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Forgive me father for I have sinned
Like I did yesterday and have I done today
My weakness have brought me to you
In you mercy I kneel for pardon
Not worthy of nothing but begging for mercy

My spirits logs for you
Thee feet mislead me time and again
My heart to is a liar as it sugar coats pain and I fall again
Rise in me again father
For your holiness I log for as tire in this end of unknown voyage
Keep me to you than my enemies knowest of my moves

From mud I am
So ***** your creation I stand
Rather cleansed in the blood of the lamb
Forget me not my cries are to you alone
Living as a beggar of your fortune
Racing for what you owned
Toiling to reach where you were
Learning to walk, when you used to fly:
A couple covered with celebrations
Young and bearing a lot of love
The lady astonishingly beautiful
The beauty that sounds like a temptation
A million dollar bank robbery,
Men and women moving in appreciation
The Meek eyes of the strangers
Past her body in motion, a pardon for sin.
Her lover boy naïve and broke in the mind
Only feeds from the works of the author.

Plan-less about tomorrow living by moments
For her beauty spoke all languages
Her family and his embrace the gift of looks
You would be so wrong to judge her future
For money bowed for her all times,
More willing to deposit with her.
Just like hunters never knows who hunts them
The day turned to night and the morning
Never came neither did the stars rise.

The journey cut short by a ditch of misery
The bullet that erases the makers’ life
Landing in a plantation with no gardeners
Time gave her a swelling belly
She realized too late to decompose it
Thus the change of her dancing strokes
From a palace of stars to a kennel of darkness
Her world upside down
As life evicted her to dine with flies
She faded like a weathered tree
With smiles rolling down her cheeks in tears
She turned single
In a single world
With a single child
Praying to a single God
Living on a single meal
In a single room
For more than a single year
Crying beyond a single burden
As she regretted the single moment
And that single time
When a single man
Planting a single seed of change.
Worry is in me, it cried - as the knife closer
I beg to be spared, alas a volume of untamed voice Reechoed you can only live once
What then do cats with nine do! The departed syndromes
Who goes there, the juicy head on lays slain
accompany me to the sauce the weary puppet called out. I bring no trouble no hate, I am only a lost heart amidst session
It fumed with furry and no hesitation for if you don't hold up they hold you down
Let the eyes see for they will let the head think
Let the lips smile they will learn to kiss
Let the hands touch for they will learn to feel
Let the mouth speak for it speaks for the heart
Let the legs walk to find their dream
Not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter into heaven, same way
Not everyone who says my friend is your friend indeed.  
A new look to my eyes
Adding a flavor of thought
A contract saved to mercy.
As I get busy all time
Inboxing you in my dreams
Helpful in matters of good
A refreshment to an injury,
A cool drink that clears thirst.
You must be loving them so much because you've company
Though you're lucky enough your responsibilities are minimal
Many of us have failed to realise the need to start hardwork with a saying " I will when I get there "
The likes of Bill Gates, Warren B, had an early target that's how they sound as per now.
If you Invest more time in progress you will connectively benefit, just like if you take your time to build gossip, fights, ignorance, it shall be your own investment. If all your friends are not progressive and only look at pleasure then watch where you're heading
Our lives are of a no say to many for its you to choose whats good for you. Lousy living or personal establishment. Get tuned to a better progressive life, or be the type that discuses other people's progress
Kevin saw a Flash light
That bore a Lex-Shan moment. He called out for Joe
Who was running after Mimi
In a sound Paaz played when
Don danced off to the Asha tune.
Then Kent installed a Leby app
While Zalin blushed over the Toto belly ***
Which trimmed Noreen into a model
Phillip managed to fish out Jackie
And Tom yet discovered
   Snipes arrested
After  a blackout in Amos’ custody
As Kay and the rest Hihid.
I turned to you for love
For a single bracelet can't jingle
My choice was to bring you success
Like a pair of wings to a bird
I am not only to eat of your fruit
Am to plant seeds for the future
You're a depot that spares no one
The success I so waited for
The years and ages over
Now I am close and there
I won’t let the past cling to my future
God watching me in support
Catch your dreams my boy and make testimony of me
Let the world assemble behind you champion
I am yet to be the million of places and bear infinity of blessings worth never stolen but multiple over multitudes

