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Anastasia Feb 2018
this week i got a few emails
from restaurants about that day.
they’re offering to make it special
but if i come alone, is that ok?

at first i've planned to go to a cinema
and watch the latest 50 shades of gray.
but maybe i’ll accept an offer
and have a double meal
with some
Anastasia Feb 2018
i used to write a bit
and usually after a glass of wine
but recently I’ve got this inspiration
and I started writing lots of poems
while I am supposed to write my dissertation
i started hearing the world in rhymes
sometimes really good, sometimes not
but still I am supposed to write my dissertation
and have to turn it in on april 1st
i need to write 8000 words
but rhymes come to my head and i can’t stop
sometimes good, sometimes really not
Anastasia Feb 2018
Marinara is my favourite kind of pizza.
I mean, I can’t really have any others...
Yes, I am one of those ‘annoying vegans’
But I also don’t like the non-dairy cheeses.

I used to order the gluten-free version.
So, I guess I am even more annoying.
However, the dough was so dry and weird
I just could never enjoy it.

I’ve tolerated it though for maybe 4 times.
But seriously, it was quite nasty.
So, please, just get the normal Marinara,
Unless you've got celiac disease.

In which case,
I'm sorry,
You gotta have to get the gross pizza.
Anastasia Feb 2018
It’s 2 am, I am still awake
Because you’re still online.
I really should be sleeping now,
But what if you decide to write me?

I keep on checking on my phone,
I look at screen once every 20 seconds.
I count them up, each in my head
And get excited after 20th.

One, two, three, four, five, six…

I think it is on silent mode,
There's a chance, I have received a message.
I check my phone - it’s not.
You haven’t wrote, you’re still online…

One, two, three, four, five, six… I am fine.
Anastasia Feb 2018
It is already 10 past 12,
I think I fell in love tonight.

But to be honest, I am not too sure…

Quite often I confuse my heart
With feeling lonely at this sort of time.
Anastasia Feb 2018
Quit smoking and excessive drinking,
It was supposed to help with healthy thinking.
That day I made it clear to myself
It's also time to quit you.

Gone ******* greens, had spinach, kale daily.
Worked out every other day, I even had a schedule.
On weekly basis: abs, some arms and lots of ***.
My selfie game was on point, I got a tonne DMs.

Until a day I saw you holding hands
And heard you called her 'girlfriend'.
You never called me that in front of your best friends.
It really hurt, I couldn’t stop it.

That day I started smoking cigarettes again
And drinking wine, I had no schedule.
I've made a lot of calls and texts
Quite clearly, I couldn't quit you.

I liked you when you’ve had a ‘few’ tequilas
You’d talk things intimate, it felt as if you mean it.

I really hope you go back to heavy drinking
And start to feel instead of thinking.
Anastasia Feb 2018
My bed stinks of pizza,
My room is a mess.
I was held hostage
Last night by my ex.

I came to the hotel,
Hoping he’s changed.
Of course, I was wrong,
It was my mistake.

I wanted to leave,
He said: “No, you’ll stay”
I tried to escape,
He got me again.

I screamed: “Let me go!”
He held my wrists tight
And whispered to me:
“You’re staying tonight”.

Through crying I’ve heard
The knock at the door
It opened, I ran.
The cab brought me home.

We always repeat
The same old mistakes.
Please, darling, remember -
The ex’s don’t change.

My bed stinks of pizza,
My room is a mess.
I was held hostage
Last night by my ex.
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