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Aug 2020 · 222
Blackout .
CJ Tims Aug 2020
lips like poison,
eyes as green as envy,
one word and you have me
falling to your knees.
one kiss and i have blood dripping
from my own lips.
you chase me,
until i’m intoxicated by lust.
your body finally intertwines with mine.
yet i wake up feeling loved,
but to no one around.
Aug 2019 · 506
Forbidden fruit
CJ Tims Aug 2019
looking into your eyes
reminded me of a galaxy,
too far to discover.
you were venturing your thoughts
while i was locked out.
looking at your lips
reminded me of the clouds
on a stormy day.
so tempting to touch,
yet so dangerous.
hearing your voice
brought me into a blissful peace
i have yet to discover on my own.
everything about you
screams into my soul,
reminding me that you are
my forbidden fruit.
but oh what I wouldn’t do
to take one more bite.
Apr 2019 · 219
Left alone
CJ Tims Apr 2019
when i told you i loved you,
I thought you were going to stay.
i’d never prepped myself
for you walking away.
now i’m looking around
at all the lost memories,
really wishing
i didn’t let you see the real me.
Mar 2019 · 200
CJ Tims Mar 2019
in the thoughts
of everything that has been
and everything that could have been.
looking back at the storms
caused by uncontrollable weather.
how selfish of me to compare my situations
to weather that is no one’s choice,
like I didn’t make the choice to create
the tornado in a bottle.
i feel as if i am God,
but only bringing havoc.
i’m so far down in a rabbit hole
of nothing but chaos
i’ve forgotten how to grab a branch
and slow myself down.
get it together
is such a small phrase
but a much larger task.
Feb 2019 · 225
Self analysis
CJ Tims Feb 2019
Looking into those eyes
And trying to find hope
Is a task in itself.
You scour fields
And hike over mountains,
You find puddles
Of lakes left behind
From dreams forgotten.
You try to re-emerge the memories
Of that dreamer child
Who promised herself she’d be a doer.
Looking at those hands,
Studying the calluses
You’ve made from the strength
You’ve tried to gain
Makes you self aware of your journey.
You look at all the scars
From the years of an adventurous childhood.
You think of when you weren’t so secluded,
When you weren’t so scared to live.
You look up and wonder
How you slowly lost yourself
And didn’t notice until it was too late
To go back.
Jan 2019 · 331
CJ Tims Jan 2019
I keep saying “believe in yourself”,
but i won’t believe in me.
to expect you to do this,
how much of a hypocrite would i be?
i’m in a garden
of roses
But still see a ****.
I’m expecting to grow,
but won’t move to new soil.
every time i have the opportunity
i recoil.
it’s time to notice my worth
instead of viewing myself as the dirt.
Jan 2019 · 235
Faded memories of you.
CJ Tims Jan 2019
Coming to this place
Reminds me of what we used to be.
I sit in my old room,
The one that witnessed first hand
Our initial spark.
Sitting on this bed
Reminds me of the nights
We spent together,
Sneaking you out before dawn.
Standing in that little mirror
Reminds me of the  photos
We’d take,
Our echoing laughs happier than ever.
Everything i touch
Has a memory of you.
And maybe that’s why
It’s so hard to stay
And even harder to leave.
Jan 2019 · 873
Well this is it
CJ Tims Jan 2019
I love you
As a friend.
No, no that isn’t right.
See that’s what i say
To hide how i feel.
When i say i love you
I mean
I love you.
With no establishments,
No walls.
See i love you
As the moon
Loves the stars.
There is them,
There is us.
And there is you.
I love you.
Dec 2018 · 171
CJ Tims Dec 2018
A part of me rests in your hands.
It took me great strength to give this up.
You carry it around carelessly,
As if it were a gum wrapper
You’re ready to drop.
You slowly discard these pieces
As i follow behind
Picking them up,
And once again
Placing them into your hands.
See that’s the thing about being blind
About one sided love.
Do this for decades,
And here i am.
Cleaning up MY mess
YOU made.
And still I never leave.
Dec 2018 · 157
CJ Tims Dec 2018
The fear of isolation overwhelms me
As tears stream down my face
For no one to see.
It seems as if they are in competition,
Who can run faster?
They leave my cheeks,
Because even they
Don’t want to keep me company.
CJ Tims Nov 2018
I am ashamed
At how broken i am.
I apologize
For the amount of stress
I may cause in the midst of your
Efforts of trying to keep me held together.
I apologize
that i continue to fall apart
Before your glue has time to dry.
I apologize
That every time you pick a piece of me up,
Yet another breaks.
I am trying.
You are fixing me slower than i am breaking,
And i am ashamed.
Thank you.