Now I am suffocated with luck the Grace of my Lord to which I am pregnant yet to share babies of luck to all the living
Let my past be testimony that tomorrow has come and so let you jubilate over what is to come for it’s to overflow and fill all corners
Oh Generational gap, a cancer of to all mankind. The father of lack of communication between the young and the old. A difference brought about the tastes and values.
The pain faced between young and aged but can’t be touched. It started by 1960’s the decades of revolutionary change. It cut across the world in values of ***, religion and civil rights. The disease the emerged earned its self a name by social scientists. It then became “Generational Gap”
I would love to quote a man of great thoughts, Alexis De Tocqueville, who commented that;
“Among democratic nations, each generation is a new people” I have come to appreciate these words.
When I walk down the streets noticing the rising incompatibility existing in our society
Though I admire the old days when the old and young associated freely, working on the same farms
Grandparents telling stories to their little ones; what a lovely society they had.
With the invention of television and computers some families were bonded in communication
While others live in agony especially the illiterate.
The old desire different designs from the youth, whose trends change per living day of nakedness
Young people prefer working in executive places like offices compared to the donkey farm work considered to be for the old
Another cause of generational gap is decay in morals; the young people feel like they know everything and don’t like to be corrected thus taking information from old people as outdated, young people finding lots of hardships to great their elders
In the field of music elders prefer oldies and more preferably educative songs, and as for the youths they delight in Hip-hop and dancehall, am sure those present here can testify to this a term with no disco dances makes us dull students.
When it comes to religious issues, youth find it a burden to go to church and if they offer to go they prefer it to be in a club way. Praise and worship accompanied by jazz unlike the old days where drums are the centre of music.
Cultures in this way have greatly faded away; the trend of western culture has flamed up the world.
Drugs and *** are a hobby and celebrated amongst the youth, yet *** to the old was for companionship and co-creation.
But when we came to medical technology we all applause in general, young or old there is easy treatment, use of scanners, and medical facilities cuts across.
I have failed and hidden from my failure but never from the shame of getting back on my toes, I have flown with birds but never landed on branches of a tree rather the thorns of vengeance, I have sweated amidst a cold but never tasted blood from my pores, and so I shall live a victor of scars, the scars of my vine hustles thou make the finest wine for the world
The night shutters the day and closes out the light
The tire in us deems and as we as the weary day brings forth the night dream

To dream better is to forget the days hustle and thank God for a gone day with hope of a brighter tomorrow

And so then the sense of life is in every tomorrow of the yesterday we shared today
May you dream not in worry rather glaze of stars
Hd was brave though his actions were lame
Many days and nights he cinfessed to her true love
All fell on deaf ears
He was quick to smiling and per thought of her
He always talked to her and exchanged great joy
This time, he knew her program flow
Ready to launch his beloved words
To awaken his dream of speech
Negativity seen in his faces as he received slaps for all those moments he tried
She is complicated but finest of a lady
When she wears non else can compete
To him he was in a venture of reality but cautioned with disability
She many atimes came to him as much as he wished
Danced to her music and ate of her food
His worry was to catch up with her class for her shoe was worth his belongs.
Then this one time they went for a walk, in his borrowed clothes couldnt keep the teeth in for a miracle to walk with a fine lady
He stood up his voice and called.. waitress give her as she likes
She wasnt extravagant but the prices were
He wondered how many teeth he was to trade and pay the bill in his heart he would rather sale a kidney.
Poor him in a ridiculous state of anxiousness
He wakes up to fulfill his dream of saying Hi amidst the thousand of affairs he dead had with her
The only chance was in a shopping, when the playing kids dropped an unpaid icon to his pockets
He moves around and about to opt for running out to her car on realizing she was departing
Her heels clamped everyones sight, and as he passed the entrance with crammed sentences of liberation, alarms backed him arrested. He made his first move on cold cuffs
The impression buried hopes of a cowardness in a stereo of desired and cracked reputation
She gazed in disappointed and he flee in glory
Life is beautiful when you make it , its colored by many congratulations and gives you a chest high

You have to make it at all costs, over the hills and valleys your flag must be at the top.
Dont wait for success to come to you, go for it.
First you learn then you will win and life will be beautiful as you smile over your scars.
#herdsmanofprogress ~ TBM
He took out a stick and blazed to the sky
he made clouds from his mouth as birds dived through to find way.
His looks were toxics as his words glued all that listened in.
“Winks made branches,
branches clinged to moisture,
the wind cleared the air”.

Lay in there, I can find a way.

My words slapped his emotions
he retaliated with a revenge on bottles
endlessly suckling the sweetness of labels of wild percentages.

