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Jan 2020 · 166
Kanak Kashyup Jan 2020
I see the rivers,
And a lane emerging from
that river along
with chaos and jumble.
A road in crumble and fire.
I want to emerge
with me in light and warmth
from dark and cold,
with a mind accepting the
with her demons,
with a soul compromising
with ice and clinkers,
with a heart
its every part
regardless of how many pieces
it has.
With so many tangled ways
in my breathes,
I don't know, when will I be able to
emerge from the
labyrinth of my life,
which I myself have become?
Jan 2019 · 216
Painted Love
Kanak Kashyup Jan 2019
The castle of love,
You painted on my heart,
with the splashes of your yearning.
I was able to see the
hues of urge under the grey lead of pencil.
Afraid of grey,
I turned off my assorted feelings,
Allude to my eyesight,
Your teared the mist of pride.

You perceived my terror!  
I was in defeat.

You took me in my loneliness, as for my isolation, you were the barrier.
And, I chose to adore you from miles in my chaotic silence, for which I was, I'm the witnesser.

Integrity of your tenderness, you blazoned over white sheet and I saw the grey turning into black.
I didn't find the grey!

You seized my terror by brushing over your grey pride and defined me  shield against every pain,
The shield of essence.
Dec 2018 · 516
Kanak Kashyup Dec 2018
She is burying herself
down in the ground,
instead she is getting
closer to the stars. She
isn't from the world
crawling on the ground
and even unlike the creatures
with wings in air. She
talks of the things
underground but loves
the cosmos above the
clouds' abode. She isn't
a devil soul, but, she is a
fairy trapped in
unfairly tale of life.
She has thorns all over her shards instead she picks petals from her abyss.
Nov 2018 · 233
Kanak Kashyup Nov 2018
As the
nights have
always darkness
to spare, we all
too have good
memories to share.
Memories don't betray, people do!
Sep 2018 · 217
Kanak Kashyup Sep 2018
And if you leave me
with blank pages, still you
will be mine forever in the
realm of my red ink.
Aug 2018 · 172
Kanak Kashyup Aug 2018
You walked barefooted over
the crimson core of my baffled
heart, leaving the fragrance of
unclenched love well favoured
by your drifting emotions.
Jul 2018 · 272
Entangled In Cosmos!!
Kanak Kashyup Jul 2018
My heart is like an unexplored galaxy
Along with various stars
Glimmering flickering stars
Light of sun in and afar
The cosmos binding scars

Like in empty space full of
Bounded by bolide and comet

But obvious there is no oxygen
And group of flesh will pay and access
Cosmic expanses
And remain for infinity the same

And soul the tiny atom of faith
Larking in those dark
Conditions meet, meld and melt
Beats adrift
Along with soul drowning together

Essence currents

Fireball, in and out
It's space full of planetoids

And my heart,
Remained entangled in chaos of cosmos in search of eternity.

Jun 2018 · 450
Either Black Or White
Kanak Kashyup Jun 2018
Under the crimson surface, lie delight memories.
Alluring, admirable, calmer than fulfilled desire.
The dark night binding memorable site.
Satire is the game of destiny, love is still the destination.
The black motions and white notions, grey is just illusion.
Expressions are beyond pretend when you have the real, soul being confused.
Mind is always a predator, heart is a heavenly prey.
Memorising memory inflaming the thoughts, emotions can never be burnt.

Jun 2018 · 212
Kanak Kashyup Jun 2018
To love from the depth
of heart, one needed to
remove hate from the
hearth of heart.

Jun 2018 · 179
Kanak Kashyup Jun 2018
My metaphors moisten by the sprinkles of your venin. Instead of that, they spill ambrosia in your abode.
The numbness in my words are the loudest screams on the silver pages of your grimy and torn diary.
The flower of euphoria blossomed in your garden, piercing my skin with intense thorns & my heart screeches.

Jun 2018 · 148
Her Soul...
Kanak Kashyup Jun 2018
Her soul born with the armour of never withdrawing trials amidst of all those smirking strugglers.
Her soul fallen for the nightmares instead of dreams to carve it for the destination without any illusion to care.
Her soul adored the dearth in the era of scarcity without any drop of calming water with thirst of ocean.
Her soul craved for the presence by burning all the essence to eliminate the fear of losing the beloved ones.
Her soul broke herself infinite times to protect her from any interim sensation of falsehood trying to fake.
Her soul feared to lost in the dense mist of failures cause it remain without any beholder to feel it again.

