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 Mar 2013 Mariana Nolasco
I write too many poems
About you
I daydream too much
About you
I think too much
About you

Do you ever write poems
About me?
Do you ever daydream
About me?
Do you ever think
About me?

I know you don't
So why do I even bother?
 Mar 2013 Mariana Nolasco
The darkness is back.
And this time
I'm not too sure how
to shed some light on it.

It's like I'm being weighed down
by a cinder block
in the Pacific.
I think I'm drowning.

A permanent stone in my
dry throat. It's hurting.
I wish I could let it burst
and spill out of my eyes.

I am not okay,
but at least I can say it.
Not a lot, but I'll let you know
if i'm not. And if I need your help.

*And I do.
Monica had a sulky expression
and pouted her lips
you watched her
as you waited

for her brothers
to come out
of the farmhouse
they won’t let me

come ride bikes with you
she said
but I can ride a bike
I have my own

she leaned against the fence
one foot resting
on a cross beam
it’s not up to me

who goes on bike rides
you said
but you could say
you want me along

she said
you do want me
to come along
don’t you?

why do girls do that?
you asked yourself
looking beyond her
to the farmhouse

hoping the boys
would show soon
she muttered

don’t you?
if your brothers
are ok with it
I don’t mind

you said
but they won’t
say that will they?
she said

folding her arms
and giving you
the big stare
maybe if you ask your mother

they might
you suggested
seeing her lips set
in a thin line

where a smile
should have been
she’ll side with them
Monica said

you’re too young to ride
with the boys she’ll say
Monica mimicked
in a motherly type voice

she put down her foot
from the fence
and walked toward you
you noticed she was wearing

a green dress
with flowers across
her small bust
she stood in front of you

her hands wrestling
with each other
I want to go with you
she said softly

please say yes
and they’ll listen to you
you studied her features
the way she tilted her head

and the eyes
how they searched you
the farmhouse door opened
and the boys came out

excitedly getting on their bikes
and riding up toward you
run along a play Monica
Pete said

yes go play
with your doll and pram
Jim said
I want to ride with you

she said
Benedict wants me to
she added
giving you a staring gaze

no he don’t
Pete said
he thinks you’re a pain
in the ***

no he doesn’t
she said
he said he wants me to go
Jim laughed and Pete said

sure he did
like he wants you
to kiss his ***
now go off and play

she looked at you
her eyes deepening
I don’t mind
you said

she isn’t coming
Jim said
now go away
or I’ll call Mum

and see what she says
Monica poked out her tongue
and walked away
the boys began peddling

their bikes as you did yours
but looking back
toward the farmhouse
you saw her give

a one finger up you sign
before she went indoors.
Today I got the "look"
You men know the "look"
Well, today I got it
And it wasn't from my wife
It was a scary "look"

When my wife gives me the "look"
I sit down, and shut up real fast
You can't win against the look
I know...I've tried
I the "look"
today I got it from a stranger

My wife is good with the "look"
A real professional
I'm sure there are days, I'm sure of this
That my neighbor sits down
And shuts up, in sympathy...
He knows someone is getting the "look"
He doesn't know who...but he sits down

today, I said something at work
And I got the "look"
I wasn't scared though
It wasn't my wife, what could happen?
I found out what could happen
Two more women....and a stronger look
Not as good as my wife though
But....I was looking for a chair in case

I've tried giving the "look"
Doesn't wife laughs
says I look constipated
I can't do the "look"
I thought I had the "look" once
they called an ambulance
by the time I explained the "look" to the nurses
I was getting the "look" from the nurses
I gave up trying

they sent me bus
they said I didn't deserve a cab
they called my wife....I sat down
I know she was giving me the "look" over the phone
She's good
I got the bus....sat down...tried to stand
Couldn't....I was still getting the "look"
Didn't see it...didn't have to...but I sat down
She is good!!

Last word of advice about the "look"
Don't argue....don't dare speak
and don't make eye contact....
you'll end up sitting down right there
You may *** yourself, and you may
Just admit to something you didn't do
That will get you another "look"
Just be smart...sit down and shut up
Wait an hour, and try to stand
If you're safe
Beware the "look"
The most dangerous weapon in your woman's arsenal....
Will you **** me in my sleep
When the stars are smiling, the moon bright
Will you **** me in my sleep
Where the breeze is cool and there's no light

Will you **** me in my sleep
Where my mother caresses me once again
Will you **** me in my sleep
Where joy and laughter have no end

Will you **** me in my sleep
Where I am still a lovely maid
Will you **** me in my sleep
Where I have work and still am paid

Will you **** me in my sleep
Where the world is full of color
Will you **** me in my sleep
Where you are my knight in shining armor

Will you **** me in my sleep
Where I roll in gold and jewels
Will you **** me in my sleep
Where together we hear church bells

Will you **** me in my sleep
Where all our dreams are true
Will you **** me in my sleep, my love
And afterward **** yourself too
 Mar 2013 Mariana Nolasco
Let's make a difference
For the good
Let's protest for
The environment
Gay marriage
End the war
Let's sing for
The homeless
The unfortunate
The children
Let's inspire
The Addicts
The Depressed
The Dreamers
Let's make a difference
Let's make the world
A better place
 Feb 2013 Mariana Nolasco
 Feb 2013 Mariana Nolasco
I am rising up
Through the blue sky
And into a whole new world
My new world
Here I am anything
Here I am everything
Here I am invincible
Here I am everything
That I am not there
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