Not before long, he lost the way and dinned with the world.
It was only a moment when the pockets run cut
His usefulness was less than the tree that gives shades
soon the paths faded away and goodness shrinked past his recognition.
All was lost and life became empty like the bottles he ruined
The far East blocked his sunshine now darkness opened doors to him.
Farewell tomorrow people, abide with the play of today no more.
Illusions circled his soul and so his fight lost in vain.
Birds came down on him amidst a pool of hopless mares, they so sang for him ......Go home-boy
To his wonder was the home of struggle or the home of the creator!
Year after year,
you have lived to make me happy
Through thick and thin
you have loved me.

To you who has seen all days
And so you stand out
To be my Herein.

you didn't give up on me
when I was a prodigal son
And even at the point of
me being a black sheep
of your own family.

God bless you for showing
Me the light.
Forever gteatful.........
Happy 50th Bd
I stood in owe like a groom
All eyes settled on me
Their smiles of luck towards me
who am I
walking down with comfort
paparazi rapped me up
My name sounded stronger than drums
who am I
From a peasant background
a gardener of my kind
I take risks to see success
am scared of no boundary
am a graduate of love and peace
I made without his single penny
He saw me grow but cared not
treated me as a stranger
Now stands proud of me
In the tears that I once drowned
I have risen
its just the end of the beginning
# graduation # success # great brains
Stop begging from parents
Hustle yo way out
Be committed
your not a baby no more
work hard
make parents proud
Become rich or die miserable
working appetite # hard work
If I ever feel so important Lord
Please humble me for I am a piece of clay

Grateful I have another day to smile over what I own without my make

I am glad you love me even in my own absence as much as you save me from my inner terror and thoughts

I am back to only say thank you Lord
I wore a very serious look like a tempered dog
Moved down to the shelve and picked a few items,
Little time had been budgeted for the location.
In a rush, I felt a hand passing over my head,
I turned at once and looked.
Mother Nature had stripped naked
A Painted face from lashes to neck
A straight chest like that of a model
Curved body not comparable to mannequins
Less to say like a drained princess
An age determined by closeness
Sounding with a soft pitch…’’I take the blame”.
I immediately nodded to the Y-axis
Wondering if the devil had come
To warn me about death.
For this time I wished I had Gods number
To book or even subscribe for a creation,
One of a kind who looked younger
Than its creation.
Dashing out priceless smiles that captured the
Attention of the by passers, it so happens
That originals really shine for ages.
Every one seemed to know
That she had done it
They looked on with terrifying smiles
while others chocked with laughter.
her face saddened the more
As she walked face down
Hoping to enter into the ground
Guilt written over her face
And she smelt like fear
soaked in desperacy.
No one had a clue of her deeds
Much as she Wondered restless
Her deeds had betrayed her
imprisoning her happiness
she would soon die a death unknown
Each time I have a bad memory
I strum my Guitar
The sound flows down the heart
And makes a delivery to the brains
The days when my brains
Are at Calvary
With a cross of torture
A judgement from human.

A compilation of illusions
Packed by music, negative
Energy lost for moments
With a refreshment of tunes
The further is more of a purchase
Of new times as drawning in joy
The possibility of all the
sorrows swept by beats.

The Doctor of my soul;
A patient so often for
Troubles never seize
The medicine unseen through
The Ballads of the golden era
The strum of the present
you're the healer of emotions
And keeper of peace.
Wake up self
Make me better
My stage is set
I am the show
Can I write you a rhythm
To remind you of your scandalous beauty
That have tamed many men falling for you like a magnet
The sweet that you are is the pain that they have
Their sobbing hearts want you alone will they fit in one heart of yours
Release them ***
Your fortune against their desire

Injured soldiers to just one general
A heart of she that bears the greatest of smiles
Those in denial of her live longer as her beauty is a beast claiming souls
For if am weak take me too, the paradise of feeling your blood flow
The moments you make life worthy
The second you are a dream come true

Slain by your wonders
Your hands breed temporary heaven
See the rise of men only to fall by your side
Their strength to find you, weakness of befalling with you
Hammn my hamming guts the same pain they are left with is my desire to reach and taste
Must I be a hero in this, if I must fail I too befall along side her
The glory claim.....ahem them the men rose as soon as they fell
Happy birthday sunshine
if I may call you sunlight
a wizard alive in our generation
a bye stander of simplicity
and lover of peace

who are you not to smile to flash backs
and unending memory.
if it may rain
let your pain turn to joy
and your worry in gladness
let your smile trade your beauty
and amalgamate your feelings
to be most success.
stand tall amidst cold days
iron your present for a brighter tomorrow
Happy birthday
There will come a time
When the days are gone
Wishing for each second lost
The blindness of personality
To believe in what we never see
Cling with what matters less
And fail to drive a point perfect
Songs you shall sing to calm the storm
The back you turn now
Will your face see later
Shyness of feeling lost in a temper of a better life
Chances of advancement in a circle of excitement
What will you dig for
when you cememted your ground
I see many labouring in pain
To have a bite for their loved ones
sowing in plenty and ripping much or non.

