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CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Keep repeating the lie
Until the lie becomes the truth
Rumor mill working on overtime
innuendos media gossip

When every network and
the White House Regurgitate
The exact same thing word for word
Something shady is a foot

Teaching a section on job preparedness
A narcissist student puts down others to make herself feel more superior.
So much so she creates tension in the class

I pulled her aside and said “you need to treat this classroom like it’s your job.”
She said” I know how to act at work”
She landed her dream externship

She lived across the street. walking to work
Externship 14 Business days 80 hours
Management started hearing hellacious gossip but wasn’t sure the source.

A young lady came in for an interview,
my student said”I know her she’s gay.”
The manager heard what she said
“ we have a zero tolerance policy”

Manager: “I am interviewing this candidate, and that cannot be a factor. If I hear anymore on the subject there will be consequences”

My student didn’t hear a word the manager said. shortly after The incident
I received a letter
Management terminated her externship.

They didn’t want her even for FREE.
Her dream job down the drain.
She had a hard time getting a job
that incident, is on her transcript

Perhaps she can get a job with the news
She has a lifetime of gossiping experience
She hasn’t learned a moral lessons yet
If college doesn’t fit, have a back up plan
BLT webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Gossip 6-7-24
To gossip is to talk about The personal lives of other people

I taught at a technical college, two-year AS degree in medical billing. The externship is where you go for two weeks for free on the job training and if they like you, they will hire you. I have worked out situations where a person was needed so bad they will hire The student in lieu of externship, but that usually only happens to my top 2% the best and brightest.. then there are students who don’t quite meet the master while they might have just barely squeaked by and graduated. They’re not hireable. It cost $21,000 to sit in my classroom in another $1500 for books. I take that responsibility to heart. I don’t want them to finish school and say welcome to McDonald’s. The types of grants that are available for technical colleges, you only can use once then that benefit is gone, you’re no longer eligible.
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Round and round ,The carousel turns
Faster and faster with moxie we learn
Life shows us ups and downs
Cherished love Sweet laughter sounds

Younger hunger, more invincible you are
Chances to prove your a bright shining star
Rushing through life not a moment to spare
Soaring high in the crisp clean air

Around and around the carousel turns
Resilience in the face of adversity we ride
The oceans we cross, Turbulent tides
The chances we take Mountains we climb
Lessons, sublime In the passage of time

Around and around,The carousel turns
problems in life, that each day would bring
Changes pass by to catch the brass ring.

Around and around, the carousel turn
Disparity and pain my ride will slow down
God’s gentle hand will push me around,

He picked me up, carried me, when I fell
He stands beside me on my carousel,
BLT, Webster’s Word of the Day
Moxie 6-6-24
Refers to courage and determination, energy, or know how
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Illegals whatever term is politically correct
The situation will worsen if left unchecked
hell-bent on taking America down
Started in the cities , and then in the towns

First they steal our ID then our home
They work in packs, groups, not alone
Protests pretense for violence in our streets
Enlisting people on the Internet with tweets

Wake Up! Where do we draw the line?
Civil unrest through the passage of time
Lessons ignorant Americans must learn
Emotions; anger rage hatred, to Discern

Protesters have become embolden
Is the United States now beholden?
Yet, if this was done in their country or land
Strict penalty Cut off their head or hand

Nations deride America as soft and weak
They want to bring her to her feet
They use intimidation to gain control
That’s what they learn, it’s all they know

Americans are frustrated by their rage
This is not how America chooses to engage
Push comes to shove what do we do?
America needs to stand up or die a fool

Illegal Immigrants invaded our land
Not to assimilate but to take a stand
Our values of freedom must stay the same
They claim to be Americans only In name

If all our rules are unacceptable don’t delay
There’s absolutely no need to stay
Red white and blue the American way
paid the price, freedom ,values, won’t sway

10 million people illegally now are here
Death to America is what they chant, cheer
Our government is responsible for this
To gain political power, tyrannical bliss

Pull back the curtain Eugenics at play
Powerful people demand their say
Our future is not going to end well
America, emerging AI, the new living hell

BLT where does the day challenge?
Deride 6-3-24
To DERIDE  someone or some thing is to subject them to usually harsh and bitter, insults or criticism
Americans need to stand strong together. Agree to disagree. Safety in numbers. We are at a precipice. There are forces that want to destroy America. we’re too busy squabbling amongst ourselves like bratty little children.. The whole thing about having a gun, the 2nd and 14th amendment in our constitution, is to protect us from The enemy, foreign and DOMESTIC . It’s not about these silly little issues. People will never see eye to eye. These are distractions they don’t matter. The bigger picture.. it’s about good versus evil. Think what it means for our nation to be A Marxist socialization humanization dictator Country. We are the only place on earth that is like America. Why do you think so many people want to get in your country even illegally? . I just don’t get why people don’t realize the consequences.
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
3 months old little Paddle began to change
His fluffy yellow feathers rearranged
His new feathers silvery brown exchanged

A little taller in stature, neck now long
Mrs. Fiddle and Mr. Faddle waddle doddle
Little paddle, full of **** and vinegar
full throttle singing a song

One fine day his family got larger, they say
Mrs. Toodles, and Mr. Doodles and their
3 triplets aunt, uncle cousins, arrived today
Doodle , Caboodle, and Scoodle  Triplets
The girls walking  and talking  liplets

The triplets Doodle, Caboodle,Scoodle and little Paddle scurry flurry off to play
Mrs Fittle, Mr Faddle, Mrs Tootle, Mr. Doodle  between them not much to say
Frazzled and dazzled, caring for their offspring each day

The geese parents getting older
The Young gaggle of geese growing bolder
As the weather grew colder?

The familys stay away from the flock
Each day time takes away the ever changing clock
Both parents know one thing fear the dock

The first snippet and tip it good weather
No longer needing those thick feathers like a sweater
The sweet smell of flowers, hang in the air, lilac, and Heather

It’s time to learn how to Fly
The gaggle of geese begin to nervously cry
Trying to lift off the ground their parents
Not a sound, cautiously, look around
Keep trying, encourage, parent geese flying
Take a run for the sky lift off high battle cry

The exquisite excitement is in the air
Feathers to and fro flailing everywhere
The triplets hover lovers without a care
Little paddles Svelte feathers show a tare
Slowly draft drifted Earth bound
A shaky *** slump, defeated down

Mrs. Fittle, and Mr. Faddle right behind
Little paddle’s battle to stay in the air
Incidence grew in intensity with Care

The truth his feathers were just not ready
Sadly madly he wanted to soar not steady
His wings too small it was not his time
The hardest lesson is being left behind

Little paddle’s glorious day will come
He will gleefully glide, in the big blue sky
With Mrs. fiddle and Mr. Faddle closely by
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
Svelte 6-1-24
described slender and a tractive, graceful way something sleek, such as an article of clothing
Incidence 6-2-24
To grow in intensity
May 2024 · 115
Attack on the Middle Class
CJ Sutherland May 2024
The dynasty powers that be
Are attempting a strong hold, a siege
By eradicating the middle class
They can change global societies caste

2024 has become the clear the air, year
Facts truths are becoming crystal clear
Exposing allegations, conspiracy theory
People Ostracize, for suggesting a query

Systematically destroying small businesses
Protesters steal,burn stores No witnesses
Government taxation laws, let it burn
Historical stores harsh lessons to learn

One by one, the stores bankruptcy close
Toys “R” Us, bed bath, and beyond, Kmart
Did Smart Bidenomics, adding to those
99CentStores stores, Sears and Burger King
I see a trend emerging middle class thing

No warning, overnight Red lobster closed
The community bought Mother’s Day
Gift cards the day before, people chose
Did the store know while taking the money
Or were nefarious actions, At play

Owners knew what was going down
Yeah, they took money from the town
Will they refund mothers not a sound

Tyrant stores are left
Walmart Costrco, target
Prices on the rise
Mc Donald’s five dollar french fries
BLT word of the day challenge
Dynasty 5-30-24
Refers to a group, team, family, etc. that is very powerful or successful for a long period of time
May 2024 · 142
Honor to my Fellow Poets
CJ Sutherland May 2024
I pay homage to fellow poets on this site
Writing keeps me occupied at night
I appreciate their dignity and corrections
Poetry is an contrasting art of perfections

