outside, crying
on the inside, who really
cares enough to notice?

If there was a man walking
down a cobblestone path not knowing
harm would happen, how many who
knew the danger he was in for
would warn him of such
danger? I wonder!

They say smile! who wants
to smile, each time
you turn, you're hitting another
brink wall, smile anyway, the
Lord is with you always
but even that, at times, does
not comfort the man who
feels lost and alone.

Words of life can be
written in many ways, but
those who have nothing
not even self-respect, cannot
understand these words
written on paper, his life
has never been good, now
his hope in life seems so
empty, a man lost in
the mountains of no

Take a pill, it will help you
easy enough to say, harder
for the ones who are ill, waiting
for a miracle, those sides
effects seem to make
everything worse.

We get stronger with all
our crosses we bear, that
is if we're able to be strong
enough for the next fall, in
which we know we must never
give up how many times we

Starvation Alley is the way
to go, looking for a soul
thoughtful enough to help
one who is down on his
or her luck feeling
no one cares!

Smile through life, the
the world will smile with you
cry, you'll walk alone, with God
your heavenly father.

Do a bad thing, your Karma
triples in horror, welcome
to hell, it's how you wanted
it, now you're carrying a cross
you never had to.

Next time you see someone
who looks lost? think how you
would feel without a person
to help you in your time of
need, even when you looked
and tried so hard?

Sweet Compassion, sweet
love, where are you, when
we need you so?

( Just remember we're never alone!
God our Heavenly Father is always
with us in all our needs.

All shall work out when you start
loving yourself, understanding
everything is not all an illusion.

When we seem to know the answers
without knowing, is when we have
become wise, in thought word, and deed!

(Wake Up! Live for the now and Love!)

©DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Just want to say goodbye my sweet
friend.  I knew it was going to be this
way for a few years now. I already
felt your sadness because we could
not see each other.
God in heaven and all your loved ones
will welcome you home, you can once
again smile, you always had such lovely
smile.  You can see all the snowbirds we
all loved so much.
Fly high my friend, you are free at last, no
more fear to hold you down, you can
now fly through the heaven of light
and love.
You can go to Rainbow Bridge and all
your dogs will be waiting for you, with
tails wiggling all over.

I will be down here to pray with light, love
and peace my friend..Good-Bye.

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
I gather my energy from Mother Earth
she is my church, and nature is my

I cannot find calmness anywhere, just
running free and wild under the skies
of pure energy.

Flowers are my perfume, they linger
forever in my blood, as I swim the
cool waters of tranquility.

There is no place I rather be just breathing
the freshness of God's green earth.

Was born to mingle through life, gathering
energy from earth's sweetness, running with
the animals, flying with the birds, swaying
with the breeze kissing Mother gently
where ever my heart roams.

This is where I shall be when my body
leaves Mother Earth, “With dust I was
made, to dust I will return.”

Could never find another place I'd rather
be than collecting all my energy from
mother earth.

(Thank You Lord for Giving me Mother Earth)
She is my energy source, that forces me
to my knees with love.

©Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2024
Completeness surrender among the meek, you will be the maker of peace, and people will follow the laws of love consisting of words from within themselves.
You shall proclaim the rules of contentment among the brave and weary.
You shall have a glow opening the sky of light, way above the Universe.
What was promised in the Book of Knowledge, will come about in a completely different way, that shall change mankind into beings of light!
A new world of consciousness will be born and we shall not remember life like once upon a time it was, in the world of dismay!
Imagination will be the key to knowledge, understanding
and wisdom will be the blueprint of our foundation
of believers.
There will never be a question in our minds once
we have found all the answers within.
Having patience, we shall move mountains
like the sparkling of the stars in the
velvet heavens.
©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2021
Completeness, surrender among the meek for you will be the maker of peace and they will follow what the laws of love consist of within your words.

You shall proclaim the rules of contentment among the brave and weary.

You shall have a glow opening the sky of light, way above the Universe.

What was promised in the Book of Knowledge, will come about in a completely different way, a way that will change mankind into beings of light!

A new world of consciousness will be born and we
shall not remember the life we lived once upon a time in the world of dismay.

Imagination will be the key to knowledge, understanding
and wisdom will be the blueprint of our foundation
of believers.

There will never be a question in our minds once
we have found all the answers within.

Have patience, we shall move mountains
like the sparkling of the stars in the
velvet heavens.


©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
Along a long road to travel, it's
wide and never-ending, it goes
on and on from morning till dusk
and still, you keep moving on..

Why! does the road lead you on
does it make you satisfied with
yearning in your heart, does it
keep you searching without

Along a long road to travel alone
the hours run into days and days
into months, still, you travel these
long roads from dawn to early
light, till shadows fall without a
doubt upon a restless heart.