May 2018 · 213
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Even after having numerous stars,
There is a flitter of dreadful silence.
Veining the intense silver dragged bars,
Sun is no use for inner luminance.
Gripping the cinders of various scars,
Still longing for the glittering competence.
May 2018 · 490
Losted spring
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Pierced the surface of
Moving life by making
It immobile
Captured it's skin
On the wall
Supported by the
Heartlessness as courage
The whelping innocence
Growing with that hanged skin
Swinging around
Looking around
Hovering around
With joys and laughs
Unaware of the agony
Of that rope of his swing
Nature is destructed
Walls are smirking
Childhood is blinded
With cruelty as bravery
And spring, spring is
Losted forever......
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Wading in the meadow of sorrows
Glaring the newly blossomed lilies
Pondering the slow slow breezes
Greenness is more inside than outside
Leaves the yellow oscillating with grace
Leaves the golden striking the land
Leaves the brown silently scattering
Crushed by the feet of travelers
The same going somewhere else
Leaves the white oscillating with stiffness
Leaves the blue striking forcefully
Leaves the red scattered screaming
Crushed by the feet of dearly traveler
Autumn is inside, Autumn is outside
October is just slandered for no reason
Real culprit is favourite traveler
May 2018 · 180
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
From first desolation to last agony
Whole life with conflicted ceremony
Doubt became the hardest chain
Suffocating the precious tied crony

The wonder of thoughts along the word
Distrust and misguiding gave birth to nerd
Doubt blocks the million ways to knock
By leaving the never filled voids in heart

The castle of dreams, palace of fantasy
Embedded with the feelings of ecstasy
Doubt the cruel again vanished the route
Blocking the turnstile left in state of leprosy
Some doubts **** the precious relations and left with emptiness.
May 2018 · 168
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Ceased by
Castles of doting
Controlled with stream's knot
Curing the deepest affront's agony...
Tried something very new
That's a mirror poetry.
Hope you will like it.
Please drop suggestions & advise.
May 2018 · 167
Only ray of hope!!
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Climbing above with staring eyes, beyond all dust and surrounded fog, walking by hope with emotions to bits and beyond.

Saviours are converting into one, formed the garland of unnamed flowers, blooming in the garden of foe.

Wishing to be humane at cost of each heaven, culprit is favorite and stolen every mind's made rite.

A riot in the surface of heart smiling soul & mocking sense, full of absence & feeling the never felt interference.

Proud turned into pride, arrogance into smile and that rock into soft pedal.

Still afraid of falling, afraid of failing, afraid not to be in bits, but clutched by optimism of inner faith somehow with downing dusk.
Hope this ray become shine of my life.
May 2018 · 246
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Everything is beyond understanding
and sometimes ended
in the crowd of dreams and aspirations of the time to get back something
you never owned
Possible for words to
express words is something beyond words Hurling the curls and
shedding drops in the ocean of overlook
the vibes are destroying
greyish shade of either pious white
Or coal black, screaming vigorously
mind and spirit feded
That's life quite impossible to understand or to being understood.
May 2018 · 237
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
The strong & ghastly storm
confusing the world to be fine same
Boat of woods with an orifice
gravitating towards furious way

The water, water in & out
Drowning is something sure
Before death don't intend to die

Oars in the hand of rower
the inexperienced one, unable
Still, slowly, stir the wooden paper's boat

Worrier doing the unintended slit on skin
Warrior brawling the slitted skin not to stop
Alteration of worrier to warrior

Something the hardest strive
Mind & heart losted hope
Soul the hapless one still struggling

But, Until when??
The span is gathered in few days
Till the last beat witnessing the riot

Between the storms of live created by life
pleasant gift of words strike the heart
Ready to give the tremendous soul

Yet finding self in mist of deface the pious grace and rifting the storms with
withdrawal of soul Ohh!! the innocent one
#fed up #annoyed #tired
May 2018 · 167
Refusal & Acceptance!
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Thousand times numerous years
Hating the flashlights
Refusing the vitiate white

Enduring the darkness, somehow
Learnt to love and praise the nightfalls
Refusing the rays

But, obstacle by glowing rise of sun
Avoiding the shine, that affectionate vine
Refusing the essence

