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Maria Sep 2015
His eyes glow red with hatred,
and it's the most passionate gesture you've ever shared.
Stronger than his hands, rougher than his kisses, he'll push you back again and again.

When she laughs, it's like thunder,
and you're falling from her lips like rain -
You never cared much for puddle-jumping anyways.

Everyone moves on so quickly,
but you hold on even though you're walking home alone.
Breathe in a stranger's scent at midnight, just to let go.
It doesn't work.  Come here instead.
Maria Jul 2015
I've been busy lately,
untangling my heart strings and tying them into fancy knots
to hold my passions,
and anchor me down.
Maria Aug 2015
One day you'll fall in love and in your lover's arms you'll call home,
or you won't
and if you don't,
that's okay.
All the places will feel better if not the same;
none of the corners will be laced with regret or heartbreak.
Your home will be a building,
with less unnecessary footsteps.
If yours are all the merry,
then you will be just fine.
Don't mistake absence with loneliness;
Don't let others say you're wrong.
Feel what you feel and live your life freely.
Never pretend, for your heart is alright as it is, without fire.
Maria Jun 2015
Every person that leaves me,
leaves me their stories.
I polish them and post them for the world to see.
Denial lies in my hands,
dusting it off,
I make it mine.
A poet's job is to make sure
not a single memory gets left behind.
Maria Jan 2016
These steps have survived colossal disaster.
The only thing that has remained-
a last shot at being something beautiful.
There are only two ways to go,
you'll find an end somewhere.
They're screaming to run, run, run,
but the headache masks all conundrum as buzzing.
Her lacquered fingernails tapping at your sanity,
scraping lightly at the back of your neck.
Ghosts wish to be loved like you.
If there was a way to escape
and disappear, disappear, disappear-
There are only two ways to go,
you'll find an end somewhere.
Maria Jun 2015
Of all the things you mean to me,
I don't feel like we're best friends anymore.
There are too many unspoken truths between you and me;
Too many mixed up lies.

Now I want to tell you everything
I've been hiding for so long.
You've been here since the beginning.
Please don't forget me in the end.
Maria Jul 2015
All the lies are growing vines,
wrapping around everything that they can find.
Twisted thoughts become tangled pleas.
I hope for you to rescue me
from all the dark places
that inflate with the space
between you and me,
between love and misery.

Time is a broken clock.
Singing endlessly, "When will the music stop?"
The verses blur into Answer me!'s
but I cannot speak.
I dread coming to,
though I'd much rather be with you,
the questions, like flowers, are pressing
So for him I'm *******.
The whispers, they threaten.
I'm no longer in your possession.
Forgive me.
Maria Jun 2015
Paint the heads of your collection on the ceiling,
An assortment of faces that you miss, all showing the same feeling:
You tell me, "No one will ever remember me,"
but you're wrong.

I collect, too, writing and rewriting all the hearts that I once knew.
Letters to their owners, punching old memories until my knuckles bruise black & blue
I say, "No one will ever remember me,"
and I'm right.
Maria Jun 2015
I am sorry that I am trying so hard to fit in.
I know that I am not good publicity.
No news is good news.
No fool is worth a second chance.
Maria Jul 2015
Please come and save me.
Maria Dec 2017
It almost feels as though,
if I hold the words to my throat, the heat of my blood
will transfer itself through paper--through intentions--
until it rouses tragedy and plucks the frost from
each delicately chosen word.

It almost feels as though,
if I cradle him in my thoughts, the boy will learn what I already know
and run before history catches up with him.
He will run and cry out his grief and his fear and he will escape his spies, his responsibility, his head, his conscience, his ties, his ghost, his guilt.

But no man--no, boy--can outrun a demise like this when
he's tripping on the roots of the family tree and failure
has taken his father, his mother, his friends, his affection.

The only person helping him stand back up is merely a messenger.

Cast thy nighted color off,
sweet prince of Denmark.
Breathe once in
the warmth of my heart before a colder kind of
messenger comes to carry you away, no longer a son of any sort.

Or are you still?
Maria Aug 2015
As long as the kitchen tap works,
bring her a glass of water before bed when she has forgotten.
When the tap sputters,
- and oh it will -
talk through the directions to get it started up again.

The nightly water will nourish things to grow:
stars in your eyes,
oceans of confessions spilling from her mouth, leaking from the kitchen tap,
flowers in the stomach of your love.