Are you crying silently leaving
the road calm your insanity? is
it is the way you choose to go, down
that long road to peace or escape.

Lead not your heart down this
the road that makes you a slave
climb that mountain that leads
you to your inner peace, then it
soon will end, without another
lonely thought, just the depth of
understanding of who you always
been from the beginning.

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2024
Think promises, leaving glances unsure that clouds are blue, through the thickness of forest green with misty fields, filling each thought with a smile, a soft kiss from my angel, flying through the purple-covered violets so beautiful, touching across my mind, in perfect Time.

Lingering along with glasses so rosy, they brought many days of pleasant dreams thrilling, I hang on, with happiness, my reality.

Thinking promises, watching roses die I see clouds over the swaying trees, days filled with angels, of Mother Earth, and her sweet creations.

A moment, a calm breeze whispers by, reminding me of when oceans were bluish-green and his eyes staring past mine, in glowing wonder, now they pass so softly across the mind touching heart, with peace dreaming in comfort, hearing beats of my heart, in a rose garden that'll remain wondrous forever.

Caressing tightly life's treasures, growing sensationally happy, thoughts playing tunes echoing across the valley, touching down one more time before darkness appears with memories golden, bringing me my garden of love, promises, to be found in this adventure of growth, our garden flourishes, deeply found only in the soul.

((Our Rose Garden Sleeps Softly In Our Own Soul))

© DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2021
Thinking promises, leaving glances unsure that clouds are blue, through the thickness of forest green with misty fields, filling each thought with a smile, a soft kiss from my angel, flying through the purple-covered violets so beautiful, touching across my mind, in perfect Time.

Lingering along with glasses so rosy, they brought many days of pleasant dreams thrilling, I hang on, with happiness, my reality.

Thinking promises, watching roses die I see clouds over the swaying trees, days filled with angels, of Mother Earth, and her sweet creations.

A moment, a calm breeze whispers by, reminding me of when oceans were bluish-green and his eyes staring past mine, in glowing wonder, now they pass so softly across the mind touching heart, with peace dreaming in comfort, hearing beats of my heart, in a rose garden that'll remain wondrous forever.

Caressing tightly life's treasures, growing sensationally happy, thoughts playing tunes echoing across the valley, touching down one more time before darkness appears with memories golden, bringing me my garden of love, promises, to be found in this adventure of growth, our garden flourishes, deeply found only in the soul.

((Our Rose Garden Sleeps Softly In Our Own Soul))

© DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2021
(A Man Of Beauty And Respect)

A True Story

Who was he? He called himself the
unknown Poet, my great great great
grandmother's uncle Joe. He lived
a long exciting life, loving one woman
in time of war.

A Martin Trapper he was, an artist of fine
design, a poet in his time, a fine gentle
soul of the universe capturing each
thought writing them down in journals
and poetry.

If you should ask him what he believed
in! he would say; “I believed in God, sounds
of nature, love of mankind, love of words
anything to do with nature is where my
heart roams best.”

He was true to his own beliefs, a man
of heart, determination, a man who
would walk a mile in another man's shoes.
He was the heartbeat of the land, a
true mountain man of the wilderness.

He wore leather, long hair, a beard a loving heart
for all animals including the bear, he grew
closer to as he traveled the mountains
year after year doing his Martin trapping
for food. He was a God-fearing man
of courage and strength all his own.

He was truly remarkable, who
fought with George Armstrong Custer
and the men of the 7th Cavalry where
they met their fate and the Sioux on June
25, 1886, at the Battle of the Little Big
Horn'. Uncle Joe was sent to get
reinforcements at the age of fifteen
when he returned, they found them all
mascaraed. Including (George Armstrong

Many of his journals, poetry and
sketches were burned in a trailer
fire, but to this day, still remember
at a young age trying to read his poetry
I do remember seeing some of his sketches
he had sketched with pencil by candlelight
in his cabin in the winter in the Canadian

One sketch I remember well was of
a lovely lady dressed in a long gown
with hair piled high upon her head
she looked lovely.

That winter was long and cold and Joe
never returned home from his trapping
the Royal Mounted Police found him dead
next to the creek by his cabin. He died
of starvation.

This is just part of the story my
great-grandmother told me of her uncle Joe. I
wish she would have told me more about his life.

I want to pass this on to my family so they can keep
passing it down from generation to generation.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved). Publishing ℗ Man of strength and Courage®( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
Before eyes so blurred, behold the beauty
no other can gaze upon, wonders so
magnificent no words have the power to

Treasures of vastness, beauty, nature
in it's splendor, appears so still among
years of growth, what happened through
centuries when Indians roamed this
mighty land I wonder!

