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  Jan 15 thyreez-thy
Look at song lyrics
Broadway musicals to Rock and Roll
Some are sound alikes
Others spot on
So we carry on
Thinking about what is
What was
What will be
Power of the rhyme
  Jan 15 thyreez-thy
Long ago not so far away
Monarch butterflies accompanying you on walks
Squirrels twirling their tails
So others know that someone came to feed them again
The aroma of the nuts called to them
Placing a lei on The Pearl Harbor memorial
The quiet was deafening
Dual rainbows over Pearl Harbor bidding us farewell
The weathered and damaged plaques remembering Amelia Earhart
Hoping it will be repaired as she deserves to be remembered
All that and so much more leaves an impact
Sometimes forgotten but remembered in dreams
Henry David remember when I touched your desk near Walden Pond
  Jan 15 thyreez-thy
Donations are still being made
Crises all around housing ,Insurance,picking up the pieces if there are any.
Tears that won't dry
Core is helping people with shelter and moving forward
Coordination with FEMA too
If you can do nothing more than say a kind word or donate the multitiude of charities helping people and animals
Love to LA
I’ve met a beautiful woman,
her face native to a land
that’s not mine
but I would still recognize it.

There’s no second thought about it:
she’s native by blood,
by eyes,
by cheekbones,
by the warmth in her skin,

a warmth that transcends
her shirt, my shirt,
my skin,
finding its way toward my soul.

Lightning strikes twice
campfires and oven mitts.

What a disrespectful way
to love someone,
but I wouldn’t wait
to love her.
How heavy it is
that I seem to find
you in the eyes
of those I love now.

So inconsiderate,
wretched ghost,
specter that haunts
my every sleep.

Following me
into every store,
every car,
every plane,
and boat.

How could
I ever live
without you,
when it’s you
that haunts
I’m no killer,
But every once
In a while
I look at
The knifes
And ponder
A little too hard,
So instead I grab
My jacket and go
Outside, smoke
A cigarette,
watch the rain
Caress the concrete,
Creating little
I wonder
If my blood
Would pool,
Or if it’ll run,
What oceans
Will it find?
  Jan 15 thyreez-thy
Nat Lipstadt
1:12:25 9:20am nyc

Exactly, how far is it to you?
this is more than mere question,
or a rhetorical poem title discard,
consider it an interrogatory of
the first order, a debate raging
with every word successfully
affixed from brain to fingertips,
from my breathing to your heart,
how far is it exactly, pray tell me,
how these cords of words find you,
are your lips bending up in a smile,
need me a weather report, air quality,
wind gusts vitals vital to yo! estimate
how fast & conditions they’ll require survive/arrive in your eyesight well
and be friended

feed me the data, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure,
SpO2, so I’ll know what condition your
condition is in, adjust my words accordingly,
send to this distance back to me awaiting,
the necessary facts & figures to provide the finger stroke directional, do you need whispers or emboldened bold face to arouse the a spirit flagging, a shoulder shaking, a dozen red lipped chords of
kisses and sweet everthings, that do not
dissolve, dissipate or disappear instantly,
but can be stored in a Ziploc bag, refrigerated,
ready for gorging and disgorging, repeatedly,
as needed, synchronized slow or hard, fast
or soft, wet or dry. sweet or salty, savory
or a blended mixture, an adjustable concoction depending
on distance, time of day,
tell me,
the stuff that you accept
with open willingness,
or just begrudgingly

all adjustable
all shaped to
your individuality
elastic flexible
but the schedule
filling up fast
so we can mutual
squeeze into each others
empire of empty

Exactly, how far is it to you,
to where you are being
Exactly, how far is it to you nml lipstadt
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