Remember, Brother,
that all of these things are beautiful,
and even though you live in a house with a broken tap,
you have the stars and the ocean and the flowers
to love.
If the dripping drives you crazy,
let it be crazy for her.
Don't lose her over a broken kitchen tap.
My brother and his wife moved into an apartment with a broken kitchen tap.
Maria Jul 2015
My friend is dying,
I can hear it in her voice-
and the way her smiles don't wrinkle near her eyes anymore;
She knows it, too.
My friend is dying,
falling off the course.

If I had the words, I'd write her a song;
If I had the voice, I'd sing it all day long
to her,
but I don't.
No one ever taught me what to do in event of a teetering life,
on the brink of illness but not quite.
Maria Feb 2016
Our bodies brighter,
We belong here together.
Like stars colliding,
a brand new shock of conscience.
Maria Jun 2015
I saw a girl made of nothing
in the reflection of the sea.
No form but her dark eyes,
staring back at me wide with curiosity.

The sky was her canvas,
the stars were her freckles.
Her blood ran in the sunset,
Rain fell like her tears.

Though she was a beauty,
she had no story to tell.
Because God is a silent gift,
subject to the tortures of being heaven far too close to hell.
Maria Jul 2015
Wrongs can't be undone,
rights can only be redone.
We should never have been.

You've smashed my pride so many times,
but I won't be satisfied
until all the love is gone.
Maria Jun 2015
Sister wakes me up to watch the sun rise.
I braid her hair.
We spend the day chasing daydreams through our field of innocence,
far from the oceans of longing.

I (should) dare not stray
the direction my wings are pulled.
I am only a human, though.
My guilty conscience stays home to babysit.

Father visits and asks where I've been.
I lie and when he's gone, I leave again.
The things worth keeping are the hardest to find.
I can never return to Sister's field now that I have found much more than I was looking for.
Maria Jan 2016
Ashamed of the way your body grows, too much in the way of the places your creation calls its home,
Shed it all and be reborn: naked, screaming, defenseless.
Darling girl, this is how they'll want you,
writhing beneath them in the scorching desert sheets.

Ugly, ugly woman; they want you to be young again.
Young and pretty and brand new, there for the taking, and so
Cut up ankles, swollen body running the water red.
Darling girl, this is what they meant
when they said they'd never love you
until you've bled.
I cut my ankle shaving.
Maria Jun 2015
She's more than beautiful:
mysterious, ****, sweet, charming...
She's everything you could ever imagine
and more than that, too.

Every eye is on her when she enters the room.
She breathes out fire,
fills your lungs with burning desire;
Scorching flames you better hold behind clenched teeth.

No one says a thing about her;
She could hang their name with just one comeback.
If that doesn't work,
she's got a poisonous glare and a collection of brass-knuckle promise rings.
"The bruises really bring out the blue in your eyes,"
but only if you aren't playing nice.

No one can keep their heart beating right;
She takes your breath away, no matter who you are.
To see her vulnerable,
what a rare sight to behold.
Keep your fantasies under control.
If you try to rescue her, she'll never forget, always regret you.

Now the pain in her black eyes,
the sway in her hips as she walks away,
don't make me the same kind of weak anymore.
Nothing is worse than being blessed by the angel that I wrecked.
Please just take my advice.

A dream come true
haunts me in my nightmares.
So save your dreams of her
for sleeping at night.
Maria May 2017
I feel God touch my cheek
while the congregation sings-
and for a moment, everyone is in key.

I hear my mother crying in the bathroom
and my sister singing beneath the porch light,
I hear my father's voice cracking as he tells me about his father
and my brother bidding me goodnight
with every chorus of Hallelujah.

I have been broken, I have lain defeated on these hallowed steps.
My eyes burned in the light of our savior and I fell with little grace.
I had lost all faith;
I had given up everything.

Now I stand as myself behind Him
while the congregation sings,
and from now on, love is not a sin.
This is unusual for me to post, but religion broke me and then saved me.
Maria May 2017
I feel God touch my cheek
while the congregation sings-
and for a moment, everyone is in key.

I hear my mother crying in the bathroom
and my sister singing beneath the porch light,
I hear my father's voice cracking as he tells me about his father
and my brother bidding me goodnight
with every chorus of Hallelujah.

I have been broken, I have lain defeated on these hallowed steps.
My eyes burned in the light of our savior and I fell with little grace.
I had lost all faith;
I had given up everything.