History born without notice among this
land so thick with wonder, sit and listen
to sounds of nature, music not forgotten
new sounds, new life, new treasures no
other can make so complete...

Glory is each moment spent with life's
mysteries, many thoughts, much peace
comes from a heart so sensitive to
Mother Nature, God was certainly good
to her and mankind.

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
If ever I could shed my tears, they may spread throughout the world
and save the people of lost souls, not yet know how to radiate their light.

Come into your dimensions, cross your heart with love, and think of how you got here in a second of your dream light last night.

Remember your path does not cross you, you make it happen where you seem to appear without your knowledge.

Being you can be amazing if you only release your pain, loving
self will always love as long as you recognize who you are.

©Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2018

You fought for our country brave
and strong, you gave your all the
best you could.

You prayed so hard I felt your tears
when blood soaked in the dry hard

You called for help the angels came
with brilliant confidence, they gave you
strength to finish your fight.

You  fight the war now within yourself
to try to make people understand that
love comes from deep, not from the
depths of darkness, so easy to follow.

You will always be a brave young man
in the hearts of all men and women of
America, the home of the free and the

Thank you for your protection to all our
fighting men and woman and those who
have laid down their lives for America.


“God Bless America”

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
A million reasons slip by unnoticed, a million reasons never materialize, a million reasons for leaving a good thing behind.

A million reasons locked inside, a million reasons for not really caring, a million reasons for saying a speedy good-bye.

A million reasons shadows appear with the mighty wind, a million reasons stored away.

But, not one reason makes any sense, why we must cross that line of no return, to find those reasons we wish we could.

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2022
If we cannot love within, where we sparkle so bright
Where is that love that makes darkness light?

Gathering love, we step upon another stepping stone
closer to our destination.

Harmony caressing each thought playing tunes never
will be played again in that second.

Sooth the graving heart that cries deep, it has no sadness
only love flowing threw veins of reality.

Manifest your love brightly among the forgotten who
never felt the glories feeling of fire that began when love's
energy touched the soul, stealing away the truth that was buried
beneath steel rusted away with time.

Love hurts for those who love with a true understanding
consequences of such pureness of depth hurt in a way
only the knowledgeable and profound know.

Crystal light flows from those grown in knowledge
from those who share a simple light bringing forth
love so pure and everlasting through any darkness that
craves unleashed tranquil endeavors.

Logic in thoughts foolish in actions camouflaging the
lies known to men.

The less we know what is near to distract, the less we shall
be near enough to be disturbed by unneeded occurrences
over and over again.

Touched, we gather together for reasons that will secure
emotions unknown to us, but known to the importance
of growth among the wise who acknowledge answers
only love can give without knowing.

In the darkness, there is only light flowing through every
part of our being for eternity.

The mirror of our souls shines brightly when connected once
again bringing perfect balance and knowledge that
we are all one in the name of our almighty Lord.

Masculine, feminine connections must combine balance
our soul is one united in love.

We have no worries when love flows freely through our veins.

(Just live and love, and shine your light)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2021
Among the ashes, tears do flow
to build foundations strong from fear
binding threads, behind masks no
more, the countdown, has just

While darkness seeps through hearts
of doubt, the land cries from thirst and
shame, that men had to make their mark
across the universal plain.

Where shadows fall on misty nights
Dawn hides away what can't be found
thorns never seen must bleed away
tears that fall upon deceit.

The truth may be a passing thing, while
silent whispers hit sharp like thunder
among the ashes of time, watching
a world distorted, a world we lost
a world of ashes known as history.

Though bleakness draws its final
breath, life flows faster yet, to settle
down across the land, of false
illusions ending in pain, among
the ashes of yesterday.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved). Publishing ℗Among the Ashes®( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2022
Among the ashes, tears do flow
building foundations strong with fear
binding threads, behind masks show
the count down has just begun.

While darkness seeps through hearts
of doubt, the land cries from thirst and
shame, why man had to make his mark
across the universal plain.

Where shadows fall upon misty nights
dawn hides away what can't be found
thorns never seen, must bleed away
tears that fall upon deceit.

The truth may be a passing thing, while
silence flow like thunder across skies
among the ashes of time we see
a world distorted, a world we lost
a world of ashes known as history.

Though bleakness draws its final
breath, life flows faster yet, to settle
down across the land, forces of false
conclusion end, in sorrow and heartache
among the ashes of yesterday.

Today's another day, where ashes were
thrown among never-ending sorrow, years
and years ago, now freedom rings no
more, we walk among disasters new
where only shadows flow and darken
in these new days of uncertainty.

(Cross your arms each and everyone, that
we may never see the shadows appear)

© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2018
Among the ashes, tears do flow,
to build foundations strong from fear,
binding threads, behind masks no
more, the count down, has just

While darkness seeps through hearts
of doubt, the land cries from thirst and
shame, why man had to make his mark,
across the universal plain..