Am not blind but would like to ask for a way
seeking truth behind the scenes of hardworking
I wear a burden of achieving
To shine bright as a rainbow.

unluckly  the existing bright colors
shun all the efforts of my paint
And dilute it pale.
Tie and dye is my strike for
purchase of lack
The past was bitter
It punched me from
All sides of life
Stripped me naked
And sent me off crawling

The present is hot
Squeezing me with
Passion to hurt me
But this time am not
About to surrender

The future thoughts
Hold me with comfort
Bright, whatever I challenge
Goes to my past
What am doing is the present
As the future awaits
Let the world *******,
once I have life
Then tomorrow it will shining
She is beautiful with no price
Her beauty is worth a daily commission
If I ever run broke it will be the accident of starring over your beauty
The face has drowned many into tears but her heart has left me a bet man to have best bid

Hash her eyes have said all I thought of
her admirers lining behind me as their commander to glory
This battle of winning a forever lottery to wake up to beauty from the most high
I am ready to go blind to see you as the last rainbow in the skies of my eyes
From sight to admiration
From smiles to Love
From an egg to life
The perfect target unleashed

From a moment to a baby
From a kid to a boy
And from a toddler to a man
From speechless to a spokesman
A king of my own making
My world is covered by grief
Many surround me for love
Though in them
Streams of poison flows
They walk by my side
And stab my absence with words.

They smile over paper and bottles
Watching for my collapse
Shining in my memories
A blend of illness to my soul
They stand tall and forgetful
Cut the tree that feeds them
When I fall they shall follow me
When I rise the flow is theirs
Desiring to encounter
What one can't afford, can track yet can't have
The illusions of a day dreamer
One with hopes so high with low resonance and space for creativity

Look at the bunch
A whole lot of fish without sense to catch none
Burning amidst tantrums of impossibilities
Try to hunt what he won't **** over what will **** him

Swallowing pride of a sword yet it carries cuts down your throat
Immunized with trouble and a sense of failure
He who finds reasoning catches wisdom as mr gathers a swarm temptations over reality
Unscrews a stolen package only to boom oneself
Shading dark colors expecting rays of a rainbow

He and disaster are related
Such a brave coward over what does not matter and a hero on unnegotiable fails
Can only be traced and trucked with the past and no cause to show over the future
Hey looser, calm your horn of day dreaming
Pinch and bite Alittle easy to swallow than suffocate over the range of eyesight
Gift Of A Lady
troublesome but perpetual
long ways of tire
Problem Solved
After a day of quarrels and worry .
A fight with the road
Another in the market
office running
One in traffic.
Reach home is like
A compilation of all
Kids on your case
Demanding for their share
Lady needs your attention
Phone calls in progress
And assignments on hold
all need be done
Shortly in time

Going to bed is
To rest the tension
She cuddles all
The worries away
Massages the pain
Mechanical ironing
Out all emotions.
The essence of a bed
With a gift of pretty
And awesome nature
Caressing you to a
Better you
Smilling burdens
Off your shoulder
Love is a venture handled differently
From how business is run
Immense I appreciate your heart that hardened
After softening mine.

A thing that technology cant invent or change
Beyond the pale of human skills and making.
For this I stand as one director
I have employed my heart to Love yours
And thoughts of you to keep my mind company.
Not even  assistants needed in this affair
Blind and lame all welcome to the kingdom
Happy and sad sail together,
A place where failure is condemned;
The praise of Glory stands for all days
Love crowns all beings in harmony, for
All tickets are free besides for the diseased
In faith and not flesh, in glory not pain
Through mercy not riches, lasting for eternity.