Roping collectively, the jute's clutch
Experienced first time
Refusal didn't help anymore

Find more threads started with
Purest white with dark red dine
Refusal was now a thing of rare

Song of luminance with dimness
Something unheard of
Refusal was still heard of

Feathers on fire, hands on ashes
Eyes drugged up with the falling rain
Still, refusing rain that soothing rain

Game of refusal and acceptance
Players comprised destiny & cruel fate
Refusal will either accepted by fate or become destiny
#left #life #arms #destiny
May 2018 · 159
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Muddled between passion and reliable
Unworthy for both the norms
Authentic to promised words
Glaring to self vowed world
Flung delusion torning the tame
Full of illusion, vanished reason
Unconsciously losted lame
Trapped in deserting game
Combating steps regret the phase
Wanting the crown, freaking the rain
Veining of heart full of swords
Smiling dreams with scattered reality
Unable to find way out to social detention
Fate is cruel in the way to destiny
Unwilling running on the lines of palm
Still with a hope to conquer the desires
Still with a hope to turn the burnt into ashes
Mist of confusion, life is illusion.
May 2018 · 201
Unspoken words.
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Unspoken and undiscovered words are weapons that destroy one's own peace, it becomes the broaden cliff ended up in creating heartaching distance between the essence of two different mind & single life.

Verbose is not the demand to reduce the gap but silences are no longer beneficial, single word can deal with various motions of heart & soul.

Fragile bothered echoes could be avoided but muteness can ruin the soft fragnance of beforehandly blossomed faith in the petals of unconditionally born flowers.

It's the call of desires to state the obvious reasons for the clamour of heart's rush towards the end of havoc created within the first & last warmth of amplitude.
#unspokem #words #misunderstanding #heartache #heart #soul #demand #affection #distance #communication #speak
May 2018 · 202
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
The taste of the poetic wine, first make itself my crave, then dependency and now addiction.
Yeah!! It's an addiction for me.
May 2018 · 290
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
Don't transform your hopes into expectations,
Cause hopes are water from clouds that will fertile the desert but expectations are water from eyes that will desertify the grassland.
Just an experience!!
May 2018 · 233
A trial to retort.
Kanak Kashyup May 2018
The hope with which you started
the journey is not going to end
Destination is sometimes get confused with the most hardest way to mend

The brightness and darkness are part of a full day & not a measure intended
Blessings lie when you together pass the dusk & dawn of life without any bend

The moments are to be enjoyed together but standing together is appreciated
Stillness & loyalty are the base for any kind of alliance to be beautifully garlanded

The beauty and darkness are hidden companion and both should be mended
The agitated wind and splitting sails even unable to shake the bond of cloud & sand

Your drowning is just an illusion & some bonds are eternal, just needed a hand
Even furious waves can't sink the life of a pious kin which tremendously you found