Where shadows fall on misty nights,
dawn hides away what can't be found,
thorns never seen, must bleed away,
tears that fall upon deceit..

Truth may be a passing thing, while
silent whispers sharp like thunder,
among the ashes of time we see,
a world distorted, a world we lost,
a world of ashes, known has history..

Though bleakness draws it's final
breath, life flows faster yet, to settle
down across the land, a false
conclusion ends with pain, among
the ashes of yesterday...

Derena (Harriet) (2018 Copyright
Harriet Shea Oct 2019
Among the ashes, tears do flow
building foundations strong with fear
binding threads, behind masks show
the count down has just begun.

While darkness seeps through hearts
of doubt, the land cries from thirst and
shame, why man had to make his mark
across the universal plain.

Where shadows fall upon misty nights
dawn hides away what can't be found
thorns never seen, must bleed away
tears that fall upon deceit.

Truth may be a passing thing, while
silence flow like thunder across skies
among the ashes of time we see
a world distorted, a world we lost
a world of ashes known has history.

Though bleakness draws its final
breath, life flows faster yet, to settle
down across the land, forces of false
conclusion end, in sorrow and heartache
among the ashes of yesterday.

Today's another day, where ashes were
thrown among never-ending sorrow, years
and years ago, now freedom rings no
more, we walk among disasters new
where only shadows flow and darken
in these new days of uncertainty.

(Cross your arms each and everyone, that
we may never see the shadows appear)

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2018
A Angel in her glory and wonder
watches your love for all little birds
flowers and mother nature.

You are an amazing lady of love and
compassion and those who see you
can feel the light flowing through
more and more with each piece of
your heart you give in love.

God bestows blessings upon you dear
lady of magical wonder, and you shall
fly high above the trees of mother earth
and touch the face of God.


By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2018
Walking toward you I smile, a shallow look
I see, why I feel that cold cold stare, was
it was caused by last night's walk, around the
the lake you worshiped so?

You never tell what's on your mind, I always
feel such distance when we are alone. you
carry the world upon your shoulders while
each day it seems to weigh a little more..

I see so much wisdom in your eyes so deep,
you've been around for a very long time, you've
always taught me something of value to
carry in my heart as I age gracefully.

I shall walk this world in glory, it's a world
of life and strife, it only shows what one
feels deep, when you gaze around the
starry skies.

Much is taught and read in books, it just
one look could never fit, the feeling one
has, standing on a mountain top, no
words to fill a single book, the beauty
that you see in just one glance.

I may see your shallow eyes, your heart
could never be, if you were born a million
years I know I'd know your name, it's in
each sunrise, sunset, rainbows of amazement
and how new and beautiful you'll always be
to those who capture the value of your sweet
whispering breeze.

This poem was taken from my "Nature Collection"

©Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Angel of peace comfort the lonely
bring forth happiness upon this
troubled earth, shelter those who
have no home, or loved ones to
help them, in time being alone.

Shine down your guiding light
help those who cannot help
themselves, give them strength
and comfort in these days of
uncertain times.

Angel of peace, help the weary
and troubled souls, show them
a life of promise and forgiveness
and faith to release sadness that
lies deep in each mans heart.

Be merciful to those who cannot
understand reasons of unfair
treatment, when abuse kills so
many without notice.

Angel of Peace! please help those
who cannot forgive another in God's
Holy name.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
You twist and play with tools of danger
you shout with hate no love
to share.

You live life without a God Blessed day
you think you're so sharp in style
but forgot to pray.

You have no idea how your angels cry
to help you turn to God, still, you lack
the understanding of why the flood
had to purify the world.

You do not see the signs up above
to let you know your life is about
to change.

All you see is what you want without
an opened heart and soul
that shall soon move on.

Angel tears may disappear
but man will never find reasons
why they caused the world
to change.

With a pure and loving heart we
shall shine above all light that
will bring forth knowing, that
life is finding love from within
the soul.

With your knowledge of knowing
will you know that love brings
eternal life.

(Angels cry too)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2019
Complications renounce anointed lesions
caused by doubtful recurrence upon
another, for one simple reason of
fear and insecurity.

Annoyed to destruction, world affairs
programmed, a virus spreading
throughout a confused complicated
world-leading nowhere, only blank

One at a time falls off the cliff
celebrating the indifference of a
complicated situation, unfolding
to the greater of all, falsely rolling
the ball in the opposite direction
of understanding.

Time collapsing against each other
wreaking foundations, ruling ridiculous
thoughts to confuse the program
operator to discontinue power to
continue performance.

Falling apart the partials form into
a explanatory alliance to repair all
damage made from a machine.