Showing us new styles and types of rhyme
While keeping meter flow and time
BLT word challenges creates cohesive style
Created progressive poems we smile

You’ve been timetabled
When chosen by HP writers Spotlight
It’s truly a remarkable night.
Is a great way to get to know a poet
deeper insight of their poems they show it

Of course, there’s always room to grow  
There’s always more to know
Poet’s poems profound stirring begins
We learn more in every poem Muse wins

The GADFLIES  can scroll on by
Leaving thumb down, is a spiteful cry
Exceptional caliber of poetry, we Strive
After all, that’s what keeps us alive

Check out these exceptional poets
Poetry in motion, perfection, as we know it;
Carlo C.Gomez, BLT, Weeping willow
You’ve Been Timetabled, Old poet MK, Nylee, Anais Violet, Mister truth,N
Lori Jones Mc Caffery, Ken Pepiton
Anais Vionot, Stephen E. Yocum,
Ken Pipiton, Pradip Chattopadhyay,
Thomas W. Case, Guy Scutellaro
Nat Lipstrad, G Alan Johnson,
Melancholy of Innocence, My Dear Poet,
BLT word of the day challenge
One who provokes or annoys other people, especially persistent criticism
I can’t name them all so please forgive me if a miss you, know you are in my heart but I’ll name a few
CJ Sutherland May 2024
Social Darwinist
Biological android
Elites rule the world

First control the mind
Compliant cogs in the wheel
Good workers obey

Androids dream electric sheep
Man is a machine
I Watched the movie on Mind  Control its disturbing. During the 19th and 20th century they perfected techniques on conditioning man to be dumb down in school. Complacent, complicit, obeying what they were told.Experiments such as Pavlov conditioning, (first with dogs,) teaching them when they ring the bell it’s time to eat. The bell made the dogs salivate in anticipation. Such a way with humans. television is a tool to keep humans asleep. There are two types of people those who are sheep and blindly follow and those who will not conform. If you’ve ever seen a show with a hypnotist who  will get audience participation. He can put them under hypnosis. Yet some cannot be hypnotized. Those people are ostracized. The elite must get rid of them.They are problems. This is been going on since the beginning of America . The elite have perfected their techniques. Nonetheless, some have woken up! These realities are disturbing, but true.!
May 2024 · 264
State of Today Modern Haiku
CJ Sutherland May 2024
Most folks will deny
We’re all bias prejudice
That’s why we’re a mess

A modern haiku
A.k.a. Free Form or Contemporary Haiku Allows a greater freedom to expressed ideas, emotions through Haiku

A juxtaposition or surprise
Allows the reader to experience a sudden shift in perspective or emotion
I taught a class in ethics. Everybody has biases and prejudices. Things they were taught, things they’ll learn from their surroundings, things they learn to believe on their own.. we make determinations of people within seconds. We determine whether they’re friends or foe. by our filters of what we know. Nobody is perfect.
May 2024 · 140
Manchurian Candidate
CJ Sutherland May 2024
Is cultivated structured, planned, made
He responds better rested, well paid
Handlers near, He hides in a blockade

He starts off strong, but can’t last long
He can’t speak dance or sing a song
He doesn’t know where he belongs

He stands out ,awkward in the mix
Needs downtime to program another fix
A well oiled machine knows the tricks

Tall tale signs practice to deceive
reiterate the theme until all believe
American People are not that naïve

Regurgitate phrases, people in a daze
Mindless masses follow the craze
Blind obedience, ignorant haze

Occasionally , He will misfire
That’s when He should retire
Yet they prop him up and falsely admire

Too feeble to read his lines
If judged, he will never do time
continues to perpetuate another crime

When it all goes south
Blunders bloopers comes out of his mouth
Blame insanity says the speaker the house

He stutters, mutters, then stalls
He shuffles his feet and falls
A blank look He stares at the walls

He shakes a hand yet nobody is there
Bewildered, he falls up the stairs
Sadder still his handlers Don’t care

He can’t get off the stage
Easily confused, his tone He can’t gauge
Has trouble reading what’s on the page

The media’s prepackaged narrative
Fact, checkers, collaborative
Concealing the truth is Imperative

Keep in line, Lock stock step together
Party Polar opposites, birds of a feather
Another four years we cannot weather

A debacle for the world to see
Destroying America Land of the free
But he gets away with it! How can that be?

How did we end up here?
Protesters yell” Death to America” cheer
This is only going to get worse, I Fear

The U.S., a strategic coup, is it our fate?
Will we stand or will we capitulate?
At a precipice, wake up before it’s too late.
BLT word of the day challenge 5-16-24
Synonymously with fiasco to mean a complete failure. It can also refer to a great disaster, causing significant suffering or loss..

I saw this movie Manchurian candidate with Denzel Washington. about a  candidate a Group of soldiers that were programmed with mind control . It was my inspiration me  for this poem. I know the government has used mine control and currently uses mind control. Interesting concept frightening actually.
CJ Sutherland May 2024
Must learn from the past
Else we call past the future
Cross roads destiny
****** killed 6 million Jews when a nation ostracize and exterminated all Jewish people. That’s happening again now. Don’t think it’ll stop with just the Jews .they’ll call for the Christians death next , as foretold in the Bible.. One can argue. This is the beginning of the end.
May 2024 · 96
Mothers Day
CJ Sutherland May 2024
My husband forgot
Said no, it wasn’t a thought
Best I don’t reply

40 years married
Claims I am not his mother
Feeling hurt today

Objective thoughts please
Say a Word and I’ll explode
Silence is golden

Crock *** simmering
My emotion bubbling
Which spills over first?

Sitting here alone
All I can do is Haiku’s
Strange my anger rhymes

A series of related Haiku

I wonder if this form is a
type of poem On its own
I’ll have to look it up
But he mentioned his birthday is coming up soon🤔
CJ Sutherland May 2024
On the Center Island embankment
Mother Mallard sits on her eggs 24-29 days
One hour twice a day in the sunshine,rays
She must leaves her eggs unprotected
Starvation never realizes the unexpected

Mrs. Fiddle and Mr. Faddle
Had eight eggs under their care
Predation, Herons claimed seven there
A perfect duckling name Little Paddle
The only Duckling to survive

Fluffy, healthy, strong Full of energy alive
Fiddle and Faddle guarded Little Paddle
From dillydallying around
For a wild Little Paddle
Mischief can easily be found

All mallard ducks pair off The same way
Pecking order, preservation at play
Mother Mallards sit distant from the flock
Mrs.Fiddle Mr. Faddle and Little Paddle
Animal instincts stay distant from the dock

One fine day A mishap dismay
Wiggle and waddle they progressed
Refreshed, Digressed and obsessed
They search for their missing Little Paddle

Under a Elderly Mother Mallard’s wing
A small Beak seen it’s the cutest little thing
Out pops Little Paddle
squeaking and squawking “ here I am”

Fiddle and Faddle tired of worry walking
Mrs. Fiddle pitched a fit, spit and Spatial
A plangent tangent, of loss, of pain
But for a Little Paddle it was just a game

Harmoniously Honking all is right as rain
Mrs. Fiddle and Mr. Faddle
Have a heck of a time gripping the rattle
The parenting reins in the saddle

Growing quickly with giggles and gaggles
The adventures of Little Paddle
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
Such a sound that describes a loud, deep expressive of sadness or suffering
May 2024 · 166
Fable On Memory Lane
CJ Sutherland May 2024
There is a  place
On memory lane
The blind can see
Jesus healed the lame

The tree of life
In the center of it all
Grows 12 different fruit
Summer winter, spring, and fall

Purity rules, each and every day
Peace of mind in every way
Evils of earth are all forgotten
Depravity, every thought rotten

Only love prevails
Memory lane exist
In folklore, fables ,fairytales

Here on earth, we learn our worth
Can be found in Jesus Christ first
John 3:16
A fable uses, puns, and metaphors, describing a subject meant to be guessed by the listener to teach a moral
Fables use puns, metaphors, they introduced us to rhyming mnemonics, allegorical use of language.
I’m exploring and different types of poetry
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
4:00am) sleep more sleep , rise and shine
One eye open, It’s breakfast time
6 :10) choose the biggest bird from the pen
plucked the feathers off the hen

12 noon) set the table; knife, fork,spoon
1:03)clean house chase A wayward mouse

2::00pm) sewing time quilting blankets,
We make our clothes,No buying of the rack
Dresses tops, skirts and slacks
All stitched from flower sacks
Crochet and macramé a fun part of the day

5 past 4) pastry flower on the floor
Baking bread, baking Apple pies
The smell puts a smile in our eyes
Canning tomatoes canning Peas
learning different techniques like these

So much life ahead, bursting at the seams
Planning future planning dreams
5:03) My intended is down on bended knee
He has chosen to spend a life with me
A wife and mother is all I wanted to be

20past 4) we struggle to make ends meet. We both wanted so much more.
My husband Drafted in The Vietnam war
College books in hand, baby  on my knee
A big world to see Who will I  be?

