We are a new breed, creatures waiting
for truth, knowing in time, it will come
back to us, in ways we have read in
books, in generations of our past.
No flames can destroy the truth of wisdom
filled with dimensional authority, no loss
nor destruction can be folded into strength
when it took so long, to find an equal balance
making it impossible to change.
Minds! are powerful forces, of imagination
combined with energy filled with promise
of our own making, lighting life in ways
that will never be understood.
New breeds unfolding theories that never
existed in the older world of hard knocks, much
misunderstanding, now! thoughts sink deep
within a more complete world of chance
and perfection of self-belief.
Many collected solutions are numbered
blueprints, without any feedback of failure
nor existence, would not continue without
trust in self and deed, when progression
starts, it never ends, it grows on for eternity
or until the mystery of the Universe has been
All that was; will come around again.
New Breeds of wisdom in every way
but living life will bring back the
wisdom meant making life worth
living for, from generation to generation
it will be devoured in its imagination
to find the real truth of existence.
We conquer ourselves beyond imagination
operating without control, while the soul is
our guides to functional rewards.
Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)