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Too lazy to be ambitious,
I let the world take care of itself.
Ten days' worth of rice in my bag;
a bundle of twigs by the fireplace.
Why chatter about delusion and enlightenment?
Listening to the night rain on my roof,
I sit comfortably, with both legs stretched out.
 Dec 2015 Thomas H S Ung
When I was young,
My ma would say:
"Beware the Sidhe
And Faerie Rings."

When I was young?

When I was young,
My ma would say:
"Bring tea and cakes
So they'll be gay."

When was I young?

When I was young,
My ma would say:
"They'll keep you safe,
Or take you 'way."

Am I human?

     I am Leannán.
     This one whispered
     To you, sweet boy."

     "Your name! Your name!
     Your spirit i claimed.
     A vow you made,
     And now you've paid."

With you I'll stay!
     "Among my folk?
     Keep fast your yoke,
     Or flesh will fade
     And farewells bade."

A song! A song!
     "Your song, my love,
      You've sang it well,
     And flowers laid
     For our parade."

When I was young,
My ma would say:
"Beware the Sidhe
And Faerie Rings."

When I was young,
My ma would say:
"Bring tea and cakes
So they'll be gay."

When i was young,
My ma would say:
"They'll keep you safe,
Or take you 'way."

     *A Faerie Friend
     Forever more.
Sidhe, is pronounced SHEE. It is one syllable. The sidhe is a world that exists alongside the human's and refers to the places where faeries dwell. More specifically, sidhe is the Gaelic word for mounds.
Leannán, is pronounced YHAN-NAN. It is two syllables. Leannán is a faerie who inspires and feeds off the life force of artists.
There are days one feels dead to everything
but eternity and poetry
The hat maker

It was so very long ago.
The world was full of hats.
In the spring the hat maker came.
She pinned her felts and silk
to my mother’s head.
Added feathers and flowers.
My mother would be beautiful
for the Easter parade.
I tried them on when she was out.
Until my head became too big.
One hat in each box
Representing one more Easter.
Then when the chemo took her hair
We sat outside of her bedroom
The hat lady came for the last time.
She left solemn and quiet
Her eyes cast to the floor.
We all went in to see her last creation
On her head a beautiful
hat with flowers
and ostrich feathers.
Her head perfectly covered
Not a sign of her lost hair.
And that was the last time
I saw her smile
The boy with the piercing
diamond blue eyes.
Looked longingly at
the beautiful girl who
wore a dress of stardust.
He stood too close to her
His heart reached
out in hope.
She burnt his soul
With the heat
of her fires.
And the winds
of forever.
Lifted them
to the heavens.
Where together
they glowed as bright
as any star
In the galaxy.
All armies are the same
Publicity is fame
Artillery makes the same old noise
Valor is an attribute of boys
Old soldiers all have tired eyes
All soldiers hear the same old lies
Dead bodies always have drawn flies
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