5 PM) Dinner on the table. It’s a struggle,
but I am willing, and able.
Baby’s bath, bed, stories, and prayers said
9:09) quiet at last it’s study time

10:00pm)Time to lay down, I need my rest
Long hours long days,  I tried my best
Sometimes In this hard life, I felt so alone
11:00pm) Husband calls on the phone
Barely alive He’s coming home.

Thanks be to the Lord
His words, my comfort,
My shield, my sword.

Together family, we strive to work survive
Our children have grow. Lives of their own
Midnight ) Empty nest just us two we atone  
Quiet is the sound when no one is around
we weathered the storms, faced our fears
Huddled together, through the tears,

4 AM ) Now in the twilight of our soul
there will come a day to pay the toll
When God will take us home
No longer to feel alone
Lives lived to the fullest were we deceived?
we believed, and blessings we received

Hopefully God’s purpose we achieved
Everything we have learned
to discern was within God’s Ken

One day for men is 1000 years for God
2Peter 3:8 KJV
BLT Websters’s word of the day challenge?
Means a person or someone’s range of perceptions knowledge or understanding using phrases like beyond\outside\within one’s KEN
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
I am California Born and raised
The 70s Great music love and peace craze
I grew up in southern Cali (Califoria)
In the San Fernando Valley

( I’m totally a Valley girl Fur Sure)
Kids Talking in jargon, there’s no cure
People really used terms like the movie
“Clueless” where everything was groovy
Totally awesome, Rad, tubular and cool
Low riders surfers, GDI groups in school

We moved to the country Tarzana
Singing John Denver oh, Susanna
200 chickens; dog, horse older than sin
One breath from the glue factory Old Fin

Neighbors had Santa Anita quarter horse
A wonderful life until the divorce
As we grew, we went our separate way
The same kids K-12 still chat today

School reunion, now Facebook friends
See how we turned out made amends
Through the years, laughter, and tears
California  destroyed, our worst fears

LA is not the same place that used to be
It looks like a bush and they call it a tree
A mass exodus move fast travel far
Leaving in groves by plane, train, and car

Homeless tent city people in the park
Dangerous to move around after dark
Protesters intent to destroy every college
Institutions that stand for knowledge

People learned stay away from the city
San Francisco has a P and **** Map pity
Tourism is a thing of the past
California beauty sadly did not last

I’m the last hold out my friends are gone.
The Roxy, Rainbow Club Rock Music songs
Memorabilia is all that remains the same
So much history now sadness, I refrain

Snow ski and swim the ocean the same day
Vacations, camp all the lakes,places we play
Home uninsurable non-renewable wildfire
I used to believe it’s here I would retire

Earthquakes. I never paid them any mind.
A little shaking from time to time
(Accept 1994, Northridge  6.7, mg 4:31 AM)
Then good still outweighed the bad
The destruction of California makes me sad

An illegal chants  burn Cali to the ground
An accident she set herself on fire found
Set 6 fires arrested released set 5 more
Kamala Bail fund fire girl gone explore

Shasta Lake, houseboat Open space goal
3 days on the lake and not seeing a soul
Shasta Caverns, Yellowstone mountains
Mount Shasta, pure snow water, fountain
People took pride, no littering, they care
Now trash sprawled over everywhere
California Poppy the yellow state flower
Remembering , Cali in her golden hour
BLT webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Many people leaving the same place at the same time for mass movement from one location to another
Apr 2024 · 84
A Cruel Theif
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
Life happens

While we make our plans

Nobody really understands

Kismet, destiny or God’s plan

We all carry our own belief

Really is a cruel thief
Apr 2024 · 263
A poet’s worst fear
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
A poets worst fear is
Underwhelming poetry
I failed to impress

You can please
Some of the people
Some of the time
You can’t please
All the people
All of the time
We still try
BLT Webster’s word of the day challenge
Underwhelm 4-18-24
Someone who fails to impress excite them
Apr 2024 · 161
Term Ordinary People
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
I heard this term recently, and
it knocked me off kilter
I look at life through a different filter
So I have to say it blew me away

What are Ordinary People ?
Every person I know
I only see Extraordinarily

Webster’s Dictionary defines
Ordinary People as
not special in any way. Normal

What is a Normal Person ?
Webster’s  Dictionary defines
Normal as
Having no serious, physical or mental
health problems

By these definitions being
Normal and Ordinary is an anomaly
I don’t know anyone over the age of 55 that does not have some issue. Autonomy

Everyone over 55 that I know has had Illustrious careers; Astronauts , Doctors,
Soldiers , and even Mothers and Fathers

Those who refer to Ordinary People
As middle class in a cast system,
Of the bourgeoisie society are The problem

It’s note worthy to mention Webster’s has
Changed the definitions of their words to
Appease a nonsensical group of people
As life goes on we try to make sense of it all
Apr 2024 · 113
Abomination On The Earth
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
Tares among the wheat
Man, loves darkness, rather than light
Sheep among the wolves

Right wrong and wrong right
Satan’s rules the world today
Wolves devour sheep
This type of Haiku is
done with two separate poets
. The first Haiku poses an idea or question
The second Haiku responds
For this exercise I wrote both Haiku
This type of haiku is called
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
Under the aegis of loving grandparents
children raised of the heavenly host
In the father, his son, and the Holy Ghost
grandchildren here tales of their parents
As children generations taught Bible stories they learn of their lessons and glories

Everyone Sang The Jesus loves me song
“Little ones to him belong
They are weak but he is strong  
Yes, Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so” 
 Their four year old Granddaughter
Gets down on her knees each night to pray
This precocious child has a lot to say

The era back in the day when everyone
Dressed their best for Sunday Service
Easter perfect parents were nervous
Moms made matching outfit for her girls.  
They did their hair in ringlet curls

Shiny white Mary Jane shoes with either
Tights or triple layer lace ruffled socks
A frilly dress, and purse that locks
Wore forget me, Nots
Easter bonnet with flowers upon it
The girls made themselves.
White gloves, just like mother top shelves
Coordinated Easter basket to keep them occupied money for the offering plate, tied

The family took an innocent four year old to see a reenactment of passion of Christ
The play opens
The Olive Grove scene at Gethsemane
Jesus comes on stage then his enemies

The little girl Jumped up, stood on the chair
Her mother asks what are you doing there
“I want to show Jesus my new Easter Hat”
She beamed as a matter of fact

The grandmother wrapped her loving
Arms around the child
Whispering softly in her ear
“It’s not real they are actors”

The soldiers started pushing, shoving
Yelling at Jesus grabbing him not loving
The little girl’s eyes opened wide
Her hands over her face to hide
Peeking through her fingers
Her terror lingers

The grandmother wraps, your loving
arms around the child
whispering softly in her ear
“It’s not real they are acting”

But the little girl persisted
Unable to look away she insisted
She shook her head She didn’t understand
She took  her grandmother by her hand
She started to sob “please help Jesus”

The grandmother wraps, your loving
Arms Around the child
Whispering softly in her ear
“ it’s not real they are actors”
But the child can’t be consoled
The child wouldn’t hear what she was told

Final act
Jesus was being nailed to The Cross
His life, Paid the cost Satan’s loss
A large spike in the soldier’s hand
Then there was a loud BANG
The hammer hit The cross of wood
The little girl tried to get to him but no good
The audience jumps and screams
Some laughs nervously at this scene

The grandmother wraps, her loving
Arms around the child
Whispering Softly in her ear
“ it’s not real they’re actors”

The little girl lets out a shout
a blood cuddling Scream
Standing on her chair
For someone to care
She searched strangers, eyes
Her face ask the question why

The grandmother wrapped her loving
Arms around the child
Whispered softly in her ear
“ it’s not real they are actors”

The innocent child shaken to her core
A new raw emotion to explore
By the grace of God, the powers that be
For the first time the grandmother
Can except the Child’s plea
to SEE through the innocent child’s eyes
And Now understand why she cries

The audience becomes transfixed on this innocent little girl and her ringlet curls
For the first time the people in the room
Understood what it meant, An empty tomb
They no longer saw just a play,
they witnessed The totality The reality
through The eyes of a trusting child.

