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402 · Mar 2014
Secret Companion
Krista Langford Mar 2014
She stands in front of the mirror pinching at the unwanted pieces of her body
Rushes to the bathroom into the embrace of her only true friend
She grips the porcelain tenderly
As if it's the only one who will ever understand, the only one who will never leave her
This friend would never tell the teacher that she refused to eat lunch like the others
It understands her, encourages her, wants her to be happy

She convulses violently over her throne of pleasure
She won't stop until she's sure every last piece of food that was forced through her clenched teeth and down her throat is finally gone, until her stomach is completely void of everything

***** drips down her chin as she releases her grip
Standing up she stares into the mirror again  
All that she can focus on is her fat
"Not yet," she whispers, running her hands down her now empty abdomen
She doesn't plan on ending her unhealthy friendship anytime soon

Her bones cut through her skin
Once bright eyes are dark and sullen  
Her family begs her to eat, pleads with her to stop
They don't understand that there is no stopping for her
She will never be content with herself
Everyday she is imprisoned in her own body, her fat confines her

Her mother calls her for dinner
She becomes frantic
Her companion reassures her, promises that it will always be there for her
A smile replaces her distraught frown
They set up another time to meet
Their visits turn from weekly, to daily, to after every meal
3 times a day they meet in secret
Confidential play dates with death

She shakes all the time now
Her ribs show through her now translucent skin
Fainting has become part of her routine
Hospital visits have been penciled into her schedule
The doctors tell her that if she doesn't stop she will die

Her playmate convinces her that they are all liars
They don't want her to be thin and beautiful
They are just jealous it hisses into her ear,
Happiness is right around the corner
10 more pounds and she will be perfect
Sneak around for a little while longer, and it'll all be over
Just a few more lies, she convinces herself
She will do anything to get her happy ending

— The End —