(Watch Technology)

© 2019DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Another day to look at, with
feelings of uncertainty. I cannot
see beyond an hour, or even two..

I feel a calmness within, not to
say why I should! Too many ways
of today; tell me I'm not happy
go lucky! Just a sad feeling
enters my heart ,making me wonder
how tomorrow shall be.....

When life brings clouds of darkness
upon the fields of uncertainty, that is
when light should shine through
clouds that brought fear..

Another day, another second
another heartbeat in days we
now live to the fullest..

Upon the ledge of today we start
making a memory, we hope we
put in our diary of another

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
How deeply she composed her
Journal before she let
the world read her heart.

Never can one understand
thoughts blooming and exploding
into the sunset of all tomorrows!

Let it be in the silence of each memory
flowing peacefully above clouds waiting for
a moment such as this to emerge completing
the circle of life.

Softly, like a breeze playing her
songs with rays of light
shining forth, portraying her
secrets in-depth, her spirit mixed
with love showering down shades
of color, peacefully flowing from
her heartfelt form, mingling with
the moonlight, breathlessly she connects
with her deepest desires in life's sweet
repour, flooding all the thoughts she ever
had to the surface of this wonderful
experience, the sweet essence of a new
birth, a new beginning of a never-ending
magical Dimensional journey.

Each journey gets easier, more lovelier
than the one before, shining brighter each
time, souls exchange in our Multidimensional
bodies with love and grace.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2020
How deeply she composed her
Journal before she let
the world read her heart.

Never can one understand
thoughts blooming and exploding
into the sunset of all tomorrows!

Let it be in the silence of each memory
flowing peacefully above clouds waiting for
a moment such as this to emerge completing
the circle of life.

Softly, like a breeze playing her
songs with rays of light
shining forth, portraying her
secrets in-depth, her spirit mixed
with love showering down shades
of color, peacefully flowing from
her heartfelt form, mingling with
the moonlight, breathlessly she connects
with her deepest desires of life sweet
repour flooding from each thought she
ever had to the surface of this wonderful
experience, sweet essence of a new
birth, a new beginning of a never-ending
magical Dimensional journey.

Each journey only gets easier, more
lovelier than the one before shining
brighter each time souls exchange
we are Multidimensional beings in
love with love.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2024
How deeply she composed her
Journal before she let
the world read her heart.

Never can one understand
thoughts blooming and exploding
into the sunset of all tomorrows!

Let it be in the silence of each memory
flowing peacefully above clouds waiting for
a moment such as this to emerge completing
the circle of life.

Softly, like a breeze playing her
songs with rays of light
shining forth, portraying her
secrets in-depth, her spirit mixed
with love showering down shades
of color, peacefully flowing from
her heartfelt form, mingling with
the moonlight, breathlessly she connects
with her deepest desires in life sweet
repour flooding from each thought she
ever had to the surface of this wonderful
experience, the sweet essence of a new
birth, a new beginning of a never-ending
magical Dimensional journey.

Each journey only gets easier, more
lovelier than the one before shining
brighter each time souls exchange
we are Multidimensional beings in
love with love.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Only dreams of wonderment seem to
linger on without explanation, sweet
lovely thoughts, caressing my heart with
love, affection and laughter sought from
another place in time.

Linger softly across my mind, leaving your
presents melting like ice, upon hot coals
glowing brighter through times, when love
held the spear of bitter sweetness, passion
capturing natures loving ways.

Summer of youth was wild and free, holding
it's magical spell, simplified and adorned, by
mystical dreams, mingling together as one
entity, bounding endlessly in loves sweet

(Days of Wine and Roses, and never
Ending Memories)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2018
One more story, one more day
another smile to soothe a hurting

Another glance across the way
another story, a simple hello to
a stranger passing by..

A kiss for the little ones, a hug
of love before the sand man comes
a prayer of thanks for blessings
adorn from the heart..

Another day, painted in colorful hues
a miracle sweeping away with the breeze
a blanket filled with sparkles in dreams
a night of misty bliss lingering by..

One more story, one more smile to give
another hand shake for a day well spent
another year of growth, another lesson learned
a heart filled with love along the path of

One more story from the history books
a what use to be, that is not today, a new
world approaching the landscape of tomorrow
and dreams of a promise well kept..

A new love entering into haste, time is wrong
a pressed rose of beauty in the summer
time of youth, another story of what was
and what could of been..

A special song, bringing memories floating
across thundering clouds, casting rainbows
after each refreshing rain..

Another story told about the past, today
and maybe tomorrow the future, will
bring a glow through each ray of sunlight.

Another story added to collections of
memories, adventures adding mystery
alluring joyous illusions of sweet reflections.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2019
Wrote this poem for my grandson Robbie Dollar!
Two years today he has passed..