On TV today we watch acts of violence, ****** deviance, gratuitous actions killing Breaking every commandment
All in the name of entertainment.
People tell themselves  
“it’s not real they’re just acting”.

What is our culture feeding us
An evil we don’t see oblivious,
We looked through the eyes of a Child
This was based on actual events
Perhaps it was heaven sent
BLT Websters word of the Day Challenge
Aegis 7-9-24
under the  power to protect
control, or support someone or some thing
Apr 2024 · 254
Inner Beauty Shines Through
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
Selling the elixir of youth
It sounds so shrewd uncouth
Selling meaningful beauty
It’s sold as a woman’s duty

What would you do to achieve?
That which the commercials deceive
Women buy into the hype, at what cost
Spending obscene amount of money lost

Pressuring woman to feel less inferior
A fake false façade on the exterior
The true essence of a woman lives within
A smile, her luminescent grin

Her radiant inner beauty shines through
Naturally cultivated as she grew
The light Shines in her eyes and in her face
From God’s beauty and loving Grace

A modern quatrain with rhythm AABB
The commercials try to sell creams and lotions in elixirs while the stars are drinking babies blood to keep them young. There should be a warning sign on these labels women buy into the height spending thousands of dollars to keep your use to try to look like that star on TV but not even they look like that.
Apr 2024 · 324
Broom in the Corner
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
Many cultures use the broom
in a uniquely different way, a useful tool when you have something to say.
The broom, always Present in the corner

Some used it as a ceremony for marriage
Each New Year, out the door they sweep the dust and dirt, of the old year
Then they sweep in a fresh new year Cheer

Others used it as a tool to disparage
Their loved one in a marriage
While most just, swept the floor
This is about our broom, history and more
The broom always Present in the corner

Our grandparents used the
broom to settle a dispute.
This process was resolute
The broom always present in the corner

husband demanding, and did not listen
Broom bristles turn skin red until it glisten 
Eventually, the husband would learn
Until his next turn
With every poke, the wife spoke her mind
Peace and harmony both would find
The Broom always present in the corner

Old fools
Don’t give the Younghans enough credit
Some are grounded, Worth their salt
Some have manners, tantrums they halt
The broom always present in the corner

Young fools
Today’s generation, no respect for elders
Not only do they think they’re right, but they demand everyone see things their way
And there’s absolutely nothing you can say
It’s just a broom in the corner

The younger generation societal shift
Throwing tantrums ,Pitching a fit 
Screaming protests, facts unfounded
we are at war , fighting ,Gaslighting lit
Elders surrounded, warning bells sounded
both sides refusing to recognize the day 
Shut down ,Neither side has a word to say

The broom stuffed in the closet, put away
Covered in cobwebs, collecting dust  
discussion Falls upon deaf ears Decay
Facing fears No muss no fuss

Emily post ,Decorum  demeanor, respect
Values no longer taught in schools
“The golden rule” a lost term ,neglect
Emotional education taught in retrospect
Whoever holds the broom makes the rules
That is what is taught in school
Teaching Children to be cruel
A broom is no longer a useful tool

Broom bond fire light the night
evil rules the day
Another tradition of past has gone astray

The older generation are reduced
to the term of useless eaters
By Younger generations of Calus cheaters
Otherwise known as tweaking tweeters

How did the separation become so vase
Younger generation can be so crass,
Perhaps Smoking too much grass
The broom A relic of the past

Out with the old
In with the new
Neither generation has
A clue of what to do

The younger generation
The master of the faux pas
pushing limits, doing things
that should NEVER be done,
What? pray tell,
Having ***
In their parents bed
Is a perfect example of one!

Where do you draw the line?
Polar opposites will never be fine
How can we meet in the middle?
How can we each learn to give just a Little

Mind you this is conjecture on my part
Yet the poem came from my heart
If we want humanity to survive
We need to work together to stay alive
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
To form an opinion, or an idea without proof
Apr 2024 · 184
Nana’s touch
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
She Gives praise when you climb a tree
She will kiss a boo-boo or scraped knee
She understands what you say
She can chase the monsters away

Nana’s touch  
She kiss All your tears
She soothes your nerves and fears
She is there by your side
She will walk with every stride

Nana’s touch
She loves you with all her heart
A special bond that will never part
She makes you feel 10 feet tall
Just with her look doing nothing at all

Nana’s touch
Gives you the encouragement you need
To conquer the mountains towards succeed
To ease disapproval that makes you cry
Her smile, she has a gleam in her eye

Nana’s touch
Her arms are a warm embrace
Being around her is a safe place
Even after you meet your husband or wife
That special bond is for the rest of your

Nana’s touch
She changed your world
She misses you so much

If your Nana’s is alive,
give her a call today
Brighten HER day
Apr 2024 · 70
Wind blows
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
Apr 2024 · 327
Word of the day challenge
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Each day a new word is given

BLT has issued this challenge
Use Webster’s Word of the Day
in your poem
After you post your poem
let BLT know

In the notes of your poem indicate
The word of the day Challenge
The word and definition
I try to put the date of the word,
but sometimes I forget

Then notify BLT
He will read the poem to
make sure it meets the HP standards
Then  he will post it to his site
Then BLT notify you that he did so
This way your poem
gets additional exposure

You can see by the haphazard way
I laid out the instructions
These are not strict guidelines
This should be FUN

I find it a challenge at times,
To use the word on the exact day
Yet, curiously many times
I can incorporate a word
into my current poetry
that I would not have used before.

It’s challenging and fun when it’s done
It’s a game that has opened
up a brand new door daily.
Putting my braggadocio aside
Personally There are times when I have felt I have an inadequate vocabulary

This challenge is a self confidence booster
Also a way to improve your language
and add a new word to your lexicon.

A heart felt . Thank You
To BLT For creating this game
It’s truly been a challenge and adventure
BLT word of the day challenge
Haphazard 3-30-24
No apparent plan, order, or direction
Bonus words
3-29 Braggadocio
A brash boating annoying or exaggerating appearing more then you are
Lexicon a person’s vocabulary and branch of knowledge
You do not need to use more than one word per day but it’s cool when you can.
Mar 2024 · 94
Quest for Clarity
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
An epic narration poem
Which, by nature is an exception to the rule

Have you ever read a poem and thought wow! Holy cow!
What a really great story,
Imagery, Content, what a glory

But is it truly a poem?

For me, all these rules are confusing
Perhaps some might think I’m amusing
The length for which I search for clarity
I want to get it right for posterity

The importance is a matter of perspective
That would depend on your objective
posting  the first thing that pops into mind
Then this whole poem is a waste of time  
A book of poetry published one day
Then this process is not ******* per-say  

For inquiring minds that want to know
Condensed material I will precede slow
I’m only scratching the surface so
There is room to explore and grow

So, What’s the difference between
a story and a poem?

Websters dictionary states;
The essential difference
between a poem, and
a short story is
The difference of scope.

Typically Poems are short, and brief.
They tell you how the author is feeling
in a few words.