Now I stand as myself behind Him
while the congregation sings,
and from now on, love is not a sin.
This is unusual for me to post, but religion broke me and then saved me.
Maria Jun 2015
I thought you were a diamond,
but it was just the lighting.
You are nothing but shards of broken glass.

I can't count the people I love on all of my bones,
there are too many fresh heart-breakers to intentionally leave out.
But I sure as hell love more plastic than I do gold.

When will I find someone as solid as a stone on a ring?
Rare gems are buried deep
and worth more than I could dare to keep.

Looks can be deceiving.
Too many golden people fall in love with sparkling trash
and no one cares as long as they are fooled.

The more I give away my fragile limestone heart,
the more it degrades under the watery admiration of cave tourists.

I sound like a *****,
and depending on who you ask, I probably am one.
But I deserve a love made of palladium, gold, silver, lapis,
something strong enough to withstand time
and sins of the miners that depend on my forgiveness.
Maria Feb 2016
pass through the gaps in your ribs,
never where you want them -
trapped in you heart and beating with the drums.
they can't hear the music
so you'll turn it up and up.
the bass is pounding through that skull
but they'll never even know.
Maria Jun 2015
I hate how I am always the first to call
or we don't speak at all.
I'm a nuisance to you,
a nuisance to myself.
I was born to come in second place.

I hate how I always say too much
and then try to blame you when you digress with the words I put in your mouth.
You aren't even a friend to me,
but I'm lonely
and you oblige to talk.

I hate how I want to hang up when you finally fall silent on the other end
because I've wasted my whole day wishing that we could actually converse,
but I don't until I absolutely have to.
We go our own ways, both with an unheard murmur of disdain.

It seems we've switched places, as the years slow down.
Went from regretting ever saying hello
to refusing to drift apart.
It's already happened with everyone else, but I've learned to reject change.

I hate how lonely I am
and how unconcerned you are.
We both know we're stuck in this routine,
but neither of us care enough to turn around.
About a ex-friend I can't be bothered to break connections with.
Maria Jun 2015
It's summer now.
May has come and gone, June is nearly done.
My hair is pulled up
and so are my spirits.

I take note of the way I feel
because it might just be the feeling of redemption.
Maybe I'm not cursed,
perhaps I've been cured!

Lemonade and iced tea,
you sit on the front porch with me.
It's almost bittersweet how you ignored me for so long
and today we both smiled with the morning sun.
Maria Jul 2015
It seems now that I've discovered things here
on HP,
I've stopped writing for myself
and started writing for likes.
Maria Jul 2015
Just so you know,
when I start answering in one-word sentences,
I am sad again.
It's probably not your fault,
but even if it is,
I will blame myself.

Just so you know,
if I pretend to be sick
because I want to go home,
it's because I'm not ready to fall apart in front of you;
performance anxiety.
Maria Apr 2016
The sunlight catches itself in the reflection of lacustrine mirrors
and lingers to watch the day fall
until shadows chase them into cool waters,
deep where a girl is laughing beneath the surface, clinging to
something beautiful and wild; an animal that sings at the bottom of the lake,
waiting for a lover to catch ankles with.
Trading shackles for wrists,
it cries briefly while you hold your breath.
And then, the sky is light again,
and the water clear of any life.
not rewritten just a fitting name
Maria Jan 2016
A long time from now, past discovering if there really is an After,
when our bodies have disintegrated into the soil to start again,
maybe a particle of me and a particle of you will join
to create a new organism
for a short time.
I will feel your touch again briefly
every once and a while.
But for now, all is quiet and still and breathless
and the hazy sheet over my eyes is telling me that it's time to go.
Maria Jun 2015
Oh, Soul
Where did you go?
I've searched for you everywhere
in good luck tokens.
I've been hoping to find you hidden in a patch of four-leaf clovers
or with the loose change beneath the couch.

I dream of being part of a world
that exists for only always-pretty girls
and their stencil-cutout smiles.

I long for a manic pixie dream life
like the movie adaption of a John Green novel.
Summer road trips and contagious laughter
the sky always a picturesque lavender at sunset.

That world doesn't exist
and I hate myself for wanting it.
I am just a lonely daring teen girl.

But even on those lovely Californian nights,
a manic pixie dream girl that has no movie for a life
tears of naivety.
Maria Jan 2016
When you're falling short and solemn,
when your head falls to your chest,
and your chest to your knees.
Mother kisses your forehead as she lifts it up,
she hugs you tightly as she pulls you up.
how it should be
Maria Dec 2015
Fiercely, do I love you
and the way your lips shook with anger,
but never hatred.
I loved you screaming, "*******!"
when we fought in the isolated private plane.

