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Parker Dec 2024
sometimes i think about the emptiness of my bed,
and imagine you laying there.
breath steady and even, your arm draped around me.
i imagine your shoes by the front door.  
thrown next to mine, probably in a hurry to sit down.
i imagine your glasses next to the kitchen sink
as we do dishes together and laugh about the water splashing up at us.
i imagine your clothes in my hamper, and mine in yours.
i imagine your books mixed into my book shelves, and your dvds laid next to mine.
i imagine a life that may never be,
a life with you still in it.
a beautiful life, filled with the softest of dreams.
Parker Dec 2024
this years curtain call is coming shortly,
and i still wish i could spend the winter months holding your hand.
you know how cold mine can get.
yours are always so warm.
is it wrong to wish i could go back?
Parker Dec 2024
i will not long for a heaven,
or some other mystical place where i will get my final rest.
i’ll wish for a place where i can stay loved.
a place i can stay loving you.
Parker Dec 2024
i’ll let you drain me of all that i am.
i’ll let you use my skin as an easel.
my blood as the paint.
i’ll let you cut me apart.
use my eyes as sight seers, my lungs as the fresh air your crave.
i’ll let you run me dry,
if that’s what you asked.
if that is not utter devotion,
i’m afraid i have no definition of the word.
Parker Dec 2024
ill sit in the living room and watch the clock tick.
ill sink further and further into the plush of the couch,
all good things come with time
and you are one of those things.
ill watch the seconds, hours, days, weeks, months, even years
tick by.
my smile will never fade, my hands will never fidget, my eyes will never falter.
i will wait for you,
for as long as you need me to.
you are worth the time and the effort.
i really hope you know that no matter how much time you need.. ill be there for you.
  Dec 2024 Parker
promised you a new love poem
every day till forever arrives,
for it will until then to
exhaust the crazy no limit ways to communicate
how my love for you consumes my
fragility, uncovering my core of strength,
that is never exposed, but for/to you,

but for/to you

my unidimensional surface
no one sees what you x-ray,
and I fess willingly, with ease of mind,
that my secrets are safe stored best within
the borderless country where our ven
diagrams of souls
intersect with iron & steel & titanium
ribboned lines of inviolate invisible
pure white

here I stop
lest I die of  bursting,
and yet I weep
for us,


no longer
read my poetry
Train “Marry Me”
Chris Stapleton “Thinl I’m in Love wit You”
Sara Bareilles “Grsvity”
  Dec 2024 Parker
Lost Indeed
I must confess  
I have been writing about you...  
In my hidden rhymes, I can scream.  
In my lost poems, I feel seen.  

I'm afraid to confess how much I feel.  
I'm scared to overwhelm, to isolate, and push you away.  
But these words may never find your eyes,  
hiding in these lines that I will never say.  

Saying that you stole my heart would be a lie.  
You took so much more of what is mine...  
You have my attention, my memories, and my dreams.  
Fine, you have my art, my poetry, my time.  
F*CK IT... keep my salvation, my future, my life.
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