Short Stories are written by the author
Prose follows the natural form of speech ,
A Story highlight a moment; it contains A plot, themes, character development, and a descriptive time and setting.

A poem is written by a poet.
Lines act as sentence breaks
No formal prose are needed

A short story is written in sentences.
A poem has words or phrases that
sound good when read out loud.

Short stories fall into the The category of fiction or nonfiction.
Poetry is a category of itself.

Free verse poetry is void of rules
That’s were things get muddle
Leaving readers befuddled
Yet the freedom of poetry in motion
Is an.extraordinary elixir a magic potion
Creating something to behold
So elusive it’s hard to repeat the mold

poetry has no specific characteristics
it does not contain prose.
Poetry are formed in stanzas, which are a collection of poetic lines.

Some stanzas types are very specific quatrains set the standard of lines
Also a Rhyme scheme maybe required to identify a specific poetic structure, style.

A poem can contain more then one type of structure and name.there are always exceptions to the rules
These are the Identifying structures
for example

Couplets are sets of two lines stanzas
Triplet set of three line stanzas
Quintain four line Stanzas
Cinquain. Five line stanzas
Sestet six line stanzas
Septet seven line stanzas
Octaves eight line stanzas

this is not going to be an easy quest
My writing process will be put to the test
I write my poetry then figure out the rest
  I have not figured what process is best?

This review maybe new
For me it’s an agenda of what to do
My goal to complete a poem in each style  
I must admit It will take awhile
My never ending Quest
Mar 2024 · 192
What’s Your Writing Style
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
I’d like to get to know, A fellow poet’s writing style
Especially After reading their poetry
for a while.
I am sure it would be interesting to know
How a fellow poet establishes
their; meter, form, and flow.

I realize all poems are unique
and use a different method, formula, tact
Finding that sweet spot is writing
for full impact
Since poetry can send us on a wild ride
It can be interesting to see the process from inside
At least it’s an interesting concept to ponder
As we let our minds wander

There are some poems this happens organically
While others are built mechanically.
I start my poem in draft mode
I capture the original essence and let
The poem gradually unfold

I leave it sit for a day
Then revisit the word play
Checking for spelling errors and flaws
Looking for that hook, vivid imagery,
Our personal flair that create affects in the land of Oz

When I think I’m almost there
I check the title to make sure it matches the Content with flare
The title is what brings the readers in
too want more?
Effectively it opens the door.
I look to see, I’f it’s aesthetically pleasing
Perhaps word art?, Tempting, teasing
I look at alignment: left  center, or right
Then I’m ready to put the poem to bed for the night.

When I feel It’s completed and ready to
I’m amazed ,I pulled it out of thin air.
A smile explodes with a resounding Holy Cow
Then I’m left with a yearning.
What do I do now?
I click on Draft Poems, and I begin
A silent smile and a big grin

All the steps of MĔGILLĀH are often preceded by the objective whole
While some might find this rigor can take its toll
It’s the steps that keep words under control

Currently I have over 30 poems in draft mode. It stays there until I feel they’re ready to move and grow into what they’re meant to be. I’m great at concepts, but building a poem takes longer,
It can only go as fast as inspiration.
I’d rather have quality than quantity.
I have to write down my poem ideas
for future development.
Have you ever thought oh, that would be a great poem… but you don’t write it down, and the thoughts gone forever
Lost in obscurity
That’s my process for developing creativity
What is your writing process??
BET word of ;the day challenge 3-24-24
Websters word
Means basically, the whole ball of wax
Mar 2024 · 202
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Randomness.                        is   in    effect,

                                                         ­ Will
It’s   Inevitable,

Mar 2024 · 86
It’s My Real Birthday
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
I celebrated my same birthday
until I was a teen
Everybody knows their birth date
Right?, you know what I mean

But I learned that isn’t so
Validation paperwork I must undergo
I applied for a driver’s permit
I was confused I have to admit

Application required request denied
I know my birthdate I screamed with pride
Fact remained,The wrong date of birth
I began to second guess my self worth

Send away for a certified birth certificate
Anticipate Many questions I accommodate
Answers I thought I knew, I must validate

Questions were rather suggestions
The answers left more questions
My birth date was off by 13 days
Emotionally I was in a haze

My brother calls on my pretend Birthday
With a PEDANTIC choice of words to say
It was a game he would play
At first he hurt my feeling
Sending me in a tizzy dealing
Then I realized he remembers to call  

Thinking back for a word,thought, phrase
A Flooding of memories My heart cried
We had many nannies after mommy died
To young to know, or ask, but I still tried

They said it was a tragedy
Where I stood it was a calamity
My father, a gentle man took a stand
He gave love with open arms and hands

Was my true birthday lost in confusion
Was this mix up a retribution
There was never a final conclusion
Only the correction resolution

I’ve learned not to live in hate and despair
I’ve learned to forgive ,love is in the air
We all have a reason for Being
Knowing without seeing

These life challenges are my test
I learned to take the good with the bad
Most importantly, to do my best
I never found out how or why my birthday was mixed up, ironically I was my fathers favorite
BLT Word of the day challenge
annoying person who makes small correction
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
I will hate you as
long as you live!
NO matter what
you do or say
I will NEVER forgive.
Your not my mother
as of Today

in a heart
Is destined
to rip it apart
You expect this
from a child
A teenager
willfully and wild
Inability to forgive;
festers, and grows
What you reap
you shall sew

these feelings
is all she knows.
When a mixture of
childhood memories
Are twisted
fact and fiction
distorted with time
Love turned to hate
she is no longer mine

Physiologist today
Play the blame game
An off-spring’s
Rest solely
On the parents;
Unloved, uncaring
absent parents
Never sharing

In her case
that’s not true
A weekend, dad
and a  step-father
She never appreciated
what she had
Much love
in a mostly
happy home

Her Memories,
stories ,fabricated.
to deflect
her irrational  
I did not teach
her to lie and steel,
She needs to rely
on a narrative
to circumvent
The way
she treats
her children,
Their traumatic ordeal

“It!s not about
what is REAL”
“It’s about
what I feel”
However, when
I mentioned
let’s talk
to your
Phycologist together!
Absolutely never
of course Not
that would expose
the whole
ball of  wax
That says a lot!

How about the way
I feel!
What about
My ordeal
A Disabled
Elderly abuse
swept under the rug
I’m Afraid
of her aggression
Add thirty years
of built repressed
hate and rage

turn the page
I’m guilty
Of many things
Of letting her hit
abuse me
I became
her whipping Post,
physically, emotionally
I am guilty of
Not holding
her accountable
For her actions.

The abuse
verbal and physical
Demons are fed
with time apart
Time for HATE
to harden the heart

parents are at fault
for many things
I was a young mother
Children don’t come
with instructions
Convinced by these facts,
In all the qualities I lack
This realization
will not change a thing.
The past is the past.

How can I help my child
To see, to know ,accept
a good upbringing
not perfect by no means
Dealing with a willful child
, a war of wills
Always determined
to get her way
I use to say
“this is a difficult age”
My husband reply
“You say that every year”!

Start with accepting blame
The past cannot be changed
Remains of the past
stunt reality and  
create delusion of present
that will not
meet your Needs
expectations and desires
Defeatist mindset
present quandary  
A bleeding heart  
for all to  see
a narcissist
plays the
victim’s game

This is a tragic tale of a broken relationship. My life long friend cannot seem to work it out with her adult child. Most give up walk  away but she keeps trying
This poem will only make it worse
That is my curse
Words never said
Rattle in my head
Mar 2024 · 127
Respect (a simple Quatrain)
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Each and Every person is
To have an

It’s your
Prerogative to
With Any Opinion.

