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  Jul 2018 Touch My Heart
Word Hobo
her first cry

never   teared your eyes

her first smile

never   dimpled your cheeks

her first giggle

of joyous recognition

never   mothered your heart

her first word

never   tickled your ears

her first step

never   reached your arms


a prayerful pause ~ spindles time

through its aperture ~ she has your eyes !

‘tho a minutest inflection ~ you see your face !

what joyous recognition ~ self ~ in-dwelt

her flutter ~ divinely felt

You named her   Grace

gv 18.29.3  18a
Bamboo groves sing the symphony of winds
in their crackling I hear my heart
on the red lone summer road.

The village woman passes with her cow
she has no time for poetry
yet her radiance fills me to beg life

O Death be a while away
I've taken root on this land.
On the village road, May 11 2018 2 pm
  May 2018 Touch My Heart
Appreciation amid glorious people
They sound speak resound
Ah and we are just as they say
In the grand sphere
Of poetic masterpieces  just
When if you read much
HP poets are masterpieces
Writhing psalms odes
Songs and heartfelt
Artworks daily
As poets are defined by effort
Heart and good designs
I know no place
Other where all these
Parts exist in better people.
I am often lack in
Saying or plussing or recognizing
This very fact.
HP poets are the best.
of heart.  Mind soul. We just are.
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