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 Mar 2014 Turquoise Mist
It's like using the same water bottle for years
five days a week
and filling it up one morning
to see it's sprung a leak

It's like laughing at the dealer
Smiling, "I'm all in!"
when you know the way the cards are dealt
there's no way you can win

It's that sharp old hill near Grandma's house
the driver speeds over to make the kids shout

It's the cow who can't help but walk up stairs
and needs a crane to get out of there

It's the waves of twenty-three thousand oceans
trickling to a stop
and all I can see in the entire world
is an astronomical dewdrop
 Mar 2014 Turquoise Mist
I lay here hoping you'll stop by,
Kiss some life into me, please just try.

I want to feel your lips on the dents of my skin,
Lead me away from the state I am in.

Tell me it will all be alright,
Even if it's a lie, please don't cringe away from what's in your sight.

Don't let me slip and fall,
Don't let me build up more walls.

I've lost too much blood, I've lost too much love,
I'm counting on you to lift me above.
 Mar 2014 Turquoise Mist
Let it go
Although this is a trendy phrase
We must not deny its truth at the end of the day
Reality is we all have something to let go
Whether thats our pride or our ego
Our insecurities and doubt
Stop letting it wear you out
Far ahead, beyond the horizon
is the pillar of shadow that
I set out in search of:
Past waves drenched of gold
and silver nights, I rode on, beyond
islands and signets.
I dreamed of worlds of light
past the winter of faith where
prayers freeze and the days still-born
But at the edge of the world
the shadow is still long
and the light-house I imagined
of shores beyond darkness
remains distant. In the deep
the shivering sky mourns
an ancient loss. What language
does the teardrop speak?
Beyond the horizon, there is a
pillar of shadow that rises
in the firmament of my soul.
Clenching a song in my fist, tonight
I rise, drawing out like filings,
the magician of my world,
conjurer of truths, I am
the magnet for secrets, onward!
I have a shadow to resolve.
For my brother and sister, both of whose birthdays are falling this week.
Sipping sweet
perception altering
on cement stairs
feet bare
stranger down below
honey lipped and
hour talk
between us two
took my hand
my bed
and my body
because we both
decided we wanted
to be
Daniel Magner 2014
At times it all fails
to make any type
of worthy sense
at all.

Watch the talking heads
talk about false
events and never question
this reality.

The lies flow like
***** undrinkable
water out of a
rusty unusable pipe.

That turtle I seen on Alma
street wasn't a turtle at all.
It was a tire.

The mind finds ways to accept
these unbelievable truths.
Even when your soul curses
your decisions
and your heart cracks in
zig-zag patterns as
you ingest more
and exhale the soot
of your experience.

Scrape away all that remains
of yesterday in hopes
of creating a better

Make your own path
past the
justly stricken suffering
souls who bought into the
lie and now dance among
the angry dogs.  
Plenty of riches blind
the fools,only
one true eye controls
them all.

Make the first move
in this
war they have waged
against our reality.
Hold true
to that questioning voice
inside your head and run
towards the front,
while screaming
questions about
it all.
What's more deadly
A gun or a thought?

A gun gives you the opportunity,
But a thought pulls the trigger.
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