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 Jun 2014 TlvGuy
 Jun 2014 TlvGuy
i'll tear this
place apart just
like you did to
my heart.
this isn't really a poem but its how i feel at the moment..
 Jun 2014 TlvGuy
CA Guilfoyle
Breath of life, it is a wild ocean
always a tide coming and going
in this place, it does not linger long
never holding on, only drifts quietly into night
into stars, into fleeting sparks of fire flies
or in the night waters, a ghostly glow
of phosphorescence, a transient trail
of luminescence that soon
fades and reappears to light
the deepest depths
of sea
to all who stop by here to read this poem, I thank you
to all poets, here and everywhere, I thank you
 Jun 2014 TlvGuy
3:32 AM
 Jun 2014 TlvGuy
she lies beneath me.
forever providing me with
the sun, the moon, and the sky

for i, leap into her eyes
so far hidden from mine owne shadow
until yin and yang conversed

captive of thy blessings, mine heart
having to dodge the arrows
sent from the ambush of the ally

in a moment of clarity
echoes of the wind pattering my ear drum

with whispers of why she weeps
...what have i done?
man whispers back
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