The invitation says” come to me you all…..”
Many have keys to their houses though
Not to their everlasting home.
Earthly diseases don’t matter
Only Glorifying hearts permitted
At Genesis he sent us to work
So he will return to harvest our souls
The Alpha sought us through Christ after creation,
The Omega stands waiting through; the revelations
Where the sheep will be separated from the goats,
The blind in faith will seize their way for the meek.
When I awake my body, I appreciate Gods creation
Adam was right to call her Woman
The sweetest rib that causes happiness
Many search for Angels in heaven
For you’re present as an answer to a beauty question
Beautiful like the word Alleluia
The perfect melody without stanzas
How I enjoy to read the pages of your lips
And revise them time and again like a dictionary
You give inspiration like the psalms of the bible
My personal heart physician
You were mo
Those waiting for me to fall. Huh it’s a long journey as you stare at me, you may triple over. Just to alert you I have fallen over and again but I still get up, cleanup and head forth. #herdsmanofprogress
It spreads like wild fire 🔥, hidden but upfront, it gazes for innocence amidst turmoil,  it knows how deep it hides fortunately in capture, it’s presence is known even in silence, it’s not in a secret  - it’s in keeping peace ✌🏻 not wins but growth
We making some money for you to spend
The business is slow so should your expectations
Accept us at our lowest like we share we you at your ******

The love we love you
For both who you’re and what your have
And so we are equal for your love is what we have and got

If we lost it the looks the money be certain not to leave while the brains last
The same way they lucked is similarly how Grace falls back
And so let the morning not be mourning and nightfall the death of dreams
For forever man lusts for money and women
It’s his desire to catch and make memories with either or both

For with money we destined for ladies
And with no money we destined to be loved
The cry is to bridge the right to have the money and love or money minus love or love minus money
So the world has changed
Both money and women are superpowers
He that has any stands lucky

It seeks beneath us that the path is to make it to money to make it to your hearts too
We can’t ask you to be different what the world has invested in you
Last I checked without money love won and those with money they won too
A win win situation
Its been years since you brought me forth to the world.
The best thing was growing up with you through the softs and hards we went through. Things are different from they way they used to, i remember we would cry together when i would be challenged. You would comfort me and pray with me, hold my hands and tell me all will be ok. We had dreams,really big dreams some have come and many will be coming soon. So now am grown though still a child to you. The far i stay from you reminds me the our tales, yes we had little but were happy, you tought me to work and hustle to survive, you didnt give me chance to be lazy, you taught me that tears are not the way forward and me to be man enough from childhood. Yes you cained me very much....i now appreciate. Had you given up on me when my doors were closed i wouldnt be me, you left it all to have me raised. I kown am not the best of children but i originate from your flesh. cowards wished us gone but proved wrong immense. Look at how you toiled, moved places, sacrifised joy for just me alone. I dream too, to have in my tomorrows future a lady of your charisma, full of love and great modest & a championed brain of change-sweet mama
However much i grow is still stand in the shadow of you principals, courage and hardwork. Your worth no present for it will diminish your intergrity. Am happy wasnt born rich but you showed me the way to reach there...MAMA am on my way there and cant forget each day of the old-new words you said to me. You're such an admiration, a principal, a unit of joy and progress, a secret of progress. Now that i dry my tears, clean my sweat, fit my own shoes, each day will be a memory in life that God awards you good health and long life. God made me the greatest favor to make you my Mum. How i pray you live yo benefit and dine with the virtues you installed in I for one, as God weathers blessings over your life and dreams. Thanks with Love.
Notes (optional)
Hey mom
It’s very different here without you
It’s difficult when you’re not here
I have everything besides you
Fake people, and money surround us but your words still sink in my heart
Where is my tomorrow
It is my forever and it’s not yet here
My heart skips each time I know we are to meet
Yesterday said it will be today but didn’t see you yet
Today said I wait till dawn
My patience is drying out

Hey tomorrow did you forget we had to meet for a betterment or do you need transport to make it here
I am told you are pregnant for me with babies of joy, peace, love, wealth and abundance of goodness
Did the winter rains delay you or the summer scorch burnt you

I still won’t give up wait on you for I have waited on you since I was a toddler
You are my Jeremiah 29:11 and so are you my psalms 23
Hope told me you’re the future to dry the tears of yesterday
I await to dine to a forever friendship
Round of applause to founder of money
Meeting him is a dream for non can afford apiece of life
We buy moments not time as we assume
The beloved and hated alike, through a sieve of a siphon
The mother bears flesh of a child to but has no idea to the form of its bones
Like eaten only to be found by other means
Walk low past those known to you,even the highest peak has the lowest point

They crossed boundaries flying now they return hoofing
Who knew water can power power to fire and water cools it
When to walk high and when to bow a question un learnt
Naked swagg of a tall tree strong to winds weak to an axe
All roads to weeping eyes of an eagled heart
The end of high chest rots to crawling
I was desperate and lost and he said here I am come quick your bruised
I ran to him and he gave me a doze
Before I could get full charge of me again, I tip toed off
Ran to find the glitters I once hunted for
I then found treasure and lived a happy soul
In no time flipped, down to the ground I went, bruised again.

