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Living like a zephyr - gentle, calm, and comforting - is my goal. I just need to work out a lot of anger and whatever …
David Hyde
Wheresoever she was, there was [E]den. Facebook : Walid Transcendentalist. YouTube:; All the works are ©copy right protected.
Denis Barter
Ontario    Beginning to feel quite ancient and more so, because of late, it's been a long, rough journey I undertook. Not one of my choosing, but …
I am a student who likes writing poems. I would be glad if any reader who reads my poem, could comment or give their precious …
Primrose Clare
Cheyenne Najee
VA    I am not an artist.
Chicago    "We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human …
Claire Waters
-    I really appreciate any feedback. -xx if you share or would like to post my poetry elsewhere, like blogging and writing websites, i would appreciate …
Alice Burns
Sweden    I'm here. I'm whole. I'm there also.
chaotic machine
21/F/Alabama    Enlighten Me...
Marsha Lynn
This is a joke maybe
singapore    drowning but that's okay
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
New York City    Stories & more...
Salem Crane
32/M    Language, for me, is a puzzle to be unraveled.
Tyler Lynn Pulliam
Niantic, IL    Neatly Primly Null I am Tyler and I am something resembling a writer. I live in a small, industrial city. I live in a robin's …
Joseph J Breunig 3rd
Southern Maine    IT Geek. Twitterer (jjbreunig3). Christian Author and Poet. Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory - Released Nov 2006 Learn more about me and my poetry at: …
Kyle Andree Ore
Philippines    I managed a family owned tea house, surviving the waves of different people everyday. I get inspirations from their stories and the expression on their …
Kevin Schvaneveldt
Idaho    trying to always be the best version of myself, and always have the best experience possible. Instagram - swanie9 facebook - kevin schvaneveldt soundcloud - …
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