It’s Absolutely  

To Humiliate
In any way,  
Shape or Form

They don’t
To the same
Ideologies as you

Instead Exemplify
Love in Kindness
Humility and Honor
Respect with Grace

We need More
People Endowed with
these attributes
and qualities

If you READ a Poem
You don’t agree with, Don’t embark upon
A ****** Tale of Skulduggery
It’s NOT an Acceptable Endeavor

If your Thoughts, and Comments
Do NOT add Value
To the Poet’s Poem , Refrain
Scroll On By

Remember, The Old Adage
If you don’t have
Anything, Nice To Say
Don’t say Anything At All


A Quintain  is poetry in a series of four lines that make up a stanza.
QUAGRE means Four
A Simple RHYME scheme would be ABCB used in each stanza throughout the poem
But not a requirement., no rhyme stanzas are perfectly acceptable.  
There are eight different types of quatrains I am going to present them in the next couple of poems, that’s my goal.
BLT word of the day challenge 3-18-24
****** means cheap in appearance, or used to describe something considered morally bad or distasteful
Bonus word : SKULDUGGERY
Underhanded or unscrupulous behavior also a devious device or trickery.
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Bob and Kathy lived next door
They picked up our leaves and
swept our driveway and porch floor
Neighbors. Yes, but so much more.

For thirty five Glorious. years
We Watched both our families grow
Love and respect Is was all we know

Bob’s passion ,was restoring old cars
That’s what they lived for, who they are.
Car shows , The annual Vetran’s parade
Bob was celebrated for his choices made
To showClassic 1920 Henry Ford model T
Custom detail a delight for all to see

The United States pays obeisance to
The military on Veterans Day
Bob an Army soldier, Green Beret
He was a bad ***,  that’s what he would say

In the blink of an eye, Happy Time passed
We realize why, Good things never last
Full of laughter, love and Many tears
Inevitable realization of their fears

As they age, Life turned the page
Health became their Clock, their gage
Out of the blue ,One fateful day, Bob fell ill
Cancer slows the body to a still

Bob would say “I’m not ready to die today”
We all knew Death was waiting at Bay
The Next phase ,The long goodbye they say
Bob wouldn’t have it any other way

Cancer in remission
Life was a condition
Weakening body in transition
Stealing lives without permission

Bob fought the good fight
Holding on with all his might
After each procedure ,Bouncing back
It was tough to keep Life, love on track

Family came over to watch him die
Only to see him fight and try
Bob put on a brave face,
which was a lie
His wife Kathy Sneaks off to cry
Cancer you cannot deny

Finally Death came to call
Eventually it will ,for us all

The children live in town,
Now, they are never around
The house sits dark and bare
Nobody is ever there

Kathy lives in the house alone
Their house is no longer at home
BLT where did the day obeisance
means acknowledgment of superiority showing respect synonym homage
Mar 2024 · 110
Cognitive Test
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
We The People need Assistance
If the President has nothing to hide
Test him to see, what’s going on inside
Does he have his Full capacity, his wits?
Will it explain his confused rage, his fits?
Has dementia, set in, cognitive decline?
The President’s acuity, what will be find?
The world is watching

We The people need. Assurance.
His hands are on the nuclear foot ball
Is he able to make the judgment call
American people For one and all
Congress Senators in The White House Hall
The world is watching

We The people need. Assurance.
We can’t have any deterrence
Word errors are a normal occurrence
The world is watching

We The People need. Assurance.
Democrat party what is your platform?
Evil is Rising, brace for the coming storm
Democrat party, Is your plan sound?
Our nation is on shaky Ground

Are you the president who can,
   Turn, The United States around?

Candidates ulterior motives, to a new low
Demean principles, how low will they go?
We are sick of opponents brow beating
We will not put up with voter cheating
We are not interested in race baiting
Undetermined Voters are waiting
We The people need reassurance
The world is watching
(2)words BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
3-12-24 ULTERIOR  describes things, usually motives, objectives, reasons, agenda that are kept hidden in order to achieve a particular result.
Second word of the day
To lower character ,status ,reputation,. Demeaning the seriousness of a person.
Mar 2024 · 123
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
We wear many elaborate masks
For many different laborious tasks
The moment the mask Comes off
Our fragile emotions aloft

Unwise ,we jeopardize
Right before our eyes
Overwhelming, Exasperation
defines exploration
For who we truly are
A poet, A romantic dreamer
wishing upon a star
Perhaps a heart with
a deep, gaping, cavernous scar

Reality rears it’t Ugly head,
love or hate we made our preverbal bed
We each have a choice to make
For goodness sake, We choose our fate

No longer we can hide
That which is inside
A pinnacle moment,We must decide
Now equipped with clarity to see
And understand
who we truly NEED to be

We can’t put that monster back in the box
No matter how many locks
We can’t unring the Bell
Even that road has a story to tell

The totality of the question lingers
As answers slip through our fingers
From over the horizon to the pit of hell
Finally we can descry
However daunting, The encompassing
question of Why!, we cannot deny
What Still remain, that which keeps us sane

Do we want to BE that person?
BLT ;Webster Word of the day
Descry 3-7-24
Literally means
To understand
Mar 2024 · 118
Ad Hominem Wars Tanka Haiku
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Politic’s keep scores

Play Ad Hominem wars

Code of Ethics gone

Spew Dirt, Salacious Slander

Government Gerrymander

A Tanka Haiku
Is identified as five lines
31. Syllables.
There may be different literary devices, personification, metaphors and similes
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day 3 – 6–24
Ad Hominem refers to attacks on an opponents character, rather than their point of view. Adjective it is seen as bad and wrong
Mar 2024 · 158
Ignorant Trusting Haiku
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
We’re All Ignorant
Until the Day We are not
Then We learn a lot
Haibun Haiku
A personal reflection 3/7/24
Mar 2024 · 170
Stand – Renku Haiku
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Two Haiku
First, the statement
Second, the reply

Don't capitulate
Stand now before it’s too late
Believe life is great

Arbitrate We win
Standing strong Both sides give in
Now life can begin
Two poets two Haiku
One makes a statement or reflection
The second answers. Or reply
For this exercise, I am both poets.
it’s cheating a little I know
I wanted to try this form
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Promoting well-being
Salubrious Health habits
Food heals, body, soul

Bonus word
Cura te ipsum means
Physician heal thy self
BLT   Webster’s Word of the Day
formal word, meaning favorable to or promoting health and well-being
Modern, contemporary, freeform haiku, capturing every day, experience, love, loss, social issues, observations of human nature
FYI, there are seven types of Haiku
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Works for Sport Fishing
Inept for Border Control
Save the U.S. NOW

Mr. President
Drugs, Trafficking,People DIE
We want to know WHY

There are seven types of Haiku,
1) Traditional- nature,
2)Modern, which includes;
contemporary and Freeform.
Capturing every day experiences, love, loss, social issues, observations of human nature
3) Senrya. human nature, humorous, funny
4) Tanka, five lines 31 syllables
5) Haibun, personal reflection
6) Renku requires two poets each, adding a stanza to a poem , One stanza, and then the second poet adds the reply total to stanzas
You can look up each of these for more detail I’ve also came across another list. It’s slightly different, but basically. This is the list.
Watching today’s news 3-3-24
This marks my 200th poem published on HP
Mar 2024 · 235
Memorial Haiku
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Roadside DEATH, Flowers
Motorcycle accident
Loved one remembered
Driving I saw some flowers and a cross on the side of the road and it made me think of this
This is a Haibun Haiku
Mar 2024 · 103
Original Thought
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
Is there such a thing
As original thought?
Something truly new

Just because you never heard it
Doesn’t make it not true
Or are we just
Another man’s genius
Stroking his ego
Is that a journey we follow, sole
Or does misery love company

Plagiarism I have been on the receiving end
A fellow, poet used lines from my poem
Am I supposed to pretend
That didn’t happen

Clear and simple stolen.
Plagiarism is not a game.
It is not my intention
To mention their name
where do you draw the line?
Is Plagiarism a crime ?
Am I in Jeopardy?

I keep returning to original thought
Was it ever truly mine ?
Did I unwittingly,
Twist the concept overtime?
Or subconsciously did I glam
Originality from elsewhere
How do you justify, compare?
Then to claim it as my own
There are consequences to atone

A movie, song, story, play
Who is to say
If the area is gray

If I use random words in a similar style
Does the Original concept
Remain after a while
We justify by calling it a muse
But is our original thought being used?