Couldn’t move so he came close to me, took charge till I started smiling
Little did he know I was off to make more struggles
I went searching for him perhaps his righteousness but never found him
I rashed and did all I could in vain, in time loosing precious things
Tears flowed in my ignorance for my forever search is what I ignored for ages.
He wasn’t far my, thoughts were
I distanced myself from his Grace
It was only to search within myself though my mind wasn’t natured by instincts
Hi Me

I forget to tell you the other day when we met as I always forget to tell you daily how much the much I may less forget to remember me

I couldn’t have much but stuck to you all journey long. I am flooded with pride and dancing with aces high above  for I am proud of you never ever giving up on me, on you, on us the we the once the formerly birthed the grown and now the aged me

Cheers to smiling to your falls and getting up to cry while walking for there is no time to rest, the endless promise you gave me to betterment the joy of gazetting diners with kings while the past laid us me to the floor lay like a dogy man helpless with life sobbing with sorrow of stinking poverty that caused the burning bush

I was right to crush on me for see how this distance is the closest to us. Oh remind me of the Calvary we have oh herdsman undergone and the hell to resurrection. The burial of disappointment and stir of winning scratching from scratch to diving in deep glory

Give me another cheers for I will never find another like me body and soul. Another look alike to suffer with me to not eternity rather to forge life and make life count. My shyness walks in your shadow as I prey on prayer and dive in blessings. Blessings unseen untold, unmeasured, untouched like a naked weapon slicing my enemies to guilty of I wish, the wishes the witches flew and miserably vanished

Hi me, that cried like a zombie but lived as man. A man of a boy, the little stranger me that met me and taught me to hunt the giant in me so can stand mountains and swim across oceans
The sliding from trials and stagger of jubilation

Hi me that no one knows the story of underneath you have come but sunbath my success for it shines all round. In the corridor of earth, struggle we have crawled, non shall stop our heavenly earth glory from scrap to mansion hearts and star face for it’s the rise of our scars to an art of beauty

I so remind me, dance the night off we won the day the lines between mind is circled with thoughts squared. Hi me getting high on heights of whisky and shaking my bottom to lullabies and singing never bye to me until I meet me again my love me and I your beloved future at the temple of unfounded heroes
The time I was gone
Far from it's reach
No more smiles to me
No possibility of return.

I can never see the people wave to me
See not the sunset
Far from freedom
Far from peace.

Warmed with Cains
Woken by bells
Shouts of guards
Handicapped in and out
Brightly darkened future
It greatly tickles my instincts to know that
good people still exit. Not the Samaritans that
give money, but those who understand the
meaning of words and live beyond conjectures
that oftenly befall their ears.
Is that why you keep seeing someone young in
your eyesight!. Its because your focus is
blurred, as you strip your spoonful ignorance
for knowledge while the giants in
contemplation blow in covers of selling
brilliant ideas at no penny. If you what to
know how important you're, considerably give
other people's existence importance; thus your
thoughts to the people wont seem impotent.
# no eviction for failure by mouth rather
Little girl burned by desires
Go go in her head she loves a man
She is young and stupid
Naive, innocent and adventurous
Sneaking in the night she reaches the fone calls a lover that lay in bed elsewhere with a another woman
The deceit of her beauty drives her astray
To risk her future in blindness to fall for moments
How can i lert a proud heart majestic in high life to spend at all times the sweat of men as she never minded she was cementing her tomorrow.
I dont care she said...i can leave home...who cares i can abort.
But then who cares you can also die, she sees from near and focuses not afar.
Early in the morning the mother folds her back and hits the garden searching for surviving fighting for her daughter.
No she is flittered and gone her coaching books with her body I  pause and tear.....
Such a generation
She says to all dont tell me what to do i have my chances to live, like a cat she believes in nine lives.
Her smooking temper alerts well wisher of help
Her clothes torn to many so she moves naked in their eyes only clothed to the unknown
The universe you ought to have will now have you

Will they be bygones or will it regrets
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