Thank you for not giving up
On a broken piece of nothing.
Nov 2018 · 188
Love is Scary.
CJ Tims Nov 2018
Have you ever felt true love?
Gut wrenching, fear in your heart
True love?
The love where being apart
For one day
Feels like ten years.
The love where thinking about them
Sends you off to the stars,
Lost in the galaxies,
Unaware of reality.
Have you ever felt true love?
The love where your heart
Has been lost,
And found only in their hands.
The love where the thought of losing them
Sends you into the abyss,
Feeling lost once again.
Sep 2018 · 182
Loss of words
CJ Tims Sep 2018
My words used to flow from me
Like the sad, heavy raindrops
From the darkest if grey clouds.
My words used to have meaning,
Enough to stand beside the Oxford Dictionary.
Well now
My words stay in a box
Locked in a cage.
My words are unbeknownst to meaning
Like a newborn to sunlight.
Oh where did you go,
Tools in which my thoughts conveyed?
Sep 2018 · 180
Losing trust
CJ Tims Sep 2018
Actions speak louder than words.
You won’t fully understand this
Until you’re standing in front
Of a broken heart
From the lies you’ve told.
You won’t fully understand this
Until you’ve turned the light drizzle of rain
Into a hurricane.
You won’t fully understand this
Until you’ve watched someone’s trust
Leave their body and crash
Into a million pieces below.
And you won’t fully understand this
Until you’re standing in the ruins
Worse than Athens
That you’ve created from those actions.
Sep 2018 · 158
Regret of change
CJ Tims Sep 2018
You tell me i’ve changed
Like i chose to lose myself.
You tell me i’ve changed
Like I haven’t spent nights
Reminiscing on better times.
You tell me i’ve changed
Like you didn’t push me
To who i’ve become.
You tell me i’ve changed
Like i don’t sit up every night
Wishing i hadn’t.
Aug 2018 · 169
Another dreadful beginning
CJ Tims Aug 2018
It’s hard starting over,
Especially when you’ve grown
The slightest sense of familiarity.
When you hate the way you’re living.
But then the slightest ray
Of sunshine is sent your way.
Your walls tear down,
Hope begins to flutter.
Then that ray burns out,
And you’re left once again
Starting over.
Its not very good but depression is creeping up on me again so this is my escape, lol.
Aug 2018 · 177
Silent tears
CJ Tims Aug 2018
Silent tears
Silent like a 50’s drive in movie.
But loud,
Loud like rain on a tin roof.
But not calm,
These tears
Are calm like a hurricane.
See these silent tears
Come from scars deep within
That i seem to have caused myself.
But don’t worry,
I’ll keep them
As silent tears,
To keep you unbothered.
Aug 2018 · 771
Hanging on
CJ Tims Aug 2018
I am standing on a tightrope
As you’ve taken the net from beneath me
Once again.
See one wrong step,
One wrong move,
And i’ve ended it all.
So as your words
Shoot arrows past my head,
I haven’t the time
Nor the energy
To dodge them.
So please,
Take the net,
Shoot the arrows,
And hope i survive the outcome
Aug 2018 · 186
CJ Tims Aug 2018
I seem to forget i am only temporary.
I forget i am just the bandgage
On your miniscule wound.
And when you heal,
You leave me once again,
Waiting for my next broken heart.
Jul 2018 · 132
CJ Tims Jul 2018
I notice many things about you.
Every time i look at you.
I notice how when you laugh,
You have the slightest dimple,
Right on your chin.
I notice that you only drink your coffee black,
Two spoons of sugar,
No more and no less.
I notice that you used to listen to my stories,
Holding onto every word
That dripped from my lips
Just for you to hear.
But the largest thing i’ve noticed
Is that you lost your ability to care.
I notice that when you’re harsh words
Shatter my heart and it drops,
Instead of looking down,
You walk right over the pieces,
And leave me be.
If you’re ready to leave,
Please tell.
Jul 2018 · 228
Apologies to a father
CJ Tims Jul 2018
I apologize.
I’m sorry that all of your responsibilites
Are washing over you,
Pushing you into a worrysome bout of aggravation.
I’m sorry thar you don’t feel you’re parenting well,
Not keeping me satisfied 100 percent of the time
I’m sorry that i’m so much to handle,
Adding onto the unbearable weights you carry.
I’m sorry that you feel meaningless
When you’re my world,
My inseperable half.
And most importantly,
I’m sorry I haven’t been able to help you.
Jun 2018 · 255
Depression is
CJ Tims Jun 2018
Depression is
Depression is
Not a joke to be made to friends.
Depression is
Like being in a car
Going to fast.
Uncertain of the destination.
