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I can not sing songs, but I do
I used to not write, but who knew
So I sing and I write
And I do both every night
I can not sing songs, but I do

My voice is not good, but so what
It's the only **** voice that I've got
I sing what I know
I sing high and sing lo
My voice is not good, but so what?

I wish I wrote songs, but I can't
My poems mostly rhyme, and some rant
I can not write songs
But, I'll write all day long
I wish I wrote songs, but I can't

I can not play music, I just write
I don't write real deep, only light
I wish I could play
But, I can't so I say
I can not play music, I just write

I'm glad that you like what I share
I can't sing a song, but who cares
I'll feel like a ****
But, next
I hope you drop by...once I'm there!!!
After I hit 100,000 reads (I'm at 91,100 and change in 9 months)...I am considering starting a channel on youtube, reading my work. Let me know if you would check it out....I hope you all do. I appreciate all of the supportive words so far from everyone. ( and the negative words too!!)
 Feb 2013 Mariana Nolasco
I'll *******,
If you want.
Cause I want it
Just as bad as you do.
But I also want to hear the rustle of the sheets
When you turn over in the middle of the night.
I want to feel your hot breath on my neck.
I want the stubble on your chin to graze my cheek
As you kiss me gently on the forehead.
And when I whisper "goodnight," you don't have to reply.
Just nudge me with your knee
Or poke me with your elbow.
Tenderly your touch takes control of me
Making love strong,wild and free
Your kisses hold me hostage
My heart is wrapped in *******
I never wanna let you go
Just melodic dreams never seem to be real
a lined words expresses how I wanted to feel
Doesn't make any sense I knw But I just felt like that dream inside a dream
You have such a beautiful smile
The way your teeth glitter
Captivate me

Your eyes are more intense
When I have you in front of me
Colored honey brown

You have such a pretty face
The kind that hurts hearts
If you watch it too long

And I know you are dangerous
But I follow anyway

Not knowing what will become of me
Not caring

As long as I have you

I can die happy
WIFE and servant are the same,
But only differ in the name :
For when that fatal knot is ty'd,
Which nothing, nothing can divide :
When she the word obey has said,
And man by law supreme has made,
Then all that's kind is laid aside,
And nothing left but state and pride :
Fierce as an eastern prince he grows,
And all his innate rigour shows :
Then but to look, to laugh, or speak,
Will the nuptial contract break.
Like mutes, she signs alone must make,
And never any freedom take :
But still be govern'd by a nod,
And fear her husband as a God :
Him still must serve, him still obey,
And nothing act, and nothing say,
But what her haughty lord thinks fit,
Who with the power, has all the wit.
Then shun, oh ! shun that wretched state,
And all the fawning flatt'rers hate :
Value yourselves, and men despise :
You must be proud, if you'll be wise.
 Jan 2013 Mariana Nolasco
Don't cry for me, my love
No need for flowers either

For cheating is a death
And mine was splendid
I kissed his eyes, the sweetest dose
In his bed I trembled

And he was not a regret
Neither were you, my love

If cheating meant dying
I died,
The love we were trying
I tried

If cheating is dying,
I died the sweetest death
For dying beside him
was not a regret

Don't cry for me my love,
I am not worth it

If liars die,
Then I have died among them,
For this pleasure I shall cry,
Tears of joy is what I call them

Although I am young
I have tasted love
Love so strong
I am not willing to absolve

Last words, my love
Don't cry for me
I am not worth it,
If loving him meant dying
I died
And it was worth it.
Clear off the bed
and come lie next to me
or lie with me
or crawl under these sheets
and die with me
or without
I'm used to it
but I could get used to this

Clear out your mind
and sink down low with me
or get high with me
or hold my hand
and lose some time with me
or without
I'm used to it
but I could get used to this

Clean up your act
and fall apart with me
or fall, apart from me
or fall, a part of me
and take some time to cry with me
or without
I'm used to it
but I could get used to this

Clean out your car
and run away with me
or run to me
or put it in reverse
and go back to the start with me
or without
I'm used to it
but I could get used to this

Cleanse your spirit
and embrace this pain with me
or brace for pain with me
or take a moment to put me back together
and just be with me, with me
or without
I'm used to it
but I could still get used to this
© 2012 Jene'e Patitucci
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