Another Year Passes

(We All Love and Miss you Robbie)

Another year has gone by my dear Robbie
yet your so close within my daily thoughts
bound in the soul, bright as your light
shining on and on.

Your dreams are coming true, always
been the law to give cyclist three feet
but wasn't recognized as the law till
so many had to die in vain, and your
the one to make everyone realize cyclists
have rights too, by starting the Rob
Dollar Foundation for the safety of all
cyclists. ((Robbie's inspirational Dream))

I know you're so proud of everyone who
loves you dearly, and those who shall
carry you in their hearts forever while
your riding up there in the wide open
spaces with no end.

We all love you Robert Allen Dollar
and I Grandma Shea, shall always
have that little star in my soul just
for you.

You are the Star of all who love
you Robbie!

Ride on with love from all of us.

Love you, my Grandson,

Grandmaaaa Shea
Harriet Shea Mar 2019
A poem written in gold is worth more
then gold.

May this poem stay next to you as you
read it every day.

If you don't own an ounce of gold you
surely will today.

It will give you an ounce of luck making
you pass this on to those you love that
have no gold.

Making a wish with luck to you today
written in gold.

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2023
Decorations of all the world's finest arts
poetry of centuries, that make the world
stop in appreciation, words spoken from
the depth of mind's treasured thoughts.

Scriptures so delicate from the ages of
indescribable wisdom saved and shared
among generations, valued memories to
be appreciated in their time.

Miracle creatures, sweetly spoken words
touching tree tops of color, softness
surrounded by wildflowers of surrendered
bliss, flowing across the darkness, waiting for one
second for a kiss from above.

A Dreamland of happiness and sharing love is
not a shallow fact of lost vibrations, once
chosen from the gods to be carried on, strong
fearless, warriors of truth.

(Live, share, love)

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Decorations of all the world's finest arts
poetry of centuries, that make the world
stop in appreciation, words spoken from
the depth of mind's treasured thoughts.

Scriptures so delicate from the ages of
indescribable wisdom saved and shared
among generations, valued memories to
be appreciated in their time.

Miracle creatures, sweetly spoken words
touching tree tops of color, softness
surrounded by wildflowers of surrendered
bliss, flowing across the darkness, waiting for one
second for a kiss from above.

A dreamland of happiness and sharing love is
not a shallow fact of lost vibrations, once
chosen from the gods to be carried on, strong
fearless, warriors of truth.

(Live, share, love)

© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2019
Roaming enlightened, astray I ascend
into the depths of my reality unknown
to surroundings that enclose my thoughts
within the light of my soul's fire.

Beyond blissfulness, a place known to
those who did not falter underserve
pressure when alignment occurred
within the arch of serenity watching
beauty disappear.

Softy, infinity defines herself within my
realm of confusion, existence is beyond
grasping, each surrendering thought in vain
collapsing silently, in my humble manner
acknowledged by confidence adorn to
full complicity of spirit.

Captured, fulfilled in wisdom, fleeing away
in thoughts of yesterdays sweet beliefs
that caught my light lingering in
the darkness of unawareness and gloom
sighing in my unconsciousness state
of mind.

No time for awakening, accepting
what must soon come our way.

© 2019DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2020
Roaming enlightened, astray I ascend
into the depths of my reality unknown
to surroundings that enclose my thoughts
within the light of my soul's fire.

Beyond blissfulness, a place known to
those who did not falter underserve
pressure when alignment occurred
within the arch of serenity watching
beauty disappear.

Softy, infinity defines herself within my
realm of confusion, existence is beyond
grasping, each surrendering thought in vain
collapsing silently, in my humble manner
acknowledged by confidence adorn to
full complicity of spirit.

Captured, fulfilled in wisdom, fleeing away
in thoughts of yesterdays sweet beliefs
that caught my light lingering in
the darkness of unawareness and gloom
sighing in my unconsciousness state
of mind.

No time for awakening, accepting
what must soon come our way?

© 2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2021
Roaming enlightened, astray I ascend
into the depths of my reality unknown
to surroundings that enclose my thoughts
within the light of my soul's fire.

Beyond blissfulness, a place known to
those who did not falter underserve
pressure when alignment occurred
within the arch of serenity watching
beauty disappear.

Softy infinity defines herself within my
realm of confusion, existence  is deep
grasping each surrendering thought in vain
collapsing silently in my humbled manner
acknowledged by confidence adorn to
full complicity of spirit.

Captured, fulfilled in wisdom, fleeing away
in thoughts of yesterdays sweet beliefs
that caught my light lingering in
the darkness of unawareness and gloom
sighing in my unconscious state
of mind.

Time for awakening, accepting
what must soon come our way?