There is no end of that life which is full of heart & ignored the treacherous mind
Some things are meant to be with life and that's the precious part of your kind
Without knowing the condition just an accomplition.
Apr 2018 · 146
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
The string of your words are drawing me to the faith of that God for which I'm an atheist.
#words #affection #avoid #unable #drawn #faith #god #still #athiest
Apr 2018 · 166
That lone star
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
That lone star cried
When the galaxy turned the moon
Constellations sympathize,
But the star was unable to consoled
Globular clusters,
Just flittering the star's courage
And the open one,
Shielding it's scattered part
Never shown glimmer,
Showed to the whole universe
Even the broken comet,
Shed tears for that mourning star
Sprinkled cosmic dust,
Sobbing & smirking at same time
Lodestar glaring from far,
Confused willing to know that star's state
Meteor warning adamantly,
Not to gloom for the moon
Comparing with stars.
Apr 2018 · 157
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
The memory get captured in single frame are as stable & delighted as that moment and not as the people who move and fade.
That's why I click so many photos.
Apr 2018 · 160
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
Trust or not there lie a compassion
Fasten by some deep aberration
Understanding is an art of wonders
Caged by false esteem that ponders
Holding back with tormented hope
Chained by long & swindled rope
Veining in concrete experienced mind
And stopped by sudden ****** wind
Why?? That's the ridiculous one sided debate
Intend or not, what to stop? the self made bet.
When you realized that you should stop but you can't.
Apr 2018 · 420
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
My silence and thunderstorms both are dedicated to that blur vision of twilight that came with desires of stars and moon but gifted the never ending darkness with regrets.
Some hidden acceptance of regrets.
Apr 2018 · 288
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
Be that voice which can ignore the echoes of the mountain.
Be that flower which can defy it's own thorns of pain.
Be that desert which can resolute each thirst without rain.
It's life, it's fate, you have to carry rumours and strained abstrain.
You are the pillar, you are the wall that can bear each forced blain.
Be resolve, be resolute don't let you be trapped in detain.
Be as strong as you can.
Apr 2018 · 280
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
I have become that crippled castle which even after several strive unable to tread towards the shining doom and excepting whole heatedly heartache gloom.
Condition which is out of control.
Apr 2018 · 269
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
There are self made walls set up,
And no light in the darkness to lit up.
Just like some scattered trust,
Through out one should must.
How can one initiate the way?
When encrusted by hidden ray.
Have the courage to feel the serenity,
Glare over atleast once for stability.
Trust is not optional excuse, it's a liable key,
To celebrate with open arms and not on knee.
It's a palace that store memories and tales,
And if not defended, then only sorrow it spells.
Sometimes you need a person whom you can trust and who can trust you with same depth.
Apr 2018 · 215
Ocean of essence.
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
Fallen rock touched the waves
Breaking the faith of salinity
Avoiding the strive of abalone
Above the billowed underneath
Running drops comprising lives
Exerting the leftover to fate
Undertaken the curling of breath
Removing the hope of splash
Masking the skin of trawls
It's fate for the faultless slosh
To start from happiness &
Ended up in smiling contused form
The best way to express your feelings is to express through nature's bond and word.
Apr 2018 · 220
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
Adopting the path of lies and leaving the way of truth, haplessly in the shadow of emotion.
Pulling the deeds for the sake of self destruction in forming reverse of motion.
Undiscovered & unveiled rush in the hidden core of liberated  heart's false notion.
Secretive fellow of hidden words lies to the most trustworthy sword & fear's remotion.
Continuous slaps of life.
Will fight hard.
Apr 2018 · 204
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
The bond of never explained affection is nurturing by never vowed devotion.
Cared by some intentional agitation & ignoring the deeds of inclination.
Preserving the shadow by leaving the clutched hands of predilection.
Sometimes in life you have to carry the untied knot for sake of your own peace.
Apr 2018 · 282
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
The body gloated over the dead of the soul & the ruptured heart screaming for never found contentment through the core of emotions encrusted by loaf of wits.
#habitual #betrayal #fine #scattered #control
Apr 2018 · 181
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
I don't know how many hands are beholden by yours and how many had left.
But I'm sure about the grip of my fist which never gonna leave yours.
When you became a responsible friend.
Dedicated to you Disha.
Apr 2018 · 179
Scattered Soul
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
The wounds from words & lies always leave the whole sphere offended,
When the cure becomes the disease then blessings are recommended,
Cause, even with million trials the scattered soul can never be mended.

The left voices kept bugging the tames, now the voices of courage is demanded,
The way of apologies are travelled, yet it's only acceptance is amended,
Cause, even with million trials the scattered soul can never be mended.
Some life incidents break you that hard that after so many trials you can't be mended.
Apr 2018 · 156
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
Subtle grey shade turning into cotton white.
Cause observation is always greater than assumption.
Starless dusk is tuning into moonlit night.
Cause scrutiny is far better than self-made perception.
It's not always what you hear about people, it's about how much you know about them.

The perceptions you made through rumours about any person is entirely different than what they really are.
Apr 2018 · 217
Gravel to clay
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
The tiny spread of fragrance
of that snowy flower,
when reached the wheatish soil,
it reverberated in alter of that gravel into clay composition.
#snowy #flower #wheatish #soil #transformation #gravel #clay

#friendship #me #nature #changes #moods #yet #confused
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
Whole life, in seek of stars neglected the moon.
In search of fame, leaved the peace.
And it's time that run out of life like falling sand from the tightening fist.

Fighting with self and the most loved ones for sake of masked ones.
In being  socialised with strangers forget to gaze over familiar.

Became that insane for stabilizing self worth, back out the most worthy part.
Lunatic over matterialism, abandoned the soulful spirituality.