With vigor, how I love you
and the way your voice goes soft when you say my name.
I never mastered being gentle
like your fingers on my cheek.
I hug too hard because I am always afraid,
but you still hold me like I am about to break.

Incredibly so, will I love you
when the rest is abandoned and grey.
Everything you'll ever do, every word you'll ever say.
three words cannot explain every way
*I love you.
Maria Jul 2015
"You poor, poor thing,"
signs whisper to me as we pass by.
They know that I can't escape;
this new aching in my heart that wasn't there before
is only the growing pains of getting old.

But only love can hurt like this.
My heart is expanding to endless limits.
I love you even when I don't,
you're filling up the spaces between my bones.

Now my head is the only thing still my own.
I know you'd break my nose to break in,
bruise my heart only to mend it again.
I'd do the same but I'm already patched with bits of you and I'm losing control.
Maria Dec 2016
Conditional love, dark red
like the back of my hand-scraped it again.
I've been dreaming of darkness
where I'm free, far from Mother's blistering light.

How long has it been since we kissed?
The days in the cool ended so soon.
"I changed," I promise Mother every morning,
but come night, my heart is still yours.
Maria Jan 2016
The glistening sea
gathering tears on her doorsteps.
Never sad, is she.

The rumbling sky
stares down forlornly,
for she is beautiful, yet he cannot reach.

In a daze, they watch each other.
Seagulls taunt them lazily,
And forever more, they watch.
Maria Aug 2015
We used to run to each other,
but now that we're so far apart,
it's hard to see you clearly.
So, walking is a start.
Maria Jul 2015
She said,
                   "I'm happy,"
                                          and I said,

"That's good."

                     "Are you happy?"

"I'm okay."
But okay is better and better is close enough.
Maria Jul 2015
When she left, she took other things with her.

She took the comfort that was sewn into my baby blanket that I still bother to sleep with because it smelled like great-grandma's sycamore tree and worn-out, dusty storybook pages and sparkler campfire smoke.
Her fumbling fingers messed with loose ends and she unraveled all the good memories and replaced the sweet stitches with sour ones that smelled of her late-night perfume and spilled wine from a box.

She took the happiness in the sunshine that warmed my aching limbs
and lit the eyes of the people I admired,
let me see past the dull reflection of our lipstick-smudged, cracked mirror and into the world.
Her pasty complexion turned to sunburnt skin and itchy red eyes, singed hair ends that ****** up all the happiness in the sunlight and left hot, dry, burning-too-bright light like cheap growth lamps that made the flowers die.

I could pretend it was all her fault,
stealing away my love,
but, I gave it to her
when I knew she wouldn't stay.
Maria Aug 2015
some things never change,
but humans were born to bend

more than something,
leading up to nothing

find a way to hold your breath
where there was once an abundance of feeling, nothing more is left

desperate hands grabbing
for all that you can see,
but without me at your side,
some things you can't just reach

press your knees to mine
can't look me in the eye

if we can just share the silence,
then I'll let you hold my hand
when you're looking for forgiveness, you can take it out on me
Maria Jun 2015
The silence after a heavy breath is beautiful.
A kind of beautiful that you could get used to.
It's the perfect amount of absence
to make just enough room for serenity to enter your mostly-empty household.

The silence that follows a scream is tense.
What will happen next?
You will miss it if you are not listening carefully,
but if you do notice it, fear is a strange feeling to observe from a distance.

The silence that occurs just as a drunken friend falls asleep in your lap is oddly comforting.
Their eyes close slowly, and their head falls back,
and it is pleasant to hold them and know that they are safe with you.
It is accomplishing to know you are trusted with good reason.

The silence of realization is incredible to witness.
If you are lucky, you'll never have to bear it more than once.
How all the cars and their passengers pause just before the sirens start,
when a girl falls from her windowsill and into the darkened city streets.
Maria Jun 2015
You are made up of wet lips and dry eyes,
timeless stories made up of white lies.
I've tried so hard to figure you out,
but nothing but smoky air lies beneath the fingertips that pry.

