God created the Earth,
And the Universe,
Then he created man,
Then He waited,
Man was alone,
There was no fun.
God thought man must have spice in life,
Someone to give him joy
To satisfy his needs,
And make more species.
So He created woman,
From man's hip,
Bone of his bone,
Flesh of his flesh.
He gave her beauty, intuition and motherhood,
Fragile and with pools of tears,
Tools which make man dance to her tunes ,
And have her ways.
A glorious example,
Eve persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden Apple.
A woman always multiplies what you give her to give back,
You give her a *****,
She gives you a baby,
You give her a house,
She gives you a home,
Arguments ! You can never win,
A woman always has the last say,
She is always right.