After getting name, earning fame, left with aloneness.
Glaring behind, Whom to curse? Who is to blame?
And suddenly, some voices came from the soul & heart- "your self created knoll of ego, elevation of gathered false pride, thrown over of real ones for purpose of virtuality."

And here comes a time when eagerly needed that hand and reverberated with emptiness, enormous enough to scatter the soul without any possibilities of mentation.

The hands have reached the soil of grave with the mountains of repentance.
Staring the grave without blinking, without winking and completely sinking, with only wish that is the togetherness.
Usually, we neglect the thing which we love most and when it comes to hold that loved one, we remain holded with their emptiness in our lives.
So give that most loved thing that importance, that you never found yourself with emptiness.
Inspired by a friend. Thank you so much for your presence in my life.
Apr 2018 · 226
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
.....the beats of your heart are now resonating in mine.
& that powerful resonate is firm enough to reach each vein of my
And piercing the contracting muscles
with  suppressions of relaxing ones.
The weirdest incident ever. Quite humorous prank ever played by fate.
Apr 2018 · 174
Care !!
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
It's true
I care
Care a lot
Even more than a lot.
It just took me down
A regular down
Or simply uncontrollable
& that's my problem
My silly behavior,
My witless habit,
I wanted it to leave,
I wanted it to quit,
I'm unable
I'm habitual
Suppressed by my own words,
Defeated by my own thoughts,
Just fed up
By my own world
I care
Care a lot
More than a lot
When your nature become your problem.
The thing is that when you love something you simply care about that, and people take your all ways wrong. They don't understand that they are being favored with that care which is my hidden love for them.
#care #misunderstand
Apr 2018 · 282
Let you be you!
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
Let your perpetual glow remains only yours & not a kinda force.
The sparkles in gratitude attached through you should certified yours.

Let your flare be sunshine not the moon's borrowed luminance.
Fill the eternity with your memorable & abiding fragrance.

The glittering in your eyes credited for you constantly endures.
Your gaze and rays, flirting ways, should never remorse.

Give the sky a privilege to be amazed with your glimmer essence.
Wishes, Blisses, passion & ardor ,never  let them cross your dream's fence.
Inspired through the words of  a friend. Thanks for being there always.
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
Even your hardening fist and glaring eyes are favorable.
Cause both have witnessed the untie knot and memories which are indelible.
Just some illusion & indelible memories.
Apr 2018 · 168
What should I ?
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
What should I write?
   my condition,
        my confusion,
              my contusion.
What should I hide?
    my tears,
        my failures,
             my deterioration.
What should I fake?
     my smiles,
         my laughs,
             my fines.
What should I celebrate?
    my never owned trust,
       my never happened success,
           my never lived life.
What should I called?
         my ignorant pals,
             my inattentive menage,
                  my inconsiderate folk.
Peerless conditions.
Apr 2018 · 166
Cause! Who knows? Part-2
Kanak Kashyup Apr 2018
Forgive the mistakes,
Set the freedom and love a little more.
Be patient and define your goal.
Cause! Who knows?
Tomorrow will never fall.

Forget the omissions,
Aid the broken, flutter the sun's warmth.
Remain with zeal and find the never withdrawing soul.
Cause! Who knows?
Tomorrow will never fall.
Some values which are to be added before the end.:))
Mar 2018 · 207
Confused I
Kanak Kashyup Mar 2018
The silences comprised in the beautiful rhyme.
And repentance which are running out of time.
Defending the rebel against the predator.
Realize with destructive path and amity distributor.

Deliberately mixing selves in the awful lies' lime.
Affecting with falsehood doing self defined crime.
Until when? the untold utterance will be the interrupter.
Nails are stitching the daze and it remains only motivator.
Everything, each surrounding, just confusing!!
Mar 2018 · 333
Escaped dreams
Kanak Kashyup Mar 2018
Dreams escaped
from red-watery eyes
and rolled down
towards the plain
wheatish terrain
it kept rolling
and accumulating
piercing the heart
without touching it
controlling the conscious
of unconscious mind
rolling, rolling and
reached the ****
and dripped towards
the floor
and fall
fall on the
insensitive floor
avoided and
invaluable for
those helpless
drained one
still glared
by red-watery eyes
and vanished
dreams are scattered
on the floor
& quashed.
Sometimes we brutally entangled between what we want and what we can for pursuing our dreams.
Leave with no options and follow the fate.

And come up to the harshness of life.
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