I was the only one conceived by mistake,
Mum could not abort me for many reasons so here I was,
I was the only one born in a hospital,
With my four siblings mum gave birth at home.
I am the only funny one cracking jokes and pulling everbody's legs,
I was the only one who got a prize on stage for an essay competition,
My elder sister worked ******* writing the script,
Her rough copy she threw it in the dustbin,
I picked it up, ironed the pages and gave it to my class teacher in grade II,
I got the prize but she took it saying it was hers,
Till date I don't understand if that was fair.
I was the only one who finished high school,
I applied too late to get a place in the university,
I suppose that was not meant for me,
However, I got my teaching diploma after marriage.
After marriage I am the only one to stay in different countries away from my family till to date,
And I was the only one to send her children to a university in a western country,
Where they found spouses and settled there,
So I am the only to pay the price of living alone,
All my siblings live with their children.
I may be living alone,
But, I am not alone,
I have God with me.
I may be aged and handicap,
But I would say I am mellowed and wiser.
It's tough to live without family for years in countries where you don't have your own community.