Falling not to ground, pointing out
realities of our newborn knowledge.

Performance well accepted, light shining
deep, flowing freely around each bend
that once in the second before never

Blinded in ecstasy, the journey begins not
in the heart that once kept time to our
a world lacking love, understanding, and
truth, now opened its realm of many
dimensions of certainty.

Silence reveals messages only awareness
can acknowledge, without forcing all unknown
realities no longer exist upon this graceful
dance of eternity.

Come walk in the chapel of tranquility
keeping time to all the colors of youthful

A roundabout way to your consciousness of
inspiration, knowledge, and wisdom.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Around each bend their stands
a plastic folder, information about
life's true purpose living on earth
around each bend, another reason to
keep travel on.

Around each bend, a tear is shed
for mistaken lies, lost emotion, no
more tears before our final walk
our final dream, our final sleep.

Around each bend, regrets grow,
not from mistakes, not from love,
not from a misty night unseen,
regrets that peace was never found
on God's holy earth.

Around each bend, a flower grows
hiding away it's beauty to those
who cannot find it, in themselves,
to pray in a whisper untouched by

Around a bend, a thought, only simple
thought, of how it was, and could of
been, if their was another bend instead
of just a road paved in confusion to
have one more chance to repent.

Across the road, a path, leads to
a good side an bad side, when life
has made the final choice, shadows
disappear, no bends, no questions,
no answers, just the final place to enter
good or bad side, You picked the side
you wanted, when you lived your life the
way you did.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
A smile I send to you,
just a little smile, but
true, to let you know
your thought about
often my friend..

You know how to
make me smile
with little things you
say and do..

The sun rises and
sets on your wonderful
ways to make one
feel so alive.

I send this little
poem your way, to let
you know you are
the bestest person
in the whole wide world..

So I send this little smile
your way, along with all
my love and friendship
my friend to the end..

(For family and friends)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Gold, cherished with heart,
given away so long ago,
when destiny called from the
wilderness, like a fairy tale,
perfect, glittering in the afternoon

Fairy tales all never shine
like gold, they turn dull
like metal foundations, building
upon it strong with promises..

Awaken, dreams are wishes,
wishes become a promise
with expectations demanding
something, like each glow
of moonlight fading in the
mist of time...

Stars shine brilliantly
above, like a candle in the
wind, soon disappearing in
morning light, sweet love
touching down, turning bad
each loving thought...

Love was never meant to be,
it was stolen away in the storm,
that left with the mighty wind,
sparkles never burn out, embers
lying hidden away, lost, but
remembered, such a love was
never meant to be..

Returned now the child, he
was lost, hoping he has
found his direction to walk,
to hold, to cherish, no regrets,
just a journey dismissed, a new
one goes on, wiser in love
maybe, when he learns to love
his own person....

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2021
Awaken children of the light, it is time to go forward into ourselves finding why we haven't known our present life. and where it is leading us now to complete our awakening.

As we know! living is all we have ever known about love, respect, and working. struggling on, believing in us, and now all is changing before our eyes as we read this.

False beliefs grow stronger behind doors of confusion as we place our complicated thoughts on hold, fabricating excuses without knowledge of what they are trying to understand.

Now, it is time to find out all the answers to our questions, as we know, we are only using very little of our brain, now we are awakening our being which means our intellect will be energized to the point for us to travel through our own dimensional state of awareness, finding knowledge, is only a scar away from the main wound.

Our minds will be opened to all creation, with no definition of the length of intelligence we have inherited through the beginning of mankind.
We have been enlightened once again for the last time, for in finding our light, we will be our guide for ourselves, all our thoughts of the past will be erased, and a new life will start once again.

It seems hard to understand why this is taking place right now, but it is! and as time passes by, time will be no more, it will no longer be important, there is no time.

Living will be different from what we know it to be, it will be spot intelligence, without memories to hold us down, memories have only been the aftermath of having a brain in the first place all that happened in our life was not a memory it was thought, manifesting a memory that was never a reality from the beginning.

To complicated in our small minds for understanding only we shall travel into our enlightenment Yes we!! will travel without knowing, we will be enlightened and nothing will be the same again.

We will be our person knowing all the answers to questions, we have always wanted to know.

No more questions will be asked, we will know all the answers, right from the beginning. Be observant! We will no longer be in darkness when we are enlightened! no fears, no doubts to hold us back from being our true self-awakened being of love the power of
the Universal us. As one being of love
Power indefinitely.

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2021
Awaken children of the light, it is time to go forward into ourselves finding why we haven't known our present life. and where it is leading us now to complete our awakening.

As we know! living is all we have ever known about love, respect, and working. struggling on, believing in us, and now all is changing before our eyes as we read this.

