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Swimmer101 Oct 2017
“You’re a terrible person”
No I’m not
“ You’re so stupid”
Stop it
“ Nobody likes you”
But... they do
“Why would they want something broken?”
“He’s too good for you”
Tell me something I don’t know
“You’re not supposed to hear us sweetie, you’re crazy”
“Exactly, just end it now, end it all”
“Stab us out of your head”
“Watch us pour out of your wrists”
“Jump off the ledge, silence us”
“Choke us out, grip your throat and squuueeeezzzee”
“End it, you have nothing to live for”
Well it’s just another day to having to listen to you guys and I am stronger than you think.
Swimmer101 Oct 2017
I don’t know what you see
I took you in selfishly
I used you without need
I threw you out blindly

Yet, you came back
Held me and whispered, “forever”
You took me in your arms
More cautious then before

Insisting I’m above any girl you’ve met
Despite what everyone says, you want me
I love you so much, I’ll be better
I’ll make you the first thing I do right

I’ll cherish you and understand
I will not give up and always be there
I’ll make sure I’ll ignore those suicidal thoughts
I’ll live for you my love

I’ll wake up and ignore the pills
I’ll walk with my head up
You’re something worth living for
Someone worth waking up for

You’re the cure to these deadly thoughts
Swimmer101 Sep 2017
I smiled looking into your dark eyes
laughed as you fumbled around unknown territory
and kissed, as you blushed embarrassed
Of the way your breath grew unsteady with wandering hands

I've seen you in my dreams
gazing at me with a hungry fire
providing promises
that made my heart skip beats

I held your handsome face in my small hands
Your body laid against mine for warmth
Snuggling closer as though you can meld into me
We'd whisper our thoughts for the future

I'd want a big house in the mountains
You'd want two sons
I'd have time to travel and dance
You'd have a career of building and engineering

I wanted you to be mine forever
You said the same
I had to hide you from everyone
for us to be together

Distance and time made you weary
I struggled with my grip on you
Your eyes would find another resting place
My heart would devolve into the empty void again

Your hand suddenly left mine
My lips lost its tilting smile
Your heart sauntered  away
Finally, mine left a gaping hole
Swimmer101 Jun 2017
I'm standing across the room
Looking at you
Looking at me
Looking at you
Standing across the room
Im just bored with him...
Swimmer101 May 2017
Don't forget to smile
Keep on smiling
Make sure to laugh
Nod your head like you care
No don't say anything
They prefer their voices, not yours
Look happy, they're watching
Smile, laugh, nod, smile
Okay they're gone
You can stop now
You can stop
It's not good pretending something your not
All the time
So please, stop
To all those people who get lost in the person they're not, stop.
Swimmer101 May 2017
I stopped caring about you
The way I used to
I no longer scan crowds for you
Like I used to

I treat you like a friend
Not a special friend
Just, that friend
The one I ignore  

I see you, and wonder why?
Do you feel the need to make me jealous
Does it look like I't'd bother me
If another girl was in your arms

You're just you
That spark I saw is gone
Intense feelings? Dead
Your jokes aren't even that funny anymore

You still do cute things sometimes though
Like trying to dance when a song you like is on
Or whispering corny things to yourself
And tapping your foot when you're upset

I can't completely ignore you
After all,
I did once care for you
In a way that drove me to insanity

However, if you tried to build what was destroyed
Nothing would be the same
I wouldn't be the infrastructure holding us
And being the pretty paint isn't going to be enough this time
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