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 Feb 2020 TJ King
Daniel Magner
Night glides over the white wings,
settling down from the sky.
Arrival in a familiar place awash with memory.
Come and gone,
return pulls tendrils from squishy matter,
lays them out before me
lights in the pitch, great expanse whispering,
tugging my sleeve.
There is a hill,
and a home,
a tricycle and bad accident,
fluffy morning pancakes,
play dough,
summer sun stretching for years.
Daniel Magner 2020
 Apr 2013 TJ King
Marty S Dalton
sitting in the dark long enough, your eyes adjust u

ntil shadows and outlines, the edges of things, be

come tangible. hard as metal, cold as ice. a body f

rozen in a lake. this is the edge of things. a photo

graph in gray. a sigh. a pen drawing circles until t

he page rips. ink bleeding through everything. an

abyss. abysmal. looking at a reflection, seeing thro

ugh it instead. hollow still has a shell at least. this

is the edge of things, where it stops. it stops…….
 Mar 2013 TJ King
Daniel Magner
The blanket my first love
gave me, still lays atop my bed
Not because I wish to have
back the days on couches
the pictures, family, comfort
but because it was made by a
best friend
and I never forget my friends.
© Daniel Magner 2013
 Mar 2013 TJ King
Daniel Magner
© Daniel Magner 2013
 Mar 2013 TJ King
Daniel Magner
This holding back stuff,
facade, is getting rough
with my hopes in reach
close enough to touch.
Practically out of this rut for
a life time of not giving up,
if I could only take the last step
but I know for certain
it'd be a bad bet to run a circle
around a friend like a back-stabbing
game of chess
and the check mate would leave
a dark stain on the membrane
of what ever came next.
So I take small dips
instead of full rips
one or two hits
just enough to get me to my next fix,
the whole time her face playing
in my head like movie clips
laughing at jokes or drawing *****
little kid shows, cartoon pics.
Making food and saying, "**** the dishes"
But now I wash them and watch
my ideas swirl down the drain like dead fishes.
Split a swisher, pack, light, lifted.
My mind keeps switching
as I watch her walk back and forth
cooking in the kitchen.
Sooner or later my life will be ruined
by this
© Daniel Magner 2013
 Mar 2013 TJ King
Daniel Magner
Thumpity thump
bump the bump
let bass **** up
in your spine
shake down your behind
quiver in those
pristine teeth
then bump you into me.
Bounce those eyes
side to side
down chests,
up thighs.
Burst out your mouth
in a weighted sigh
that snaps shut
with the snare drum.
Rattling through your thumbs
tapping on
jeans, cotton, skin.
Cymbal ringing like tin,
lifting that chin
while the music
lets you
© Daniel Magner 2013
If I had a gun I'd shoot a hole into the sun and love would burn this city down for you.

*Thank you Noel Gallagher
Capitalizing on an era of pseudo depression
Day to day writing and spitting trying to make a connection

The goal is to take the world by surprise and mystify
Reach the souls of the people and have them testify

Our ambition isnt just to rise up and be famous
But you better be ready to step up and pay us

See the problem with music today stems from this lyrical fallacy
It fills our minds with malice and it's simply a travesty

Desperately we cry out to change the game
Hoping to inspire this generation on its rise to fame

Listen closely now and don't take what youve heard for granted
With every single rhyme every line there's passion We've implanted

We don't want to look back and just be known for go dumb and *******
There has got to be more to music than wanting to be charted

Have us at 100 put us back at 1000 theres only one thing we need
To be in the ears of a young man or woman knowing we planted a seed.
 Mar 2013 TJ King
Daniel Magner
"Not yours"
Poured out of steely tip
to dip beneath my epidermis,
now it's permanent.
And never been more
© Daniel Magner
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