False beliefs grow stronger behind doors of confusion as we place our complicated thoughts on hold, fabricating excuses without knowledge of what they are trying to understand.

Now, it is time to find out all the answers to our questions, as we know, we are only using very little of our brain, now we are awakening our being which means our intellect will be energized to the point for us to travel through our own dimensional state of awareness, finding knowledge, is only a scar away from the main wound.

Our minds will be opened to all creation, with no definition of the length of intelligence we have inherited through the beginning of mankind.
We have been enlightened once again for the last time, for in finding our light, we will be our guide for ourselves, all our thoughts of the past will be erased, and a new life will start once again.

It seems hard to understand why this is taking place right now, but it is! and as time passes by, time will be no more, it will no longer be important, there is no time.

Living will be different from what we know it to be, it will be spot intelligence, without memories to hold us down, memories have only been the aftermath of having a brain in the first place all that happened in our life was not a memory it was thought, manifesting a memory that was never a reality from the beginning.

To complicated in our small minds for understanding only we shall travel into our enlightenment Yes we!! will travel without knowing, we will be enlightened and nothing will be the same again.

We will be our person knowing all the answers to questions, we have always wanted to know.

No more questions will be asked, we will know all the answers, right from the beginning. Be observant! We will no longer be in darkness when we are enlightened! no fears, no doubts to hold us back from being our true self-awakened being of love the power of
the Universal us. As one being of love
Power indefinitely.

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
Awaken children of the light, it is time to go forward into ourselves finding why we haven't had knowledge of our present life? and where it is leading us now to complete our own awakening?

As we know! living is all we have ever known all about love, respecting, working. struggling on, believing in us, and now all is changing before our eyes as we read this.

False beliefs grow stronger behind doors of confusion as we place our complicated thoughts on hold, fabricating excuses without knowledge of what they themselves are trying to understand.

Now, it is time to find out all the answers to our questions, as we know, we are only using very little of our brain, now we are awakening our being which means our intellect will be energized to the point for us to travel through our own dimensional state of awareness, finding knowledge, is only a scar away from the main wound.

Our minds will be opened to all creation, with no definition to the length of intelligence we have inherited through the beginning of mankind.
We have been enlightened once again for the last time, for in finding our own light, we will be our own guide for ourselves, all our thoughts of the past will be erased, a new life will start once again.

It seems hard to understand this is taking place right now, but it is! and as time passes by, time will be no more, it will no longer be important, there is no time.

Living will be different from what we know it to be, it will be spot intelligence, without memories to hold us down, memories have only been the aftermath of having a brain in the first place all that happened in our life was not a memory it was thought, manifesting a memory that was never a reality from the beginning.

To complicated in our small minds for understanding only we shall travel into our own enlightenment Yes we!! will travel without knowing, we will be enlightened and nothing will be the same again.

We will be our own person knowing all answers to questions, we have always wanted to know.

No more questions will be asked, we will know all answers, right from the beginning. Be observant! We will no longer be in darkness when were enlightened! no fears, no doubts to hold us back from being our true self-awakened being of love the power of
the Universal us. As one being of love
Power indefinitely.

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2021
Awaken children of the light, it is time to go forward into ourselves finding why we haven't known our present life. and where it is leading us now to complete our awakening.

As we know! living is all we have ever known about love, respect, and working. struggling on, believing in us, and now all is changing before our eyes as we read this.

False beliefs grow stronger behind doors of confusion as we place our complicated thoughts on hold, fabricating excuses without knowledge of what they are trying to understand.

Now, it is time to find out all the answers to our questions, as we know, we are only using very little of our brain, now we are awakening our being which means our intellect will be energized to the point for us to travel through our own dimensional state of awareness, finding knowledge, is only a scar away from the main wound.

Our minds will be opened to all creation, with no definition of the length of intelligence we have inherited through the beginning of mankind.
We have been enlightened once again for the last time, for in finding our light, we will be our guide for ourselves, all our thoughts of the past will be erased, and a new life will start once again.

It seems hard to understand why this is taking place right now, but it is! and as time passes by, time will be no more, it will no longer be important, there is no time.

Living will be different from what we know it to be, it will be spot intelligence, without memories to hold us down, memories have only been the aftermath of having a brain in the first place all that happened in our life was not a memory it was thought, manifesting a memory that was never a reality from the beginning.

To complicated in our small minds for understanding only we shall travel into our enlightenment Yes we!! will travel without knowing, we will be enlightened and nothing will be the same again.

We will be our person knowing all the answers to questions, we have always wanted to know.

No more questions will be asked, we will know all the answers, right from the beginning. Be observant! We will no longer be in darkness when we are enlightened! no fears, no doubts to hold us back from being our true self-awakened being of love the power of
the Universal us. As one being of love
Power indefinitely.

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
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