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The moon has gone
Sun now on the path
The stars of dreams
Vanished for the blue
The dreams she had vivid
Wanting to remember
The suns rays have taken them too
Thomas Esparza Oct 2015
As I sit in this box all alone.
I ponder, whats outside this box?
Is there a great big world?
Is there a place for me in that world?
Outside this box I must go.
Because in this box I am alone.
In order to see what this great big world will offer me.
First I must flee.
Away I must go.
Leaving this box I call home.
Thomas Esparza Oct 2015
I must free myself of all this pain.
Pain no one can see.
Will I drown in this bottle?
Or shall I cut with a knife.
Will these pills take away my pain?
I'll take ten and see.
I awake to see another day.
Another day of pain I must bare.
I'll try again.
Can anyone HELP!
For anyone who feels this way. There is help out there.
In the bustle of this day
I find myself not knowing how to say
How to tell a mother her only son is gone
How to tell a lover, you are the one
How to tell the priest, I've committed sin
How to tell it all and it not **** you in the end
How do you do this and keep yourself sane
How do you do this and not cry when it rains
I have yet to find my way
Have yet to find it never, never till today.
A special thanks to Thomas Esparza. With his literary help I can show this to the world.
Thomas Esparza Oct 2015
As the sun rises pushing out the night.
What will the day bring.
Will it bring new light to my ever fading heart.
Will the sun shine on a new love.
A new love for my faded heart.
As the day sets on I ponder.
Where would'st this new love come.
Or whilst she come at all.
For as the day fades to night.
I must await another daybreak
Thomas Esparza Oct 2015
I use to be so young and free.
Till Uncle Sam got a hold of me.
He made me a lean, mean, killing machine.
So I could be shipped off to war.
To protect where the eagles soar.
I did my tours.
Thinking nothing more.
Till night when all I see is war.
I use to be so young and free.
Please help me rid this PTSD
To all my fellow military brethren out there suffering.
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