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Britni Ann Oct 2017
But did it hurt?
When you left her?
Do you remember it too?
does your soul ache for her as hers ached for you?
She remembers it all.
And how much it hurt.
The pain she felt when you left.
Do you know how long it takes for a soul to stop aching?
Do you ache too?
Do you remember it?
I bet you do.
She does.
She remembers it all too well.
Britni Ann Oct 2017
Don't you see?
She's trying to please
everyone around her.
She doesn't want to lose
The people she loves.
Pleasing everyone is hard, being perfect is harder.
She doesn't want to lose everyone .
Yet she doesn't know that she is losing herself in the process.
And she is almost long, long gone.
Britni Ann Oct 2017
For she was lost in the words she couldn't form.
In the stories she couldn't tell.
From a life she couldn't explain.
And from people on the outside looking in...
They couldn't understand.
Britni Ann Oct 2017
I love fall
It is the perfect representation
of learning
how to finally
let go.
Its easier to believe you can let go when the leaves on the trees show you how.
Britni Ann Oct 2017
I think I am being haunted.
Not by a ghost in the traditional sense,
Not the one that yells boo! And slams doors.
But being haunted by the ghost of myself as a little girl.
Haunted by the man that promised me everything and gave me nothing instead.
I think I am being haunted.
By the memories that are forever trapped behind my eyelids.
By the smell of cologne that lingers in the stores we once visited.
By the songs I hear that bring me back to when I was happy, and everything was as it was meant to be.
I think I am being haunted by shadows.
He lingers in the back of my mind only to surface when I sleep or have a moment of silence.
I see him in crowds and in empty hallways when I do a double take he turns into someone else.
I am being haunted by a shadow that casts over me whenever I see old pictures of him.
He left me behind with the ghost of how things were.
He left me behind with the ghost of how things could have been.
No one sees the ghosts that haunt me daily.
No one gets that I am constantly being haunted with ideas that lead me closer to the windows, pills, streets with high speed limits, sharp turns, and concrete walls.
I know I am being haunted.
My mind is a place I am forever stuck in and constantly trying to escape from.
How do I escape the prison that is my mind?
How do you get rid of a ghost that you don’t see?
I think I am being haunted by nightmares.
Even in my sleep I can't escape.
And when the weather starts getting colder and the sky starts to leak with snowflakes I am reminded of when I was supposed to be a little girl that would have fun with her daddy.
Daddy is a ghost now little girl.
I am being haunted by the man who promised me everything and gave me nothing in return.

— The End —