Depression is
Drowning in water
You could save yourself from
If you would just STAND.
Depression is
Lating in the same water
Weights tied down on you.
Depression is
Being trapped in your own prison,
Everyone you love surrounding you,
They can’t reach you.
If you would just REACH OUT.
Depression is
Laying in your fortress of solitude
Rotting away.
Depression is
A drop of water in a drought.
You are useless.
Depression is
Not a feeling.
In fact,
There’s no feeling at all.
Depression is
Finding out who cares the most
When you’ve shut yourself down
And they still care for you.
I promise.
May 2018 · 215
Useless thoughts
CJ Tims May 2018
Some nights i sit up and wonder
If you think about me the way i think about you.
If i race across your mind like lighting
If i make your heart skip a beat
When you hear my name.
If the butterflies in your stomach
Let you reach the clouds when you see me.
But most nights i sit up and wonder
If you even cared enough
To remember my name.
Apr 2018 · 160
Blind love
CJ Tims Apr 2018
Because I loved you.
I dropped everyone
Because you’re the only one I saw.
you didn’t do the same.
Because I loved you.
I sacrificed my happiness
Maybe thinking you’d give it back.
You didn’t.
Because I loved you.
I let you play me
Like a deck of cards.
Because i loved you.
I let you break me.
And now here I am
Picking up the pieces
But as long as you’re happy,
Apr 2018 · 222
Broken friendships
CJ Tims Apr 2018
Gettting a message from you
Brings back the delight
Of the memories we shared
And the pain
Of the same forgotten.
Apr 2018 · 303
CJ Tims Apr 2018
And you were the apple
I couldn’t help from poisoning myself with.
Apr 2018 · 202
CJ Tims Apr 2018
I miss you.
Not that you’d care.
I miss our butterfly filled conversations.
I miss your soothing voice,
The one that could calm even the roughest days.
I miss your laugh,
The one that’d break out,
Even if nothing was funny.
I miss when you called me “mine”.
The place that was filled a while ago.
But hey,
I miss you.
Apr 2018 · 195
I loved you
CJ Tims Apr 2018
I loved you
Because your words
Ran away the ones in my head.
I loved you
Because your warm heart
Melted the ice around mine
I loved you
Because you made me new.
And it hurt when you left.
Because most importantly,
Your touch made me feel again.
Mar 2018 · 179
CJ Tims Mar 2018
Its been a long time
Since i even searhed for the real me.
i’m too busy apologizing
For not being the person I used to be.
I miss her too,
Don’t get me wrong,
But i feel like at this point
She’s too far gone.
I wish i could go back
To the simpler days,
Where the only thing to worry about
Is what song I’d sing on Sundays.
I can’t focus and i can’t see.
Which is why i’ve given up
On finding the person i used to be.
Mar 2018 · 190
3 words
CJ Tims Mar 2018
The three words.
The three words that will pull you back
After you thought you finally outran them.
The three words that will wash your progress away
Like writing in the sand.
The three words that open your wound
When it was finally close to healing.
The three words that heal a broken heart,
But only makes it worse.
Mar 2018 · 178
Broken love
CJ Tims Mar 2018
I’m not quite good at these things,
But here I give you my heart.
Well, a piece
At least.
It’s shattered and tattered.
I’m sorry it’s broken,
You really do deserve the best.
You give me your heart,
And you give me the world,
And here I give you
A piece of me.
It’s not as great as yours,
But it’s all I’ve got.
So here,
Have a piece
Of my broken love.
Feb 2018 · 152
CJ Tims Feb 2018
The rainy days were soothing.
Those days she prospered.
The rainy days were soothing,
Until the rains turned to storms.
What came as a steady pace
Slowly turned into a thunderous growl,
Ruining everything in its path.
But she told herself:
It’ll pass.
It’ll pass.
It’ll pass.
I hope.
Feb 2018 · 154
CJ Tims Feb 2018
You’re a sidewalk daisy.
It takes a certain special
To notice your worth
Feb 2018 · 217
Lost soul
CJ Tims Feb 2018
My soul
Is a balloon
That I’ve mistakenly lost control of.
And what hurts the most
Is knowing
You can’t recover a lost balloon.
Jan 2018 · 169
CJ Tims Jan 2018
My advice to you:
Feel with your heart,
Love with your mind.
Jan 2018 · 157
CJ Tims Jan 2018
He was the sun
On a cold day.
She was the shadow
On a sunny day.
Working hand and hand,
Making the world go round.
But sometimes,
It just didn’t work.
Jan 2018 · 187
CJ Tims Jan 2018
She was bold,
Like a lion.
But frail,
Like a sidewalk daisy.
And as her confidence over ruled,
She flew away.
