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with wild abandon
the flowers of the garden
spill over the verge
rich colours and sweet perfume
a dew covered paradise
full of  birds and butterflies
underneath the morning sun
by the empty house
sailboats at anchor
rocking slowly to and thro
small dogs barking high
frisking down the seawall
passing nannies and strollers
till i chase them back again
ringing my bicycle's bell
swooping around the corner
laughing in the wind
The sting of its tail is oh so sharp
I should know it has pierced my heart
Injecting it's amorous venom
All while I lay upon pure linen

My tail and my horns tried to block it's path
But it found a way around my wrath
Softened me up with its silver tongue
Before I knew I was undone

My fault I'm sure
this hunter at heart
I zeroed in on my prey
I chose my mark

Did not expect
for it to hunt me instead
I realized too late
He was in my head

I try to want to shake him off
To no avail
He has me in his grasp
Upon my being, his venom has assailed
#capricorn #scorpio #****
 Apr 2016 Tommy Jackson
 Apr 2016 Tommy Jackson
three letters

that don't really mean anything

but somehow describe

*exactly how I feel
lost in the letters of an unsung love song
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