Say I move into a different direction
Yet inference Glam’s the same reflection
Does the original remnant show detection
Even in the most, minute detail
Is my original thought derailed
It would be hard to dispel

Is there such a thing as original thought?
Something truly new!
I wonder
If we even have a clue?
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day Jeopardy
Mar 2024 · 83
Free Range Human
CJ Sutherland Mar 2024
If you think you’re free,
You’re deluding yourself!

150 years ago   
You didn’t have to

Go fishing
Own property
Build on your property,
Renovate your home

Use a transportation vehicle
Start a business
Get married
Own a weapon ,Hunt

Sell a product, Protest,
Grow your own food
Sell the food you grew
on your own property
Collect rain water

Have a garage sale
Set up a lemonade stand

You virtually
Can’t do anything
Without asking

So if you think you are free
You are, deluding yourself

You are a
Free Range Human
on a tax farm
Author unknown 2-28-24
Feb 2024 · 148
Angry Weather
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
The rain is pounding
Trees sounding, moaning, creeping
Quiet as a mouse, The house still sleeping
It’s dark outside, we’re in for a wild ride

Seven more days of straight rain
Super dog might go insane
Huddled under the covers
Snuggling together like lovers

A space heater is what we can afford
We buy wood by the cord
The fireplace consume bundles of wood
Much faster than it should
Dry wood will have that effect
Curing wood process, by neglect
I try to make it last when I could
Purchasing wood you never know
what you’re going to get,

The days of central heat are gone
There’s no valuables left to pawn
No need to heat the entire house
An elderly couple, spouse
Empty rooms frosty cold looms

Super dog jumped up to go outside.
I opened the door. The gushing water
invaded the floor

He’s not quite up to taking a trip
A  uncontrolled slip
Flash flood, water and mud
raining, rushing, rising
Weatherman advising

Listening for leaks In the roof ,
Will it hold, truth be told
This house may be old
But she’s got a long life left.

Light a fire to keep warm
We can weather this storm.
They say we might lose power
Touch and go by the hour
Lights softly flicker.

Check the circuit breaker
You’ll need a yellow slicker.
Keep a towel by the door
Another tree fell, who’s keeping score?

Several storms yet to appear
This is normal for this time of year
I am prepared ,safe and warm
From the storm, we are still here

A bird glides into the attic
The sound dramatic
Wrestling around amplified static
Through a broken vent, of wood
That noise, can’t be good
I need to close the vent, if I could
Pecking pecking on the floor ( ceiling),

The bird tries to hide inside
It’s sanctuary is denied
With a long broom handle
like a Roman candle
I pound on the Ceiling
I’m don’t have a comfortable feeling

Pecking, pecking louder on the floor
Super dog stands at attention on the bed
We look at each other, Not a word said
We both look up at the ceiling
He is beside himself, barely dealing

Super dog is shaking like a leaf
The bird is an emotional thief
Husband snoring ,super dog, not ignoring
the pecking, pecking on the ceiling

Agitated, distress, exploring
He sits between my legs, his eyes beg
For peace ,An emotional release
Pecking pecking once more
Super dog ,shaken to the core

I pound the ceiling with a roar
To scare the bird out the door
I desperately need the bird to leave
The bird stands still to deceive
This ritual continues until
The sound relieved

No more pecking on the ceiling
What a relief , a positive feeling
My brain still wheeling
I wonder what type of bird
I know that sounds absurd
It seemed rather large,
But I remained in charge
I do care, why did it go there?
A bird has no business
In my attic, house anywhere

Super dog sleeps quietly in peace
No more shaking, emotional release
All is right as rain
Order of tranquility sustained
It seems more frequently there is a bird in the attic I’m not sure if it’s the same bird or different birds. I keep a broom staff by my bed. Strangely my husband never wakes up lol
Feb 2024 · 189
Careful Thoughts/Haibun
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
Disrespect will close
Doors that apologies can’t
Re-open. Be kind

If a haiku is
an insight into a manner of experience
A Haibun
is that story or a narrative of
how one came to have that experience.
Something to ponder
Food for thought
This is a type of a haiku
Feb 2024 · 124
For The Last Time
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
Through the years,
Smiles and tears
I have raised children
With this phrase

“For the last time,”
The Lord hates lying lips
One of eight
Brothers and Sisters
A family of Ten
The parameter to keep
Us all in line
Moments measured by
“For the last time”

With parental responses such as
“Do you want some cheese
With that wine”
For the last time   enough!

For the Last time, Do your chores
For the Last time Don’t slam doors
For the Last time Eat all your dinner
For the Last time Be a Gracias winner

“This is the last time
I’ll reread the same story”
Sharing life lessons
“ Is it right the bad guy
Gets all the glory?”
Mixed messages
What is the meaning
Of the story?

I never gave it much thought
But what IF, This IS?
For the last time ?

If Today is all we have
Would we change the things
We say and do,?
If we only knew.!
For the last time

Life can change instantly
In The moment that
Has just gone by

I have looked into
Children’s trusting eyes
When they ask “WHY
Is Honestly the best policy!”

Live by example
When asked
“Is a white lie
Still a lie”?

Learning life lessons can be fun
You might only have
One chance to get it done

To curb the use of profanity
(I now a grandmother) said,
“I want you to call grandma out
If I use inappropriate language”
The kids loved the idea of
Calling grandma to the mat.

The Rules of the Game
I must apologize, and
Choose a better word!

They listen more discreetly
Catching grandma so sweetly.
I was cut off on the freeway
I had to swerved
So,I gave that driver
Choice words he deserved

“Oh grandma
You said a naughty word”  
The children sounded in rhythm
Hot under the collar
They caught me in the act this time
I realize what I had done.
Correction was not going to be fun

First I needed to calm down
I exited the freeway,  
A safe place , I found,
Then I apologized,
Word, of the wise
This is not an easy task
When you’re angry.
Without the luxury
Of letting time pass
Then I had to
Choose a better word
Some may think this
Game Absurd

The oldest grandchild said
“If mom and dad Played this game
They would never speak”

NEVER disrespect the parents
In front of their child
Let meek and mild
Own the day
You get more with honey
Instead of vinegar
They say

“Hold on young man
We are working on
Grandma right now”.
They caught grandma three
Times in ten years

The Fruits of the game
Remarkably, remain
The children’s transformation
Was definitely not
lost in translation

I walked past a teenage grandson’s
Bedroom with A group of friends over.  
One young man used the F word
Every other word.
Much to my delight
My grandson said
“Dude you cuss allot!,
Choose a better word, I’ll wait”.
The room grew quiet
The bewildered friend
Apologized and
Chose a better word
Without becoming perturbed.
The teens laughed, levity lifted.

Even to this day their use
Of inappropriate language
Is a thing of the past.
Life Lessons, If done right, will last.

The grandkids believe they cured
Grandma’s use of
Inappropriate  language!
Grandma, thanks them graciously.
A secret smile in her eyes
Live, learn, love more wise
A Contentment within her heart.

You never know how something is
Going to turn out at the start

The fruits of the game
We’re ample  
Choose a better word,
A great sample
For the last time
Live by example

Will you remember
When it is?
For The last time?
Will you Savoy 
The moment
Or will it pass in
A fleeting moment of time

The last time you taste See’s Candy
The last time you have every tool handy
The last time the sun sets on your wrath
The last time forgiveness graces your path

For the last time
Will come for each of us  
Will we remember or make a fuss
Or will The last time pass us by
In the blink of an eye
Without us knowing why
The choosing a better word lead to what my father (their Great Grandfather )called 5 cent words. He was a college graduate. Education encouraged . The word game, we played all our lives, trying to stump Dad!
Instead of idiot use ignoramus
Which is the same thing but people take notice
5 cent words were encourage. The new word carried through out the day. Rather the same as
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
Word of  the day Raconteur

Mirror mirror on the wall
who’s the fairest of them all
I know the answer
and it’s not me
I’m a realist I can see

When I look in the mirror, today
I quickly turned away
my reflection is not my perception
I see myself younger, prettier too

What’s a 62 year old lady to do?
I concede, it is what it is
And I’m OK with that
because that’s where I’m at