I am all cracked lips and blurry eyes,
at least that part I can hide.
You can always find a way to make me smile.
It's like a human body is only your disguise.
Maria Jun 2015
I force myself to get up
off the floor
and check on Sister
to see if I woke her up
and need to sing her back to sleep.
Maria Oct 2015
It’s been almost a year since I cursed your name to the heavens and praised your tongue to hell.
It’s been almost a week and I still can’t admit that I was in
full control when I swung out against the wall
to feel my knuckles break;
the skin uncurling the same as the chipped paint;
my blood mixing in cherry red.

I’ve been learning that hearts don’t break like fingers;
I still jump at the sound of doors slamming;
Your words piece together in my poems.
My shuddering ribs quake with every desperate scream.
I feel out-of-body sometimes.
It was cruel; and I hate you,
but my heart still beats too hard
and my fist is bandaged.

Bruises blossom like fingerprints.
Goosebumps brush over me like open-mouthed kisses.

The stars knew all, you swore to me;
and like a child
you watched with widened eyes and flushed cheeks.
Wished on a comet for eternity.
We argued about immortality
As I would get lonely,
but you longed for silent solitude.
If we were never meant to be,
You still believed.

It still hurts,
but god,
do I love you
like the sky opening up in anguish
to torrent upon the scarred land; to flood the paradise Eden;
All of the promises bleeding out
from between my crossed fingers.
This is the best thing I've ever written.
Maria Nov 2015
I'm stronger for saying goodbye.
I'm braver for holding her hand even if it felt like fire.

I'm smarter for letting you scream,
for scraping my tongue clean of your words,
for burning my face with red hot tears instead of burning out my throat.

I'm better for peeling off the scabs and calling my mother right afterward.
I'm better for throwing away the scraps.
I'm better for clenching only with empty fists and torn nails.
I'm better than this.
"...a truth so loud you can't ignore, my youth."
Maria Jul 2015
Tonight I leave the light on
when I go to sleep
because I pretend I'm not the only one awake in this house.

Brother strums his guitar in the other room
when night falls over Hometown Oblivion.
Father slams the door and tells Mother to keep busy
in case her flock has run away during the day.

Sister is sleeping peacefully beside me,
and though I wish I could do the same,
I know it's better off for both of us this way.

I lie awake,
bittersweet memories of my ex-friends and long-lost comrades
keep me company.
Hold my pen, just in case,
my flock visits someone else tonight,
like always.

Warm tears spill onto the pages.
I might as well give up at this point;
can't stop thinking about you, can't stop holding fast to my breathing.
I wish to die in my sleep
because it's driving me insane;
Clutch the crucifix in hopes all this time I've just made a mistake.

If you can hear this unwarranted plea,
listen to me crying and undo.
All the things that I would've done
if I still had you.
I'm sorry if I worried anyone with my last poem.  A person close to me passed.  This poem is dedicated to them.
Maria Jun 2015
You and I are the ones who have too many secrets to keep,
so we share the weight and share the stories.
We sit with our fingers and hearts crossed,
wishing for a tornado
because we both find something oddly comforting about power-outages,
something undeniably enticing about city ruins.
I can smell the storm coming,
there is blood in the air.
Let this be the end of me and you.
Maria Jan 2016
Apollo's just confessed,
he's in love with a mortal
whose heart beats too quickly to steal.

Artemis sheds her furs and proclaims to the wolves,
"I am not a goddess,"
for she feels the gossamer of affection weighing down on her throat.

A mortal crawls on split hands and knees,
torn between the sun and the moon.
She is plucked from the ruins to be spread across the sky.

At last, she rests between them, not in love, but afraid.
The only untouchable presence, a mortal,
can neither feast upon the epic beasts, nor hear the music play.

Though the sunlight brings new beginnings,
their flickering fingers cannot reach.
As long as it's a competition, their love for her will never wane.
Maria Jun 2015
If my body is the only thing you can love about me, baby,
Then before you hit the road,
Love me the way you want to, baby.
One last time, pretend you'll never let me go.
Maria Feb 2016
taken through a looking glass,
show that we're in love.
But not even photography and film,
not a single art form in the world,
can capture the blue of your eyes, or
that booming laugh,
or the bleeding of my heart.

Joy and sorrow,
******, fighting to meet air,
fighting to leave permanent scars everywhere
that read over and over again,
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you..."

These words will never be enough
for a universe that's always expanding,
threatening to break through skin and make you mine.
Maria Mar 2016
The sun kisses your skin goodbye,
as the world turns away into night, so shy.
The girl isn't waiting up for you.
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