“Reminisce of the warmth of your touch as it was,
The first time you said you loved me was majestic,
The gyrating words from amid your lips of thee,
As we nurtured our love on the sandy beaches,
I trapped in here now without you as you dispense,
I love your smile as the words whorl over discourse,
Wait for you to come on another day as you digress,
Favored full of stupefy as I was happy to sit in the light,
Youth what we were together will never be for naught,
I recaptured an instance when I was your Knight in armor,
It was as if I had been pulled inundate aboard a dinghy,
I am enshrouded and closed in mizzle of misery,
It has become that I can no longer see the brilliance,
Enshrined inside unable thus far to recognize the pain,
You will take away my fears with a breath of your energy,
The sea rests before me after a gnawing surge afore,
Churning in deep hollows ever so slowly eroding,
Marred before the tides afore me as the wind blows its sand,
Now malediction are the days that I have waited for thee,
Now the portal of the dwelling of the moor only waits for me,
Under the stars I shall devour the essence of you no longer”
By A. Guzaldo 07/20/2018 ©