Jan 2018 · 189
CJ Tims Jan 2018
I am a magnet.
I try to stay away,
But something about you pulls me closer,
No matter how hard I try to repell.
I don’t want to be in love ,
But the forces have it
And now I am stuck in a state
Where i am neither pulling or pushing away.
Jan 2018 · 303
CJ Tims Jan 2018
My petals,
They fall around my feet.
You forgot to water me.
But its okay.
Summer days I prosper.
Those are the days I spent with you.
Winter days i lose just a few more.
Those are the days you disappeared.
There have been many winter days.
As I try to escape the cold,
And enter the light,
I seem to forget
That my roots are implanted.
So all I can do is die.
This isnt about anyone, its about hope.
Jan 2018 · 163
CJ Tims Jan 2018
Trying to reminisce our memories
Is like looking for tire tracks on a rainy day.
Looking for the reasons I fell in love
Is like looking through fog.
You meant so much,
You mean so much.
I don’t want to let go,
Yet holding on
Is like carrying an anchor
In quick sand.
Its time to say goodbye.
Jan 2018 · 198
CJ Tims Jan 2018
When I say “i’m okay,”
I don’t actually mean that i’m okay.
See, “okay” means “fine”
And fine means
“I’m falling apart.”
So if you ask me how i am,
I’ll reply “i’m okay”
Jan 2018 · 225
CJ Tims Jan 2018
I’m like a Fall leaf
On a summer day,
Somewhere I don’t belong.
I’m the metronome
That’s one beat off,
So it goes to waste.
I’m the broken crayon
In the bottom of the box,
No one notices it’s missing.
These thoughts come knocking
At the door of my mind.
As they are the only ones to visit,
I let them in.
And listen as they break me
Dec 2017 · 217
Return of Depression
CJ Tims Dec 2017
I’ve been given
This materialistic item.
Apparently it’s what people do
To show love and gratitude.
But I don’t want it.
I was told I was loved,
By ones close to me.
But for some reason,
It meant nothing.
I want to be appreciative
For all these blessings I am being given,
But something inside of me
Is telling me to ignore them.
My body,
My mind,
Has become detached from this world,
And is just floating somewhere
In the abyss
Where everything
Means nothing.
Dec 2017 · 188
Meaning of words
CJ Tims Dec 2017
A few words
Can express
What a thousand never could.
Dec 2017 · 259
*Not* Sad
CJ Tims Dec 2017
What can I say,
I’m just not happy.
I have everything I need.
I don’t want anything,
Because the feeling of lust has left my body.
People who brought me joy
Can’t bring the same happy sensation.
I’m just not happy.
But i’m not sad.
This implies that sad is a feeling.
It is a way of life
And there’s no way to change that.
Depression has been eating at me and I know my poem isn’t at all that good, but i needed to make something to help myself.
Dec 2017 · 265
CJ Tims Dec 2017
Water me
With your words of positivity.
Let the wind running through my hair
Relax me and take my worries along.
Let the soil underneath my feet
Guide me home.
Let me live and prosper
In this wondrous world.
Dec 2017 · 367
Parent conversation
CJ Tims Dec 2017
“Read your bible more”
That’s what I was told.
But dad, don’t you see?
The bible speaks out about depression,
It’s not just me.
“Your poems worry me”
But dad, they’re not that bad!
I write about my past,
I let my feelings go,
And this strengthens me,
Don’t you want that?
“I didn’t see it that way.”
Of course you didn’t.
Dad, I’ve grown tougher,
Become happier.
Don’t you worry about me.
Dec 2017 · 344
Stand Tall
CJ Tims Dec 2017
My Life
Is like a dagger to the heart.
But I’m still here.
As the blood runs down my chest,
And the thoughts of leaving
Run through my mind
So fast that there’s no destination,
I look back.
The dagger missed by an inch.
Today’s not my day,
So I shall stay,
Until the time comes.
And I mean nothing,
Should push you over the edge,
Oh so far,
That you let that dagger strike.
Stand tall.
for anyone who has thought about ending it, just stand tall and let depression know it’s not in charge.. :)
Dec 2017 · 171
The never ending cycle
CJ Tims Dec 2017
I’m enjoying myself.
Living freely.
But when you come in
Your booming voice
Runs through my veins.
And next thing you know,
My wish is your command.
Oh, what love does to me.
I know you don’t care.
But I tell myself you do.
Then when your through,
Im here.
Broken hearted.
Then I build myself up.
And I’m enjoying myself.
Living freely.
Dec 2017 · 193
CJ Tims Dec 2017
It had been quite a while
Since I’d experienced genuine laughter.
And maybe,
Just maybe...
I missed it
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