When did this come to pass?
It’s been so long ago
I was a sweet young lass
I used to have so much naturally curly hair
I turned heads, men would stare

That was the 1980s  Disco Darling
I entered a legs contest on a dare
And Won, $100 I was up for anything!
Bodacious, audacious, braze, fearless
A dish, A movable Feast, A Fashion plate

I used to get dressed up, for a date
Applying make up, fixing my hair
Always The perfect designer outfit,
Head to toe ,dressed to the 9s
Designer perfume everywhere

Now an old lady stares back at me
It’s hard to contemplate, it’s hard to see
I am not vain, I think I’m rather plain
My inner beauty shines through
That’s what made me attractive, I knew

I’ve been married over 40 years
Lifelines, laugh lines, and many tears
My ****** lines are a badge of honor, courage, my testament of time
Fulfilling the grace in what is mine

To a Life lived full of love and sentiment
Children, grandchildren took their due
You could say my looks are shot
But this is what I’m working with
This is what I’ve got

Haggard through the ages of time
Outer beauty is no longer mine
I’ve developed inner beauty, peace of mind
In old age, that’s what I strive for, find

No need for make up it’s just a façade
I shrug my shoulders, a gentle nod
With menopause, make up mixed with sweat burns my eyes
I have become more wise

What’s a 62 year old lady to do?
This is as good as it gets
I don’t worry or fret
This is me
As a poet and an author
I am a bona fide raconteur

(Webster’s Word of the Day Challenge raconteur) A person who tells antidotes
This is the first time I’ve ever taken stock and who I am I read a couple poems and I thought I’d give it a try. I’m not sure if I’ve captured what I want to say, but it works right now.
Webster’s Word of the Day raconteur
Feb 2024 · 89
Valentine’s Day
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
Webster’s Word of the Day, Cupid

If you are Married
Or In Love
Valentine’s Day
Comes from Cupid,
Angels up Above

Deliveries to work are Gifts;
Of Candy and Flowers
Evening plans, A romantic
Candlelit Dinner for hours
Followed By
Hugs and endless Kisses,
Many sweet untold Wishes

However, if you Are
Alone or Single
This Day is an empty Heart
That sadly Tingles

One by One
Your Co-Workers
Receives their Deliveries
Their glances of Pity
Only added to my Miseries

Their words of Sympathies
Only deepened my Pain
Hoping the day will End
Before I Go Insane

Hurtful Memories of
Old versus New
Dinner for One
Instead of Two

No, I do not Like
Valentine’s Day.
I wish it Would
Go Away

There was a time When
I to Receive  my Deliveries
Before the Days of Now
And my Miseries

The Man I Love
Did not come Home
I spent Valentine’s Day,
Staring out the Windows Alone
Waiting by the Phone

I cried myself too Sleep.
I thought Life
Couldn’t be more Bleak
For a New Young Wife

He came Home
After a night at the Bar
He had bought me Flowers
Yet left them in the Car

The next Day
When I Awoke
Not a word between Us
We Spoke

He had Retrieved the
Flowers from the Car
And placed them in a Vase.
You should’ve Seen
The Look upon my Face

The Dozen, once Beautifully
Long Stemmed Roses
Had Wilted
Like our Love
Empty and Jilted

I silently Took
A pair of Scissor
From the Drawer  
By the Bed

Cutting the Roses
One by One
At the Base
Of the Bulb Head

My Husband said Nothing
Only shook his Head
in Shame

I set the Scissors Down
Without Placing Blame

I made it Clear
Roses on this Day
We never Spoke of it.
What was the Point Anyway?

Valentine ‘s Day
is a Memory
Rubbed in my Face
Bitter Sadness
Take their place

No, I don’t Like
Valentine’s Day.
I wish it Would
Go Away
2-14-2024 This is a revision from 2018
Feb 2024 · 99
To market
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
To market to market to buy a fat pig
home again ,home again Jiggitty jig

Everything Skyrocketing
Taxation, government pocketing

Food cost on the rise
the price of steak and fries
$26 for steak, an outrage
Who sets the price? what is the gage?
That’s not even organic, free range
It’s mysterious , very strange

Gasoline $5.89 a gallon
Which doesn’t last
Longing for the prices of the past

Now Everything 3 Times more expensive.
What use to cost $100  now cost $300..

In the market, I heard families talking. “How much money do we have left “and oh my gosh the meat is $30.
“How much do we have in our budget?”. These  quotes from a family of five and the woman looked panicked,
plus. She was pregnant, one on the way
Her face frantic, she had nothing to say

A list in hand carefully selecting
only what’s on sale.
Frustration, realization, A life tale
Baby crying in the cart
Changing their budget
now they start
Watching broke my heart

These are real observations
at the market today.
It took my breath away

Many Products have gone away.
I asked the butcher
” I don’t see any petite sirloin roasts
had I made a mistake?”
“no” he reply “
nobody buys those anymore. “
I ask “well I’d like to buy one and
cut it up into individual steaks
It’s cheaper” The situation getting Bleeker
His reply” that’s what we do with them.
Ma’am , If you want a whole one,
I’ll be glad to see if we have any left”

Winco is employee stock ownership plan
The employees have a share, so they care
I bought three bags of food; milk, eggs just a few things, no meat, the cost was $96.

Even the cost of a bags
Increased, from $.10 to 12 cents
I know that doesn’t seem like a lot  
but everything adds up. With the limited income, most Americans have got

Now we’re learning there’s poison in everything ;  in bottled water, toilet paper,
in our fruit, in our grain,
pesticides, GMO, GM, Chemical poisons
All these factors can drive one insane

How  do we know what to buy
people just want to cry
Research, research, research.
The CDC tells you
it’s all in the open,
they no longer need to lie

We were told to move away from tap water,
Poisonous chemicals Chlorine and fluoride
The beginning of a long and arduous ride

My friend took a shower
and broke out into a rash
What do you do for itch medicine  
without any cash?

They no longer scream conspiracy theory
Check the Internet, do a query
You will find what I say is true
All the things we are learning,
We never knew
Now, what course changes can we do?

“What now deer”?
As more things are starting to disappear, empty shelves, are what Americans fear
but nobody wants to believe
it’s happening here!

Humanity on the decline
Staying quiet is no longer fine

To market to market to buy a fat pig
Home again home again Jiggitty jig
The phrase if it took a quarter to go around the world, I couldn’t leave the porch is prevalent now
Feb 2024 · 88
Untitled Poems WHY
CJ Sutherland Feb 2024
If you took the time
To contemplate a Rhythm
Pondering the story to share
Then why such little care

Many ask the preverbal question today
Dose one make the title first than the poem?
Or The poem, than the title
What does it matter anyway!

Your title pulls the reader in
The hock, the draw, the spin

To Captures the reader,
Achievement even sweeter

Reader Stops and gives their full attention
Followed by comments, honorable mention

With successful title achieved
Many reviews will be received

Correction question requests
Is the proper use THEN or THAN for the comparison to poem and title
I list it one way and verbal speaking list it the other way, which is correct?
your thoughts, please
I believed THEN was time and THAN was comparison I am second-guessing, because when I speak into the audio, it give me a different response for that spelling. I am in a cast, with one hand,
so everything is speak and spellcheck.
Honestly I pass on untitled poems. When scrolling down a list of poems to read
it’s what grabs my eye ,my heart, my imagination
Jan 2024 · 234
Repost a Gracious Host
CJ Sutherland Jan 2024
Once you post a poem,
it sees the light of day
But quickly time passes
the poem slowly fades away
Lost to obscurity

A poet randomly posted
A poem from 2018
The poem gathered stride
My gracious delight, I did not hide
My joy awoken to take a ride
To walk again on the wild side
A poem brought back to life again
Read click and send

Now here’s a thought
Kindness is easy, no need to pretend
Bring new life to a poem’s end
Deepen A relationship of a poet friend

You read one of my poems, an in-kind
one of your poems, I will read,
this cycle will plant a seed

Turnaround is Fair-play
I appreciate what other poets have to say
Let’s exchange poems, make my day
If you have a poem that you wanted revisited. Invite a fellow poet. To renew the Poem’s life
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