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Sep 2014 · 8.5k
The Accident
Theia Eos Sep 2014
I never knew what caused the truck to crash into our car that morning. Perhaps it was the rain and the road was slippery, perhaps it was yet again another case of “do not drink and drive”, or perhaps the man behind the wheel was not at all to blame, and that it was the fault of the engines.

The crash and screech of metal on metal was deafening. It happened so fast and when I woke, I looked to my side and saw a face I knew so well, except this time I could not see her beautiful features; her skin was covered in blood, like red paint splashed onto a plain white canvas. And in the red I could see glistening shards of glass, like diamonds proud to have finally found an owner. Then I heard in the distance, voices and shouts. I could not make out the words they were saying, as if I was trying to hear someone underwater. I looked up outside the window, and there stood a man shouting at me, a foreign face. I feel my tiny figure being carried out of the car window, as the door decided it would not open.

We waited on the terrace of an old lady’s house for help to come. The shock made me feel numb and so I just sat quietly, with the cry of my nanny in the background, her body hugging my sister and my mother, who are unconscious and have yet to know what had happened.

Then, I did not how, but I arrived at the hospital where I saw my dad run past me into the room. I remember mostly the smell of disinfectant and finding little pieces of glass in my hair.

I lost my ability to speak for a few days after the incident, and I feel now that it impacted me more than I thought it did.

The shock and horror are no longer, but it is strange now to remember what had happened. When I close my eyes and recall the accident, some details are so vivid and clear. Yet at the same time, I feel as though it all never happened, like it was some sort of false memory implanted in my head for no apparent reason.
Oct 2013 · 488
Finding Your Heart
Theia Eos Oct 2013
I chased you

Under the dying of the sun

In hopes of finding your heart,

But instead

I found

That you have already given it

To someone else.
Sep 2013 · 480
Theia Eos Sep 2013
If war is easily created

by dragging the pen

across a map,

why is that any harder

to bring you close to me?
Sep 2013 · 421
I Said to Him
Theia Eos Sep 2013
I said to him,
"The ocean will be my home because I can always find them in your eyes."

Then I said to him,
"Meet me by the waters."
But he never came,
so I stepped into the boat
and sailed into the horizon.

Just like that,
from the distance of a heartbeat
to the distance of a thousand seas,
I lost him.

So today,
through the help of the birds and the wind,
I said to him,
"I tried to inhale the air,
but instead I suffocated in water.
That's when I knew even after all this time,
my heart is still swimming towards you."
Sep 2013 · 380
Remember Me
Theia Eos Sep 2013
I hope
my face still echoes
in the back of your mind,
behind the curtains of your subconscious.

Even if the pictures are left
in pieces and are fading in white,
please don't let the waters you swim across
wash them away.
Aug 2013 · 428
Sea Sighs
Theia Eos Aug 2013
She always heard
the crashing of the waves
as the heavy sighs of the sea.

As if it's saying,
"Here, I'll cast all my burdens
upon the shores."


Only if I could do the same
she thought.
Only if with every crash
I could feel the stone tied to my feet
slowly slip off my toes

So she just listened
to the sea
and sighed in harmony with it.
Aug 2013 · 436
A Reason
Theia Eos Aug 2013
She wondered,
"What is the reason to live?"

Then she looked out at the horizon,
at the sun about to fall asleep,
and she knew.
Aug 2013 · 329
Your Name
Theia Eos Aug 2013
Your face

only comes

in flashes

and echoes,

like a faded picture

stained with coffee;

yet your name

never left my lips.
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
Your Voice
Theia Eos Aug 2013
Your voice
found its way
through my ear canals,
and a home too.

I have only learned
to appreciate and realize
how the sweet sound of your voice
echoes inside my brain,
hits the walls around my heart
and watered the grass and flowers
that grows under my rib cage
and around my dry bones.

But of all the words
that rolled off your tongue,
it is when you say my name
that I don't stand a chance.
You curl your tongue
to sound the letter L
and the rest sounds like
the harmony of a hummingbird.
Then it rings in my head
for a while after,
and again when I'm about to slip away
into my unconscious.

Believe me,
even the birds,
records and their scratches,
and the waves,
don't amount to the
beauty of your voice.
Aug 2013 · 647
March 6th, 2013
Theia Eos Aug 2013
I arrived there on a Sunday,
on the dock of that place
where the water is so clear
you wouldn't be afraid of swimming too deep.

I saw you then,
three hours later.
I couldn't remember what you were wearing,
but I remember you had on your face
the most innocent smile
and the prettiest freckles on your nose.
Though I didn't think much of it,
of you,
or your face,
or who you were,
or where you've been.

So I carried on with life there.
I laughed with the sun,
smiled to the sky,
and breathed for the sea.


On the Wednesday,
it rained.
And I swear the sky rained
on my heart and eyes, too.
It took down the blinds
and got rid of the fog.
It was like seeing you for the first time,
but instead of dismissing your smile
and the freckles on your face,
I fell in love with it,
with your face,
with you.
And I wanted to know
who you were and where you've been.


It's August now
and I'm still in love with you.
Because from that moment on,
I no longer laughed with the sun,
smiled to the sky,
or breathed for the sea.

I laughed with you,
smiled to you,
and breathed for you.
Aug 2013 · 982
Let You In
Theia Eos Aug 2013
You could crack open my skull
to see the alive pink flesh that carries
my every thought.

You could take a knife,
cut across my chest
and find my throbbing heart
to see every emotion and feeling felt.

You could rip my skin
to see my breathing lungs,
every atom of oxygen and nitrogen
I have consumed.

I would let you in so deep
until you fall under my heavy soul and mind,
but I will count on you to lift me up.
Theia Eos Aug 2013
On a typical dark night,
the moon felt lonely
and afraid.
So she called out to a star nearby,
"Hey, could you come and shine with me?"

At first,
the star hesitated and said,
"But you can shine so much brighter than me,
especially with the sun at your aid."

The moon rebutted,
"I just need somebody,
And the star gave in.
Aug 2013 · 639
Two Lonely Souls
Theia Eos Aug 2013
I hope,
just like me,
your soul is lonely.

I don't mean to curse
and wish solitary
on your beautiful heart.

But if your soul is lonely,
maybe we can be
two lonely souls together.
Aug 2013 · 726
Five Maybes
Theia Eos Aug 2013
Loving someone
and not being loved
in return
could possibly be
one of the worst forms
of self-destruction.

But have you thought that
just maybe they're also -
in the quite and dark of their room,
to the busy streets and traffic lights -
they wished you loved them back?

(Number one):
Maybe, just as your
heavy eyes
close to enter
the castles there in the skies,
hoping you'd see them
in your dreams tonight,
theirs are still open
at 3:37 am
because you still run
endlessly in the
tracks of their minds.

(Number two):
Maybe, just as your curtains
hold back the sun
outside your window
and you think,
"Oh my God, his smile."
they're already halfway
to your doorstep
but decided they don't want
to take a chance.

(Number three):
Maybe, just as your feet takes you
by your window
to see if they're waiting
for you on the sidewalk,
they've left because you've never looked outside.

(Number four):
Maybe, just as you found
the right words to describe them,
they've written countless journals
about you.

(Number five):
Maybe, just as you're
willing to drop the world
to hear them breathe,
they've already given up
even themselves for their heart
holds so much love for you.

Have you ever thought,
just maybe?
Aug 2013 · 408
Theia Eos Aug 2013
I will wait
for December
when your colors
will pour on me again
and I can finally
look over the horizon
and feel alright
because instead of
wishing you were not
across the waters,
you are here with me.
Aug 2013 · 750
Story of a Flower
Theia Eos Aug 2013
She stood here among blades of grass;
beautiful under the sun
and even when the raindrops
weigh heavy on her petals,
she has enough strength
to hold herself up.

She was always facing towards
the white picket fence,
where she could hear and see
the strides of shoes and rolls of wheels.
But no matter how many people pass by,
no one seemed to notice her there;
small and insecure.

So she lived her life wishing
she was brighter and prettier,
maybe taller
so she could look over the fence
and shout,
"Hey! I'm here! I exist! Notice me!"

But little did she know that behind her,
stood a flower who have always
admired her from a distance.
Though he couldn't get up and walk to her,
see her face and feel her heart,
he knew she lacked confidence and needed love.

He wanted so much to run to her,
but he couldn't defy nature
and grow legs and arms
to reach out and hold her close.
So he stays still and whispers to the wind
a message for her:
"I've loved you since the very first day
and I wish it was so easy to be with you."
But it never reached her, she never listened.

Three years passed and nothing has changed -
he loved her, she felt unworthy and never noticed him.
Until came the day he feared most;
she began to wilt.
She couldn't hold herself any longer
and wanted to go.
So she let her roots dry and her petals turned brown.

There was never a day he didn't cry
because even now the sun can't wake her.
And there was never a day he didn't wish he could also
begin to wilt so he could join
her soft remnants
somewhere up in the sky.

— The End —